
De Baripedia

根据 Aline Helg 的演讲改编[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]


墨西哥在拉萨罗-卡德纳斯(Lazaro Cardenas)总统高瞻远瞩的领导下,以其坚定的反法西斯立场尤其引人注目。卡德纳斯对西班牙内战的爆发以及德国和意大利等法西斯势力的干预感到震惊,曾试图通过国际联盟动员国际社会做出反应,但未果,法国和英国对此无动于衷。尽管遭遇了这些挫折,卡德纳斯仍然是抵抗运动的代表人物,因为他大胆坚持社会改革,坚定不移地致力于民主和反对法西斯主义。



拉丁美洲的欧洲难民:1934-1939 年

20 世纪 30 年代,欧洲出现了以法西斯和纳粹政权崛起为特征的动荡浪潮。动荡的时代迫使艺术家、知识分子和政治活动家等有才华、有影响力的人士大规模外流,寻求躲避迫害的庇护所。拉丁美洲张开双臂,成为许多人的避难所。阿根廷和巴西尤其热情。它们不仅提供了安全,还提供了重建因战争和迫害而支离破碎的生活的机会。这些国家的慷慨和热情使许多难民得以重新建立自己的事业,在许多情况下,他们在各自的领域达到了新的高度。就利益而言,这种大规模移民并非是单向的。难民为当地文化注入了丰富的创新、思想和艺术表现力。他们在该地区的文化和知识演变中发挥了催化作用,引进了欧洲元素,并与当地传统和谐地融合在一起。每个新来者都带着自己独特的技能、知识和观点,帮助塑造了一个丰富多样的环境。拉丁美洲各国不仅提供了避难所,还见证了文化和知识的复兴。难民留下了不可磨灭的印记,在欢迎他们的国家的历史上留下了光辉的篇章。当地人和新来者之间的合作产生了丰富的创造力和创新力,使拉丁美洲成为文化和知识交流的堡垒。这一遗产仍在延续,证明了即使在世界历史最黑暗的时刻也能迸发出的韧性和人类的丰富性。


1938 年的埃维昂会议仍然是国际社会未能充分应对逃离纳粹迫害的欧洲犹太难民危机的一个令人痛心的例子。在这黑暗的历史篇章中,各国不愿开放边界,加剧了数百万寻求庇护者的痛苦和绝望。在与会各国中,拉斐尔-特鲁希略政权统治下的多米尼加共和国脱颖而出,因为它不同寻常地表示愿意接纳多达 10 万名犹太难民。尽管这一提议是黑暗时期的一缕曙光,但它远非利他主义;特鲁希略是为了洗刷该国在 1937 年屠杀海地人之后的国际声誉。复杂的移民限制、配额以及往往漠不关心或充满敌意的公众舆论让许多难民别无选择。尽管拉丁美洲离海地很近,而且有可能成为避难所,但在很大程度上,难民仍然无法进入拉丁美洲。那些设法穿越官僚主义和偏见迷宫的人在阿根廷和巴西等国找到了新的开始。然而,他们只是例外,而不是常态。大多数犹太难民面对的是紧闭的大门,这是大屠杀难以想象的恐怖之前的悲惨现实。

在埃维昂会议上,拉斐尔-特鲁希略表面上对犹太难民慷慨大方,实则别有用心。特鲁希略是一位以残暴和无视人权而臭名昭著的独裁者,他利用这次机会策划了一场公关噱头,试图在一年前对海地人进行了骇人听闻的大屠杀(被称为帕斯利大屠杀)之后,恢复他在国际舞台上的形象。特鲁希略对欧洲犹太人的所谓仁慈与对海地人的冷酷无情形成了鲜明对比,这揭示了其复杂的动机。有选择性和操纵性的外交是摆脱国际贱民地位和重获青睐的工具,尤其是对美国而言,因为美国越来越关注这位独裁者的声誉。阴险的国内政治也是这次盛情款待的原因之一。特鲁希略沉迷于 "粉饰 "多米尼加共和国的想法。他对犹太难民的邀请虽然打着宽宏大量的幌子,但也是为了按照他扭曲的种族意识形态和建立一个更白、更欧洲化的国家的愿望重新调整国家人口结构。这个故事的悲剧不仅在于特鲁希略扭曲的动机,还在于世界拒绝帮助犹太难民。特鲁希略的提议虽然带有不纯的意图,但对成千上万的人来说可能是一条生命线,但它在很大程度上被忽视了。

美国犹太人组织,特别是美国犹太人联合分配委员会(JDC)在 20 世纪 30 年代欧洲犹太难民危机期间的干预是揭示跨国团结力量的重要篇章。尽管许多国家的大门依然紧闭,但多米尼加共和国出于各种动机,成为了一小部分德国犹太人的临时避难所,而这一可能性的实现得益于美国犹太人联合分配委员会和其他类似组织的积极支持。JDC 的作用不仅仅是资金方面的,它还包括帮助难民应对重新安置的复杂挑战的整体方法。从流离失所的后勤工作到适应新环境和重新融入社会经济生活,每一步都经过精心安排,以减轻被迫流离失所所固有的创伤和不确定性。虽然与欧洲大规模的绝望和流离失所相比,在多米尼加共和国获得相对安全的难民人数很少,但这次救援行动的象征意义和实际影响不容低估。每拯救一条生命,都是对世界大部分地区普遍存在的冷漠和无所作为的直接挑战。这一事件虽然在全球范围内规模较小,但也是欧洲正在发生的人道主义危机的一个展示。它表明,即使在最困难的情况下,国际社会也有能力为共同利益团结起来。



20 世纪 30 年代和 40 年代,欧洲政治难民涌入拉丁美洲,这是一个动荡嬗变的时期。在法西斯和纳粹政权的恐怖驱使下,知识分子、活动家和学者离开故土,前往阿根廷等国避难。这些国家虽然在地理上远离动荡的欧洲,但却成为庇护的堡垒和知识与政治复兴的沃土。每个难民不仅带来了个人经历和创伤,还带来了丰富多样的思想,这些思想将渗入他们新家园的文化和知识底层。著名思想家和教育家的到来使拉丁美洲的大学和教育机构焕发出新的活力,开创了一个思想交流和观点多元化的繁荣时期。该地区的政治光谱也发生了变化。在欧洲反抗压迫的难民带来的社会主义和共产主义思想在拉丁美洲引起了特别的共鸣。这些意识形态推动了人民运动,激发了革命,并影响了数十年来塑造该地区政治特征的政策。然而,这种融合并非没有摩擦。新思想往往与既有的保守意识形态发生冲突,从而产生了一种生动活泼、有时甚至是对抗性的政治活力。难民本身也常常在悼念过去和适应新现实之间徘徊,这是一个复杂而微妙的过程。政治难民对拉丁美洲的贡献不容低估。除了对知识和政治话语的影响之外,他们还成为大西洋两岸世界之间的桥梁,建立了丰富全球对话的联系。他们的遗产体现在当代拉丁美洲政治的复杂性、思想的活跃性和文化的丰富性,活生生地证明了世界、思想和历史的交汇所带来的变革。


墨西哥接待逃离西班牙内战的难民是国际团结的一个令人难忘的例子。拉萨罗-卡德纳斯总统不顾内部挑战和外部压力,向佛朗哥获胜后被剥夺财产和遭受迫害的人们敞开了国门。西班牙难民的涌入不仅象征着人性和同情心,也为墨西哥的文化和知识多样性做出了重要贡献。难民中的知识分子、艺术家、教师和其他专业人士为墨西哥社会注入了丰富的思想、专业知识和观点。女性难民约占难民总数的 40%,她们发挥的作用尤为显著。她们的存在和积极参与有助于扩大墨西哥的社会和文化结构并使之多样化。女性难民通常受过良好教育并具有奉献精神,她们在教育、艺术和政治等领域做出了宝贵贡献。这段历史还加强了墨西哥与西班牙语世界之间的联系。文化和语言上的团结意识得到了加强,形成了理解与合作的桥梁,这种桥梁在动荡年代之后依然存在。共同的传统、历史和价值观为双边和多边关系的发展提供了肥沃的土壤。

20 世纪中期,西班牙共和党和社会主义难民融入墨西哥,改变了墨西哥的文化、知识和政治面貌。为了躲避西班牙内战后佛朗哥独裁政权的镇压,这些人在墨西哥找到了避难所,这个国家不仅为他们提供了安全,还为他们提供了重建和自由表达其身份和思想的机会。这对教育和学术界的影响是显著的。许多难民都是知名学者和知识分子,他们带着新的活力和专业知识进入墨西哥教育机构。他们引入了创新思想和先进方法,提高了学术水平,丰富了知识讨论。艺术和文学领域也感受到了他们的影响。西班牙艺术家、作家和诗人振兴了墨西哥的艺术界,将欧洲的影响与墨西哥的传统相融合,形成了新一轮充满活力的混合文化表现形式。在政治方面,共和党人和社会党人的到来为墨西哥的左翼运动注入了新的动力。他们的进步思想和抵抗经验为现有的政治团体注入了活力和动力。此外,墨西哥通过慷慨接纳难民,巩固了其作为西班牙语世界领导者和避难所的地位。墨西哥、西班牙和其他西班牙语国家之间的文化和知识交流不断加强,形成了不可磨灭的合作和兄弟情谊。


欢迎西班牙共和党人和社会主义者来到多米尼加共和国,是特鲁希略精心策划的双重机会主义和远见战略的一部分。这位独裁者有着复杂的种族和政治愿望,有着非常具体的议程。通过向西班牙难民敞开大门,他的目的不仅仅是为了人道主义行动,更是为了多米尼加共和国的人口和文化转型。特鲁希略渴望建立一个以西班牙裔和白人文化和种族元素为主的国家。在他看来,多米尼加人口中的非洲-加勒比根源不是一种文化资产,而是多米尼加在国际舞台上崛起的障碍。对他来说,西班牙难民是 "美化 "国家的一种手段,可以让多米尼加文化受到欧洲的影响,使国家与西班牙语世界更加紧密地联系在一起。这并不是一种孤立的姿态。特鲁希略也在努力提升多米尼加共和国的国际形象。他假扮成被压迫者和难民的捍卫者,希望以此缓和国际社会对其独裁政权及其侵犯人权行为的批评。这一策略旨在将多米尼加共和国塑造成一个进步和开放的国家,能够吸引投资并结成战略联盟。因此,西班牙和社会主义难民的到来是特鲁希略复杂政策拼图中的关键一环。这是一项巧妙的战略,它重塑了多米尼加的国家认同,吸引了投资和国际支持,并将多米尼加定位为西班牙语世界的重要一员,同时淡化并进一步边缘化了多米尼加人口中的非洲-加勒比群体。多米尼加历史上的这一篇章让人们深入了解了专制政权按照自己的意识形态和种族观念巩固政权和塑造国家认同的微妙且往往相互矛盾的机制。

特鲁希略行为的两面性在于,他的内部独裁政权与他对西班牙难民表面上的慷慨姿态并存。收容这些难民与其说是出于同情,不如说是特鲁希略有意为自己的政治和社会利益服务的策略。1937 年对海地人的屠杀凸显了他政权的残暴,揭示了他不是一个人道主义者。这就提出了一个关键问题,即他欢迎欧洲难民的真正动机。特鲁希略正在寻求合法性和国际认可。通过欢迎西班牙难民,他试图重塑多米尼加共和国的国际形象。这一姿态反衬了其政权的残暴,在世界舞台上塑造了一个开放和慷慨的形象。这也是多米尼加与那些在危机时刻不愿意接纳难民的国家区别开来并使自己处于有利地位的一种方式。此外,西班牙共和党人和社会党人的到来也对该国的文化和思想活力产生了积极影响。他们带来了多种多样的思想、才智和技能,丰富了多米尼加共和国的文化景观。他们的到来加强了多米尼加与西班牙和西班牙语世界的联系,为扩大文化、教育和政治交流开辟了道路。
























In the decades leading up to the Second World War, Latin America witnessed the emergence of populist movements. These movements were generally led by charismatic leaders, such as Getúlio Vargas in Brazil and Juan Domingo Perón in Argentina. These leaders promised a fairer distribution of wealth, land reform and greater political participation for the working classes. They drew on a wide range of support, from the urbanised working classes to the rural masses. With the rapid industrialisation and urbanisation of many Latin American countries during this period, the working class began to realise its collective strength. Trade unions, in particular, grew in influence and were often at the heart of struggles for workers' rights, wages and working conditions. While the Second World War itself did not directly involve most Latin American countries, the economic and political dynamics it generated influenced the region. Increased demand for raw materials strengthened certain industries, which led to increased urbanisation and strengthened trade unions and the labour movement in general. After the war, trade unions became even more influential in many Latin American countries. Countries such as Argentina saw the labour movement become closely associated with major political movements such as Peronism. The post-war period was also marked by a broadening of the electoral base in many countries, giving a stronger voice in politics to the working classes. This combination of increased trade union influence and wider electoral participation led to a series of social and economic reforms in several countries in the region.

During the first half of the twentieth century, Latin America witnessed a significant swing to the left in its political sphere. Economic turbulence, persistent socio-economic inequalities and the influence of international ideologies created fertile ground for the emergence of trade union, socialist and communist movements. With the advent of the Second World War, these movements took on new importance. The Comintern, or Moscow-based Communist International, played a key role in coordinating Communist parties across the world, including in Latin America. In the context of the war, the Comintern's priority was clear: to fight fascism. This was particularly true after the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany in 1941, an event that marked a turning point in the Comintern's approach to the war and to collaboration with other anti-fascist forces. In Latin America, this directive was closely followed. Communist parties in the region adopted a resolutely anti-fascist stance, often working closely with other progressive, trade union and socialist movements to counter the influence of fascist ideology. In some countries, such as Brazil, brigades were even formed to fight alongside the Allies in Europe. However, it is essential to note that although anti-fascism was central to Communist policy in the region during the war, this did not necessarily mean complete alignment with Soviet policies. Specific national contexts, histories and concerns often influenced the way in which anti-fascism was interpreted and implemented in different Latin American countries. After the war, the influence of the Soviet Union and the Comintern continued to be felt, but the context of the Cold War introduced new dynamics into relations between the Latin American Communist Parties, the Soviet Union and the United States.

The Second World War led to significant fluctuations in the political and social landscape of Latin America, and the trade union movements were not spared these changes. In the short term, many trade unions benefited from the political climate during the war. Several Latin American countries saw the emergence of liberal or centrist governments that were generally more open to collaboration with trade unions and left-wing parties. The association of communist parties with government, particularly in countries where democracy was functional, offered greater legitimacy to communism as a political ideology. By directly associating communism with governance, some governments implicitly validated its role in national political discourse. This legitimacy was unprecedented in the region, where communism had often been viewed with suspicion, or even openly repressed. However, this period of cooperation and legitimisation was short-lived. In the long term, the rapprochement between democratic governments and communist parties sowed the seeds of mistrust for many conservative elites and sectors of society who feared political radicalisation. As the Cold War intensified, the United States also exerted considerable pressure on Latin American nations to reduce or eliminate Communist influence. As a result, many of the initial collaborations between liberal governments and communist parties were short-lived. Many Latin American governments subsequently adopted anti-communist stances, often backed by military intervention. Trade union movements, being closely associated with these communist parties, were also targeted. Repression of trade unions and trade union leaders has become commonplace in several countries. Their ability to negotiate or advocate for workers' rights was seriously compromised.

The period around the Second World War saw a notable rise in Communist influence in Latin America. Under the leadership of the Moscow-based Cominterm, many of the region's communist parties adapted their tactics to better fit into the local political context, with the trade union movement as the centrepiece of this strategy. Instead of openly rebelling against existing governments, Communist parties sought to collaborate with more moderate governments or even with traditionally non-communist leaders. This tactic was guided by the Comintern's priority at the time: to oppose fascism. By aligning themselves or collaborating with other political forces, the Communist parties could strengthen their position and counter fascist or far-right movements. Colombia and Cuba are notable examples of this strategy. In Colombia, the Communist Party often aligned itself with the political party in power, seeking concessions and influencing the country's politics from within. By positioning itself in this way, the party hoped to gain legitimacy and influence. Cuba offers another interesting example. In 1940, Fulgencio Batista, traditionally considered a right-wing military and political leader, surprised many by establishing an agreement with the Cuban Communist Party. Elected president on a platform of national unity, Batista incorporated members of the Communist Party into his regime, seeking to consolidate his power by neutralising potential opposition and broadening his support base. This alliance was opportunistic, however, and did not necessarily reflect an ideological conversion on Batista's part. However, although this period saw an increase in Communist influence in the region, these gains were often short-lived. With the advent of the Cold War and the intensification of rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, many Latin American governments distanced themselves from the Communist parties, often under pressure from Washington. The period of collaboration and gains for communist parties and trade unions in Latin America was eventually followed by a period of repression and marginalisation in many countries of the region.

The collaboration of trade unions and left-wing parties with the governments in power in Latin America during and after the Second World War certainly offered opportunities for immediate political participation, but it also posed fundamental long-term challenges. The main challenge was that this collaboration often led to an erosion of the autonomy and capacity for independent action of trade unions and left-wing parties. Dependence on governments in power led to a strategic reorientation. Instead of putting forward universal themes of class solidarity and internationalism, many unions and left-wing parties have adopted a more nationalist rhetoric, focusing on the specific needs and rights of workers in their own countries. While this strategy may address immediate local concerns, it has also created a fracture with the globalised and internationalist vision of the labour movement as envisaged at the beginning of the twentieth century. By adopting a more nationalist and protectionist stance, these organisations have often limited their ability to build transnational alliances and mobilise international support in the event of government repression. Moreover, their close links with governments meant that if political power changed hands or a government became hostile to their interests, they were particularly vulnerable. This dynamic also had the effect of fragmenting the trade union movement and the political left in general. With an increasingly national focus, trade unions and left-wing parties have often competed with each other for government support, rather than collaborating on wider objectives. This competition sometimes led to internal divisions and conflicts which weakened the position of the unions and left-wing parties in the face of more powerful political opponents.

Before the outbreak of the Second World War, Latin America had already been the scene of significant political and social experimentation. In this atmosphere, communist parties were often perceived as a threat by the ruling elites and were therefore banned in several countries, such as Brazil. This ban, however, did not prevent these parties from operating clandestinely or semi-clandestinely, or from seeking to influence trade union and other social movements. In Mexico, the experience was somewhat different. After the Mexican Revolution, there was an attempt to consolidate political power. President Lázaro Cárdenas, who governed from 1934 to 1940, nationalised the oil industry and undertook land reforms. At the same time, he consolidated political power under the banner of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which was to dominate Mexican politics for most of the 20th century. Cárdenas also sought to control and channel the labour movement, largely by integrating it into the political system through a single national trade union. This centralisation of union power, while guaranteeing a degree of political stability and avoiding major confrontations, also had the effect of reducing the autonomy of the unions. With their close integration with the government, the unions' ability to act as independent countervailing powers, defending workers' rights and interests against employers' power or the state, has been reduced. The alignment of trade unions with the government has transformed their nature. Instead of being instruments of protest, they have largely become instruments of labour management for the government and employers. This has also led to a bureaucratisation of the trade union movement, with a trade union elite often disconnected from the day-to-day concerns of the rank and file. The long-term consequence of this configuration has been a decline in the dynamism and mobilisation capacity of the labour movement. Whereas in other parts of the world, trade unions have played a major role in challenging the government and demanding workers' rights, in Latin America, and particularly in Mexico, their role has been largely attenuated by their close relationship with the government.

Latin America underwent profound political transformations in the 1930s and 1940s, with the rise of populist, nationalist and authoritarian movements. In this context, it is true that certain European ideologies had an impact on the region's political and social structures. The rise of fascism in Europe, particularly under Benito Mussolini in Italy, exerted a certain influence on certain Latin American groups and leaders. In addition, the rise of corporatist dictatorships in Europe, such as that of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar in Portugal and Francisco Franco in Spain, reinforced this trend. These regimes proposed an authoritarian, corporatist model that rejected partisan divisions and promoted national unity under a strong leader. These ideas resonated with certain segments of the Latin American population, notably among conservative elites, the army and part of the Catholic Church. The rise of fascism and corporatism in Europe coincided with a period of economic and social crisis in Latin America. The Great Depression of the 1930s had a significant impact on the economies of the region, which were heavily dependent on the export of raw materials. Against this backdrop, some leaders and elites looked for alternatives to the liberal and capitalist models. The Catholic Church played a complex role during this period. On the one hand, it was concerned about the rise of communism and atheism, and it often supported conservative or authoritarian movements as a counterweight. Catholic Social Action is a good example of this. It was promoted by the Vatican with the aim of creating a Catholic workers' movement that could rival the socialist and communist movements. The rejection of class struggle and the emphasis on solidarity and cooperation were key elements of this approach. However, it is important to note that the direct influence of these European ideologies was adapted and reshaped according to the specific national contexts of each Latin American country. Furthermore, while some countries or leaders may have been inspired by fascist or corporatist models, others followed very different paths, including forms of populism, liberal democracy or socialism.

The period surrounding the Second World War witnessed a particular fascination on the part of certain conservative elites in Latin America for the authoritarian regimes of Europe. There were several reasons for this attraction. Firstly, these conservative elites were often alarmed by the rise of social movements, populism and radicalism in their own countries. Faced with strikes, demonstrations and the rise of labour movements, they were looking for ways to maintain the social status quo and preserve their privileges. The authoritarian regimes of Europe, which had succeeded in suppressing socialist and communist movements and imposing order, seemed attractive models. The idea of "regimes of order and progress" that conservative elites sought to emulate was partly inspired by European models, but also by national antecedents. In many Latin American countries, the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were marked by attempts at "conservative modernisation", in which the state played an active role in promoting the economy, while firmly maintaining social control. Conservative elites envisaged a society in which the state would play a central role in regulating the economy, guaranteeing a stable environment for the development of the private sector. This often meant favouring the interests of the economic elite, by granting concessions, offering tariff protection and guaranteeing the security of investment. At the same time, they also wanted the state to intervene to regulate work, often with the aim of minimising costs and preventing strikes or disruption. Finally, it is essential to note that these elites were not content to passively imitate foreign models. They adapted and reformulated them according to their own needs and the specific political, economic and social context of their countries. The dictatorships that emerged in Latin America during this period, although influenced by European regimes, had distinctly Latin American characteristics.

The emergence of a Catholic far right in Latin America during this period was a response to a combination of international and domestic factors. Internationally, the rise of communism in Europe, particularly with the consolidation of Soviet power in Russia, caused deep concern in conservative and religious circles. The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), which pitted the Republicans, supported by many socialists and communists, against Franco's nationalists, backed by the Catholic Church and other conservative forces, was particularly significant. This conflict was seen by many as a direct confrontation between Christianity and Communism, and it profoundly influenced political perceptions in Latin America, where many countries had close cultural and historical links with Spain. At a national level, several Latin American countries were experiencing growing social unrest. Workers' and peasants' movements, inspired by socialist or communist ideas, were demanding rights and reforms, including a better distribution of land and better pay. At the same time, Freemasonry, often associated with liberal and anti-clerical ideas, was seen by the Church and conservative circles as a direct threat to the traditional social order and the Church's influence in public affairs. Faced with this rise in left-wing radicalism, an extreme right-wing Catholic current consolidated, seeking to defend the traditional social order, the hierarchy and the Church's influence in society. This current was convinced that the defence of the Church and the Christian faith was intrinsically linked to the fight against communism, socialism and other forms of radicalism. In addition, Catholic Social Action, and other similar groups, played an active role in organising counter-movement activities and opposition to these perceived subversive forces. This led to considerable political and social tensions. In many cases, governments, often with the support or under the direct influence of these extreme right-wing Catholic currents, severely repressed workers' and peasants' movements. This repression often took the form of arrests, torture, assassinations and censorship. The polarisation between these opposing forces defined much of Latin America's political life during this period, with lasting consequences for the region.

The 1930s and 1940s were a particularly turbulent period for Latin America politically. The global economic crisis of the 1930s, followed by the Second World War, exacerbated internal political tensions in many countries in the region. Numerous dictatorships were established in several Latin American countries during this period. These authoritarian regimes often justified themselves by claiming to maintain order and stability in the face of the perceived threat of communism or other forms of left-wing radicalism. Military or authoritarian regimes, such as those of Vargas in Brazil or Perón in Argentina, implemented populist policies to win popular support, while suppressing political opposition. In those countries that maintained a semblance of democracy, political divisions were also marked. Colombia is a good example. In this country, the tensions between liberals and conservatives were deep and historic. In the context of the 1930s and 1940s, with the rise of labour, socialist and communist movements around the world, liberals, particularly the more radical factions, were viewed with suspicion by the conservative elite and more traditional sectors of society. The far-right Catholic faction in Colombia stepped up its anti-liberal rhetoric, accusing them of being influenced by or associated with movements deemed subversive, such as freemasonry, socialism or communism. The Catholic Church in Latin America, and particularly in Colombia, has often been associated with conservative positions, and has perceived the rise of socialism and other left-wing ideologies as a direct threat to its influence and to the traditional social structure. This political polarisation has often led to violence. In Colombia, these tensions erupted in spectacular fashion during "El Bogotazo" in 1948, following the assassination of the liberal leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán. These events were the prelude to a period known as "La Violencia", an unofficial civil war between liberals and conservatives that left hundreds of thousands dead. As a result, the 1930s and 1940s were marked by great political instability in Latin America, fuelled by ideological tensions, economic upheaval and the influence of global politics.

The transition from neutrality to war against the Axis in Latin America


The Second World War created geopolitical complexity for Latin American countries, as they had to navigate between the conflicting demands of the warring Great Powers and their own national interests. The neutrality declared by most Latin American countries was largely a strategy to protect their own economic and political interests. They wanted to avoid the direct devastation of war, while taking advantage of the economic opportunities arising from the growing demand for raw materials needed for the war effort. This neutrality allowed these countries to trade with all the warring parties. Mexico, for example, ended up openly supporting the Allies, mainly because of its close links with the United States. The country provided important resources, including oil, to the Allies. Mexico also sent Escuadrón 201, a unit of fighter pilots, to fight alongside the Allies in the Pacific. As for Argentina, the country maintained an officially neutral position throughout most of the war, but there were suspicions of pro-Axis sympathies within certain factions of the government and the army. Argentina did not declare war on Nazi Germany until March 1945, shortly before the end of the war in Europe. Chile also maintained official neutrality, although, as in Argentina, there were elements within the country who showed sympathy for the Axis powers. Nazi efforts to extend their influence in Latin America after 1933 were motivated by strategic and economic reasons. Argentina, in particular, was seen as a potentially valuable trading partner, rich in the raw materials needed for the German war economy. The historical relations between countries such as Argentina and Chile and Prussia, as well as the large groups of German immigrants present in these countries, facilitated Nazi diplomacy and espionage efforts. Nevertheless, the region's overall neutrality prevented total immersion in the affairs of the war, limiting the direct influence of the Axis powers on the continent. After the war, Latin America became a refuge for many Nazis on the run, seeking to escape justice for crimes committed during the conflict.

The influence of Nazism in Latin America, while present to some degree, was far less marked than that of other ideologies or political movements influencing the region at the time. Small communities of German immigrants in countries such as Argentina, Guatemala and Uruguay attempted to promote Nazi ideas. However, the size of these communities was not significant enough to exert a major influence on politics or society. The absence of a large Jewish population in Latin America also played a role. Without this primary target of Nazi ideology, one of the key motivations for this movement was missing. Moreover, Latin America, with its rich and diverse history of racial and cultural miscegenation, was not fertile ground for the ideas of racial purity and Aryan superiority advocated by Nazism. The cultural differences between Europe and Latin America, as well as the lack of widespread acceptance of anti-Semitism in the region, made it difficult for Nazi ideologies to spread. In addition, many Latin American countries had close economic and diplomatic ties with the Allies, particularly the United States and Great Britain. These economic and diplomatic ties played a role in limiting the acceptance and promotion of the ideologies of the Axis powers on the continent.

The Second World War, although focused on conflicts in Europe, Asia and the Pacific, had global political and economic repercussions. In Latin America, although the nations were not major theatres of combat, they felt the indirect effects of the war through their economic and diplomatic relations. Some Latin American leaders were fascinated by the fascist movements that had come to power in Europe. They saw fascism as a possible solution to the economic and social challenges facing their countries. Regimes such as those of Mussolini in Italy, Salazar in Portugal and Franco in Spain served as models for some Latin American leaders and elites as they sought to consolidate their power and modernise their economies. Nevertheless, despite this admiration for the European fascist movements, no Latin American nation officially joined the alliance of the Axis powers. Neutrality was the most common position adopted by Latin American countries. There were a number of reasons for this, including the desire to avoid internal conflict, the absence of a direct stake in the war and the need to protect their economies. Although neutral, many Latin American countries maintained trade relations with the belligerents on both sides. These relations were often pragmatic, based on economic needs rather than ideological alliances.

The Second World War was a decisive turning point in international relations, demonstrating the decline of the European colonial powers and the rise of the United States and the Soviet Union as dominant superpowers. For Latin America, this meant a significant realignment of its economic and political ties. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the nations of Latin America maintained close relations with the European powers, in particular Spain, Portugal, France and the United Kingdom. However, with the economic and territorial expansion of the United States, these ties began to change. The Monroe Doctrine, proclaimed in 1823, set out the American vision that Europe should not seek to establish new colonies or intervene in the affairs of independent republics in the Western Hemisphere. Although the doctrine was largely rhetorical in origin, it laid the foundations for a more interventionist US policy in the region. The principle of non-intervention, promoted by the United States, was essentially an extension of this doctrine, aimed at protecting the American sphere of influence from foreign, particularly European, intervention. Policies such as "dollar diplomacy" and the "good neighbour" policy sought to establish friendlier relations and strengthen US economic and political influence in Latin America. The Second World War accelerated this process. With Europe at war and the former colonial powers weakened, Latin America turned to the United States for economic aid and protection. The United States, for its part, was keen to ensure that Latin America did not fall under the influence of the Axis. Initiatives such as the 1940 Inter-American Conference and economic agreements strengthened the ties between the United States and Latin America.

1938 Declaration of Continental Solidarity

In the run-up to the Second World War, the nations of Latin America sought to consolidate their position on the international stage and protect their regional interests in the face of rising tensions in Europe. The 1938 Declaration of Continental Solidarity symbolises these aspirations. It was adopted at the Inter-American Peacekeeping Conference in Lima. This declaration reflected the awareness of Latin American countries of the need to unite in the face of external threats and to define a common position on major global issues. The declaration promoted inter-American cooperation, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, and non-intervention in the internal affairs of other nations. It also reflected concerns about the expansionism of the Axis powers and the possible spread of conflict to America. However, in September 1939, faced with the outbreak of the Second World War, Latin America's attitude changed to one of neutrality. The foreign ministers of the American states, meeting at the Panama Conference, put forward this position, wishing to avoid any direct involvement in the European conflict. Their choice was motivated not only by the desire to protect their economies from the ravages of war, but also by the desire to assert their autonomy and resist any pressure to join either side. It was also a way for Latin American countries to assert their sovereignty and their ability to take independent foreign policy decisions. It showed that they were not mere pawns in the game of world powers, but players in their own right, capable of defining and defending their own interests. However, as the war progressed, this position of neutrality was eroded under pressure from the United States and other factors, eventually leading many Latin American countries to declare war on the Axis powers. Despite this, the initial period of neutrality marked an important stage in the assertion of Latin American independence and sovereignty in world affairs.

The Second World War had a profound impact on international relations and the configuration of global power, and Latin America was no exception. When France and the Netherlands succumbed to the Nazi war machine in 1940, their vast colonial empires became potentially vulnerable zones. The geographical proximity of the French and Dutch colonies in South America and the Caribbean to the United States and other Latin American countries raised serious concerns about their security and regional stability. Against this backdrop, the foreign ministers of the American states took the bold step of placing these colonies under their collective trusteeship. It was an unprecedented move, aimed at ensuring that these territories would not become bases of operations for the Axis powers, particularly Nazi Germany. It reflected a growing awareness of the interdependence of the American states in the face of the global threat posed by fascism. The decision to protect these colonies was not only strategic, but also had symbolic implications. It demonstrated the solidarity and cooperation between the nations of the Americas, demonstrating their ability to act jointly to protect their common interests. It also sent a clear message to the Axis powers about the determination of the Americas to defend their hemisphere. The fact that Germany did not attack territories such as Martinique and Guadeloupe, despite their potential vulnerability, demonstrates the effectiveness of this strategy of deterrence. It also highlights the growing influence of the United States in the region, which played a leading role in implementing this protection policy. Ultimately, the collective initiative of the American states during this turbulent period played a crucial role in maintaining the stability and neutrality of the region during the war years.

The Second World War presented Latin American nations with a dilemma, between preserving traditional neutrality in external conflicts and increasing pressure to support the Allies, mainly from the United States. After the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the United States' strategic pivot towards active participation in the conflict had a knock-on effect on its neighbours to the south. The United States, with its economic power and political influence in the region, played a crucial role in mobilising Latin America. In the context of the "good neighbourliness" promoted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the United States sought to strengthen economic and political ties with its southern neighbours. After Pearl Harbor, this commitment turned into pressure for these countries to join the Allied war effort. The countries of Central America and the Caribbean, historically within the sphere of influence of the United States, were among the first to respond to this call. The history of US intervention in these regions in previous decades has undoubtedly made these countries more inclined to follow the American lead. However, the decision to go to war was not an easy one for all. Argentina, for example, remained neutral for much of the war, despite intense pressure from the United States. Other nations, despite having declared war on the Axis powers, did not actively contribute to the war effort, limiting their participation to non-combat aspects. Nevertheless, whether out of conviction or pragmatism, many Latin American countries ultimately chose to support the Allied cause. The role of the United States as regional leader, with its ability to offer economic and political incentives, was decisive in this direction. This period marked a further stage in the process of Latin America's integration into world politics, influenced to a large extent by the dynamics and expectations emanating from Washington.

The political landscape of Latin America during the Second World War was a complex mix of ideologies, national interests and geopolitical dynamics. Although the dictatorial regimes may, at first sight, have seemed to have an affinity with the Axis powers, particularly because of certain similarities in terms of authoritarianism, there were many factors that led these regimes to side with the Allies. Firstly, the economic and political pressures of the United States, which had become the economic and military fulcrum of the Western Hemisphere, could not be ignored. The economic benefits of an alliance with the US, such as access to markets and economic aid, were attractive to many Latin American regimes. Secondly, declaring war on the Axis powers offered an opportunity for international legitimacy. By joining the Allies, these regimes could present an image as defenders of freedom and democracy, even if this image was in flagrant contradiction with their domestic policies. Thirdly, it is important to note that while some Latin American leaders and elites were attracted by fascist and authoritarian ideologies, they were also pragmatic. They recognised that the Allies, in particular the United States, had a better chance of victory, so it made strategic sense to side with them. Finally, internal and regional rivalries should not be overlooked. In many countries, opposing factions were competing for power, and the question of which position to adopt during the war became a major political issue. Siding with the Allies could be a way for some leaders to consolidate their power in the face of internal adversaries. Ultimately, the decision of many Latin American dictatorial regimes to join the Allied war effort was the result of a complex mix of pragmatism, opportunism and geopolitical pressure. Although these regimes did not embody the democratic ideals for which the war was supposed to be fought, they recognised the strategic advantages of an alliance with the Allied powers.

During the Second World War, the initial position of Mexico and Brazil was one of neutrality, partly due to their economic interests and the desire to avoid direct involvement in the conflict. However, this neutrality was put to the test in the face of aggression from the Axis powers. Mexico, while initially wishing to preserve its trade relations with all the belligerent nations, was forced to review its position. In 1942, after its oil tankers were attacked by German submarines, Mexico broke off diplomatic relations with the Axis powers. Later that year, it declared war on Germany and, in 1945, on the other Axis powers. Although Mexico did not deploy a large contingent of troops, it did take part in the fighting, notably by sending Escuadrón 201, a squadron of fighters, to fight alongside the Allies in the Pacific. On the other hand, Brazil, while seeking to remain neutral, came under economic and political pressure, particularly from the United States. Its neutrality was shaken when Brazilian merchant ships were attacked by German submarines. In 1942, Brazil responded by declaring war on Germany and Italy. This decision led to direct military collaboration with the Allies, making Brazil the only Latin American country to deploy troops to Europe during the war. The FEB (Força Expedicionária Brasileira) was sent to Italy, illustrating the country's commitment to the fight against the Axis powers. The initial positions of Mexico and Brazil reflected the complexity of international relations at the time. However, faced with direct provocations from the Axis, both nations chose to defend their interests and honour their obligations to the Allies.

Inter-American Conference of 1942

The 1942 Inter-American Conference on War and Peace Problems in Rio de Janeiro marked a significant attempt by the United States to unite the Western Hemisphere against the Axis powers. As the dominant power in the region, the United States saw the strategic importance of ensuring that Latin America did not provide resources or support to the Axis powers, while seeking to increase the region's contribution to the Allied war effort. Brazil, rich in resources and strategically located along the South Atlantic, was a major point of interest for the United States. Although Brazil finally declared war on the Axis powers in August 1942, this decision was taken after careful consideration and analysis of the economic and political implications. German attacks on Brazilian merchant ships played a key role in this decision. Mexico, for its part, was directly provoked by the Axis when German submarines attacked its oil tankers in the Gulf of Mexico. In response to this aggression, Mexico declared war on the Axis in May 1942. The need to protect its economic interests and sovereignty precipitated this decision. Argentina, on the other hand, chose a different path. Despite pressure to join the Allies, Argentina maintained its neutrality until the end of the war in March 1945. This position can be attributed to a combination of factors, including economic interests, internal political divisions and diplomatic relations with the European powers. These different responses to American pressure illustrate the diversity of interests and political situations in Latin America during the Second World War. Although the United States played a predominant role in hemispheric diplomacy, each country assessed its own national interests before deciding on its involvement in the conflict.

Mexico and Brazil go to war

Mexico's geographical position, sharing a long border with the United States, naturally placed it in the position of a strategic ally during the Second World War. The bilateral relationship between the two countries, although complex due to a sometimes tense historical background, was at that time one of cooperation. President Lázaro Cárdenas, known for his nationalist and progressive policies, had a clear vision of Mexico's position on the world stage. Although he nationalised the Mexican oil industry in 1938, creating tensions with foreign companies, particularly American ones, this decision strengthened the country's economic sovereignty. Despite this nationalisation, President Roosevelt adopted a pragmatic approach, recognising the need to maintain cordial relations with his southern neighbour, especially in the face of the growing global threat from the Axis powers. Mexico's support for the Allied cause was not merely symbolic. The country mobilised resources for the war. Mexico's most famous military contribution was Escuadrón 201, also known as the Aztec Eagle Squadron, which fought alongside Allied forces in the Pacific. Mexico's involvement in the conflict was also strengthened by domestic considerations. Cárdenas and other Mexican leaders saw no ideological affinity with the fascist and Nazi regimes of Europe. On the contrary, they identified more with the democratic ideals and principles of social justice promoted by the Allies. Overall, Mexico's decision to join the Allies in the Second World War was the result of a combination of geopolitical, economic and ideological factors. The country demonstrated its ability to act in accordance with its national interests while aligning itself with broader causes that reflected its fundamental principles.

Brazil, the largest country in South America, played a strategic role during the Second World War. With the South Atlantic considered an essential area for navigation and war logistics, Brazil's geographical position was of crucial importance. German submarines operated in the Atlantic, and Brazil, with its long Atlantic coastline, was vulnerable to their attacks. In fact, Germany targeted several Brazilian merchant ships, eventually pushing the country towards a more active stance against the Axis powers. President Getúlio Vargas, an astute and pragmatic leader, had initiated a period of industrialisation and modernisation in Brazil, seeking to elevate the country to the status of a regional power. Although Vargas adopted elements of fascist ideology in his domestic policies, he was clear about the need to maintain strong relations with the United States, particularly in the light of global developments. By allying itself with the Allies, Brazil was able to benefit from technical, military and financial assistance. The United States, recognising Brazil's importance in the conflict, invested in the construction of key infrastructure, such as the road between Belém and Brasília, and established air bases in the north-east of the country. Brazilian troops, particularly the Força Expedicionária Brasileira (FEB), were sent to Europe and fought alongside the Allies in Italy. Their participation was recognised and valued, reinforcing Brazil's role as a significant contributor to the Allied war effort. In this way, Brazil's participation in the Second World War strengthened its position on the international stage and also fostered a closer and more beneficial relationship with the United States. However, it should be noted that Brazil, under Vargas's leadership, managed to navigate the international stage skilfully, balancing its national interests with the geopolitical imperatives of the time.

During the Second World War, Brazil occupied a delicate and strategic geopolitical position. Its long Atlantic coastline made it vulnerable, while at the same time offering strategic advantages for the warring powers. This reality placed Brazil in a position where it could potentially take advantage of offers from both sides of the conflict. President Getúlio Vargas, known for his astute politics, sought to maximise Brazil's national interest by skilfully navigating between the Axis powers and the Allies. Although Vargas showed sympathies for certain ideologies associated with fascism, he also recognised the importance of maintaining strong relations with the United States. US pressure on Brazil was real. They saw the country as essential to securing the South Atlantic and preventing Germany from establishing a significant presence in the Western Hemisphere. Moreover, the United States was well aware of Germany's courting of Brazil and other Latin American countries in an attempt to strengthen its influence. Vargas, while playing a delicate game of diplomacy with the two powers, was driven to a decision by economic and strategic realities. When Germany proved unable to supply the promised weapons and the United States offered financial support for an arms factory, Vargas's choice became clearer. The prospect of increased US economic and military support was too valuable to ignore. Nevertheless, it is essential not to underestimate the role of the German submarine attacks. While they may have served as a pretext for the declaration of war, they also highlighted Brazil's vulnerability and the need to choose sides. In the end, Brazil chose to align itself with the Allies, demonstrating its commitment by sending troops to fight in Italy. This decision reinforced Brazil's status on the international stage and deepened its ties with the United States, while confirming Vargas's pragmatism in foreign policy.

South America occupied a unique position during the Second World War. Although most of the countries in the region only officially declared war on the Axis powers towards the end of the conflict, their contribution to the Allies in the form of raw materials was crucial throughout the war. Argentina, in particular, adopted a complex policy of neutrality. Although this position was criticised by other Allied nations, particularly the United States, it was dictated by economic, geopolitical and domestic considerations. Argentina, with its economy based on the export of agricultural products, particularly meat and cereals, saw a lucrative opportunity in continuing to trade with all the warring parties. Argentine neutrality was also influenced by domestic dynamics. The country was torn between pro-Allied and pro-Axis factions, and neutrality was a way of avoiding a deep internal division. In addition, successive governments used neutrality as a means of strengthening Argentina's independence and sovereignty in the face of external pressures. Nevertheless, Argentina's economic orientation towards the Allies was clear. Argentine raw materials and foodstuffs fed the war economies of the United Kingdom and the United States, indirectly contributing to the Allied war effort. In turn, this provided Argentina with a continuous source of income during the global conflict. Argentina's belated decision to declare war on the Axis powers in 1945, shortly before the end of the war, was largely symbolic. It reflected the realisation that the tide was turning in favour of the Allies and that participation, however symbolic, in victory would be beneficial to Argentina's post-war international position.

The case of Argentina

GOU coat of arms (imperial eagle and image of General San Martín in the centre).

Juan Domingo Perón is a central figure in twentieth-century Argentine political history. His emergence as a leader was rooted in a context of political instability, economic inequality and social tensions. The 1930s and 1940s saw a series of coups d'état and short-lived governments in Argentina, and the country was looking for a stable leader who could offer a clear vision for the future. As Secretary of Labour and Welfare and then Vice-President of the Nation under President Edelmiro Farrell, Perón consolidated his links with the unions and the working class, positioning himself as their champion. His relationship with these groups was strengthened by his welfare policies and nationalist rhetoric, which promised a more inclusive and equitable Argentina. One of the pillars of Perón's policies was "Justicialism", an ideology he developed based on the principles of social justice, economic independence and political sovereignty. Under his leadership, Argentina saw the implementation of a number of progressive reforms, including granting women the right to vote in 1947, creating a social security system, raising wages and nationalising key industries such as railways and telecommunications. Perón's wife, Eva "Evita" Perón, also played a crucial role in his popularity. She was devoted to the cause of the "descamisados" (literally "those without shirts"), Argentina's working class, and launched numerous social programmes on their behalf. She became a quasi-mythical figure in Argentina, embodying the aspirations and hopes of the most disadvantaged. However, Peronism was not without its critics. Protectionist economic policies and state interventionism were criticised for causing economic inefficiencies. Perón was also accused of populism and authoritarianism, and his regime was marked by attacks on press freedom and repression of opponents.

The coup d'état of 4 June 1943 in Argentina was part of a series of political and social upheavals that had shaken the country in previous years. The global economic depression of the 1930s had repercussions in Argentina, exacerbating social inequalities and popular discontent. The traditional political class was seen as corrupt and unable to respond to the needs of the people, and this created fertile ground for radical change. The United Officers Group (GOU) was mainly made up of middle-ranking army officers who were unhappy with the direction the country was taking. They firmly believed that Argentina needed strong leadership to guide it through these troubled times. Under this banner, they led the coup and ousted the incumbent president, Ramón Castillo, who was part of the decried 'Infamous Decade', a period of electoral fraud and political corruption. Once in power, the GOU took a series of authoritarian measures to consolidate its control. Congress was dissolved, press freedom restricted and many politicians and trade union leaders arrested. However, the GOU was not monolithic and internal divisions emerged over the direction the country should take. It was in this context that Juan Domingo Perón, a member of the GOU, began to emerge as a dominant figure. Initially holding positions in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, he developed close links with the trade unions and promoted policies favourable to the working class. Over time, with the support of the masses, he became the most powerful political player in the country, laying the foundations for his future presidency and the creation of the Peronist movement.

Juan Domingo Perón, after being appointed Secretary of Labour and Welfare in the military government, began to shape a new political and social model for Argentina. Using this position as a springboard, he promoted labour reforms that not only improved conditions for workers, but also allowed him to build a solid base of support among the working class. These actions gave rise to what would later be known as Peronism, a distinctly Argentine political and ideological movement. Under Perón, the state became a major player in the economy, nationalising key industries and promoting social welfare programmes. Eva Perón, his wife, played a crucial role in popularising these initiatives, particularly for women and the underprivileged, further enhancing the charisma and reach of the presidential couple. However, Perón's leadership style was not without its flaws. While he presented himself as a champion of the people, his methods were often authoritarian. Political opponents were often repressed, freedom of the press was restricted and the state often intervened in the affairs of the trade unions, despite their close relationship. Perón's legacy is complex. For many, he is seen as the father of the modern workers' movement in Argentina and a defender of the underprivileged. For others, he is criticised for his authoritarianism and lack of respect for democratic institutions. Whatever the case, his influence on Argentine politics is undeniable, with Peronism remaining a dominant force in the country's politics decades after his death.

Juan Domingo Perón remains a complex and controversial figure in Argentine history. His rise to power came at a time of global geopolitical change, the rise of fascist ideologies in Europe and tensions between the countries of the Americas. Perón's education in Europe, particularly Italy, undoubtedly influenced some of his views on governance and state structure. Italian fascism, under Benito Mussolini, promoted a form of authoritarianism that emphasised nationalism, national unity and the active role of the state in society and the economy. Some of these principles were reflected in Peronism, although Peronism was also influenced by other ideologies and evolved to include a mixture of populist, socialist and nationalist policies. US accusations that Perón was pro-Nazi were partly based on his perceived sympathy for authoritarian regimes in Europe. However, it is important to note that although Argentina had economic and diplomatic ties with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy before and during the Second World War, it did not adhere to Nazi or Fascist ideology in its domestic politics. Rather, Argentina, under Perón and other leaders, sought to navigate pragmatically the geopolitical landscape of the time, while promoting its own national interests. The accusation of Perón's authoritarianism is based on his methods of governance. Although he implemented popular social and economic reforms, he also suppressed political opposition, controlled the media and used the state apparatus to consolidate his power. Despite this, he remains a figure adored and admired by much of the Argentine population for his pro-labour policies and his role in modernising the nation.

Juan Domingo Perón's rise to power in post-war Argentina worried the United States for several reasons. Firstly, at the time, the Cold War was beginning to take shape and the US was concerned about the emergence of any leader in the region who might not align completely with US interests or who might even move towards the Soviet bloc. Secondly, Peronist ideology, with its strong emphasis on nationalism and social justice, was at odds with the neoliberal policies that the US was promoting in the region. The US ambassador to Argentina at the time, Spruille Braden, played an active role in the election campaign, openly criticising Perón and his policies. This even led to the famous "Braden o Perón" election campaign, where the choice was presented as a choice between Braden (and therefore American interests) and Perón. This open intervention by the United States in Argentina's domestic politics ultimately worked in Perón's favour, as it reinforced his image as a defender of Argentine sovereignty against foreign interference. Attempts to discredit Perón by portraying him as a fascist also failed. Although Perón had contacts with European authoritarian regimes in the 1930s and 1940s, and borrowed some elements from fascism, his ideology was mainly centred on social justice, the welfare of workers and nationalism. For many Argentines, Perón embodied the hope of a better future, a more egalitarian society and a more independent country on the international stage. Ultimately, Perón's approach to foreign policy, which sought to balance relations with the United States while strengthening ties with other countries, particularly in Europe and Latin America, contributed to his enduring success as a major political figure in Argentina.

The Roosevelt administration's security programme against "enemy aliens"

During the Second World War, the Roosevelt administration launched the Alien Enemy Control Program (AECP), a controversial programme often overshadowed by the more widely recognised internment of Japanese Americans. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, there was a deep-seated mistrust of individuals from Axis countries, even those living in Latin America. This mistrust was not limited to the Japanese, but also extended to people of German and Italian origin. Under the aegis of the AECP, the United States collaborated with several Latin American governments to arrest and detain thousands of residents deemed potentially dangerous. Many of them were transferred to the United States to be interned in various centres. One of the largest internment centres was in Crystal City, Texas, separate from the camps for Japanese Americans. The Roosevelt administration justified these actions in the name of national security. The fear was that these individuals, supposedly Axis sympathisers living in Latin America, might engage in subversive actions or act as spies for the Axis powers. Some internees were exchanged for American citizens held by the Axis powers, while others were deported to their countries of origin after the war, regardless of the number of years or decades they had spent in Latin America. The post-war period was difficult for many of these internees. Some were never allowed to return to their home countries in Latin America, having seen their lives and those of their families turned upside down by internment. With hindsight, these actions have been widely criticised as excessive, discriminatory and unjustified. By acknowledging these past mistakes, it is hoped that such abuses can be avoided in the future.

During the Second World War, concerns about national security led the Roosevelt administration to take drastic measures, particularly with regard to Latin American residents of German, Italian and Japanese origin. Under the influence of the United States, fifteen Latin American countries were forced to deport people considered to be "enemy aliens" to the United States. These deportations were not always the result of proven wrongdoing on the part of the individuals concerned, but were rather based on their ethnic origin and the perception that they might pose a threat. Once in the United States, these individuals were interned in camps, sometimes described as "concentration camps", although different from the Nazi death camps in Europe. These internment centres were spread across the United States, with one of the most notable being located in Crystal City, Texas. In addition, as part of this programme to control enemy aliens, the assets of many deportees were seized and confiscated by the governments. Banks, businesses and real estate belonging to these individuals were taken over by the authorities, leaving many families destitute and in a precarious situation. These actions were justified at the time by the need to protect the interests and security of the United States in the midst of war. However, with hindsight, many have criticised these measures as being excessively harsh and discriminatory. They disrupted and, in many cases, destroyed lives, and their legitimacy was the subject of intense debate in the decades that followed.

At the height of the Second World War, the spectre of the enemy threat at home haunted the American national psyche. In this climate of fear and suspicion, the Enemy Alien Control Programme was set up, primarily targeting people of German, Italian and Japanese origin. While the stated aim was to protect national security, the actual effects of the programme were far more far-reaching and often unjustified. A large proportion of the people affected by this programme were American citizens or permanent residents who had lived in the United States for many years. These people were often deeply rooted in their communities, contributing to American society as workers, entrepreneurs and neighbours. Yet overnight, because of their ethnic heritage, they became targets of suspicion and were uprooted from their homes and placed in internment camps. The fact that the overwhelming majority of those interned were later found not to have committed any act of espionage or treason is revealing. Indeed, of the thousands of people interned, a tiny number were identified as collaborating with the Axis powers. This raises the fundamental question of the proportionality of security responses and the sacrifices that societies are prepared to make in the name of national security. The Enemy Alien Control programme, with its profound implications for civil rights, remains a dark stain on American history. It is a reminder that, even within the most established democracies, fear can sometimes trump principle, with devastating consequences for innocent lives.

During the Second World War, the international response to the threat from the Axis powers was varied, with each country reacting according to its own interests, history and diplomatic relations. The Enemy Alien Control programme, although supported and implemented by the United States, was not universally adopted in the Western Hemisphere. Mexico, with its long history of independence and defence of its sovereignty, has chosen a different path. With a large community of German origin actively contributing to its society, Mexico deemed it unnecessary and unjust to intern or deport these people because of their heritage. Instead, Mexico sought to protect its residents, regardless of their ethnic origins, while maintaining its neutrality throughout much of the war. Other South American countries, such as Argentina, Brazil and Chile, also avoided a policy of mass internment, despite the presence of large populations of German, Italian and Japanese origin. These decisions reflect not only geopolitical realities and international relations, but also national values and principles of justice. Mexico's humanitarian approach in offering refuge to those fleeing persecution elsewhere reinforced its image as a nation concerned with human rights. It also reinforced the notion that, even in the face of immense international pressure, sovereign nations have the capacity and the right to make decisions in line with their internal values and principles. In times of global crisis, it is crucial to remember that each country has its own identity, its own convictions, and its own way of responding to global challenges.

During the Second World War, mistrust and suspicion were at their height. As a result, the United States introduced the Enemy Alien Control Programme in Latin America, which led to major actions. In this context, 50% of the Germans living in Honduras, 30% of those living in Guatemala and 20% of the German population of Colombia were deported. These deportations were in direct contradiction with Roosevelt's Good Neighbour policy, which aimed to promote harmonious relations between the United States and Latin American countries. Despite this policy, many residents, including Jews who had escaped Nazi oppression and opponents of fascism, found themselves interned and deported. These figures show not only the scale of the actions taken, but also the tragedy of those affected, particularly those who had already fled persecution in Europe. These events highlight the challenges faced by governments in wartime and the potentially devastating consequences of actions based on fear rather than hard evidence.

During the Second World War, the shadow of Nazism and authoritarian regimes extended beyond Europe. In this tense global climate, Latin America, with its mosaic of cultures, ethnicities and historical relationships with European countries, was perceived by many Americans as a potential weak point in the Western hemisphere. The media, popular narratives and some government reports have fuelled this image of a region susceptible to infiltration and even domination by Nazi influences. The idea that Brazil could be used by Hitler as a springboard for a possible attack on the United States was not simply a figment of an overactive imagination, but rather a reflection of a deeper anxiety about American national security. Latin America, with its vast territories, valuable resources and geographical proximity to the US, was seen as a potentially weak link in the defensive chain of the Americas. The presence of large German, Italian and Japanese communities in these countries reinforced these fears. Against this backdrop of suspicion and anxiety, the Enemy Alien Control programme was born. Individuals were targeted not on the basis of their actual actions or affiliations, but primarily because of their ethnic or national origin. This preventive action was intended to contain the perceived threat of subversion or espionage. Unfortunately, this policy had dramatic consequences for many innocent individuals who were deported or interned on the basis of mere suspicion or prejudice.

During the early stages of the Second World War, the neutrality of the United States was a major political issue. Although American public opinion was initially reluctant to become involved in another European conflict, several factors contributed to changing this position, including the Pearl Harbor attacks and information from various international sources. British intelligence, in its efforts to gain US support, played a role in providing information on the activities of the Axis powers, particularly in Latin America. Some of these reports overestimated or exaggerated the Nazi threat in the region to heighten the urgency of the situation. As a result, misinformation, whether intentional or not, reinforced US concerns about the security of its own hemisphere. These reports cultivated an image of Latin America as a potentially unstable region, susceptible to subversion or Axis influence. In the context of a world war and a tense international atmosphere, the US government reacted accordingly, seeking to secure all potential angles of vulnerability. Of course, with hindsight, it is clear that some of this information was inaccurate or deliberately misleading. However, at the time, in the tumult of war and faced with the existential threat posed by the Axis powers, the US government's ability to discern truth from falsehood was undoubtedly compromised. The impact of this misinformation certainly had repercussions on US policy in Latin America and, more broadly, on its overall strategy during the war.

The history of Latin America and its relationship with the United States is rich in nuances, often marked by tensions, misunderstandings and geopolitical interests. During the Second World War, the situation was further complicated by the weight of world events and the strategic stakes of the period. The contempt or condescension of certain elites in Washington towards Latin America was nothing new. Historically, the Monroe Doctrine, the "Big Stick" policy and even Roosevelt's Corollary show a tendency for the United States to regard Latin America as its "backyard", a natural zone of influence. This paternalistic attitude often underestimated the complexity and autonomy of Latin American nations. When war broke out in Europe, these prejudices were amplified by security fears. The idea that Latin America could become a base for attacks on the United States, or that it was a region easily influenced by Nazi propaganda, was partly based on these condescending perceptions. These stereotypes were fuelled by misinformation, exaggerated reports and existing prejudices. The Roosevelt administration's action in urging Latin American countries to identify and expel suspicious individuals illustrates the effort to secure the Western Hemisphere against Axis threats. The focus on individuals of German origin, or those involved in German-run businesses, reveals a reductive view, where the mere fact of having German ancestry or business links could be synonymous with collusion with the enemy.

The history of the implementation of the Enemy Alien Control Programme in Latin America during the Second World War shows how national security strategies can be exploited for political and economic ends. The actions taken by US embassies in Latin America were primarily motivated by national security concerns, but they were also influenced by economic interests. The drawing up of lists of people considered 'suspect' was not only based on tangible evidence of collaboration with the Axis powers, but was often the result of political and economic calculations. Once these people were identified and their assets confiscated, this created an economic opportunity for those in a position to benefit from the confiscations. The example of Nicaragua under Somoza is particularly revealing. The zeal with which German property was seized and transferred to American companies shows how the rhetoric of national security can be used to mask deeper economic interests. It is clear that for Somoza and other regional leaders, collaboration with the US on the Enemy Alien Control programme was an opportunity to increase their power and wealth.

During the Cold War, the ideological divide between the capitalist West and the communist East was the source of intense paranoia and mistrust. The United States, seeing itself as the bastion of democracy and capitalism, intensified its efforts to counter Communist influence, both internally and externally. Within the United States, this period saw the emergence of McCarthyism, an anti-Communist campaign led by Senator Joseph McCarthy. Many people, from civil servants to actors, writers and ordinary citizens, were accused without proof of being Communist sympathisers, resulting in dismissals, blacklists and ruined reputations. The constitutional rights of many Americans were trampled in the process, as the Communist witch-hunt prioritised national security over civil liberties. Abroad, concerns about the spread of communism led to direct and indirect US interventions in many countries. In Latin America, for example, the Monroe Doctrine, which considered the Western Hemisphere to be under American influence, was used to justify coups d'état, support for authoritarian regimes and military intervention, all with the aim of preventing the emergence of socialist or communist governments. As in the Second World War, these actions were often justified by the need to protect national security. However, they were also influenced by economic and geopolitical interests. For example, the American intervention in Guatemala in 1954 was linked to the interests of the United Fruit Company, an American company with vast holdings in the country. Both the Cold War and the Second World War saw drastic measures taken in the name of national security. But each time, there was a mixture of ideological, political and economic interests influencing these decisions. In both cases, hindsight shows that the blind pursuit of security can lead to grave injustices, highlighting the constant challenge of striking a balance between security and freedom.

European refugees in Latin America after the war

Latin America was a favourite destination for many European refugees after the Second World War. These individuals fled the horrors of the conflict, seeking a better life and an opportunity to start again. Many Jews, communists, socialists, intellectuals and others persecuted by the Nazis found refuge in countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Chile. These countries, with their vast territories, developing economies and need for skilled labour, were welcoming to these refugees, who in turn contributed to the cultural, scientific and economic life of their new homes. However, the advent of the Cold War changed the situation for many refugees in Latin America. The United States, fearing the spread of communism in the region, supported numerous authoritarian regimes and military dictatorships. These regimes, in turn, often persecuted and targeted those perceived as threats to the established order, including many European refugees, because of their background, political beliefs or previous associations. At the same time, Latin America became a place of refuge for some of the most infamous Nazi war criminals, who fled European justice. Figures such as Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengele found refuge, particularly in Argentina. These individuals were protected by certain governments and sympathetic networks, and often lived quietly without being bothered. The presence of these Nazi criminals in Latin America has caused great concern in the international community, particularly among Jewish organisations. These groups have often worked with governments to track down these criminals and bring them to justice. However, due to political realities, corruption, and the vast remote regions of Latin America, many of these criminals have escaped justice for decades.

Klaus Barbie is a striking example of how some Nazi war criminals managed to escape justice for decades after the Second World War, thanks in part to the protection and complicity of intelligence agencies and foreign governments. Their expertise, networks and knowledge were often deemed more valuable than their criminal past, especially during the Cold War, when the superpowers were keen to gain advantages in geopolitically strategic regions.

Barbie, who was responsible for the torture, execution and deportation of thousands of Jews and members of the French Resistance during the war, managed to escape justice thanks to a Nazi escape network known as "ratlines". After spending time in Germany and Italy, he travelled to South America. He first arrived in Argentina before finally settling in Bolivia. In La Paz, the Bolivian capital, Barbie lived under an assumed name and was involved in various activities, including business and counter-insurgency operations. His experience of repression and torture as a Gestapo official made him invaluable to various South American military dictatorships that were struggling with guerrilla and opposition movements. Moreover, during the Cold War, the United States was primarily concerned about the threat of communism in the region, and figures like Barbie were seen as assets to help counter that threat. It was only in the late 1970s and early 1980s, following journalistic investigations and pressure from the international community, that Barbie's true identity and whereabouts in Bolivia were revealed. Following these revelations, a worldwide campaign for her extradition was launched. In 1983, after years of legal and political battles, Barbie was extradited to France. He was tried in Lyon, the city where he had committed some of his most heinous crimes. In 1987, he was convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to life imprisonment. He died in prison in 1991. The Barbie case highlights the complexities and contradictions of post-war justice, and how geopolitical interests can sometimes take precedence over the prosecution of war criminals.

