« Introductory course on the methods of political science » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
{{Infobox Lecture
| image =
| image_caption =
| faculté = [[Faculté des sciences de la société]]
| département = [[Département de science politique et relations internationales]]
| professeurs = [[Marco Giugni]]<ref>[https://unige.ch/sciences-societe/speri/membres/marco-giugni/ Page personnelle de Marco Giugni sur le site de l'Université de Genève]</ref>
| assistants = 
| enregistrement =
| cours = [[Introduction to the methods of political science]]
| lectures =
* [[Introductory course on the methods of political science]]
* [[The positivist paradigm and the interpretative paradigm]]
* [[Fundamental scientific methods]]
* [[From theory to data]]
* [[Data collection]]
* [[The processing of data]]
| fr = Cours introductif aux méthodes de la science-politique
| fr = Cours introductif aux méthodes de la science-politique
| es = Curso de introducción a los métodos de la ciencia-política
| it = Corso introduttivo ai metodi della scienza-politica

= Contextualisation and definitions =
= Contextualisation and definitions =
== True or false? ==
== True or false? ==
*Degré de satisfaction des soldats noirs aux États-Unis :
*Satisfaction Level of Black Soldiers in the United States :
** '''Hypothèse''' : satisfaction supérieure lorsque stationné dans une base militaire du nord des États-Unis plus qu’au sud. L’hypothèse est que le contexte du nord, c’est-à-dire où la ségrégation était moins présente, permettait aux soldats noirs de se sentir mieux.
** '''Assumption''': higher satisfaction when stationed at a military base in the northern United States more than in the south. The hypothesis is that the northern context, where segregation was less present, allowed black soldiers to feel better.
**'''Conclusion''' : L’hypothèse est fausse, car elle présupposait une comparaison erronée.
** '''Conclusion''': The assumption is wrong because it presupposed an erroneous comparison.

*Vote religieux dans l’élection de Kennedy :
*Religious Vote in the Kennedy Election:
**'''Hypothèse''' : l’hypothèse est que le vote religieux avait presque provoqué une perte de l’élection de Kennedy. Étant un catholique, beaucoup de protestants avaient voté contre Kennedy.
**'''Hypothesis''': The hypothesis is that the religious vote almost caused a loss of Kennedy's election. Being a Catholic, many Protestants had voted against Kennedy.
**'''Conclusion ''': cependant l’hypothèse est infirmée, car le vote religieux a en réalité fait gagner Kennedy. Tout dépend du contexte.
**'''Conclusion''' : however the hypothesis is invalidated, because the religious vote actually made Kennedy win. It all depends on the context.

*Trouver un bon travail :
*Find a good job:
**'''Hypothèse''' : l’hypothèse est que les gens trouvent un bon travail à travers des canaux formels (annonce, agence de travail, réseau social).
**'''Hypothesis''': The hypothesis is that people find good work through formal channels (advertisement, work agency, social network).
**'''Conclusion ''': un chercheur a prouvé que c’est à travers des liens faibles que l’on trouve du travail. Ce sont les personnes que l’on connaît peu. Ces personnes sont dans des milieux différents ayant des informations différentes de celles que l’on peut recevoir des proches.
**'''Conclusion''': One researcher proved that it is through weak ties that one finds work. These are the people we know little about. These people are in different environments with information different from that which one can receive from relatives.

'''Conclusion des exemples''' :
'''Conclusion of examples''': Reality is complex and often counter-intuitive.
La réalité est complexe et souvent contre-intuitive.
#We need a coherent and effective theory to shed light on certain issues.
#Il faut avoir une théorie cohérente et efficace qui permet d’éclairer certains enjeux.
#There is a very strong link between the methodological and theoretical aspects. Theory and method are not dissociated, they are intimately linked and do not exist one without the other.
#Il existe un lien très fort entre l'aspect méthodologique et théorique. Théorie est méthode ne sont pas dissocié, elles sont intimement liées et n’existent pas l’une sans l’autre.

== Starting questions ==
== Starting questions ==
Ligne 29 : Ligne 48 :

== Distinction between methodology and technique ==
== Distinction between methodology and technique ==
On peut faire une distinction entre méthodologie et technique :
A distinction can be made between methodology and technique:
*'''Méthodologie''' : C'est une réflexion sur la méthode, c'est un discours sur la méthode, une critique de la recherche scientifique.
*'''Methodology''': It is a reflection on the method, it is a discourse on the method, a critique of scientific research.
*'''Technique''' : procédures opérationnelles spécifiques dont se sert une discipline scientifique pour acquérir et contrôler ses propres résultats de recherche empirique
*'''Technique''': specific operational procedures used by a scientific discipline to acquire and control its own empirical research results

'''Trois niveaux d'abstractions'''
'''Three levels of abstractions'''
# '''Épistémologique''' : Tout ce qui a trait aux fondements de la connaissance scientifique. Comment connaît-on, Qu'est-ce que c'est la connaissance ? Aspect épistémologique : réflexion très générale sur comment il faut approcher la connaissance, on a trois niveaux d'abstractions décroissants.  
# '''Epistemological''': Everything related to the foundations of scientific knowledge. How do we know, what is knowledge? Epistemological aspect: very general reflection on how to approach knowledge, we have three levels of decreasing abstractions.  
# '''Niveau technique''' : « la méthode » : ce sont des techniques, par quelle procédure opérationnelle spécifique on peut acquérir et contrôler les résultats (cet aspect sera celui qu'on va traiter). Ce sont les procédures et les instruments à disposition pour conduire une recherche.
# '''Technical level''': "the method": these are techniques, by which specific operational procedure we can acquire and control the results (this aspect will be the one we will treat). These are the procedures and instruments available for conducting research.  
# '''Méthodologique''' : Réflexion sur la méthode, sur les conditions de validité et fiabilité de la recherche ; niveau intermédiaire. C’est une critique de la recherche scientifique, ce sont des éléments importants que l’on ne voit pas concrètement ayant rapport au fondement de la méthode. Ce niveau est une réflexion sur notre propre partie de la recherche.
# '''Methodological''': Reflection on the method, on the conditions of validity and reliability of the research; intermediate level. It is a critique of scientific research, important elements that we do not see concretely related to the basis of the method. This level is a reflection on our own part of the research.  

== Societal Research Environment ==
== Societal Research Environment ==
Il y a quatre aspects dans lesquels s’inscrit la recherche dans une optique d’autosurveillance afin de savoir dans quel contexte on fait de la recherche.  
There are four aspects of self-monitoring research to determine the context in which research is conducted.  

La recherche se développe dans un cadre plus large, elle n'est pas en dehors des influences, il y a des champs d'influence, des contraintes, des domaines :
Research develops within a broader framework, it is not outside influences, there are fields of influence, constraints, fields..:
# '''De la demande sociale''' : la recherche répond à certaines demandes sociales. L’activité du chercheur est légitimée par le cadre, la pratique s’insère dans le cadre d’une société donnée. Il existe des fonds et des programmes qui financent la recherche. Les thèmes de recherche sont censés être des thèmes d’actualité, car les décideurs politiques ont besoin d’outils pour prendre des décisions.
# '''Social demand''': research responds to certain social demands. The researcher's activity is legitimized by the framework, the practice fits within the framework of a given society. There are funds and programs that fund research. Research themes are supposed to be topical themes, because policy makers need tools to make decisions.
# '''Axiologique''' : c’est le rapport aux valeurs, il y a des valeurs sociales et individuelles qui guident la recherche. Chaque chercheur a ses propres valeurs. Le chercheur doit essayer de se mettre distance de l'objet, et ne pas le mettre sous la lumière de nos propres idéologies. Weber prône une neutralité axiologique.
# '''Axiological''': it is the relationship to values, there are social and individual values that guide the research. Every researcher has his own values. The researcher must try to distance himself from the object, and not put it in the light of our own ideologies. Weber advocates an axiological neutrality.
# '''Doxologie''' : fait référence à l’opinion publique et plus généralement au sens commun et au savoir non-systématisé ainsi qu’au langage et aux évidences de la pratique quotidienne. Il y a une opinion qui est là et qui nous influence en tant que chercheur ainsi qu’un savoir non-systématisé. C'est le sens commun, qui parfois dans la recherche se montre comme le mauvais sens. Il est nécessaire selon Bourdieu qu’il faille opérer une rupture épistémologique, ainsi le premier devoir du chercher est de rompre avec le sens commun.
# '''Doxology''': refers to public opinion and more generally to common sense and non-systematic knowledge as well as the language and evidence of everyday practice. There is an opinion that is there and that influences us as researchers, as well as non-systematic knowledge. This is common sense, which sometimes in research shows itself as bad sense. According to Bourdieu, it is necessary to make an epistemological break, so the first duty of seeking is to break with common sense.
# '''Épistémique''' : influence qui est donnée par la connaissance épistémique elle-même, c'est-à-dire la connaissance des autres chercheurs. C’est l’état de la réflexion épistémologique et de la méthodologie ainsi que des techniques d’investigation du domaine étudié et qui ont une influence implicite.
# '''Epistemic''': influence that is given by the epistemic knowledge itself, that is, the knowledge of other researchers. This is the state of epistemological reflection and methodology as well as investigative techniques in the field under study that have an implicit influence.

Ce sont quatre sources de contraintes qui pèsent sur la pratique.
There are four sources of constraints on practice.

= Methodological clusters =
= Methodological clusters =
L’introduction à la méthodologie est un cours de la pratique de la recherche, elle est influencée par différents éléments : demande sociale, opinion, ce qui a été fait dans le domaine, etc. Il y a des exigences internes dont les chercheurs doivent être conscients.  
The introduction to the methodology is a course of research practice, it is influenced by different elements: social demand, opinion, what has been done in the field, etc.. There are internal requirements that researchers must be aware of.  

== The four methodological clusters ==
== The four methodological clusters ==
Ligne 57 : Ligne 76 :
Hypothetico-deductive logic is a logic of research, a way of approaching social and political reality. It is making assumptions, reflecting on what can explain areas, and through data collection proving a theory. Inductive logic is starting from the facts to go to the general.
Hypothetico-deductive logic is a logic of research, a way of approaching social and political reality. It is making assumptions, reflecting on what can explain areas, and through data collection proving a theory. Inductive logic is starting from the facts to go to the general.

:2) '''Pôle théorique ''': ce pôle fait référence à la méthodologie au sens large, on cherche à caractériser les approches dans lesquelles on s’inscrit. Il s'agit de la contextualisation, la formulation des hypothèses, le degré de satisfaction, le fait de trouver un travail, le rôle de la religion, etc. on a besoin d'une théorie. Il y a des cadres de référence théorique qui orientent la recherche (positiviste, fonctionnalisme, structuralisme, etc.), nous verrons l'approche positiviste et l'approche compréhensive. C'est le lieu pour la formulation scientifique, et il est lié au cadre de référence.  
:2) '''Theoretical cluster''': this pole refers to the methodology in the broad sense, we seek to characterize the approaches in which we fit. It's about contextualization, hypothesis formulation, satisfaction, finding a job, the role of religion, etc. You need a theory. There are theoretical reference frameworks that guide research (positivist, functionalism, structuralism, etc.), we will see the positivist approach and the comprehensive approach. This is the place for scientific formulation, and it is linked to the frame of reference.  

:3) '''Pôle morphologique''' : il y a un aspect formel de la recherche, cela peut faire référence que selon l'approche que l’on choisit, on s'intéresse aux systèmes de diverses manières. Ce sont les règles de structuration et de formation de l’objet, il impose un certain ordre aux divers éléments. Il y a certaines étapes qui vont être suivies. Selon la perspective qu'on a choisi ce cadre structurant et plus au moins strict, il y a une exigence de la recherche concernant la forme. Par exemple la différence entre approche quantitative et qualitative.
:3) '''Morphological cluster''': there is a formal aspect to the research, which may mean that depending on the approach you choose, you are interested in the systems in various ways. These are the rules of structuring and forming the object, it imposes a certain order to the various elements. There are certain steps that will be followed. According to the perspective chosen for this structuring and more or less strict framework, there is a research requirement concerning form. For example, the difference between quantitative and qualitative approaches.

:4) '''Pôle technique''' : ce sont toutes les méthodes, analyses des données, recueille des donnes, c’est le lieu de contrôle des données, qui les confronte avec la théorie qui les a suscités. « Mode d'investigation ». Études comparatives, etc. (les instruments que je vais analyser).  
:4) '''Technical cluster''': it is all the methods, analyses of the data, collects data, it is the place of control of the data, which confronts them with the theory which gave rise to them. Mode of investigation". Comparative studies, etc. (the instruments I will analyze).  

Au-delà des contrastes externes, il y a des contrastes internes dont il faut tenir compte de ces quatre facteurs.
Beyond the external contrasts, there are internal contrasts for which these four factors must be taken into account.


Cette idée correspond à un modèle topologique de la recherche, c’est-à-dire que ce n’est pas un mode de perspective chronologique. À tout moment, il y a ces quatre aspects. Cependant, le poids de chacun des pôles peut varier.  
This idea corresponds to a topological model of research, that is, it is not a chronological perspective mode. At any given moment, there are these four aspects. However, the weight of each pole may vary.  

L'approche antérieure est topologique, non chronologique, à tout moment il y a ces quatre exigences qu'il faut considérer. Mais il y a aussi une approche plus pragmatique et chronologique de la recherche :
The previous approach is topological, not chronological, at all times there are these four requirements to consider. But there is also a more pragmatic and chronological approach to research:

== The steps in the process ==
== The steps in the process ==
Ligne 75 : Ligne 94 :
[[Fichier:Les étapes de la démarche.png|vignette|500px|right]]
[[Fichier:Les étapes de la démarche.png|vignette|500px|right]]

'''Les étapes de la démarche''' :
'''The steps of the process''':
*'''Étape 1''' : poser une question de départ
*'''Step 1''': ask a starting question
*'''Étape 2''' : phase d'exploration :
**lecture des travaux d’un domaine spécifique
**entretiens exploratoires, prendre connaissance des travaux similaire

*'''Step 2''': exploration stage:
**reading the work of a specific field
**exploratory talks, take note of similar work

Ces deux phases permettent d’aider à formuler une problématique
These two phases help to formulate a problem

*'''Étape 3 ''': problématique
*'''Step 3''': problematic

*'''Étape 4''' : construction du modèle d’analyse afin de définir les concepts et de postuler des liens entre les concepts
*'''Step 4''': construction of the analysis model in order to define concepts and postulate links between concepts
Étapes cruciales
Critical Steps
*'''Étape 5''' : l'observation, récolte des données
*'''Step 5''': observation, data collection

*'''Étape 6''' : analyse de l’information grâce aux informations récoltées préalablement
*'''Step 6''': analysis of the information thanks to the information collected beforehand

*'''Étape 7''' : conclusions.
*'''Step 7''': conclusions.

'''Nota bene''' : cette chronologie n’est pas unidirectionnelle. Par exemple la formulation de la problématique peut mettre en évidence des carences et susciter de nouvelles recherches pour l’affiner.
'''Nota bene''': this chronology is not unidirectional. For example, the formulation of the problem may highlight shortcomings and prompt new research to refine it.

== Importance of the method ==
== Importance of the method ==
*'''traduire empiriquement les concepts théoriques''' : dialogue entre empirique et théorique. Il y a d’abord une théorie, ensuite le terrain permet de tester l’hypothèse. Cependant dans la réalité il y a un va-et-vient entre théorie et empirie. C’est un processus intense qui fait le lien entre le niveau abstrait et général et le niveau concret et spécifique. Sans méthode le lien est impossible.  
*'''translate empirically theoretical concepts''': dialogue between empirical and theoretical. First there is a theory, then the field is used to test the hypothesis. However in reality there is a back and forth between theory and empirie. It is an intense process that links the abstract and general level to the concrete and specific level. Without method the link is impossible.  
*'''caractérise et distingue la science''' : la méthode permet de distinguer la science des autres méthodes de comprendre la réalité.
*'''characterizes and distinguishes science''': the method makes it possible to distinguish science from other methods of understanding reality.  
*'''permet de faire face à la complexité de la réalité sociale''' : on construit l'objet de recherche.
*'''allows us to face the complexity of social reality''': we build the research object.  

== Sources of complexity of social reality ==
== Sources of complexity of social reality ==
Ligne 112 : Ligne 129 :

= Annexes =
= Annexes =
*Cours :
*This course is largely based on Corbetta's book "Social Research : Theory, Methods and Techniques"<ref>Corbetta, Piergiorgio 2003. Social Research: Theory, Methods and Techniques. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.</ref>. Les deux premiers chapitres sont consultables sur [https://books.google.ch/books?id=n6jEtRcRaQcC&printsec=frontcover&hl=fr Google Books]
**[[Concepts et approches de la science-politique]]
**[[La notion de « concept » en sciences sociales]]
*[[Méthodes appliquées au domaine international]]
*Ce cours s'appuie en grande partie sur l'ouvrage de Corbetta "Social Research : Theory, Methods and Techniques"<ref>Corbetta, Piergiorgio 2003. Social Research: Theory, Methods and Techniques. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.</ref>. Les deux premiers chapitres sont consultables sur [https://books.google.ch/books?id=n6jEtRcRaQcC&printsec=frontcover&hl=fr Google Books]

= References =
= References =
<references />


Version actuelle datée du 16 février 2019 à 03:20

Contextualisation and definitions[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

True or false?[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Satisfaction Level of Black Soldiers in the United States :
    • Assumption: higher satisfaction when stationed at a military base in the northern United States more than in the south. The hypothesis is that the northern context, where segregation was less present, allowed black soldiers to feel better.
    • Conclusion: The assumption is wrong because it presupposed an erroneous comparison.
  • Religious Vote in the Kennedy Election:
    • Hypothesis: The hypothesis is that the religious vote almost caused a loss of Kennedy's election. Being a Catholic, many Protestants had voted against Kennedy.
    • Conclusion : however the hypothesis is invalidated, because the religious vote actually made Kennedy win. It all depends on the context.
  • Find a good job:
    • Hypothesis: The hypothesis is that people find good work through formal channels (advertisement, work agency, social network).
    • Conclusion: One researcher proved that it is through weak ties that one finds work. These are the people we know little about. These people are in different environments with information different from that which one can receive from relatives.

Conclusion of examples: Reality is complex and often counter-intuitive.

  1. We need a coherent and effective theory to shed light on certain issues.
  2. There is a very strong link between the methodological and theoretical aspects. Theory and method are not dissociated, they are intimately linked and do not exist one without the other.

Starting questions[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • What is the method? There are several meanings of"method".
  • Why is the method important? Know how to approach data to theory.

Methodology and techniques[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Distinction between methodology and technique[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

A distinction can be made between methodology and technique:

  • Methodology: It is a reflection on the method, it is a discourse on the method, a critique of scientific research.
  • Technique: specific operational procedures used by a scientific discipline to acquire and control its own empirical research results

Three levels of abstractions

  1. Epistemological: Everything related to the foundations of scientific knowledge. How do we know, what is knowledge? Epistemological aspect: very general reflection on how to approach knowledge, we have three levels of decreasing abstractions.
  2. Technical level: "the method": these are techniques, by which specific operational procedure we can acquire and control the results (this aspect will be the one we will treat). These are the procedures and instruments available for conducting research.
  3. Methodological: Reflection on the method, on the conditions of validity and reliability of the research; intermediate level. It is a critique of scientific research, important elements that we do not see concretely related to the basis of the method. This level is a reflection on our own part of the research.

Societal Research Environment[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

There are four aspects of self-monitoring research to determine the context in which research is conducted.

Research develops within a broader framework, it is not outside influences, there are fields of influence, constraints, fields..:

  1. Social demand: research responds to certain social demands. The researcher's activity is legitimized by the framework, the practice fits within the framework of a given society. There are funds and programs that fund research. Research themes are supposed to be topical themes, because policy makers need tools to make decisions.
  2. Axiological: it is the relationship to values, there are social and individual values that guide the research. Every researcher has his own values. The researcher must try to distance himself from the object, and not put it in the light of our own ideologies. Weber advocates an axiological neutrality.
  3. Doxology: refers to public opinion and more generally to common sense and non-systematic knowledge as well as the language and evidence of everyday practice. There is an opinion that is there and that influences us as researchers, as well as non-systematic knowledge. This is common sense, which sometimes in research shows itself as bad sense. According to Bourdieu, it is necessary to make an epistemological break, so the first duty of seeking is to break with common sense.
  4. Epistemic: influence that is given by the epistemic knowledge itself, that is, the knowledge of other researchers. This is the state of epistemological reflection and methodology as well as investigative techniques in the field under study that have an implicit influence.

There are four sources of constraints on practice.

Methodological clusters[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The introduction to the methodology is a course of research practice, it is influenced by different elements: social demand, opinion, what has been done in the field, etc.. There are internal requirements that researchers must be aware of.

The four methodological clusters[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

1) Epistemological cluster: everything related to the foundations of scientific knowledge, conditions of validity of research. This pole exercises critical vigilance in research. It is the guarantor of the objectification of the scientific object, of the explanation of scientific problems. He decides the rules, the explanations of facts and criticizes these rules. This is all about the conditions of knowledge production.

Hypothetico-deductive logic is a logic of research, a way of approaching social and political reality. It is making assumptions, reflecting on what can explain areas, and through data collection proving a theory. Inductive logic is starting from the facts to go to the general.

2) Theoretical cluster: this pole refers to the methodology in the broad sense, we seek to characterize the approaches in which we fit. It's about contextualization, hypothesis formulation, satisfaction, finding a job, the role of religion, etc. You need a theory. There are theoretical reference frameworks that guide research (positivist, functionalism, structuralism, etc.), we will see the positivist approach and the comprehensive approach. This is the place for scientific formulation, and it is linked to the frame of reference.
3) Morphological cluster: there is a formal aspect to the research, which may mean that depending on the approach you choose, you are interested in the systems in various ways. These are the rules of structuring and forming the object, it imposes a certain order to the various elements. There are certain steps that will be followed. According to the perspective chosen for this structuring and more or less strict framework, there is a research requirement concerning form. For example, the difference between quantitative and qualitative approaches.
4) Technical cluster: it is all the methods, analyses of the data, collects data, it is the place of control of the data, which confronts them with the theory which gave rise to them. Mode of investigation". Comparative studies, etc. (the instruments I will analyze).

Beyond the external contrasts, there are internal contrasts for which these four factors must be taken into account.

Dynamique de la recherche en sciences-sociales.png

This idea corresponds to a topological model of research, that is, it is not a chronological perspective mode. At any given moment, there are these four aspects. However, the weight of each pole may vary.

The previous approach is topological, not chronological, at all times there are these four requirements to consider. But there is also a more pragmatic and chronological approach to research:

The steps in the process[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Les étapes de la démarche.png

The steps of the process:

  • Step 1: ask a starting question
  • Step 2: exploration stage:
    • reading the work of a specific field
    • exploratory talks, take note of similar work

These two phases help to formulate a problem

  • Step 3: problematic
  • Step 4: construction of the analysis model in order to define concepts and postulate links between concepts

Critical Steps

  • Step 5: observation, data collection
  • Step 6: analysis of the information thanks to the information collected beforehand
  • Step 7: conclusions.

Nota bene: this chronology is not unidirectional. For example, the formulation of the problem may highlight shortcomings and prompt new research to refine it.

Importance of the method[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • translate empirically theoretical concepts: dialogue between empirical and theoretical. First there is a theory, then the field is used to test the hypothesis. However in reality there is a back and forth between theory and empirie. It is an intense process that links the abstract and general level to the concrete and specific level. Without method the link is impossible.
  • characterizes and distinguishes science: the method makes it possible to distinguish science from other methods of understanding reality.
  • allows us to face the complexity of social reality: we build the research object.

Sources of complexity of social reality[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • causalité multiple : la réalité n'a pas une seule explication.
  • niveaux multiples : il faut tenir compte, par exemple, de niveau individuel, contextuel qui complexifie la réalité et la tâche de la comprendre.
  • relations sociales : les acteurs ne sont pas complètement indépendants, système social, il faut une méthodologie qui nous fasse ressortir l'impact de ces relations.
  • réactivité : si on s'intéresse au comportement des humains, ils réagissent au processus de recherche, le fait d'interroger un individu le fait déjà réagir d’une certaine manière, il faut réfléchir de ce fait, et essayer de mettre en œuvre des manières et de contrôler les réactions, séparer le fait qui est dû à la réaction.
  • erreurs de mesure : on essaie de se rapprocher de la réalité, mais il y a toujours une erreur de mesure, car on ne peut appréhender la réalité sociale complètement.

Annexes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • This course is largely based on Corbetta's book "Social Research : Theory, Methods and Techniques"[2]. Les deux premiers chapitres sont consultables sur Google Books

References[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  1. Page personnelle de Marco Giugni sur le site de l'Université de Genève
  2. Corbetta, Piergiorgio 2003. Social Research: Theory, Methods and Techniques. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.