Introduction to the methods of political science
Introduction to the methods of political science
Professeur(s) | Marco Giugni[1] |
This course introduces the methods of political science. It is divided into two parts. The first part deals with questions about the paradigms that inspire political science research, presents basic scientific methods and looks at the transition from theory to data. The second part deals with data collection and analysis techniques, both quantitative and qualitative.[2].
Lectures[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Introductory course on the methods of political science
The positivist paradigm and the interpretative paradigm
Fundamental scientific methods
Annexes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
- Ce cours s'appuie en grande partie sur l'ouvrage de Corbetta "Social Research : Theory, Methods and Techniques"[3]. Les deux premiers chapitres sont consultables sur Google Books
References[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
- ↑ Page personnelle de Marco Giugni sur le site de l'Université de Genève
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- ↑ Corbetta, Piergiorgio 2003. Social Research: Theory, Methods and Techniques. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.