Introduction to geography: from local to global

De Baripedia

This course is an introduction to academic and university geography. It was built to show the positioning of this discipline in the field of social, economic and political sciences. It is built around the following objectives:

  • familiarize students with the questions and tools of contemporary academic geography.
  • train students to reflect on the spatial dimension of social, economic and political facts and to master geographical scales of analysis, in particular in the present context of globalisation, territorial recomposition, activation of new borders and metropolisation.[11]

This course is structured around four themes: modelling spatial relations, location of economic activities, regional economic development and economic aspects of transport..[12]



Introduction à la géographie : du local au mondial

L’Afrique du Sud : la géographie au pouvoir

Ville et Urbanisation

La régionalisation ou l’art de la découpe

La frontière : un objet fétiche de la géographie politique, des formes et des effets fluctuants

Relations centre – périphérie en géographie

Toponymie : l’étude des noms de lieux en géographie politique

