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Pages dans la catégorie « International relations »
Cette catégorie comprend 47 pages, dont les 47 ci-dessous.
- Intelligence and Surveillance
- International relations and the fight against international terrorism
- Internationalisation of struggles and emergence of international terrorism
- Intervencija: Iš naujo išrasti karą?
- Intervention: Reinventing war?
- Introduction to the course The United States and the World
- Introduction to the history of international relations
- Political Violence and Security Practices
- Political violence and the practice of security
- Politinis smurtas ir praktika saugumo srityje
- Politinis smurtas ir saugumo praktika
- Privatized coercion: from mercenarism to private military companies
- Privatizuota prievarta: nuo samdinių iki privačių karinių bendrovių
- Terrorism and international relations
- Terrorism or terrorisms? Some epistemological considerations
- Terrorismus und internationale Beziehungen
- The Americanization of the World: Myth or Reality?
- The birth of modern warfare: war-making and state-making from a Western perspective
- The conquest of the territory
- The economy: a global New Deal?
- The pursuit of a world order
- The transformation of contemporary security practices: between war and global policing?
- The transformation of contemporary security practices: the logic of risk
- The United States and the New International Order
- The United States and the World
- Transformations of war and violence in Europe