« 古典现实主义及其对现代地缘政治的影响 » : différence entre les versions

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== 新现实主义面临的挑战 ==
== 新现实主义面临的挑战 ==

=== Comparing Classical Realism and Neorealism ===
=== 古典现实主义与新现实主义的比较 ===

Classical Realism and Neorealism are two pivotal schools of thought in international relations, each offering unique insights into state behavior and the forces driving global politics. Classical Realism, rooted in the philosophical traditions of thinkers like Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hobbes, posits a fundamentally pessimistic view of human nature. It emphasizes that states, as rational actors, inherently seek power and security in an anarchic international system. This perspective was eloquently articulated by Hans Morgenthau in his seminal work, "Politics Among Nations," where he argues that national interest is primarily defined in terms of power. Neorealism, or Structural Realism, introduced by Kenneth Waltz in his influential book "Theory of International Politics," builds on the foundation of Classical Realism but shifts the focus from human nature to the structure of the international system. Waltz argues that the anarchic structure of the international system compels states to prioritize survival, leading to a self-help system where power balance becomes the key mechanism for maintaining stability. This shift marks a significant divergence from Classical Realism, as it downplays the role of human nature and places greater emphasis on the systemic constraints and opportunities that shape state behavior.
古典现实主义和新现实主义是国际关系中两个重要的思想流派,各自对国家行为和推动全球政治的力量提出了独特的见解。古典现实主义植根于修昔底德、马基雅维利和霍布斯等思想家的哲学传统,从根本上对人性持悲观态度。它强调,国家作为理性的行为体,本质上是在无政府的国际体系中寻求权力和安全。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在其开创性著作《国家间政治》中雄辩地阐述了这一观点,认为国家利益主要是由权力来定义的。肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)在其影响深远的著作《国际政治理论》中提出的新现实主义或结构现实主义,建立在古典现实主义的基础之上,但将重点从人性转移到了国际体系的结构上。华尔兹认为,国际体系的无政府结构迫使各国将生存放在首位,从而形成了一种自助体系,权力平衡成为维持稳定的关键机制。这一转变标志着与古典现实主义的重大分歧,因为它淡化了人性的作用,而更加强调影响国家行为的制度约束和机遇。

The transition from Classical Realism to Neorealism reflects an evolution in thinking about international relations. While both schools agree on the anarchic nature of the international system and the central role of states, their analytical lenses differ. Classical Realism focuses on the inherent characteristics of states and their leaders, drawing on historical examples and philosophical arguments to emphasize the timeless nature of power politics. In contrast, Neorealism offers a more scientific approach, seeking to develop generalizable theories about state behavior based on the structure of the international system. These two schools of thought, despite their differences, have significantly contributed to our understanding of global politics. Classical Realism, with its rich philosophical roots, provides a deep understanding of the motivations and actions of states through history. Neorealism, on the other hand, offers a framework for analyzing current international relations dynamics, emphasizing the impact of systemic factors such as the distribution of power and the role of international institutions. Together, these theories continue to shape academic discourse and policy-making in international relations, offering valuable perspectives on the complexities of global politics.

==== Classical Realism: A Human-Centric Approach ====
==== 古典现实主义:以人为本的方法 ====

Classical Realism is firmly anchored in a rich historical and philosophical lineage. This school of thought illuminates the intricate interplay of human nature, power, and ethics in international affairs, tracing its roots back to ancient Greece and evolving through the Renaissance. It underscores the perennial nature of power as the primary driver in state behavior, offering a lens to view the complexities of global politics.

Central to Classical Realism is the premise that the quest for power is an intrinsic aspect of human nature, a theme vividly demonstrated in historical texts. Thucydides, in his account of the Peloponnesian War, illustrates how the pursuit of power and ensuing fear among states can precipitate war. This ancient narrative establishes the timelessness of power dynamics in human interactions and, by extension, state behavior. Advancing into the Renaissance, Niccolò Machiavelli's "The Prince" further explores this theme. Machiavelli advocates a pragmatic approach to politics where moral ambiguities often accompany the acquisition and retention of power. His treatise suggests that the exercise of power in statecraft transcends traditional moral boundaries, driven instead by political necessity and survival.

In the 20th century, Hans Morgenthau's "Politics Among Nations" builds upon these foundational ideas, weaving in a sophisticated understanding of moral and ethical dimensions in international relations. Morgenthau's Classical Realism recognizes states as rational actors seeking power within an anarchic international system. Yet, he introduces a critical nuance, arguing that this pursuit is moderated by ethical considerations. Contrary to a purely power-centric view, Morgenthau posits that political realism coexists with moral values, advocating for a delicate balance between the realities of power politics and ethical imperatives. He suggests that the methods of pursuing and wielding power ought to be guided by moral responsibility, acknowledging the multifaceted nature of international relations where national interests are pursued amidst a complex matrix of power dynamics, ethical considerations, and historical and cultural influences.
20 世纪,汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)的《国与国之间的政治》(Politics Among Nations)在这些基本思想的基础上,对国际关系中的道德和伦理维度进行了深入理解。摩根索的古典现实主义认为,国家是在无政府的国际体系中寻求权力的理性行为体。然而,他引入了一个关键的细微差别,认为这种追求受到伦理因素的制约。与纯粹以权力为中心的观点相反,摩根索认为政治现实主义与道德价值观并存,主张在权力政治的现实与道德要求之间保持微妙的平衡。他认为,追求和行使权力的方法应该以道德责任为指导,承认国际关系的多面性,即在权力动态、道德考量以及历史和文化影响的复杂矩阵中追求国家利益。

Classical Realism thus offers a robust framework for deciphering the intricacies of international relations. It emphasizes the centrality of power, steered by inherent human traits, while concurrently recognizing the pivotal role of moral and ethical elements. This perspective enables a comprehensive understanding of global politics, blending pragmatic realism with an appreciation of ethical conduct's significance in international affairs. Through this lens, Classical Realism provides valuable insights into the enduring complexities and nuances of state interactions on the global stage.

==== Neorealism: The Structural Perspective ====
==== 新现实主义:结构主义视角 ====

Neorealism, or Structural Realism, represents a pivotal shift in international relations theory, emerging as a response to the limitations of Classical Realism. Kenneth Waltz, in the latter half of the 20th century, was instrumental in this development, notably through his seminal work, "Theory of International Politics." Waltz's Neorealism refocuses the analytical lens from the characteristics and behaviors of individual states, central to Classical Realism, to the broader structure of the international system. He argues that the anarchic nature of this system, characterized by the absence of a central governing authority, is the primary determinant of state behavior. This perspective marks a significant departure from the Classical Realist view that human nature and the intrinsic pursuit of power primarily drive state actions.
新现实主义或结构现实主义代表了国际关系理论的关键转变,是对古典现实主义局限性的回应。20 世纪后半叶,肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)在这一发展中发挥了重要作用,尤其是他的开创性著作《国际政治理论》。华尔兹的新现实主义将分析视角从古典现实主义的核心--单个国家的特征和行为,重新聚焦到更广泛的国际体系结构。他认为,这一体系的无政府性质(其特点是缺乏中央管理当局)是决定国家行为的主要因素。这一观点与古典现实主义认为人性和对权力的内在追求是国家行为的主要驱动力这一观点大相径庭。

A fundamental contribution of Neorealism is its concept of polarity, which Waltz introduces to analyze the distribution of power within the international system. He categorizes systems as unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar, suggesting that the system's structure, indicated by the number of dominant powers, profoundly influences state behavior. The Cold War era, with its bipolar division between the United States and the Soviet Union, exemplifies this theory. The distinct patterns of alliance formation, arms races, and proxy wars during this period can be attributed to the bipolar structure of the international system. According to Neorealism, the strategic actions of the U.S. and the Soviet Union, including their competition for global dominance, are responses to this bipolarity. The maintenance of a balance of power, the establishment of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and the involvement in various proxy wars worldwide are viewed as outcomes of this structure, where each superpower navigated a system lacking a guarantee of security from a higher authority.

Neorealism's emphasis on the structural aspects of the international system offers a macro-level analysis of international relations. This perspective sheds light on how global power distribution shapes state behaviors. While addressing some critiques of Classical Realism, Neorealism also sparks new debates, especially concerning the influence of domestic politics, individual leadership, and non-state actors in international affairs. By highlighting the constraints and opportunities presented by the international structure, Neorealism provides a distinct and influential framework for understanding the dynamics of global politics. This theory has significantly enriched the discourse in international relations, offering a more nuanced comprehension of the complex interplay between systemic structures and state actions on the world stage.

==== Comparative Analysis and Contemporary Relevance ====
==== 比较分析与当代意义 ====

Classical Realism and Neorealism, while both emphasizing the centrality of power in international relations, offer significantly different perspectives on the sources and dynamics of state behavior. These differences stem from their unique foundational assumptions and analytical focuses, leading to varied interpretations of state actions in the global arena.

Classical Realism, tracing its intellectual lineage to historical figures such as Thucydides, Machiavelli, and further developed by theorists like Hans Morgenthau, focuses on the role of human nature in determining state behavior. According to this school of thought, as articulated in Morgenthau's influential "Politics Among Nations," the pursuit of power and the conduct of states are deeply ingrained in human nature, characterized by an inherent drive for power and survival. Classical Realism integrates an ethical dimension, acknowledging that while the quest for power is fundamental, its exercise is also guided by moral and ethical considerations. This view underscores the complex and multi-layered nature of state behavior, where power politics intertwines with ethical judgments, leadership styles, and historical and cultural contexts. The decision-making of leaders like Winston Churchill during World War II or John F. Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis exemplifies this, as it cannot be fully comprehended without considering their individual leadership qualities, ethical beliefs, and the unique historical situations they navigated.

Neorealism, largely attributed to Kenneth Waltz and his groundbreaking "Theory of International Politics," shifts the analytical lens from individual state characteristics and leadership qualities to the broader structure of the international system. Waltz posits that the anarchic nature of the international system, marked by the absence of a supreme governing authority, drives states to prioritize their security and power. This perspective suggests that state behavior is influenced more by the systemic constraints and opportunities of the international structure than by individual state traits or human nature. A key concept in Neorealism is the idea of polarity - the distribution of power within the international system - and its impact on state behavior. The bipolar structure of the Cold War, with its clear division between the United States and the Soviet Union, serves as a prime example. The strategic behaviors observed during this period, including alliance formations, arms races, and proxy wars, are interpreted as responses to the bipolar structure, emphasizing the role of systemic factors over individual state attributes.
新现实主义主要归功于肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)及其开创性的《国际政治理论》,它将分析视角从单个国家的特征和领导素质转移到了更广泛的国际体系结构上。华尔兹认为,国际体系的无政府性质(其特点是缺乏最高管理当局)促使国家优先考虑自身的安全和权力。这一观点认为,国家行为更多地受到国际结构的系统性约束和机遇的影响,而不是受单个国家的特质或人性的影响。新现实主义的一个关键概念是极性--国际体系中的权力分配--及其对国家行为的影响。冷战时期的两极结构,即美国和苏联之间的明确分工,就是一个最好的例子。在此期间观察到的战略行为,包括结盟、军备竞赛和代理人战争,都被解释为对两极结构的反应,强调系统因素的作用而非单个国家的属性。

Both Classical Realism and Neorealism offer valuable insights into the nature of international relations, albeit through different lenses. Classical Realism provides a nuanced understanding of state behavior that takes into account human nature, ethical considerations, and historical context. In contrast, Neorealism offers a more structural view, focusing on how the distribution of power and the nature of the international system shape state actions. These theoretical frameworks, each with its distinct emphasis and analytical tools, contribute to a comprehensive understanding of global politics, highlighting the complexities and multifaceted nature of state behavior on the international stage.

==== The resurgence of great power competition in contemporary international politics ====
==== 大国竞争在当代国际政治中的复苏 ====

The resurgence of great power competition in contemporary international politics provides a pertinent context for applying and evaluating the insights of Classical Realism and Neorealism. These theoretical frameworks, each with its distinct focus and analytical tools, illuminate the complex dynamics and strategic behaviors of major powers such as the United States, China, and Russia.

Classical Realism, emphasizing human nature, ethics, and historical context, offers a nuanced interpretation of the individual motivations and strategic cultures of great powers. This approach delves into the unique national characteristics, historical experiences, and leadership styles that shape the foreign policies of these states. For example, the United States' approach to international relations can be interpreted through its historical commitment to liberal democracy and its self-perception as a global leader. China's foreign policy, including initiatives like the Belt and Road and actions in the South China Sea, reflects its long civilizational history and recent experiences of colonial subjugation. Similarly, Russia's maneuvers, particularly under Vladimir Putin's leadership, can be analyzed within the context of its historical interactions with Western expansionism and its ambition to reaffirm its status as a global power. Neorealism, conversely, offers a lens to understand how shifts in the global power structure influence state behaviors. This perspective views the emergence of a more multipolar world, marked by the rise of China and Russia's reassertion, as a structural transformation in the international system. Neorealism focuses on how these shifts in power distribution lead to new alignments, rivalries, and strategic actions. The United States, in the face of a rising China and a resurgent Russia, is driven to reassess its global strategies and alliances. China, as an emerging power, challenges existing power structures to assert its dominance, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. Russia's strategic moves in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and cyberspace are interpreted as efforts to reclaim its influence, all seen as rational responses to the structural shifts in the international system.
古典现实主义强调人性、伦理和历史背景,对大国的个人动机和战略文化进行了细致入微的解读。这种方法深入研究了塑造这些国家外交政策的独特国家特征、历史经验和领导风格。例如,美国处理国际关系的方式可以通过其对自由民主的历史承诺及其作为全球领导者的自我认知来解读。中国的外交政策,包括 "一带一路 "等倡议和在南海的行动,反映了其悠久的文明史和近期被殖民征服的经历。同样,俄罗斯的行动,尤其是普京领导下的俄罗斯的行动,可以在其与西方扩张主义的历史互动及其重申其全球大国地位的雄心的背景下加以分析。相反,新现实主义提供了一个视角来理解全球权力结构的变化如何影响国家行为。这一视角将以中国崛起和俄罗斯重新崛起为标志的多极世界的出现视为国际体系的结构性转变。新现实主义关注权力分配的变化如何导致新的结盟、竞争和战略行动。面对崛起的中国和卷土重来的俄罗斯,美国不得不重新评估其全球战略和联盟。作为一个新兴大国,中国挑战现有的权力结构,以维护其主导地位,尤其是在亚太地区。俄罗斯在东欧、中东和网络空间的战略举动被解读为其重塑影响力的努力,所有这些都被视为对国际体系结构转变的合理回应。

The landscape of contemporary international politics, marked by the nuanced dynamics of great power competition, is where the insights of Classical Realism and Neorealism become particularly valuable. These theories, while converging on the significance of power in international relations, offer distinct perspectives that enrich our understanding of the motivations, strategies, and behaviors of major global actors. Classical Realism provides a deep understanding of state behavior by examining the unique motivations, strategic cultures, and historical experiences of states. It elucidates, for instance, how the United States' foreign policy is shaped by its historical identity and leadership role perception. China's assertive foreign policy can be understood through its historical narrative and desire for global prominence. Russia's actions under Putin are seen through the prism of its historical experiences with the West and its aspirations for global influence. Neorealism, with its systemic view of international relations, focuses on the structural characteristics of the global system and their impact on state behavior. This framework is instrumental in analyzing how shifts in global power distribution, such as China's rise or Russia's resurgence, lead to strategic recalibrations by states. The evolving multipolarity, the realignment of international alliances, and the strategic responses of the United States to these shifts are phenomena better understood through a Neorealist lens.

In conclusion, the interplay of Classical Realism and Neorealism provides a comprehensive toolkit for examining the intricacies of great power politics. Classical Realism offers depth in understanding individual states' unique motivations and contexts, while Neorealism provides a macro-level perspective on how systemic changes and global power distribution influence state behavior. Together, these theories continue to be highly relevant in international relations, offering a thorough understanding of the multifaceted and dynamic nature of global politics, particularly in the realm of great power competition. Their combined insights are essential for grasping the strategic calculations and evolving dynamics that characterize the contemporary international system.

=== Critics of realism and neorealism ===
=== 现实主义和新现实主义的批评 ===

The academic discourse between Classical Realism and Neorealism in international relations is characterized by significant critiques from the Classical Realist camp directed towards Neorealism. These critiques underscore the fundamental differences in their approaches to understanding state behavior and the nature of the international system. The dialogue between these two schools of thought reveals a rich tapestry of theoretical perspectives, each contributing uniquely to our understanding of global politics.

Classical Realism, with its intellectual roots in the works of historical figures such as Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hobbes, and later developed by theorists like Hans Morgenthau, emphasizes the role of human nature and moral considerations in international relations. This school of thought asserts that the pursuit of power and survival, deeply ingrained in human nature, fundamentally drives state behavior. Morgenthau, in his seminal work "Politics Among Nations," eloquently discusses how states, as actors composed of individuals, are inherently power-seeking, influenced by both rational calculations and human emotions. Classical Realists also integrate ethical dimensions into their analysis, arguing that moral considerations cannot be divorced from state actions and decisions. In contrast, Neorealism, primarily associated with Kenneth Waltz and his landmark book "Theory of International Politics," shifts the focus from human nature and individual state attributes to the overarching structure of the international system. Neorealism posits that the anarchic nature of this system, characterized by the absence of a central governing authority, compels states to prioritize their security and power. For Neorealists, state behavior is less about individual state characteristics and more a response to the systemic constraints and opportunities presented by the international structure. This perspective introduces the concept of polarity, analyzing how the distribution of power within the international system influences state behavior.

The critique from Classical Realists towards Neorealism centers on the latter's perceived neglect of human nature and ethical considerations. Classical Realists argue that Neorealism's structural focus oversimplifies the complexities of state behavior and the international system. They contend that international politics cannot be fully understood without considering the human elements that drive state actions – including leadership qualities, moral judgments, and historical and cultural contexts. For example, the dynamics of the Cold War or the decision-making processes during the Cuban Missile Crisis are not only outcomes of structural forces but also reflect the human dimensions of leadership and ethical considerations. This academic discourse between Classical Realism and Neorealism enriches the field of international relations by providing diverse perspectives on state behavior and the workings of the international system. The critiques and counter-critiques between these schools of thought highlight the complexity of global politics and the necessity of considering multiple dimensions – human, structural, ethical – in understanding international relations. The ongoing dialogue between Classical Realism and Neorealism continues to shape scholarly debates and our comprehension of the intricacies of global affairs.

==== Critique of Neorealism’s Parsimony ====
==== 对新现实主义的 "准现实性 "的批判 ====

The critique of Neorealism's parsimony by Classical Realists ignites a significant debate within the field of international relations, focusing on the complexity and underlying factors driving state behavior. This critique suggests that while Neorealism provides a valuable systemic perspective on international politics, it may overlook the diverse factors influencing state actions. Classical Realism, drawing from the profound intellectual heritage of Thucydides, Niccolò Machiavelli, and Hans Morgenthau, advocates a more intricate understanding of international relations. This school emphasizes the pivotal roles of human nature, historical context, and moral and ethical considerations in shaping state behavior. Thucydides, in his chronicle of the Peloponnesian War, not only examines the power struggle between Athens and Sparta but also probes into the psychological drivers, fears, and ambitions of the leaders and states involved. Similarly, Machiavelli, in "The Prince," unravels the complexities of power dynamics and statecraft, highlighting the pragmatic and often morally ambiguous decisions leaders face. Hans Morgenthau, particularly in "Politics Among Nations," criticizes the reductionist approach of Neorealism. He argues that a comprehensive understanding of international politics transcends material capabilities and systemic structures, insisting on the significance of historical and cultural contexts, along with the moral elements of political decision-making.
古典现实主义者对新现实主义吝啬论的批判引发了国际关系领域的一场重要辩论,辩论的焦点是驱动国家行为的复杂性和潜在因素。这一批判表明,尽管新现实主义为国际政治提供了宝贵的系统性视角,但它可能忽略了影响国家行为的各种因素。古典现实主义汲取了修昔底德、尼古拉-马基雅维利和汉斯-摩根索的深厚思想遗产,主张对国际关系进行更为复杂的理解。这一学派强调人性、历史背景以及道德伦理因素在塑造国家行为中的关键作用。修昔底德在其关于伯罗奔尼撒战争的编年史中,不仅研究了雅典和斯巴达之间的权力斗争,还探究了相关领导人和国家的心理驱动因素、恐惧和野心。同样,马基雅维利在《王子》一书中揭示了权力动态和治国之道的复杂性,强调了领导人所面临的务实且往往在道德上模棱两可的决策。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在《国与国之间的政治》(Politics Among Nations)一书中批评了新现实主义的简化主义方法。他认为,对国际政治的全面理解应超越物质能力和系统结构,坚持历史和文化背景的重要性,以及政治决策中的道德因素。

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 serves as a poignant example of the limitations inherent in a strictly Neorealist interpretation of international events. While Neorealism can contextualize the crisis within the bipolar power structure and strategic positioning of nuclear missiles, it inadequately addresses the nuanced decision-making processes of the involved leaders. The resolution of the crisis was critically dependent on individual diplomacy, negotiation skills, and the capacity for empathy – qualities exhibited by President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev. These human elements, pivotal to the peaceful resolution of the crisis, are integral to Classical Realism's analysis but are less emphasized in the Neorealist framework.
1962 年的古巴导弹危机是一个鲜明的例子,说明了严格按照新现实主义解释国际事件所固有的局限性。虽然新现实主义可以将危机置于两极权力结构和核导弹战略定位的背景之下,但它并没有充分考虑到相关领导人细微的决策过程。危机的解决在很大程度上取决于个人的外交能力、谈判技巧和换位思考的能力--这些都是约翰-肯尼迪总统和尼基塔-赫鲁晓夫总理所表现出的品质。这些对和平解决危机至关重要的人文因素是古典现实主义分析中不可或缺的,但在新现实主义框架中却较少得到强调。

The critique of Neorealism by Classical Realists illuminates the necessity of a more holistic approach to international relations. It underscores the need to consider a broader array of factors – including psychological, ethical, and cultural dimensions – in understanding state behavior. This debate enriches the field of international relations by challenging scholars and practitioners to look beyond systemic structures and consider the complex tapestry of factors that influence global politics.

==== Unfalsifiability of Neorealism ====
==== 新现实主义的不可证实性 ====

The critique of Neorealism's unfalsifiability, as articulated by proponents of Classical Realism, presents significant methodological challenges in the field of international relations. This critique revolves around the assertion that Neorealism's structural explanations, while providing a broad perspective on international dynamics, lack the empirical specificity needed for effective testing and potential refutation. In the domain of international relations theory, the capacity to formulate testable hypotheses and validate or invalidate theoretical propositions is crucial for maintaining academic rigor and ensuring the practical utility of a theory.

Neorealism, closely associated with Kenneth Waltz's work, suggests that the structure of the international system is the primary determinant of state behavior. This systemic focus, particularly on the distribution of power among states (polarity), offers a macroscopic perspective of international relations. However, Classical Realists point out that this high-level analysis often misses the nuanced behaviors of individual states. For instance, Neorealism might find it challenging to explain the differing foreign policy strategies of states with comparable power levels or similar structural positions. This shortfall is evident in the varying foreign policy decisions made by distinct leaders or governments within the same state. The United States' foreign policy, for example, has seen considerable changes across various presidential administrations, shaped by diverse factors like leadership styles, ideological orientations, and domestic political contexts.

Classical Realists argue for a more detailed and empirically grounded approach that can capture these state behavior variations. They emphasize the significance of considering a range of factors – such as ideology, culture, historical context, and domestic politics – in shaping state actions. This perspective enables a more intricate and specific analysis of international relations, allowing for the development of theories that can be empirically tested and refined. For example, understanding the different approaches to international diplomacy and conflict resolution employed by various leaders requires more than a structural analysis. The decision-making processes in critical events like the Cuban Missile Crisis, the diplomatic strategies during the Cold War, or the diverse responses to international terrorism post-9/11, necessitate an appreciation of the complex interaction between structural limitations and human decision-making.
古典现实主义者主张采用一种更详细、更有经验基础的方法来捕捉这些国家行为的变化。他们强调考虑意识形态、文化、历史背景和国内政治等一系列影响国家行为的因素的重要性。这种视角可以对国际关系进行更复杂、更具体的分析,从而发展出可以通过实证检验和完善的理论。例如,要理解不同领导人在国际外交和解决冲突方面所采用的不同方法,需要的不仅仅是结构性分析。古巴导弹危机等重大事件的决策过程、冷战时期的外交战略或 9/11 事件后对国际恐怖主义的不同反应,都需要了解结构性限制与人类决策之间的复杂互动。

The critique of Neorealism's unfalsifiability by Classical Realists highlights the necessity for international relations theories to be rooted in empirical evidence and flexible enough to encompass the multitude of factors influencing state behavior. While acknowledging Neorealism's contribution in underlining the influence of systemic structures, Classical Realism advocates for a more comprehensive approach. This approach should account for the diverse array of variables – both structural and human – that govern the intricacies of global politics.

==== Conceptualization of Polarity and Power ====
==== 极性和权力的概念化 ====

The critique from Classical Realists regarding Neorealism’s treatment of polarity and power raises an essential dialogue in international relations about understanding these key concepts. This critique underscores the necessity for a more comprehensive perception of power that captures its complex and multifaceted nature in the global arena.

Neorealism, championed by Kenneth Waltz, focuses on polarity — the distribution of power in the international system — as a fundamental aspect of its analysis. It classifies the international system into categories like unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar based on the number of dominant power centers and posits that this structural factor significantly influences state behavior. Moreover, Neorealism often equates power primarily with military and economic strengths, seeing these as the main instruments through which states exert influence and protect their interests. Classical Realism, on the other hand, presents a broader perspective on power. Pioneers like Hans Morgenthau in "Politics Among Nations" argue that power in international relations encompasses more than just military and economic might. They assert that power also includes elements of soft power, such as cultural influence, ideological appeal, and diplomatic skill. This viewpoint recognizes that states' influence extends beyond coercive methods and also involves attraction and persuasion.
由肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)倡导的新现实主义注重极性--国际体系中的权力分配--作为其分析的一个基本方面。它根据占主导地位的权力中心的数量将国际体系分为单极、两极和多极等类别,并认为这一结构性因素对国家行为有重大影响。此外,新现实主义通常将权力主要等同于军事和经济实力,认为这是国家施加影响和保护自身利益的主要手段。而古典现实主义则从更广阔的角度看待权力。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等先驱在《国家间政治》一书中认为,国际关系中的权力不仅仅包括军事和经济实力。他们认为,实力还包括软实力,如文化影响力、意识形态号召力和外交技巧。这种观点认为,国家的影响力不仅限于强制手段,还包括吸引力和说服力。

The Cold War serves as a quintessential example of this expansive concept of power. While military and economic competition were evident between the United States and the Soviet Union, there was also a significant cultural and ideological contest. The United States' promotion of democracy and capitalism and the Soviet Union's advocacy of communism were integral to the power struggle, paralleling the arms race and economic sanctions. The efforts in propaganda, cultural exchanges, and ideological outreach underline the critical role of soft power alongside hard power in international relations.

Classical Realists' critique of Neorealism's approach to polarity and power suggests that a thorough understanding of international relations must recognize the various forms of power manifestation and exertion. It advocates for an analysis that considers not only the material capabilities of states but also their less tangible yet influential aspects of power. Classical Realism thus calls for a multidimensional interpretation of power in international relations study, one that acknowledges the intricate interplay of military, economic, cultural, and ideological factors. This broader approach offers a more nuanced framework for analyzing state behaviors and the dynamics of global politics, more accurately reflecting the complex reality of international relations.

=== The Cold War Analyzed: Contrasting Perspectives of Neorealism and Classical Realism ===
=== 分析冷战:新现实主义与古典现实主义的观点对比 ===

The Cold War, extending from the late 1940s to the early 1990s, serves as a poignant case study to contrast the analytical approaches of Neorealism and Classical Realism. This era, marked by profound geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, is interpreted distinctly by these two prominent schools of thought in international relations, with each emphasizing varied aspects and drivers of state behavior.
冷战从 20 世纪 40 年代末延续到 90 年代初,是对比新现实主义和古典现实主义分析方法的一个生动案例。这个时代的特点是美国和苏联之间深刻的地缘政治紧张局势,国际关系中这两个著名的思想流派对这个时代做出了截然不同的解释,各自强调了国家行为的不同方面和驱动因素。

Neorealism, particularly as developed by Kenneth Waltz, views the Cold War primarily through the lens of the bipolar power structure that defined this period. In this framework, the international system's structure — characterized by the dominant presence of two superpowers — is the primary determinant of state behavior. Neorealism focuses on how the distribution of power, particularly military and economic capabilities, shaped the strategic actions of the United States and the Soviet Union. This perspective explains the arms race, the formation of military alliances like NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and the engagement in proxy wars as rational responses to the systemic pressures of a bipolar world. Neorealism argues that these actions were driven by the inherent need of each superpower to maintain security and balance in a system with no overarching authority.
新现实主义,尤其是由肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)提出的新现实主义,主要从两极权力结构的角度来看待冷战,而两极权力结构正是冷战时期的特征。在这一框架中,国际体系结构--以两个超级大国的存在为特征--是国家行为的主要决定因素。新现实主义关注权力分配,尤其是军事和经济能力如何影响美国和苏联的战略行动。这种观点将军备竞赛、北约和华约等军事联盟的形成以及代理人战争的参与解释为对两极世界系统性压力的合理反应。新现实主义认为,这些行动的驱动力是每个超级大国在一个没有最高权威的体系中维护安全与平衡的内在需要。

Classical Realism, drawing from the insights of thinkers like Hans Morgenthau, provides a more nuanced interpretation of the Cold War. While acknowledging the role of power dynamics, Classical Realism places greater emphasis on the human dimensions of statecraft. This school considers the psychological motivations, leadership styles, and moral considerations that influenced the decisions of Cold War leaders. For instance, Classical Realism would examine how the personalities of leaders like John F. Kennedy or Nikita Khrushchev, their ideological convictions, and the historical context of their times shaped their foreign policy decisions. This approach also recognizes the importance of soft power elements such as cultural influence and ideological appeal, evident in the United States' promotion of democracy and capitalism and the Soviet Union's spread of communist ideology.

The Cold War thus provides an illustrative backdrop to understand the differing emphases of Neorealism and Classical Realism. While Neorealism centers on the systemic distribution of power and its implications for state behavior, Classical Realism delves into the intricate interplay of power politics with human nature, ethical considerations, and historical contexts. These contrasting perspectives offer comprehensive insights into the complex dynamics of international relations, highlighting the multifaceted nature of state behavior during one of the most critical periods in modern history.

==== Neorealist Analysis of the Cold War ====
==== 新现实主义对冷战的分析 ====

The Neorealist analysis of the Cold War, heavily influenced by Kenneth Waltz's Structural Realism, presents a unique perspective that underscores systemic factors in shaping state behavior during this era. Neorealism contends that the bipolar structure of the international system, marked by the dominance of the United States and the Soviet Union, was a pivotal factor influencing the strategic actions and policies of these nations. According to Neorealism, the bipolar configuration of the Cold War inherently led to a security dilemma. In this dynamic, security measures taken by one superpower triggered countermeasures by the other, each driven by its own security imperatives. This phenomenon was vividly manifested in the nuclear arms race, a defining aspect of the Cold War. Both the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in relentless development and accumulation of nuclear weapons, a response viewed by Neorealists as rational given the international system's structure. Each superpower aimed to maintain a balance of power and deter potential aggression from the other. The security dilemma concept is crucial in Neorealism's explanation of the arms race, suggesting that efforts to enhance security can paradoxically increase tensions and insecurity, especially in the absence of an overarching international authority in a bipolar world.
新现实主义对冷战的分析深受肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)的结构现实主义(Structural Realism)的影响,它提出了一个独特的视角,强调了这一时期影响国家行为的系统性因素。新现实主义认为,以美国和苏联的主导地位为标志的国际体系两极结构是影响这些国家战略行动和政策的关键因素。新现实主义认为,冷战时期的两极格局必然导致安全困境。在这种动态中,一个超级大国采取的安全措施引发了另一个超级大国的反制措施,而每个超级大国都受到自身安全需要的驱动。这一现象在核军备竞赛中表现得淋漓尽致,这也是冷战的一个决定性方面。美国和苏联都在不遗余力地发展和积累核武器,新现实主义者认为,鉴于国际体系的结构,这种反应是合理的。每个超级大国的目标都是维持力量平衡,遏制对方的潜在侵略。安全困境的概念在新现实主义对军备竞赛的解释中至关重要,它表明,加强安全的努力可能会矛盾地加剧紧张局势和不安全,尤其是在两极世界中缺乏总体国际权威的情况下。

Neorealism also places significant emphasis on the formation of military alliances like NATO and the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War. From this viewpoint, these alliances were not merely ideological coalitions but strategic reactions to the bipolar international structure. They functioned as tools for power balancing, deterring aggression, and safeguarding member states' security. In Neorealism's framework, such alliances are natural outcomes in a self-help system, where they become a primary means for states to augment their security. Moreover, Neorealism provides insights into the prevalence of proxy wars during the Cold War. These conflicts, spread across various global regions, are seen as indirect confrontations between the United States and the Soviet Union. Given the mutual nuclear destruction threat, proxy wars emerged as a means to contest power and influence in strategically vital areas. Neorealism perceives these conflicts as integral to the superpowers' efforts to maintain and expand their influence spheres within the bipolar structure.

Neorealism's analysis of the Cold War emphasizes the significant role of the bipolar international system's structure in shaping state behaviors, especially those of the superpowers. It highlights how systemic factors like the security dilemma, power balancing through alliances, and the strategic deployment of proxy wars were central to understanding the policies and actions of the United States and the Soviet Union. This perspective offers a macro-level explanation for the Cold War, concentrating on the structural imperatives that drove state behavior in a competitive and divided international environment.

==== Classical Realist Interpretation of the Cold War ====
==== 冷战的古典现实主义解释 ====

The Classical Realist interpretation of the Cold War, championed by thinkers like Hans Morgenthau, offers a comprehensive analysis that goes beyond structural explanations to explore the human, ideological, and historical dimensions influencing state behavior. This school of thought argues that international politics is deeply ingrained in human nature and the actions of national leaders, influenced by a complex mix of moral and ethical considerations, historical contexts, and ideological motivations. From a Classical Realist perspective, the Cold War was not only a power struggle but also a profound ideological conflict between two competing systems: capitalism, as championed by the United States, and communism, as represented by the Soviet Union. This ideological battle was central to understanding the policies and actions of both superpowers. For example, the Truman Doctrine and the policy of containment, which were cornerstones of U.S. foreign policy during this period, were propelled by more than strategic interests. They were deeply rooted in the United States' commitment to curtail the spread of communism and to promote democratic values globally. This ideological drive, based on the belief in the superiority of the capitalist-democratic model, significantly influenced American foreign policy.
由汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家倡导的冷战经典现实主义解释提供了全面的分析,超越了结构性解释,探讨了影响国家行为的人文、意识形态和历史维度。这一学派认为,国际政治深深植根于人性和国家领导人的行为之中,受到道德伦理、历史背景和意识形态动机等复杂因素的影响。从古典现实主义的角度来看,冷战不仅是一场权力斗争,也是两种相互竞争的制度之间深刻的意识形态冲突:以美国为代表的资本主义和以苏联为代表的共产主义。这场意识形态之争对于理解两个超级大国的政策和行动至关重要。例如,杜鲁门主义和遏制政策是这一时期美国外交政策的基石,其推动力不仅仅是战略利益。它们深深植根于美国遏制共产主义蔓延和在全球推广民主价值观的承诺。这种意识形态驱动力基于对资本主义民主模式优越性的信念,极大地影响了美国的外交政策。

Classical Realism also highlights the critical role of individual leaders and their decision-making processes. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 exemplifies this focus, where the personal diplomacy and decision-making of President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev were crucial in resolving the crisis. Classical Realists examine how their perceptions, judgments, and interactions steered the unfolding events. In this view, the crisis resulted not only from the bipolar power structure but also reflected the personal attributes, apprehensions, and ethical considerations of the leaders involved. Furthermore, Classical Realism delves into the historical circumstances that laid the groundwork for the Cold War. The post-World War II era, the rise of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers, and the process of decolonization are seen as vital elements in shaping the dynamics of the Cold War. Additionally, this perspective acknowledges the role of human nature, with its inclinations toward ambition, fear, and the pursuit of security, in influencing the actions of states during this period.
古典现实主义还强调领导人个人及其决策过程的关键作用。1962 年的古巴导弹危机就体现了这一重点,约翰-肯尼迪总统和尼基塔-赫鲁晓夫总理的个人外交和决策对解决危机至关重要。古典现实主义者研究了他们的认知、判断和互动是如何引导事件发展的。这种观点认为,危机不仅是两极权力结构的结果,也反映了相关领导人的个人特质、忧虑和道德考虑。此外,古典现实主义还深入研究了为冷战奠定基础的历史环境。二战后时代、美国和苏联作为超级大国的崛起以及非殖民化进程被视为塑造冷战动态的重要因素。此外,这一观点还承认人性在这一时期对国家行动的影响,包括野心、恐惧和对安全的追求。

The Classical Realist approach to the Cold War offers an intricate analysis that weaves together ideological motivations, the significance of individual leadership, moral and ethical considerations, and historical context. This framework provides a more detailed, human-centric understanding of the Cold War, underscoring the multifaceted factors that influenced the behaviors of the United States and the Soviet Union beyond the structural constraints of the international system.

==== Classical Realism and the Cold War: Human Nature and Power Politics ====
==== 经典现实主义与冷战:人性与强权政治 ====

The Cold War, a pivotal period in 20th-century global history, presents a vivid context for contrasting the approaches of Neorealism and Classical Realism in international relations theory. Analyzing this era through these theoretical lenses unveils distinct emphases and interpretative frameworks each school of thought applies to the study of international politics.
冷战是 20 世纪全球历史的关键时期,它为对比新现实主义和古典现实主义在国际关系理论中的方法提供了生动的背景。通过这两个理论视角对这一时代进行分析,可以揭示每个学派在研究国际政治时所采用的不同侧重点和解释框架。

Neorealism, closely associated with Kenneth Waltz, interprets the Cold War primarily through systemic and structural factors. This perspective highlights the bipolar configuration of the international system, marked by the dominance of the United States and the Soviet Union. Neorealism contends that the behaviors and strategies of these superpowers were principally shaped by the need to survive and maintain power within a bipolar context. Key phenomena like the arms race, the formation of military alliances, and engagement in proxy wars are viewed as rational responses to the structural constraints and imperatives of the international system. This approach places less emphasis on the individual attributes or ideologies of the states involved. In contrast, Classical Realism, drawing from the ideas of historical thinkers like Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hans Morgenthau, emphasizes human nature, ideological motivations, and historical context as central to state behavior. This school interprets the Cold War not merely as a power struggle but also as an ideological confrontation between capitalism and communism. It highlights the importance of individual leaders' decisions, influenced by their perceptions and moral judgments. Events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis are analyzed not only in terms of power dynamics but also through the decisions of leaders, shaped by personal and ideological factors.
与肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)密切相关的新现实主义主要通过系统性和结构性因素来解释冷战。这种观点强调国际体系的两极格局,其标志是美国和苏联的主导地位。新现实主义认为,这些超级大国的行为和战略主要是由在两极背景下生存和维持权力的需要所决定的。军备竞赛、结成军事同盟和参与代理人战争等关键现象被视为对国际体系的结构性限制和必要性的合理回应。这种方法较少强调相关国家的个人属性或意识形态。与此相反,古典现实主义借鉴了修昔底德、马基雅维利和汉斯-摩根索等历史思想家的观点,强调人性、意识形态动机和历史背景是国家行为的核心。这一学派不仅将冷战解释为权力斗争,还将其解释为资本主义与共产主义之间的意识形态对抗。该学派强调领导人个人决策的重要性,这些决策受其观念和道德判断的影响。对古巴导弹危机等事件的分析,不仅从权力动态的角度,而且从领导人受个人和意识形态因素影响而做出的决定的角度进行。

Synthesizing these perspectives reveals that both Neorealism and Classical Realism offer valuable insights into understanding the Cold War, though in different ways. Neorealism’s focus on systemic and structural factors provides a macroscopic view of the strategic behaviors of the United States and the Soviet Union, elucidating patterns like the arms race and alliance formations. Conversely, Classical Realism delves into the deeper, underlying human, ideological, and historical elements that influenced the actions of these superpowers. The divergent analyses of the Cold War by Neorealists and Classical Realists underscore the theoretical depth and complexity in the study of international relations. While Neorealism clarifies the influence of systemic structures on state behavior, Classical Realism offers a more intricate understanding of the roles of human nature, ideology, and historical context. Collectively, these theories provide a comprehensive framework for examining the actions of states, particularly superpowers like the United States and the Soviet Union, during this critical juncture in global history. For scholars and practitioners in international relations, understanding these diverse perspectives is essential to grasp the multifaceted nature of global political dynamics.

=== Factors Leading to the Decline of Neorealism ===
=== 导致新现实主义衰落的因素 ===

The conclusion of the Cold War marked a turning point in the field of international relations, heralding significant shifts in theoretical perspectives. This transitional period saw a decline in the prominence of Neorealism and a revived interest in Classical Realism, reflecting the evolving dynamics of global politics and the necessity for adaptable theoretical frameworks. During the Cold War, Neorealism, with Kenneth Waltz's seminal work "Theory of International Politics," became a predominant lens for interpreting international relations. Neorealism underscored the bipolar power structure of the era, suggesting that state behaviors were primarily shaped by their positions within an international system dominated by the United States and the Soviet Union rivalry. The stability of bipolar systems, balance of power strategies, and deterrence tactics adopted by these superpowers resonated with Neorealist predictions. However, the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the rise of the United States as the unchallenged superpower posed challenges to Neorealism's foundational assumptions. The post-Cold War world, characterized by a unipolar power structure, presented new conflicts and issues, such as ethnic conflicts, transnational terrorism, and humanitarian crises, that extended beyond Neorealism’s state-centric focus and its bipolar model.

In the face of these changes, Classical Realism experienced a resurgence. This school of thought, deeply rooted in the philosophies of historical figures like Thucydides, Machiavelli, and extensively developed by Hans Morgenthau in the 20th century, provides a more versatile approach. Morgenthau’s "Politics Among Nations" highlights the significance of human nature, historical context, and moral considerations in shaping state actions, offering a comprehensive framework for understanding post-Cold War international relations. Classical Realism's broader approach, acknowledging moral and ethical dimensions, as well as the intricacies of human nature and historical influences, seemed better suited to analyze the diverse and complex nature of the post-Cold War global landscape. This perspective accommodates a more detailed understanding of state behaviors, factoring in cultural impacts, ideological changes, and the influence of individual leaders, which became increasingly salient in the new global context. The transition from the Cold War to the post-Cold War era exemplifies the dynamic nature of international relations and underscores the necessity for theoretical frameworks that can adapt to changing global realities. The shift in focus from Neorealism to a renewed interest in Classical Realism highlights the ongoing efforts within the field of international relations to develop and refine theories capable of explaining and interpreting the multifaceted nature of state behavior in a constantly evolving world. This progression in theoretical perspectives emphasizes the importance of continuously adapting and broadening our understanding of international relations to include a wide array of factors that influence global politics.
面对这些变化,古典现实主义再度兴起。这一思想流派深深植根于修昔底德、马基雅维利等历史人物的哲学思想,并由汉斯-摩根索在 20 世纪广泛发展,提供了一种更为全面的方法。摩根索的《国家间政治》强调了人性、历史背景和道德因素对国家行为的重要影响,为理解冷战后的国际关系提供了一个全面的框架。古典现实主义的方法更为宽泛,承认道德和伦理层面以及错综复杂的人性和历史影响,似乎更适合分析冷战后全球格局的多样性和复杂性。这种视角可以更详细地了解国家行为,将文化影响、意识形态变化和领导人个人的影响考虑在内,这些因素在新的全球背景下变得日益突出。从冷战到后冷战时代的过渡体现了国际关系的动态性质,并强调了理论框架适应不断变化的全球现实的必要性。从新现实主义到对古典现实主义的重新关注,凸显了国际关系领域为发展和完善能够解释和诠释不断演变的世界中国家行为的多面性的理论所做的不懈努力。这种理论视角的进步强调了不断调整和拓宽我们对国际关系的理解,将影响全球政治的各种因素纳入其中的重要性。

The post-Cold War era, marked by significant changes in the global political landscape, sparked a resurgence in interest in Classical Realism. This school of thought, known for its focus on human nature, power politics, and the role of national interests and leadership, provides essential insights into the complexities of the new international environment. The adaptability of Classical Realism to the realities of modern global politics is one of the key reasons for its renewed relevance. In the post-Cold War world, the rise of non-state actors such as terrorist organizations and multinational corporations has become increasingly influential in international relations, yet these entities are not sufficiently addressed within the predominantly state-centric Neorealist framework. Moreover, the era of heightened globalization has introduced complex economic interdependencies and a range of transnational issues, complicating the international political landscape further. Classical Realism, with its broader analytical scope, is more attuned to these changes. It recognizes the importance of economic and soft power alongside traditional military capabilities, understanding the multifaceted nature of power in the contemporary world. This approach enables a more comprehensive understanding of how both states and non-state actors engage in the intricate web of global politics.

The ascension of China as a global power and Russia's resurgence under Vladimir Putin's leadership exemplify the continued relevance of Classical Realist thought. The assertive foreign policies of these nations, influenced by a mix of national interests, power politics, and leadership ambitions, align well with the Classical Realist analysis. For instance, China's strategies, including the Belt and Road Initiative and its actions in the South China Sea, reflect an amalgamation of economic strategy, power projection, and national interest pursuit. Similarly, Russia's maneuvers in Eastern Europe and Syria demonstrate a strategic pursuit of power and influence, informed by historical perspectives and Putin's leadership style. The United States' response to these challenges, often a combination of military, economic, and diplomatic efforts, further underscores the significance of power politics and national leadership in shaping foreign policy. The reinvigoration of interest in Classical Realism in the post-Cold War era can be attributed to its capacity to offer a nuanced and comprehensive framework for understanding modern international relations. By incorporating elements such as economic and soft power, the influence of non-state actors, and the role of individual leadership, Classical Realism provides valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of global politics. This perspective highlights the enduring relevance of Classical Realist thought in analyzing and interpreting the dynamic and complex landscape of contemporary international relations.
中国作为全球大国的崛起以及俄罗斯在弗拉基米尔-普京(Vladimir Putin)领导下的重新崛起证明了古典现实主义思想的持续相关性。受国家利益、强权政治和领导野心的综合影响,这些国家自信的外交政策与古典现实主义的分析不谋而合。例如,中国的战略,包括 "一带一路 "倡议及其在南海的行动,反映了经济战略、权力投射和国家利益追求的综合体。同样,俄罗斯在东欧和叙利亚的行动也显示出其对权力和影响力的战略追求,这种追求是以历史观和普京的领导风格为基础的。美国对这些挑战的回应往往是军事、经济和外交努力的结合,这进一步强调了强权政治和国家领导力在塑造外交政策方面的重要性。后冷战时代,人们对古典现实主义的兴趣重新燃起,这是因为古典现实主义能够为理解现代国际关系提供一个细致入微的综合框架。古典现实主义纳入了经济和软实力、非国家行为者的影响以及个人领导力的作用等要素,为全球政治不断演变的动态提供了宝贵的见解。这一观点强调了古典现实主义思想在分析和解释当代国际关系的动态和复杂格局方面的持久相关性。

The post-Cold War era, characterized by significant shifts in the global political landscape, has necessitated a reevaluation of theoretical approaches in international relations. This period marks a pivotal transformation from the bipolar structure emphasized by Neorealism to a more intricate and multipolar world order. This new world order, with its diverse range of actors and complex power dynamics, challenges established theories, propelling the academic community to refine and develop frameworks capable of deciphering international relations' complexities in varying historical contexts. Classical Realism has experienced a resurgence as a valuable framework in understanding the post-Cold War international landscape. This approach extends beyond the confines of power politics, integrating aspects of human nature, moral and ethical considerations, historical context, and the impact of individual leadership. The applicability of Classical Realism to contemporary global issues and events is evident. The ascent of China as a significant global player, Russia's assertive foreign policy under Vladimir Putin, and the changing role of the United States in international affairs are aptly analyzed through the Classical Realist lens. This lens accounts for the interplay of power, national interests, and the influence of leadership, offering a comprehensive understanding of these dynamics. Moreover, Classical Realism's emphasis on moral and ethical dimensions offers profound insights into current international challenges. Issues like humanitarian interventions, responses to climate change, and the intricacies of international trade and economic diplomacy are better understood through a Classical Realist perspective, which appreciates the broader spectrum of factors influencing state behavior.

The evolution of the international landscape in the post-Cold War era underscores the dynamic nature of international relations and the necessity for adaptable theoretical perspectives. The shift from Neorealism to a renewed focus on Classical Realism reflects the continuous quest for theories that are not only comprehensive but also flexible enough to interpret the multifaceted nature of contemporary global politics. Classical Realism, with its expanded analytical scope, successfully addresses the complexities of the modern world, demonstrating the sustained relevance and versatility of traditional theoretical frameworks in understanding the ever-changing dynamics of international relations.
后冷战时代国际格局的演变凸显了国际关系的动态性质以及适应性理论视角的必要性。从 "新现实主义 "到重新关注 "古典现实主义 "的转变,反映了人们对理论的不断追求,这些理论不仅要全面,而且要足够灵活,以解释当代全球政治的多面性。古典现实主义扩大了分析范围,成功地应对了现代世界的复杂性,证明了传统理论框架在理解不断变化的国际关系动态方面的持续相关性和多功能性。

== Influential Thinkers in Classical Realism ==
== 古典现实主义的重要思想家 ==

=== Overview of Key Classical Realists ===
=== 主要古典现实主义思想家概述 ===

Thucydides, Machiavelli, Von Clausewitz, and Morgenthau stand as towering figures in the development of Classical Realist thought, each contributing significantly to the field of international relations. Their collective insights have fundamentally shaped our understanding of power, war, and statecraft, laying the groundwork for the Classical Realist tradition. Together, these thinkers have profoundly influenced the Classical Realist tradition. Their works provide a foundational understanding of the driving forces behind state behavior, the nature of power and conflict, and the moral complexities inherent in international politics. Their enduring legacy underscores the continued relevance of Classical Realism as a framework for analyzing the intricacies and nuances of global affairs, offering timeless insights into the perpetual challenges of power, conflict, and statecraft in the international arena.

==== Thucydides (460–395 BC): The Foundation of Realism ====
==== 修昔底德(公元前 460-395 年):现实主义的基础 ====

Thucydides, living in ancient Greece from 460 to 395 BC, is recognized as a seminal figure in the development of realist thought in international relations. His most notable work, "The History of the Peloponnesian War," provides a meticulous historical account of the 27-year conflict between Athens and Sparta, two of the most powerful city-states in ancient Greece. Thucydides' analysis goes beyond mere historical narration; it delves into the motivations, strategies, and decisions of the states involved, making it a foundational text in the study of international relations and political power.
修昔底德于公元前 460 年至公元前 395 年生活在古希腊,被公认为国际关系中现实主义思想发展的开创性人物。他最著名的作品《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》对雅典和斯巴达这两个古希腊最强大的城邦之间长达 27 年的冲突进行了细致的历史描述。修昔底德的分析超越了单纯的历史叙述,深入探讨了相关国家的动机、战略和决策,使其成为研究国际关系和政治权力的基础性文献。

===== Insights into Power and Fear Dynamics in International Relations =====
===== 对国际关系中权力与恐惧动态的洞察 =====

Thucydides, through his seminal work "The History of the Peloponnesian War," particularly in the Melian Dialogue, provides a critical exploration of power dynamics and fear in international relations. His depiction of the interaction between the Athenians and the people of Melos stands as a cornerstone of realist thought, highlighting how power relations often determine the course of state actions and diplomatic negotiations. Thucydides’ narrative consistently emphasizes that the quest for power and the inherent fear of its loss are fundamental drivers in the behavior of states. He portrays state interactions as being predominantly influenced by power considerations, with states using power as the primary lens to evaluate their relationships and make strategic decisions. This viewpoint encapsulates the realist belief that in an anarchic international system, lacking a supreme authority, states prioritize maintaining and enhancing their power to secure their survival.

The Melian Dialogue is a defining example of Thucydides' realist perspective. In this dialogue, Athens and Melos engage in negotiations regarding Melos's surrender as Athens aims to extend its empire. The Athenians, representing the stronger power, assert that justice is a concept applicable only among equals in power. According to them, the strong do what they can, and the weak must endure what they must. This blunt expression of power politics underlines the realist view that moral and ethical considerations are often secondary to power dynamics in international relations. The dialogue vividly illustrates the harsh reality that, in the presence of overwhelming power, notions of justice and morality can become secondary. Thucydides' focus on power and fear, as exemplified by the Melian Dialogue, has left an enduring impact on the study of international relations. It challenges the idea that international politics are governed by moral principles, suggesting instead a world where power relations and self-interest are the dominant forces. This realist perspective has been influential in shaping subsequent international relations theories, particularly highlighting the significance of power, strategic interests, and pragmatic considerations in the conduct of statecraft.

===== Methodological Rigor: Objectivity and Empirical Evidence in Historical Analysis =====
===== 方法论的严谨性:历史分析中的客观性和经验证据 =====

Thucydides’ approach to historical writing, especially as demonstrated in "The History of the Peloponnesian War," distinguishes him as a pioneering figure in the field of history. His commitment to methodological rigor, objectivity, and reliance on empirical evidence marked a significant departure from the practices of many contemporaries and predecessors. Thucydides' work stood out for its objective and fact-based recounting of the Peloponnesian War, diverging from the mythological embellishments and divine interpretations common in historical narratives of that era. His dedication to presenting a detailed, empirical account of events was grounded in direct observation and the use of reliable sources, setting a new standard for historical accuracy and truth-seeking. Unlike many historians of his time, who often sought to impart moral lessons or glorify specific figures, Thucydides focused on delivering a factual representation of events.

Additionally, Thucydides’ methodology is noted for its emphasis on rational analysis. He aimed to comprehend the causes and consequences of events through a rational framework, scrutinizing the motivations and decisions of states and their leaders. This analytical perspective allowed him to delve deeply into the complexities of political and military strategy, providing nuanced insights into power dynamics, alliances, and diplomatic relations. His work transcended mere event recording, offering an examination of the underlying forces shaping the actions of states and individuals.

Thucydides' focus on factual accuracy, empirical evidence, and rational analysis has had a profound impact on the development of historical methodology. Often regarded as one of the first true historians, his approach laid the foundation for modern historical writing and research. The critical and analytical methods he utilized in studying the Peloponnesian War have set enduring standards for historical inquiry. His work emphasizes the importance of objectivity, evidence-based analysis, and the avoidance of bias, principles that continue to underpin historical research and writing today. Thucydides' legacy in historical methodology remains a benchmark for scholars, reflecting his substantial contribution to the evolution of how history is studied and understood.

===== Thucydides' Enduring Impact on the Field of International Relations =====
===== 修昔底德对国际关系领域的持久影响 =====

Thucydides’ profound insights into power and conflict have significantly influenced the field of international relations, particularly in shaping the tenets of realist thought. His seminal work, "The History of the Peloponnesian War," transcends simple event narration to offer in-depth reflections on power politics' fundamental aspects, resonating with modern geopolitical dynamics. A crucial concept attributed to Thucydides, often discussed in contemporary discourse as the "Thucydides Trap," derives from his analysis of the Peloponnesian War. He suggested that the conflict was inevitable due to Athens' rise and the fear this generated in Sparta. This concept has become a framework for analyzing the potential for conflict between ascending powers like China and established powers such as the United States, reflecting a pattern in history where a burgeoning power challenges the existing order, leading to tensions or conflict.
修昔底德对权力和冲突的深刻见解极大地影响了国际关系领域,尤其是在形成现实主义思想的信条方面。他的开创性著作《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》超越了简单的事件叙述,对权力政治的基本方面进行了深入思考,与现代地缘政治动态产生了共鸣。修昔底德的一个重要概念,即当代讨论中经常提到的 "修昔底德陷阱",源自他对伯罗奔尼撒战争的分析。他认为,由于雅典的崛起和斯巴达由此产生的恐惧,冲突不可避免。这一概念已成为分析中国等崛起大国与美国等老牌强国之间潜在冲突的框架,反映了新兴大国挑战现有秩序、导致紧张局势或冲突的历史模式。

Regarded as a foundational figure in the realist tradition of international relations, Thucydides’ emphasis on the anarchic nature of international relations, the pursuit of power, and the inevitability of conflict have profoundly influenced subsequent realist thinkers, including Hans Morgenthau. Realism, as elaborated by theorists like Morgenthau, echoes Thucydides' view that states act predominantly in pursuit of their interests, defined in terms of power, and that moral considerations often recede in foreign policy conduct. Thucydides’ work is also recognized for its candid depiction of the brutal realities of power politics, unflinchingly discussing the harsh and morally ambiguous decisions states must make to protect their interests. This realistic portrayal of international relations' complexities has provided a pragmatic counterbalance to more idealistic theories, fostering a more pragmatic understanding of global politics.

The enduring impact of Thucydides lies in his timeless insights into power and conflict. His work remains relevant in contemporary international relations analysis, offering valuable perspectives on power dynamics, the causes of war, and state behavior in an anarchic international system. His commitment to empirical observation and rational analysis renders his work crucial for comprehending not only international relations history but also contemporary global political developments. Thucydides' analysis of the Peloponnesian War has laid a foundational framework for realist thought in international relations, with his observations on power dynamics, conflict inevitability, and the nature of power politics continuing to inform and shape the study and practice of international relations. His contributions underscore the lasting importance of historical analysis in deepening our understanding of global politics.

==== Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527): The Art of Power and Leadership ====
==== Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527):权力与领导的艺术 ====

Niccolò Machiavelli, a central figure of the Renaissance, made significant contributions to political theory and the realist tradition with his influential work, "The Prince." Born in Florence, Italy, in 1469, Machiavelli witnessed and engaged in the intense political turmoil of his time, experiences that deeply informed his theories. As a diplomat and political thinker, he navigated the intricate and often merciless realm of politics, experiences that he meticulously captured in his writings. "The Prince," written by Machiavelli in 1513, has had a lasting impact on political science and realist theory, distinguished by its innovative approach to political power and governance. Machiavelli's treatise diverged markedly from the dominant political idealism and moralistic views of governance prevalent during his time. In an era where political thought was heavily interwoven with religious and ethical considerations, Machiavelli’s work stood out for its pragmatic realism and departure from traditional moral doctrines.
尼科洛-马基雅维利是文艺复兴时期的核心人物,他的影响深远的作品《王子》为政治理论和现实主义传统做出了重大贡献。马基雅维利 1469 年出生于意大利佛罗伦萨,目睹并参与了当时激烈的政治动荡,这些经历为他的理论提供了深刻的启迪。作为一名外交官和政治思想家,他在错综复杂且往往无情的政治领域中游刃有余,他在自己的著作中细致地记录了这些经历。"马基雅维利于 1513 年写成的《王子》对政治学和现实主义理论产生了持久的影响,以其对政治权力和治理的创新方法而著称。马基雅维利的这部论著与他所处时代盛行的政治理想主义和道德主义治理观明显不同。在一个政治思想与宗教和伦理因素紧密交织的时代,马基雅维利的著作以其务实的现实主义和对传统道德学说的背离而脱颖而出。

In "The Prince," Machiavelli's primary focus is on the practicalities of gaining and maintaining political power, eschewing what he deemed idealistic views of good and evil or the most virtuous forms of governance. His analysis, anchored in a keen understanding of human nature and power dynamics, draws from historical examples and personal diplomatic experiences. One of his most notable assertions is the argument that it is better for a ruler to be feared than loved if he cannot be both. This statement encapsulates his belief in fear as a potent tool for political control, arguing that while being loved is beneficial, love is unreliable and transient, whereas fear, particularly that anchored in the threat of punishment, is a more consistent means of maintaining authority and compliance. This perspective highlights Machiavelli's emphasis on power and control over ethical or moral considerations in governance. "The Prince" profoundly influenced the development of realist theory in international relations. Machiavelli's pragmatic and sometimes cynical view of power relations set the stage for future realist thinkers, who applied these principles to state behavior and international politics. His focus on power, strategy, and the often amoral nature of political decision-making has established "The Prince" as a seminal text in the realist tradition. Machiavelli's work, with its pragmatic, power-centric view of governance, marked a departure from political idealism, centering on the effective acquisition and maintenance of power and the candid discussion of fear and control as ruling mechanisms. Today, "The Prince" remains a vital text, offering insights into the enduring nature of power and politics, serving not just as a historical document but as a continuing source of understanding in political science and international relations.

===== Machiavelli's Concept of "Virtù": Strength and Adaptability =====
===== 马基雅维利的 "Virtù "概念:力量与适应性 =====

Machiavelli’s notion of “virtù” in "The Prince" is a critical element of his political philosophy, representing a collection of attributes vital for effective leadership, particularly in the challenging and often ruthless world of political power. Differing from the traditional notion of virtue tied to moral righteousness, Machiavelli's “virtù” embodies qualities such as agility, strength, cunning, and wisdom. These characteristics enable a ruler to adeptly handle the complex and unpredictable nature of politics. Central to Machiavelli’s interpretation of “virtù” is practical wisdom, the capacity to accurately assess situations, and the ability to act decisively and aptly.
马基雅维利在《王子》中提出的 "virtù "概念是其政治哲学的关键要素,代表了一系列对有效领导至关重要的特质,尤其是在充满挑战且往往残酷无情的政治权力世界中。马基雅维利的 "virtù "有别于传统的与道德正义相联系的美德概念,它体现了敏捷、力量、狡猾和智慧等品质。这些特质使统治者能够巧妙地处理复杂多变的政治。马基雅维利对 "virtù "的核心诠释是实践智慧、准确评估形势的能力以及果断而恰当地采取行动的能力。

A fundamental aspect of “virtù,” as highlighted by Machiavelli, is adaptability – the leader's ability to adjust to changing circumstances and turn even seemingly disadvantageous situations to their benefit. This adaptability is especially critical in the volatile arena of politics, where fortunes can swiftly shift and unforeseen challenges arise. Machiavelli places considerable emphasis on a leader's need for flexibility in strategy and tactics, continually adapting their approach as situations evolve.
马基雅维利强调的 "virtù "的一个基本方面是适应性--领导者能够根据不断变化的环境进行调整,即使看似不利的情况也能转危为安。在动荡的政治舞台上,这种适应能力尤为重要,因为在这个舞台上,命运可能会瞬息万变,也会出现不可预见的挑战。马基雅维利十分强调领导者需要灵活运用战略和战术,随着形势的发展不断调整自己的方法。

Machiavelli's concept of “virtù” is also intertwined with the idea that the ends can justify the means. He contends that leaders may need to resort to deceit, manipulation, and ruthless tactics to preserve power and achieve state goals. This facet of “virtù” involves a pragmatic, sometimes cynical, approach to power, where moral considerations are subordinate to political survival and success. In Machiavelli’s view, the exercise of “virtù” is not solely about personal ambition but also about the effectiveness and stability of the state. A leader with “virtù” is one who can safeguard their state, protect it from threats, and ensure its prosperity, even if it requires making tough, morally ambiguous decisions for the state's greater good.
马基雅维利的 "virtù "概念还与 "目的可以证明手段的正当性 "的观点交织在一起。他认为,领导人可能需要采取欺骗、操纵和无情的策略来维护权力和实现国家目标。这种 "美德 "涉及一种实用主义,有时甚至是玩世不恭的掌权方式,在这种方式下,道德考虑服从于政治生存和成功。在马基雅维利看来,"virtù "的行使不仅关乎个人野心,也关乎国家的有效性和稳定性。一个拥有 "美德 "的领导者能够捍卫自己的国家,保护国家免受威胁,确保国家繁荣昌盛,即使这需要为了国家的更大利益做出艰难的、道德上模棱两可的决定。

Machiavelli’s concept of “virtù” represents a comprehensive framework of qualities necessary for effective political leadership. It underscores the significance of agility, wisdom, adaptability, and, when necessary, the pragmatic use of deceit and manipulation. This concept has profoundly influenced the understanding of political leadership and continues to be a critical reference in discussions on political strategy and statecraft, shaping the discourse on the complexities and moral dilemmas inherent in political leadership.
马基雅维利的 "virtù "概念代表了有效政治领导所需的综合素质框架。它强调了敏捷、智慧、适应性的重要性,以及在必要时务实地使用欺骗和操纵的重要性。这一概念深刻地影响了人们对政治领导力的理解,并将继续成为政治战略和治国之道讨论中的重要参考,影响着关于政治领导力内在的复杂性和道德困境的讨论。

===== The Role of "Fortuna" in Political Success =====
===== "福星 "在政治成功中的作用 =====

Machiavelli's concept of "fortuna," or fortune, plays a pivotal role in his political philosophy, particularly as a counterpoint to "virtù." In his seminal work, "The Prince," Machiavelli delves into the complex relationship between virtù (the qualities and skills of a leader) and fortuna (luck or chance), and how they influence the fate of states and their rulers. Fortuna in Machiavellian thought symbolizes the unpredictable and changeable elements in human affairs, acknowledging the role of external, often uncontrollable factors that can dramatically alter the trajectory of events. This includes everything from natural disasters and unexpected socio-political changes to sudden shifts in alliances and power dynamics. For Machiavelli, fortuna represents the inherent unpredictability of life and the constraints it places on human decision-making and action.
马基雅维利的 "fortuna"(幸运)概念在他的政治哲学中起着举足轻重的作用,尤其是作为 "virtù "的对立面。在其开创性著作《王子》中,马基雅维利深入探讨了virtù(领导者的素质和技能)与fortuna(运气或机遇)之间的复杂关系,以及它们如何影响国家及其统治者的命运。马基雅维里思想中的 ""(Fortuna)象征着人类事务中不可预测和易变的因素,承认外部因素的作用,这些因素往往是不可控制的,可以极大地改变事件的轨迹。这包括从自然灾害、意想不到的社会政治变化到联盟和权力动态的突变等一切因素。在马基雅维利看来,"不可预测性 "代表了生活中固有的不可预测性,以及它对人类决策和行动的限制。

However, Machiavelli does not imply that leaders are completely at the mercy of fortuna. He argues that the influence of fortuna can be moderated through virtù – the attributes of strength, wisdom, and adaptability in a leader. A prudent and resourceful ruler can, in Machiavelli’s view, maneuver through the uncertainties of fortuna, guiding their state adeptly amid the tumultuous currents of chance and change. Machiavelli often uses the metaphor of a river to describe fortuna: although it cannot be fully controlled, it can be foreseen and channeled. He likens a leader endowed with virtù to an engineer who prepares for floods by constructing dykes and canals to manage the water flow. In this analogy, the capability to anticipate and prepare for change, and to adjust strategies accordingly, is key to reducing the impact of unexpected events.

Machiavelli's exploration of the interplay between virtù and fortuna offers a nuanced understanding of statecraft and leadership. It highlights the importance of not only possessing the right qualities as a leader but also the ability to navigate the capricious nature of fortune. This balance between personal agency and the unpredictability of external circumstances remains a fundamental aspect of political strategy, illustrating Machiavelli's profound influence on political thought. His insights into how leaders can mitigate the impacts of fortuna through strategic foresight and adaptability continue to resonate in contemporary discussions about governance and political leadership.

===== Human Nature and Political Dynamics: Machiavelli's Insights =====
===== 人性与政治动力:马基雅维利的见解 =====

Machiavelli's perspective stresses the importance of prudent and adaptable leadership in uncertain circumstances. He argues that while leaders cannot control the unpredictable nature of fortuna, they can shape their responses through strategic planning, foresight, and tactical flexibility. This stance underscores Machiavelli’s belief in the significance of human agency, even amid unpredictable external forces. His concepts of virtù and fortuna present a nuanced view of the factors influencing political success and failure. Machiavelli acknowledges the substantial role of luck and chance in human affairs but argues that the judicious application of virtù enables leaders to manage and, to some extent, influence the caprices of fortuna. This perspective underlines a balance between human action and external forces in political life, a concept that remains pertinent in contemporary leadership and statecraft studies.
马基雅维利的观点强调,在不确定的情况下,审慎和适应性强的领导力非常重要。他认为,虽然领导者无法控制堡垒的不可预测性,但他们可以通过战略规划、前瞻性和战术灵活性来制定应对措施。这一立场强调了马基雅维利的信念:即使在不可预测的外部力量中,人的能动性也是非常重要的。他的 "virtù "和 "fortuna "概念对影响政治成败的因素提出了细致入微的看法。马基雅维利承认运气和机遇在人类事务中的重要作用,但认为明智地运用virtù能让领导者管理并在一定程度上影响fortuna的任性。这一观点强调了政治生活中人的行动与外部力量之间的平衡,这一概念在当代领导力和治国术研究中仍然具有现实意义。

Machiavelli's contributions, especially through "The Prince," have profoundly impacted political science. His insights into power dynamics, statecraft, and leadership remain relevant in understanding the complexities and practical aspects of political governance. Machiavelli represented a significant shift in political thought, moving away from the idealism and moralistic views prevalent in his time. He adopted a pragmatic approach, focusing on the effective acquisition and maintenance of power and offering a realistic depiction of the often harsh realities of politics.

"The Prince" has garnered both admiration and criticism over the centuries. Admirers praise Machiavelli for his candidness and acute insights into human nature and political dynamics. The book is commended for its unvarnished portrayal of the mechanisms of power and the practical challenges leaders face. However, Machiavelli's work has also attracted criticism for its perceived cynicism and the ruthlessness of some of its recommendations. His apparent endorsement of deceit, manipulation, and fear as tools for maintaining control has led to the term "Machiavellian" being synonymous with unscrupulous and manipulative tactics. Despite these critiques, "The Prince" remains a seminal text in political science and leadership studies. It offers invaluable perspectives on power, strategies for its acquisition and retention, and the intricacies of governance and statecraft. Machiavelli's work compels readers to face the often harsh truths about power, making it an essential resource for those seeking to understand the complexities of political leadership and decision-making.
"几个世纪以来,《王子》赢得了赞誉和批评。崇拜者称赞马基雅维利对人性和政治动态的坦率和敏锐洞察力。该书对权力机制和领导人面临的实际挑战进行了不加修饰的描写,因而受到称赞。然而,马基雅维利的著作也因其被认为是愤世嫉俗以及其中一些建议的无情而招致批评。他显然赞同将欺骗、操纵和恐惧作为维持控制的工具,这导致 "马基雅维利 "一词成为不择手段和操纵策略的代名词。尽管有这些批评,《王子》仍然是政治学和领导力研究的开创性著作。它对权力、获取和保持权力的策略以及治理和国家的复杂性提供了宝贵的视角。马基雅维利的作品迫使读者面对往往是残酷的权力真相,使其成为那些寻求了解政治领导和决策复杂性的人的重要资源。

===== Machiavelli's Enduring Influence on Political Strategy =====
===== 马基雅维利对政治战略的持久影响 =====

Machiavelli's impact goes beyond political theory, significantly influencing the realm of realist thought in international relations. His pragmatic approach to power and leadership, which emphasizes practicality over ideological or moral imperatives, aligns well with the fundamental principles of realism in international relations. This connection highlights the ongoing relevance of Machiavelli's insights for understanding global political dynamics. In international relations, realism is a theoretical framework that emphasizes state interests, power, and survival within an anarchic international system. Realists consider states as rational actors striving to navigate a world lacking a central authority to guarantee their security. Machiavelli's focus on pragmatism, power dynamics, and the often morally neutral nature of political decision-making resonates deeply with these realist perspectives. His analyses of the acquisition, maintenance, and exercise of power correspond with the realist focus on power's pivotal role in international relations.

Machiavelli’s observations on the fluidity of power and the significance of adaptability and strategic foresight are especially relevant in international relations. He acknowledges the unpredictable character of politics and the necessity of preparedness for change, mirroring the constant variability and uncertainty in the international system. His view that effective leadership may require difficult, pragmatic decisions, sometimes at the expense of moral principles, reflects the realist understanding of state behavior on the global stage. Additionally, Machiavelli’s perspectives on the importance of practicality in governance have profound implications for international relations. His argument that leaders must often prioritize pragmatic statecraft aspects over ideological or moral considerations echoes the realist stance that states should primarily focus on their interests and security, even if it involves compromising ethical norms or international values.

Machiavelli’s influence on realist thought in international relations is significant. His notions about power, strategy, and the nature of political leadership provide critical insights into state conduct in the complex and unpredictable world of global politics. Machiavelli offers a framework for comprehending the pragmatic considerations often underpinning state behavior, underscoring the importance of strategic thinking and adaptability in international affairs. His enduring legacy continues to shape and inform discussions in the field of international relations, bolstering the importance of realist perspectives in understanding the intricacies of world politics.

==== Carl Von Clausewitz (1780–1831): The Nexus of War and Strategy ====
==== 卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨(1780-1831 年):战争与战略的联系 ====

Carl Von Clausewitz, a Prussian general and military theorist, made enduring contributions to the understanding of war and its role in international relations. Born in 1780, Clausewitz's experiences in the Napoleonic Wars profoundly influenced his perspectives on military conflict and strategy. His magnum opus, "On War," written in the early 19th century but published posthumously in 1832, remains a foundational text in military theory and has significantly impacted the field of international relations, especially realist thought.
卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨是普鲁士将军和军事理论家,他对战争及其在国际关系中的作用的理解做出了持久的贡献。克劳塞维茨生于 1780 年,拿破仑战争的经历深刻影响了他对军事冲突和战略的看法。他的巨著《战争论》写于 19 世纪初,1832 年在死后出版,至今仍是军事理论的奠基之作,并对国际关系领域,尤其是现实主义思想产生了重大影响。

===== War as Politics by Other Means: A Strategic Perspective =====
===== War as Politics by Other Means:战略视角 =====

Carl Von Clausewitz's seminal work, "On War," has significantly shaped the understanding of military conflict within the field of international relations. His famous dictum, "War is the continuation of politics by other means," revolutionized the perception of war and its role in statecraft. Clausewitz fundamentally views war not as an isolated event or an end in itself, but as an extension of political engagement through alternative means. This view situates war within a broader framework of political objectives and strategies, marking a departure from earlier conceptions that often treated war as a separate entity governed by its own rules and logic. According to Clausewitz, decisions to wage war and the conduct of war are intrinsically tied to political considerations, with wars being waged as tools to achieve specific political aims unattainable through diplomatic channels alone. His approach to integrating war within the realm of politics highlights its strategic role in realizing policy goals, transforming the understanding of war from merely an act of aggression or defense to a deliberate instrument of national policy used to further a state's interests.
卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨的开创性著作《战争论》极大地影响了国际关系领域对军事冲突的理解。他的名言 "战争是政治通过其他手段的延续 "彻底改变了人们对战争及其在治国中的作用的认识。克劳塞维茨从根本上认为,战争本身不是孤立的事件或目的,而是通过其他手段进行的政治参与的延伸。这种观点将战争置于更广泛的政治目标和战略框架中,这与早期的观念不同,早期的观念往往将战争视为一个独立的实体,受其自身规则和逻辑的支配。克劳塞维茨认为,发动战争的决定和战争的进行本质上与政治因素相关,战争是实现特定政治目标的工具,而这些目标仅通过外交渠道是无法实现的。克劳塞维茨将战争纳入政治范畴的做法,突出了战争在实现政策目标方面的战略作用,将对战争的理解从单纯的侵略或防御行为转变为国家政策的一种深思熟虑的工具,用于促进国家利益。

Clausewitz's thesis is in close alignment with the principles of realism in international relations, which maintains that states operate within an anarchic international system where security and power are paramount. In this framework, military force emerges as a vital tool for states to protect their interests, counter threats, and uphold their standing in the global order. Realism acknowledges that while diplomatic and peaceful engagements are preferable, states must be prepared to resort to military action when their core interests are jeopardized. Carl Von Clausewitz's "On War" provides essential insights into the nature of war as a tool of political strategy. His thesis that "War is the continuation of politics by other means" weaves the concept of war into the larger tapestry of state policy and strategy. This perspective has profoundly influenced both military strategy and the theory of international relations, especially within realist thought, which considers military power a crucial element of statecraft in the anarchic international environment. Clausewitz's work remains a cornerstone in understanding the intricate relationship between warfare, political objectives, and state interests, continuing to inform contemporary discussions on military strategy and international relations.
克劳塞维茨的论点与国际关系中的现实主义原则密切吻合,后者认为国家在一个无政府的国际体系中运作,安全和权力至高无上。在这一框架下,军事力量成为国家保护自身利益、应对威胁和维护自身在全球秩序中地位的重要工具。现实主义承认,虽然外交与和平接触更可取,但当国家的核心利益受到威胁时,国家必须做好诉诸军事行动的准备。卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨(Carl Von Clausewitz)的《战争论》对战争作为政治战略工具的本质提出了重要见解。他提出的 "战争是以其他手段延续政治 "的论点,将战争的概念融入了国家政策和战略的大框架中。这一观点对军事战略和国际关系理论都产生了深远的影响,尤其是在现实主义思想中,现实主义思想认为军事力量是无政府国际环境中治国的关键因素。克劳塞维茨的著作仍然是理解战争、政治目标和国家利益之间错综复杂关系的基石,为当代有关军事战略和国际关系的讨论提供了借鉴。

===== Understanding the "Fog of War": Uncertainty in Conflict =====
===== 理解 "战争迷雾":冲突中的不确定性 =====

Carl Von Clausewitz's concept of the "fog of war," as elucidated in his influential work "On War," is a critical element in understanding the complexities of military conflict. This concept effectively encapsulates the inherent uncertainty, unpredictability, and confusion that are characteristic of warfare. The "fog of war" refers to the challenges associated with decision-making during conflict, arising from the lack of clear and reliable information. Clausewitz astutely observed that commanders and soldiers frequently have to make crucial decisions in situations where information is incomplete, ambiguous, or completely lacking. This element of uncertainty is further intensified by the chaotic nature of the battlefield, where unforeseen events and the unpredictable nature of human behavior can swiftly undermine well-laid plans.
卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨在其影响深远的著作《战争论》中阐明的 "战争迷雾 "概念是理解军事冲突复杂性的关键因素。这一概念有效地概括了战争所固有的不确定性、不可预测性和混乱性。战争迷雾 "指的是在冲突期间,由于缺乏清晰可靠的信息而导致的与决策相关的挑战。克劳塞维茨敏锐地观察到,指挥官和士兵经常需要在信息不完整、模棱两可或完全缺乏的情况下做出关键决策。战场的混乱性质进一步加剧了这种不确定性因素,不可预见的事件和人类行为的不可预测性会迅速破坏精心制定的计划。

Clausewitz's exposition of the fog of war carries significant implications for the planning and execution of military operations. It indicates that while thorough planning is essential, military strategies must also be inherently flexible and adaptable to accommodate evolving circumstances on the battlefield. Military leaders are thus advised to be prepared to modify their strategies in light of new intelligence and unforeseen developments. This approach highlights the importance of decentralized decision-making, empowering lower-level commanders to make swift decisions in response to local conditions. It also underscores the necessity of initiative, creativity, and the ability to think and act quickly under pressure.

Moreover, the concept of the fog of war has transcended its immediate military context, influencing broader strategic thinking and underscoring the limitations of human control in complex situations. Clausewitz’s insights have shaped the development of military doctrines that emphasize the need for flexibility, effective reconnaissance, and the capacity to adapt to changing scenarios. The principle of the fog of war remains a cornerstone in military theory, underscoring the inherent challenges of decision-making in the milieu of conflict and highlighting the need for adaptability and resourcefulness in military strategy. This concept continues to be a vital consideration in both the planning and execution of military operations, influencing a wide range of historical and contemporary approaches to warfare and strategy. Clausewitz’s insights into the fog of war have enduring relevance, offering critical perspectives on the nature of conflict and the complexities involved in navigating the unpredictable landscape of warfare.
此外,"战争迷雾 "的概念已经超越了其直接的军事背景,影响了更广泛的战略思维,并强调了在复杂情况下人类控制的局限性。克劳塞维茨的见解影响了军事理论的发展,这些理论强调需要灵活性、有效的侦察和适应不断变化的情况的能力。战争迷雾 "原则仍然是军事理论的基石,它强调了在冲突环境中进行决策所固有的挑战,并突出了军事战略中对适应性和机智的需求。这一概念仍然是军事行动计划和执行中的重要考虑因素,影响着历史上和当代的各种战争和战略方法。克劳塞维茨对战争迷雾的见解具有持久的现实意义,为冲突的本质以及在不可预知的战争环境中航行所涉及的复杂性提供了重要的视角。

===== The Moral and Psychological Dimensions of Warfare =====
===== 战争的道德和心理层面 =====

Carl Von Clausewitz's examination of the moral and psychological aspects of war, as detailed in his seminal work "On War," is a fundamental component of his multifaceted approach to understanding military conflict. His analysis extends beyond the tangible, strategic elements of warfare to encompass the critical, yet often underappreciated, moral factors. Clausewitz's acknowledgment of the significance of moral elements in warfare marked a pivotal advancement in military theory. He comprehended that factors like public opinion, troop morale, and the political will of a nation could substantially impact the conduct and outcome of military operations. Clausewitz posited that these moral forces could be as decisive, if not more so, than physical factors. For him, the morale of soldiers, the resilience and support of the civilian population, and the caliber of leadership were all essential to the success of military endeavors. He recognized that high morale could offset shortcomings in numbers or technology, while superior resources might fail to secure victory in the absence of strong morale.
卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨(Carl Von Clausewitz)在其开创性著作《战争论》中详细阐述了战争的道德和心理层面,这是他从多方面理解军事冲突的基本组成部分。他的分析超越了战争中有形的战略要素,涵盖了至关重要但往往不被重视的道德因素。克劳塞维茨承认道德因素在战争中的重要性,这标志着军事理论取得了举足轻重的进步。他认识到,公众舆论、部队士气和国家政治意愿等因素会对军事行动的进行和结果产生重大影响。克劳塞维茨认为,这些道德力量的决定性作用甚至可以超过物质因素。在他看来,士兵的士气、平民的韧性和支持以及领导层的素质都是军事行动取得成功的关键。他认识到,高昂的士气可以抵消数量或技术上的不足,而如果没有高昂的士气,优势资源可能无法确保胜利。

This view underlines Clausewitz's comprehensive understanding of warfare. He contended that military success was not determined solely by quantifiable elements like troop numbers or armaments. Instead, he emphasized the significance of intangible but equally crucial aspects such as the quality of leadership, the motivation and resolve of soldiers, and the level of civilian support. Clausewitz's insights into the psychological aspects of war highlight the multifaceted nature of military conflict. He acknowledged the pivotal role of the human element — encompassing emotions, fears, and morale — in the dynamics of warfare. This recognition led to a more sophisticated perception of military strategy, one that incorporates both the physical and moral dimensions of warfare.

Carl Von Clausewitz's exploration of the moral and psychological dimensions of war significantly broadened the scope of military theory. By recognizing the critical role of moral factors in warfare, he offered a more holistic framework for understanding the intricacies of military conflicts. His insights into the interplay between the physical and moral aspects of warfare continue to inform military strategists and theorists today, emphasizing the complexity of war and the necessity to consider a combination of tangible and intangible factors in military planning and decision-making. Clausewitz's contributions highlight the indispensable need to integrate moral and psychological considerations in the analysis of warfare, offering enduring lessons for understanding and navigating the complexities of military operations.

===== The Concept of "Total War": Comprehensive Conflict =====
===== "全面战争 "的概念:全面冲突 =====

The concept of "total war," closely linked with Carl Von Clausewitz's theoretical contributions, epitomizes a form of warfare that transcends traditional battlefield engagements, involving the comprehensive mobilization of a nation's resources and a broad-based commitment to the war effort. Although Clausewitz did not explicitly use the term "total war" in his writings, his ideas in "On War" have significantly influenced its conceptual development and subsequent interpretation.
全面战争 "的概念与卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨的理论贡献密切相关,它是一种超越传统战场交战的战争形式的缩影,涉及国家资源的全面动员和对战争努力的广泛承诺。尽管克劳塞维茨没有在其著作中明确使用 "全面战争 "一词,但他在《论战争》中提出的观点对其概念发展和后续解释产生了重大影响。

In "On War," Clausewitz provides a fundamental understanding of the depth and totality with which states might engage in warfare. He articulated the concept of war as a continuation of political policy, where the aims of the war and the intensity of the engagement are intrinsically linked to the political objectives involved. According to Clausewitz's analysis, in scenarios where political goals are of paramount importance, states may commit all available resources to the war effort, setting the stage for what would later be understood as total war. Total war encompasses the full mobilization of a nation's military, economic, and human resources. It obscures the distinctions between combatants and non-combatants, military and civilian resources, and between the frontlines and the home front. This form of warfare requires extensive participation from the entire population, not solely the military.

The relevance of the concept of total war became especially pronounced in the 20th century, particularly during the World Wars. These conflicts witnessed unparalleled levels of national mobilization and the utilization of all available resources in the war effort. Civilian populations were involved to an unprecedented degree, with entire economies reoriented toward supporting the military campaigns, and the lines between combatants and non-combatants increasingly blurred. While Clausewitz did not specifically introduce the term "total war," his theoretical framework in "On War" laid the foundation for understanding the comprehensive mobilization and commitment that characterize this type of conflict. His foresight anticipated the kind of warfare exemplified in the World Wars, illustrating the potential for war to engulf every facet of a nation's life and resources. The evolution of the concept of total war in the 20th century reflects an extreme manifestation of Clausewitz's idea of war as a tool of politics, where achieving political objectives can justify a nation's total commitment to the war effort.
全面战争概念的相关性在 20 世纪变得尤为突出,特别是在世界大战期间。在这些冲突中,国家动员程度空前,所有可用资源都被用于战争。平民的参与达到了前所未有的程度,整个经济都被调整为支持军事行动,战斗人员和非战斗人员之间的界限越来越模糊。虽然克劳塞维茨没有明确提出 "全面战争 "一词,但他在《战争论》中提出的理论框架为理解这种冲突所特有的全面动员和投入奠定了基础。他的先见之明预见到了世界大战中的战争类型,说明战争有可能吞噬一个国家生活和资源的方方面面。全面战争概念在 20 世纪的演变反映了克劳塞维茨将战争作为政治工具这一思想的极端表现,即实现政治目标可以证明一个国家对战争的全面投入是合理的。

Carl Von Clausewitz's "On War" remains a seminal work in military strategy and international relations, with its profound insights continuing to influence contemporary discourse in these fields. His sophisticated analysis of the interplay between military force and political objectives has profoundly impacted the understanding of conflict and power dynamics on the global stage.

===== Clausewitz's Impact on Military Strategy and Realist Thought =====
===== 克劳塞维茨对军事战略和现实主义思想的影响 =====

Carl Von Clausewitz's work, notably "On War," provides a profound strategic framework for understanding and conducting military operations. His focus on the 'fog of war,' the critical role of moral and psychological factors, and the characterization of war as an instrument of politics have been instrumental in shaping modern military strategy. Clausewitz's theories prompt military strategists to look beyond immediate tactical scenarios to encompass broader political objectives and the implications of military actions. His insights resonate particularly within the school of realism in international relations. His emphasis on power, security, and strategic considerations in state behavior aligns with the realist perspective of an anarchic, competitive international system. Realism, akin to Clausewitz's theory, accentuates the importance of power and the pursuit of national interests as fundamental drivers of state behavior.
卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨的著作,尤其是《战争论》,为理解和开展军事行动提供了深刻的战略框架。他对 "战争迷雾 "的关注、道德和心理因素的关键作用以及将战争定性为政治工具的观点对现代军事战略的形成起到了重要作用。克劳塞维茨的理论促使军事战略家将目光从眼前的战术方案转向更广泛的政治目标和军事行动的影响。他的见解尤其在国际关系中的现实主义学派中引起共鸣。他强调国家行为中的权力、安全和战略考量,这与现实主义关于无政府、竞争性国际体系的观点不谋而合。现实主义与克劳塞维茨的理论类似,强调权力和追求国家利益作为国家行为基本驱动力的重要性。

Clausewitz’s exploration of the relationship between military force and political objectives offers crucial insights into the conduct of war. He advocates that military strategy should be formulated as a continuation of a state's political strategy, not in isolation. This perspective is pivotal in understanding how military actions can effectively serve broader political aims and how political factors can influence military strategies. The enduring relevance of Clausewitz's ideas is highlighted in their applicability to contemporary conflicts and geopolitical strategies. His theories provide a framework for comprehending the complexities of modern warfare, including asymmetrical warfare, counterinsurgency operations, and the strategic employment of military force in international politics.

Carl Von Clausewitz's "On War" remains a foundational and continually pertinent resource for understanding military strategy and international relations. His examination of the intricate relationship between military force and political objectives offers invaluable guidance for military strategists, policymakers, and scholars of international relations. His work is essential in the study of conflict and strategy, emphasizing the need to integrate political objectives with military tactics in pursuing national interests. Clausewitz's contributions continue to shape our understanding of the dynamics of conflict and power, highlighting the complex interplay between military and political considerations in the international arena. His insights are timeless, underpinning the strategic thinking that guides contemporary military and political decisions.
卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨(Carl Von Clausewitz)的《战争论》仍然是理解军事战略和国际关系的基础性资料,并一直具有现实意义。他对军事力量与政治目标之间错综复杂关系的研究为军事战略家、政策制定者和国际关系学者提供了宝贵的指导。他的著作对研究冲突和战略至关重要,强调了在追求国家利益时将政治目标与军事战术相结合的必要性。克劳塞维茨的贡献继续影响着我们对冲突和权力动态的理解,凸显了国际舞台上军事和政治因素之间复杂的相互作用。他的见解经久不衰,是指导当代军事和政治决策的战略思想的基础。

==== Hans Morgenthau (1904–1980): The Balance of Power and Ethics ====
==== 汉斯-摩根索(1904-1980 年):均势与伦理 ====

Hans Morgenthau, a towering figure in the field of international relations, played a pivotal role in establishing the foundations of modern realism. Born in 1904, Morgenthau's intellectual contributions were particularly influential in the mid-20th century, a period marked by the aftermath of World War II and the onset of the Cold War. His seminal work, "Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace," first published in 1948, is regarded as a cornerstone in the development of the realist school of thought.
汉斯-摩根索是国际关系领域的领军人物,在奠定现代现实主义基础方面发挥了举足轻重的作用。摩根索出生于 1904 年,他的思想贡献在 20 世纪中期尤其具有影响力,这一时期的特点是第二次世界大战结束后和冷战开始。他的开创性著作《国家间的政治》(Politics Among Nations:该书于 1948 年首次出版,被认为是现实主义思想流派发展的基石。

===== Power Dynamics in International Politics =====
===== 国际政治中的权力动态 =====

Hans Morgenthau's "Politics Among Nations" stands as a foundational text in international relations, especially in the development of realist theory. His framework for analyzing international politics positions power as the central driving force behind state actions. Morgenthau's perspective is grounded in the belief that states are predominantly driven by the pursuit of power, a pursuit he argues is inherent in human nature and a fundamental element of international relations. In Morgenthau’s view, the struggle for power is an unavoidable characteristic of the anarchic international system, compelling states to act to secure their survival and enhance their influence.

Morgenthau’s concept of power is intricate and multifaceted, acknowledging the significance of military and economic strength while also underscoring the importance of diplomatic and moral authority. This comprehensive view of power encompasses the ability to influence and persuade, the capacity to forge alliances and shape international norms, and the projection of a state’s values and ideology. Morgenthau particularly emphasizes the critical role of diplomacy in wielding power. Effective diplomacy, in his opinion, can boost a state's influence and facilitate the attainment of its goals without resorting to force. He also recognizes the importance of moral authority, suggesting that a state's actions' legitimacy, as perceived by other states and the international community, can substantially affect its power and efficacy.

Morgenthau's approach has far-reaching implications for both the study and practice of international relations. He posits that a thorough understanding of international politics necessitates an analysis that extends beyond mere military and economic capabilities. It requires considering how states utilize a blend of resources, including diplomatic skills and moral authority, to maneuver through the intricate landscape of international relations. In "Politics Among Nations," Morgenthau articulates a nuanced and comprehensive view of power dynamics in international relations. His expansive definition of power, which includes military, economic, diplomatic, and moral aspects, provides a robust framework for examining state behavior. This comprehensive perspective has profoundly influenced the field of international relations, particularly shaping realist thought and its approach to deciphering the motivations and actions of states within the global arena.

===== National Interest: Guiding Principle of State Actions =====
===== 国家利益:国家行动的指导原则 =====

Hans Morgenthau's focus on national interest as a pivotal guideline for state actions forms a crucial component of his theory in "Politics Among Nations," significantly enriching the realist school of thought in international relations. Morgenthau asserts that the fundamental aim of states in the global arena is to pursue their national interest, which he primarily interprets in terms of power. In his perspective, power is the essential tool enabling states to secure their survival and safety in an anarchic international system, where no overarching authority maintains order. This viewpoint resonates with the fundamental realist assumption that states, as rational actors, seek to maneuver in a system rife with uncertainty and potential threats.
汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在《国家间政治》一书中将国家利益作为国家行动的关键指导原则,这是其理论的重要组成部分,极大地丰富了现实主义国际关系学派的思想。摩根索认为,国家在全球舞台上的根本目的是追求国家利益,他主要从权力的角度来诠释国家利益。在他看来,权力是国家在一个无政府的国际体系中确保自身生存和安全的基本工具,在这个体系中,没有最高权威来维持秩序。这一观点与现实主义的基本假设不谋而合,即国家作为理性的行为体,在充满不确定性和潜在威胁的体系中寻求机动。

A unique feature of Morgenthau's realism is its incorporation of moral principles into the pursuit of national interests. While recognizing the dominance of power in global politics, Morgenthau argues that the quest for power and national interest should be tempered by moral considerations. This stance offers a more nuanced approach, acknowledging the significance of ethics in international relations, and stands in contrast to more rigid forms of realism, which tend to minimize or dismiss the relevance of moral and ethical considerations in statecraft. Morgenthau contends that moral principles are essential, influencing the legitimacy and long-term viability of foreign policy actions.

The integration of moral dimensions into Morgenthau's realist framework carries substantial implications for both the theory and practice of international relations. It suggests that foreign policy decisions should not be based solely on power dynamics but should also account for ethical consequences. This perspective advocates for a more balanced and responsible approach to international affairs, where the politics of power is moderated by moral accountability. Hans Morgenthau's theory, emphasizing national interest defined through power yet moderated by moral principles, presents a comprehensive and ethically nuanced view of international relations. His work has made a profound contribution to realist thought, offering a framework that harmonizes pragmatic power pursuits with ethical considerations. Morgenthau's balanced approach has established his brand of realism as a foundational and lasting perspective in the field of international politics.

===== Pragmatic and Ethical Decision-Making in Global Affairs =====
===== 全球事务中的务实与伦理决策 =====

Hans Morgenthau's approach in "Politics Among Nations" advocates for a nuanced balance between pragmatism and ethics in international politics, highlighting the intricate nature of foreign policy decision-making. This key aspect of his realist theory illustrates the complex challenges states face when aligning power dynamics with moral considerations. Morgenthau's version of realism acknowledges the primary role of power in international relations but simultaneously recognizes the significance of ethical considerations. He argues that a realistic foreign policy approach should not equate to a relentless pursuit of power devoid of moral concerns. Instead, it necessitates a delicate balancing act, where states aim to achieve their power objectives while also contemplating the ethical consequences of their actions.

Morgenthau’s perspective moves away from a view of international relations that is solely power-centric. He posits that ethical considerations, apart from their inherent value, also have practical benefits in sustaining long-term foreign policies. Ethical behavior can bolster a state's legitimacy and moral standing, enhancing its soft power and position in the global arena. Morgenthau underscores the need for a balance between power pursuits and moral imperatives, essential for preserving international order and preventing conflict. He warns that an overemphasis on power, neglecting moral principles, could lead to aggressive policies that heighten international tensions and potentially culminate in conflict. Conversely, foreign policies excessively influenced by moralism, yet detached from the realities of power, might result in ineffective or unsustainable outcomes.

This balanced approach has profound implications for international relations conduct. It suggests that states should evaluate their actions not only through the lens of power and interests but also consider their broader impact on global stability and order. Morgenthau’s perspective invites states to adopt foreign policies that are strategically astute and ethically sound. His emphasis on integrating pragmatic decision-making with ethical considerations in international politics offers a sophisticated realist framework. This approach advocates for aligning power objectives with moral standards, providing valuable guidance for policymakers and scholars in addressing the complexities of international relations. Morgenthau’s balanced realist theory continues to be a significant and relevant guide in navigating the intricacies of global political dynamics.

===== Morgenthau's Legacy in Realist Thought =====
===== 摩根索在现实主义思想方面的遗产 =====

Hans Morgenthau's impact on international relations is both enduring and profound. His seminal work, "Politics Among Nations," has been instrumental in shaping contemporary understanding and analysis of state behavior in the global political landscape. Morgenthau's theory, which positions power and national interest as key drivers of state actions, forms a foundational pillar of international relations theory, particularly within the realist school. His multifaceted view of power—encompassing military and economic capabilities, as well as diplomatic skill and moral authority—provides a comprehensive framework for understanding how states exert influence and pursue their objectives.

A pivotal aspect of Morgenthau's contribution is his integration of ethical dimensions into the realist framework. By advocating that the pursuit of power and national interests should be balanced with ethical considerations, Morgenthau introduced a more nuanced and morally conscious approach to realism. This element of his theory challenges oversimplified views of power politics and emphasizes the significance of ethical considerations in the formulation of foreign policy. Morgenthau's work offers a robust framework for interpreting the motivations and actions of states within the international system. His insights into the ways states maneuver in an anarchic global context, balancing power dynamics with moral imperatives, provide essential perspectives on the complexities of international relations. His emphasis on pragmatism, combined with an acknowledgment of the role of ethics, is key in explaining state actions, as well as the dynamics of international cooperation and conflict.

Morgenthau's ideas continue to influence contemporary debates and analyses in international relations. His theories inform discussions on a range of global issues, including security, diplomacy, international conflict, and the ethical dimensions of foreign policy. In a world characterized by shifting power dynamics and ethical challenges, Morgenthau's perspectives remain highly relevant and insightful. His work remains a cornerstone in international relations studies, offering a vital lens through which to view the intricate interplay of strategy and ethics in the realm of global politics. The enduring influence of Morgenthau's ideas underscores their ongoing importance in understanding and navigating the complexities of contemporary international relations.

=== Contributions of Classical Realists to International Relations ===
=== 古典现实主义者对国际关系的贡献 ===

==== In-Depth Understanding of Global Politics ====
==== 深入理解全球政治 ====

The collective works of Thucydides, Machiavelli, Clausewitz, and Morgenthau weave a rich and multifaceted narrative of realist thought in international relations. Spanning various historical periods, their contributions provide an extensive framework for understanding the persistent dynamics of power, strategy, and ethics in international affairs.

Thucydides' detailed chronicle of the Peloponnesian War establishes the fundamental principles of political realism. His examination of the conflict between Athens and Sparta offers an insightful analysis of power dynamics, the influence of fear and self-interest, and the stark realities of state behavior. Thucydides' insights laid the groundwork for realist theory, underscoring the pivotal role of power in international relations. Moving forward to the Renaissance, Niccolò Machiavelli's "The Prince" presents a pragmatic, and sometimes brutally realistic, perspective on political leadership and statecraft. His focus on the efficacy of power and the necessity of adaptability in leadership has significantly shaped the understanding of strategy and power in politics.

Carl Von Clausewitz's "On War" delves into military strategy and its integration with political goals. His assertion that "war is the continuation of politics by other means" highlights the inherent connection between military conflict and state policy, emphasizing the strategic use of war to achieve national interests. In the 20th century, Hans Morgenthau's "Politics Among Nations" adds a contemporary dimension to realism. He emphasizes power as the primary driver in international relations while incorporating ethical considerations into his framework. Morgenthau's nuanced approach strikes a balance between the pragmatic pursuit of national interests and moral obligations, providing a comprehensive perspective on state behavior.
卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨的《战争论》深入探讨了军事战略及其与政治目标的结合。他断言 "战争是政治通过其他手段的延续",突出了军事冲突与国家政策之间的内在联系,强调了利用战争实现国家利益的战略。20 世纪,汉斯-摩根索的《国家间政治》为现实主义增添了现代维度。他强调权力是国际关系的主要驱动力,同时将伦理因素纳入其框架。摩根索的方法细致入微,在务实的国家利益追求和道德义务之间取得了平衡,为国家行为提供了一个全面的视角。

Together, these scholars offer a diverse and in-depth understanding of international relations. Their insights, spanning from ancient Greece to the modern era, remain crucial in today's global political arena. They highlight the significance of power, strategic calculation, and ethical considerations in shaping state actions and the dynamics of international interactions. Their works continue to inform and guide scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in international relations, offering essential perspectives for navigating the complexities of global politics. The lasting relevance of their ideas demonstrates the fundamental role of power, strategy, and ethics in conducting international affairs, solidifying their contributions as indispensable for comprehending the ongoing dynamics of power and conflict in the realm of international relations.

The study of international relations is a rich intellectual journey spanning over 2500 years, an odyssey that has continuously probed into the essential questions of order, justice, and change in global politics. This enduring exploration, evolving across various historical epochs, mirrors the complex and dynamic nature of international affairs. The intellectual voyage begins in ancient times with thinkers like Thucydides, whose examination of the Peloponnesian War provides deep insights into the dynamics of power and conflict among states. His analysis set a foundational precedent for understanding the interplay between military might, political strategy, and the pursuit of state interests, themes that have become cornerstones in the study of international relations concerning state interactions, the essence of power, and the roots of war and peace.
国际关系研究是一个跨越 2500 年的丰富知识旅程,是不断探索全球政治中秩序、正义和变革等基本问题的奥德赛。这种跨越不同历史时代的持久探索,反映了国际事务复杂多变的本质。这一思想之旅始于古代的修昔底德等思想家,他对伯罗奔尼撒战争的研究提供了关于国家间权力和冲突动态的深刻见解。他的分析为理解军事实力、政治战略和国家利益追求之间的相互作用开创了基础先例,这些主题已成为研究国家互动、权力本质以及战争与和平根源的国际关系的基石。

Advancing through the medieval period and into the Renaissance, the discourse expanded with the contributions of figures like Niccolò Machiavelli. Machiavelli's pragmatic approach to statecraft, which highlighted the stark realities of political power, introduced critical questions about the relationship between moral and ethical considerations and the pursuit of national interests. This evolution of thought continued into the modern era, marked by significant contributions from theorists like Carl Von Clausewitz and Hans Morgenthau. Clausewitz enriched the discourse on international conflict with his strategic insights into war as an instrument of state policy. Morgenthau, with his focus on power dynamics and the incorporation of moral principles in state behavior, added a new dimension to the realist tradition in international relations.
在中世纪和文艺复兴时期,随着尼科洛-马基雅维利(Niccolò Machiavelli)等人的贡献,这一论述得到了扩展。马基雅维利以务实的方式处理国家事务,强调政治权力的严峻现实,提出了道德伦理考虑与追求国家利益之间关系的关键问题。这一思想演变一直延续到现代,卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨和汉斯-摩根索等理论家对此做出了重要贡献。克劳塞维茨对战争作为国家政策工具的战略见解丰富了关于国际冲突的论述。摩根索关注权力动态并将道德原则纳入国家行为,为国际关系中的现实主义传统增添了新的维度。

This historical progression of thought in international relations reflects the intricate and changing nature of world politics. Each thinker, influenced by their unique historical context, has contributed to a deeper understanding of state behavior, the structure of international order, the quest for justice, and the inevitability of change in global affairs. Their collective contributions reveal the layered nature of international relations, encompassing power struggles, ethical challenges, and the continual transformation of the global order. The intellectual legacy of these scholars provides critical perspectives and frameworks that continue to shape the study and practice of international relations, highlighting the field's relevance and adaptability to the ever-evolving landscape of world politics.

==== Power, Order, and Ethical State Behavior ====
==== 权力、秩序和国家道德行为 ====

The intellectual evolution in the study of international relations, as reflected in the seminal works of Thucydides, Machiavelli, Clausewitz, Carr, and Morgenthau, represents a deep and ongoing inquiry into power, order, and the ethical dimensions of state behavior. This journey through history reveals a layered understanding of international politics, highlighting the complexities of power dynamics, conflict, and statecraft.

Thucydides, in his "History of the Peloponnesian War," established the foundational principles of realist thought by chronicling the power struggles among Greek city-states. His analysis, which underscored the absence of a central authority and the consequent prevalence of conflict, set a precedent for later realist theories. Thucydides' focus on power dynamics and the inherent conflict in an anarchic system laid the groundwork for subsequent explorations in international relations.

Niccolò Machiavelli’s "The Prince" redirected the discourse towards leadership and strategy within power politics. His pragmatic approach to governance, highlighting the roles of adaptability (virtù) and the influence of chance (fortuna), offered a nuanced understanding of how leaders can navigate and maintain order in a complex and unpredictable political environment.

Carl Von Clausewitz, in "On War," further advanced the field by examining the interplay between warfare and politics. His assertion that war is a continuation of political policy underlined the strategic use of military force to achieve political ends, spotlighting the challenges of sustaining international order amidst conflict.
卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨(Carl Von Clausewitz)在《战争论》中探讨了战争与政治之间的相互作用,进一步推动了这一领域的发展。他认为战争是政治政策的延续,强调了战略性地使用军事力量来实现政治目的,突出了在冲突中维持国际秩序所面临的挑战。

E.H. Carr’s "The Twenty Years' Crisis" provided a critical perspective on idealistic approaches to international politics. Advocating for a realist view, Carr emphasized the dominance of power dynamics in international relations, promoting a pragmatic understanding of state interactions on the global stage.
E.H. Carr 的《二十年危机》对理想主义的国际政治方法提出了批判性的观点。卡尔倡导现实主义观点,强调权力动态在国际关系中的主导地位,促进对全球舞台上国家互动的务实理解。

Hans Morgenthau, through his seminal work "Politics Among Nations," focused on national interest defined in terms of power, introducing an ethical dimension to realism. His argument that the pursuit of power should be constrained by moral considerations infused an ethical perspective into discussions of power and order in international relations.
汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)通过其开创性著作《国与国之间的政治》(Politics Among Nations)关注以权力为定义的国家利益,为现实主义引入了伦理维度。他认为对权力的追求应受到道德因素的制约,这为国际关系中权力与秩序的讨论注入了伦理视角。

The collective contributions of these scholars offer a rich framework for understanding international relations. Their works, spanning from antiquity to the modern era, engage with enduring themes such as power, conflict, order, and the ethical dimensions of statecraft. This intellectual odyssey not only reflects the evolving nature of global politics but also underscores the continued relevance of these foundational concepts in contemporary analyses of international dynamics.

==== The Concept of Justice in International Affairs ====
==== 国际事务中的正义概念 ====

The study of justice and power in international relations navigates a complex terrain where the lofty ideals of justice often clash with the pragmatic concerns of power and security, particularly evident in the realist tradition of political thought. Realism, focused on state interests and power dynamics, often interprets justice in pragmatic terms, emphasizing stability, order, and the balance of power as forms of justice within the international system. Realists typically approach the application of moral principles in international relations with skepticism, as they prioritize state survival and power enhancement in an anarchic global environment.

Hans Morgenthau, a key figure in the realist school, acknowledges the intricate tension between power and justice. He advocates for a nuanced balance, where the pursuit of national interests is moderated by moral principles. Morgenthau's stance implies that while states operate in a power-driven system, ethical considerations should not be entirely sidelined. He argues that the quest for power, a fundamental aspect of state behavior, should be restrained by moral imperatives to prevent unfettered aggression and conflict.
现实主义学派的重要人物汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)承认权力与正义之间存在错综复杂的紧张关系。他主张一种微妙的平衡,即在追求国家利益的同时也要遵守道德原则。摩根索的立场意味着,虽然国家是在权力驱动的体系中运作,但道德考量不应被完全搁置。他认为,作为国家行为的一个基本方面,对权力的追求应受到道德要求的约束,以防止不受约束的侵略和冲突。

This debate mirrors the larger ideological tension between idealism and realism in international relations, particularly in the context of justice. Idealists envision a world order grounded in moral values, legal norms, and collective security, asserting that international justice is attainable through adherence to universal ethical standards and international law. Realists, conversely, highlight the practical limitations of moral idealism in a competitive, power-centric international sphere. In the international realm, justice is intricately linked to legality, fairness, and equity among states. While realists do not completely disregard these aspects, they generally view them through the prism of state interests and power balance.

Reconciling the pursuit of national interests with broader goals of justice, peace, and stability in the international system remains a significant challenge. The concept of justice in international relations thus embodies a delicate interplay between idealistic goals of a fair and equitable global order and the realist acknowledgment of the primacy of power and security in state conduct. Realist theorists like Morgenthau, despite their focus on power dynamics, recognize the role of moral principles, illustrating the ongoing dialectic and tension between idealism and realism in the quest for justice at the international level.

==== The Dynamic Nature of International Relations ====
==== 国际关系的动态性质 ====

The dynamic nature of international relations, characterized by constant change and evolution, has been a focus of extensive scholarly analysis. The transition from the Cold War's bipolar structure to a unipolar world dominated by the United States, followed by the shift towards a more multipolar global landscape, exemplifies the fluidity of international politics. Contemporary theorists such as John J. Mearsheimer and Joseph Nye have made pivotal contributions to our comprehension of these transformations.
国际关系的动态性质以不断变化和演变为特征,一直是学者们广泛分析的重点。从冷战时期的两极结构过渡到以美国为主导的单极世界,随后又向更加多极化的全球格局转变,这充分体现了国际政治的流动性。约翰-米尔斯海默(John J. Mearsheimer)和约瑟夫-奈(Joseph Nye)等当代理论家为我们理解这些转变做出了举足轻重的贡献。

John J. Mearsheimer, through his book "The Tragedy of Great Power Politics," introduces the theory of offensive realism. He contends that the anarchic structure of the international system drives states to seek power and dominance as safeguards for their security. Mearsheimer's theory suggests that great powers are naturally disposed to assertively pursue power, leading to perpetual competition and conflict. His insights shed light on the dynamics of power and security in a changing international context, particularly in understanding the behaviors of major powers within an evolving multipolar world.

Joseph Nye's formulation of the concept of "soft power" adds a novel dimension to international relations theory. This concept moves beyond the traditional focus on military and economic strength (hard power) and highlights the influence exerted through cultural appeal, values, and diplomacy. In the era of globalization and the information age, soft power has gained prominence, underscoring the significance of shaping preferences and opinions alongside conventional power mechanisms.
约瑟夫-奈提出的 "软实力 "概念为国际关系理论增添了新的维度。这一概念超越了传统上对军事和经济实力(硬实力)的关注,强调了通过文化吸引力、价值观和外交所施加的影响。在全球化和信息时代,软实力日益突出,它强调了在传统权力机制之外塑造偏好和观点的重要性。

The contributions of Mearsheimer and Nye are crucial in deciphering how shifts in power dynamics and technological advances impact state behavior and the global order. In an age characterized by rapid technological shifts, the emergence of new powers, and evolving security challenges, their theories offer frameworks for analyzing state strategies and adaptations to maintain influence within the international system. Moreover, the exploration of non-traditional forms of power, such as Nye's soft power, recognizes that the tools of influence in international relations extend beyond mere military and economic capacities. This expanded perspective enhances our understanding of how states can project power and influence globally.

The work of theorists like John J. Mearsheimer and Joseph Nye significantly enriches the discourse on the evolving landscape of international relations. Their theories provide essential insights into the nature of power, the strategic maneuvers of states in a dynamic global environment, and the emerging forms of influence shaping world politics. As the international system undergoes continuous transformation, their scholarly contributions offer invaluable perspectives for analyzing and comprehending the complexities of contemporary international relations.
约翰-米尔斯海默(John J. Mearsheimer)和约瑟夫-奈(Joseph Nye)等理论家的研究极大地丰富了关于国际关系演变的讨论。他们的理论对权力的本质、国家在动态全球环境中的战略行动以及影响世界政治的新兴影响形式提供了重要的见解。随着国际体系的不断变革,他们的学术贡献为分析和理解当代国际关系的复杂性提供了宝贵的视角。

==== Rich Intellectual Legacy in Global Politics ====
==== 全球政治中丰富的知识遗产 ====

The field of international relations, with its exploration of themes like order, justice, and change, boasts a rich and varied intellectual heritage. The contributions of scholars from different historical periods have crafted a nuanced understanding of global politics' complexities and dynamics.

The intellectual journey of international relations begins with Thucydides in ancient Greece, who laid the groundwork for analyzing power dynamics and conflict nature. His account of the Peloponnesian War offers more than a historical narrative; it delves into the motivations behind state actions and the inevitable conflicts within an anarchic international system. Advancing to the Renaissance, Niccolò Machiavelli's "The Prince" adds a new layer to this study, focusing on statecraft's art, leadership's role, and the pragmatic pursuit of power. His emphasis on adaptability and strategic thought in the unpredictable realm of politics marked a significant shift in the understanding of international relations.

In the modern era, the discourse was further enriched by thinkers like Carl Von Clausewitz and Hans Morgenthau. Clausewitz, in "On War," provided a strategic framework that connected military force with political objectives. Morgenthau, through "Politics Among Nations," highlighted the centrality of power and national interest in international relations, integrating ethical considerations into the realist paradigm. Contemporary scholars such as John J. Mearsheimer and Joseph Nye have expanded our understanding further. Mearsheimer's offensive realism theory examines the inherent power-seeking behavior of states in an anarchic system, while Nye's concept of soft power focuses on the role of culture, values, and diplomacy in global politics.
到了现代,卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨和汉斯-摩根索等思想家进一步丰富了这一论述。克劳塞维茨在《战争论》中提供了一个将军事力量与政治目标联系起来的战略框架。摩根索在《国与国之间的政治》中强调了权力和国家利益在国际关系中的核心地位,将伦理因素纳入了现实主义范式。约翰-米尔斯海默(John J. Mearsheimer)和约瑟夫-奈(Joseph Nye)等当代学者进一步拓展了我们的理解。米尔斯海默的进攻现实主义理论研究了无政府体系中国家固有的权力追求行为,而奈的软实力概念则关注文化、价值观和外交在全球政治中的作用。

The cumulative work of these scholars, each rooted in their distinct historical and intellectual contexts, has woven a comprehensive tapestry that captures international relations' multifaceted nature. Their collective insights illuminate the forces shaping the global order, the pursuit of power and justice, and international dynamics' continual evolution. The study of international relations, as it has developed over centuries, remains informed by the profound contributions of these diverse thinkers. From the ancient era to the present day, their insights have profoundly enhanced our understanding of global politics, offering vital tools and frameworks to analyze and interpret the intricate interplay and challenges in the international sphere.

=== Interpreting the Classical Realist Perspective ===
=== 解读古典现实主义观点 ===

The field of international relations, enriched by the diverse contributions of scholars and theorists across centuries, offers a comprehensive understanding of global politics. This holistic perspective is crucial for recognizing the intricate interplay between different political dimensions, including the dynamic relationship between domestic and international affairs, the vital role of ethics and community, and the recognition of historical patterns.

The contributions of these scholars have fostered an approach that emphasizes the interconnectedness of domestic and international political arenas. Understanding how internal political dynamics, such as governance structures, political ideologies, and societal changes, influence a state's foreign policy and international interactions is critical. This perspective helps in comprehending how domestic policies and political climates can shape, and be shaped by, global events and trends.

Moreover, the study of international relations places significant emphasis on the role of ethics and community in global affairs. It advocates for the consideration of moral principles and the importance of fostering international communities based on shared values and mutual respect. This approach acknowledges that effective international relations extend beyond mere strategic calculations, involving ethical considerations and the pursuit of common goals that benefit the broader global community.

Additionally, a profound appreciation of history's cyclical nature and its influence on current events is a key component of this comprehensive perspective. Historical patterns and precedents provide valuable insights into current international dynamics, helping scholars and practitioners to better understand present-day challenges and predict future trends.

This holistic approach, shaped by centuries of scholarly contributions, is essential for fully understanding the complexities of international relations. It enables a more effective navigation of the challenges and opportunities in the global landscape, considering the interplay of domestic factors, ethical considerations, and historical contexts. The study of international relations, therefore, remains a vital field for comprehending and engaging with the ever-evolving tapestry of global politics.

==== Holistic Approach to Political Analysis ====
==== 政治分析的整体方法 ====

The field of international relations, as informed by the contributions of various scholars, presents a holistic approach to understanding politics. This comprehensive perspective weaves together diverse elements, such as power dynamics, strategic considerations, human nature, and ethical dimensions, to provide a nuanced understanding of both domestic and international political landscapes.

Hans Morgenthau, in his seminal work "Politics Among Nations," exemplifies this all-encompassing approach. While he primarily focuses on power as a critical element in international relations, Morgenthau does not overlook the importance of moral dimensions. He contends that ethical considerations are integral to the conduct of foreign policy, advocating for a balanced approach where power politics is moderated by moral imperatives. This integration underscores an understanding of international relations that extends beyond mere power struggles, incorporating ethical judgments and decisions.
汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在其开创性著作《国家间的政治》(Politics Among Nations)中体现了这种包罗万象的方法。虽然他主要关注的是作为国际关系关键因素的权力,但摩根索并未忽视道德层面的重要性。他认为,道德因素是外交政策不可或缺的一部分,主张采取一种平衡的方法,使权力政治受到道德要求的制约。这种整合强调了对国际关系的理解,它超越了单纯的权力斗争,纳入了道德判断和决策。

Carl Von Clausewitz, in "On War," further enriches this perspective by exploring the psychological and moral aspects of warfare. His analysis transcends conventional military strategy, delving into the human elements of war, such as troop morale, leadership qualities of commanders, and the ethical quandaries inherent in military conflicts. Clausewitz's work reveals the multifaceted nature of warfare, encompassing both the tangible and intangible elements of military engagements.

Realist thinkers like E.H. Carr and Kenneth Waltz have also made significant contributions to our understanding of the nexus between domestic and international politics. Waltz, in "Theory of International Politics," emphasizes the influence of the international system's structure on state behavior while recognizing the impact of domestic factors. This perspective highlights the interplay between internal political dynamics—like political institutions, economic conditions, and societal values—and a state’s foreign policy. It also acknowledges how international factors, such as global economic trends, security dilemmas, and diplomatic relations, can reciprocally influence domestic politics.
E.H. 卡尔和肯尼斯-华尔兹等现实主义思想家也为我们理解国内政治与国际政治之间的联系做出了重要贡献。华尔兹在《国际政治理论》中强调国际体系结构对国家行为的影响,同时也承认国内因素的影响。这一观点强调了国内政治动态(如政治体制、经济条件和社会价值观)与国家外交政策之间的相互作用。它还承认全球经济趋势、安全困境和外交关系等国际因素如何对国内政治产生相互影响。

The works of Morgenthau, Clausewitz, Carr, and Waltz collectively underscore the intricate and interwoven nature of international relations. They demonstrate that a thorough understanding of global politics necessitates considering an array of factors, ranging from power dynamics and strategic calculations to human nature, ethical considerations, and the interplay between domestic and international arenas. This holistic approach, as reflected in the contributions of these scholars, provides a rich and layered framework for analyzing and navigating the complex landscape of global politics. It highlights the necessity of a broad, integrated perspective to grasp the multifaceted influences shaping state behavior and the dynamics of international relations.

==== Ethics and Community in International Relations ====
==== 国际关系中的伦理与社区 ====

The integration of ethical considerations and communal responsibilities into the study of international relations represents a significant evolution in the field, particularly within the realist tradition. While early realist thinkers like Thucydides and Machiavelli emphasized state interests and power politics, later realists such as Hans Morgenthau introduced a nuanced perspective that incorporates ethical dimensions.

Traditional realism, as seen in the works of Thucydides and Machiavelli, primarily concentrates on the pursuit of state interests, power, and survival within an anarchic international system. Thucydides’ account of the Peloponnesian War underscores the power dynamics and strategic maneuvers shaping state behavior. Similarly, Machiavelli's "The Prince" offers insights into pragmatic statecraft and the pursuit of power. In contrast, Hans Morgenthau, with "Politics Among Nations," infuses realist thought with ethical considerations, advocating for a balance between the pursuit of power and moral principles. He posits that while power is a key element in international relations, its pursuit should be moderated by ethical concerns. This perspective recognizes that international relations are not just about power and interest but also involve ethical choices and dilemmas.

The introduction of ethical considerations into international relations suggests that state behavior is influenced not only by power and survival instincts but also by a sense of communal responsibility and moral judgment. The implications of foreign policy decisions on the global community, including issues related to human rights, humanitarian interventions, and global justice, underscore the need for ethical considerations in state actions. This expanded approach to international relations implies that effective and sustainable foreign policy should blend power politics with moral responsibility and community considerations. States, while pursuing their interests, also bear responsibilities towards the international community and should be mindful of the wider impacts of their actions.

The increasing recognition of ethics and community within the realist tradition of international relations has broadened the field’s scope. While realism continues to focus primarily on power and state interests, the incorporation of ethical dimensions by theorists like Morgenthau has deepened the understanding of international dynamics. This approach highlights the complexity of global politics, where power dynamics intersect with moral choices and communal responsibilities, influencing the conduct of states on the international stage.

==== Historical Cycles and Recurring Patterns ====
==== 历史周期和反复出现的模式 ====

The perception of history as cyclical plays a pivotal role in the study of international relations, with numerous theorists observing recurring patterns in the dynamics of power, conflict, and cooperation. This view rests on the idea that while specific contexts and actors change over time, certain fundamental aspects of human nature and state behavior remain remarkably consistent.

Thucydides' detailed examination of the Peloponnesian War serves as a classic illustration of this concept. His insights into power struggles, the motivations of state actions, and the dynamics of alliances and rivalries retain their relevance today. The enduring applicability of Thucydides' observations to modern conflicts highlights that certain patterns in international relations, particularly those related to power politics and strategic behavior, have a tendency to recur over time. This cyclical understanding of history in international relations is often based on the belief that core aspects of human nature and state behavior are constants, persisting through changing external conditions. The assumption is that states, driven by intrinsic motivations for power, security, and survival, display predictable patterns of behavior observable across historical epochs. Applying historical patterns to contemporary conflicts involves examining current international relations through the lens of past events and trends. This methodology can offer crucial insights into the nature of present-day power dynamics, the causes and potential resolutions of conflicts, and the strategies employed by states on the global stage.

The concept of a cyclical history in international relations emphasizes the lasting significance of historical analysis for comprehending contemporary global politics. Recognizing recurring patterns in power dynamics, state behavior, and the nature of conflict underlines the importance of learning from history to understand and address the complexities of current international relations. The works of theorists like Thucydides remain invaluable in this context, providing timeless insights that contribute to our understanding of the enduring and cyclical nature of international affairs.

==== Realism: A Comprehensive Framework for Understanding Global Politics ====
==== 现实主义:理解全球政治的综合框架 ====

The study of international relations, enriched by the contributions of various theorists over the centuries, offers a multifaceted and profound understanding of global politics. This comprehensive framework transcends simple or one-dimensional explanations of state behavior, weaving together a spectrum of factors to form a nuanced view of international dynamics.

At the heart of international relations is the analysis of power and strategy. Theorists have delved deeply into how states vie for power, address security concerns, and navigate the complexities of an anarchic international system. This emphasis on power politics sheds light on the motivations and behaviors of states, providing essential insights for understanding global interactions.

Integrating ethical dimensions into the study of international relations represents a significant expansion of the field. Thinkers like Hans Morgenthau highlight the necessity of harmonizing the pursuit of power with moral principles, recognizing that state actions on the international stage are influenced not just by pragmatic considerations but also by ethical decisions and responsibilities.
将伦理维度纳入国际关系研究代表着该领域的重大扩展。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家强调了将追求权力与道德原则相协调的必要性,认识到国家在国际舞台上的行动不仅受到实用主义考虑的影响,也受到伦理决定和责任的影响。

The study of historical patterns and the recognition of the cyclical nature of some international phenomena further deepen our comprehension of current global politics. By analyzing historical events and trends, scholars glean enduring insights into state behavior and the mechanics of international relations, offering valuable lessons for contemporary and future policy formulation.

Another critical component is the interplay between domestic and international politics, including societal influences such as public opinion, cultural norms, and internal political dynamics. These elements significantly shape a state's foreign policy decisions and its interactions within the global arena.

The combined insights of these theorists create a holistic framework for understanding the complexities of global politics. This framework melds practical aspects of power and strategy with broader considerations of ethics, history, and society, providing a layered approach to comprehending international relations. It equips scholars, policymakers, and practitioners with the analytical tools needed to navigate the intricate global political landscape effectively.

The study of international relations, as shaped by a diverse array of thinkers, presents a rich and intricate understanding of the field. It blends practical considerations of power and strategy with wider ethical, historical, and societal factors, essential for a comprehensive grasp of global politics and the development of effective, responsible foreign policies in our interconnected world.

== Linking Domestic Politics with International Affairs ==
== 将国内政治与国际事务联系起来 ==

=== Comprehensive Analysis: Merging Domestic and International Perspectives ===
=== 综合分析:融合国内与国际视角 ===

The classical realist approach in international relations challenges the conventional separation between domestic politics and the international realm. It is grounded in the belief that fundamental principles of human nature and behavior universally govern both spheres.

Classical realism contends that the intrinsic human drives for power and survival critically shape political behavior. This perspective views these drives as universal, impacting state actions in the international arena and individuals and groups within domestic settings. The pursuit of power and the struggle for survival are seen as constant elements of human interaction, irrespective of whether the context is international relations or the internal dynamics of a state. Classical realists, particularly Morgenthau, argue that the dynamics of power and competition are as evident within states as they are among them. In the international context, the absence of a central governing authority (anarchy) leads to a system where states must depend on self-help to ensure their security and advance their interests. This anarchic structure necessitates power politics, with states striving to maintain or increase their relative power. Within states, similar patterns emerge as individuals and groups vie for political influence, control of resources, and policy direction, mirroring the international pursuit of power and security.

Classical realism thus promotes an integrated analysis of domestic and international politics. Rather than viewing these realms as distinct, it sees them as interrelated, with analogous forces driving behavior in both arenas. State actions on the global stage are perceived as extensions of the internal dynamics of power and survival. This approach provides a comprehensive framework linking the domestic and international realms, anchored in the understanding that the same principles of human nature and power politics apply in both contexts. Classical realism, as exemplified by Morgenthau’s contributions, offers a cohesive perspective on global politics. It emphasizes the need to consider both internal and external factors in understanding state behavior and the intricacies of international relations, illustrating the universal pursuit of power and survival as central to political dynamics.

=== Intersecting Realms: Blurring the Distinction Between Domestic and International Politics ===
=== 交叉领域:模糊国内政治与国际政治的界限 ===

The classical realist tradition, as exemplified by the works of Thucydides and Machiavelli, presents a holistic view of state behavior, blurring the lines between domestic and international politics. This perspective, emphasizing the interplay of internal and external dynamics, contrasts with the more distinct separation seen in neorealist theory.

Thucydides, in his account of the Peloponnesian War, adeptly illustrates how domestic politics can profoundly impact foreign policy. His analysis reveals that the internal political climate, leadership decisions, and societal attitudes within Athens and Sparta were pivotal in shaping their external strategies and the conflict's trajectory. Thucydides’ work argues that understanding states' motivations, decisions, and actions on the international stage requires an appreciation of their domestic political contexts.

In "The Prince," Machiavelli delves into the behavior of rulers and states, addressing both domestic governance and foreign policy. He discusses power, strategy, and leadership in the context of maintaining authority and advancing interests, applicable to managing internal affairs and engaging in international relations. Machiavelli's insights affirm that the principles of power and statecraft are universally relevant across the political spectrum.

Neorealism, particularly as formulated by Kenneth Waltz in "Theory of International Politics," presents a more defined separation between domestic and international politics. Waltz focuses on the international system's structure, specifically its anarchic nature, as the primary determinant of state behavior, often relegating domestic political factors to a secondary role. This perspective emphasizes the impact of the international system's lack of central authority on state actions.

Classical realism, with its universal application of power politics, provides a comprehensive framework for understanding international relations. It posits that the principles guiding state behavior are consistent, whether within state boundaries or on the international stage. The pursuit of power, security, and national interests are seen as fundamental aspects of political life at all levels. Through the contributions of Thucydides and Machiavelli, classical realism offers an integrated view of international relations that combines domestic and international political dynamics. This approach is grounded in the belief that the quest for power and survival, inherent in human nature, drives political behavior across all political spheres, contrasting with theories like neorealism that draw sharper distinctions between domestic influences and the international system's structure. Classical realism's holistic approach thus provides valuable insights into the interconnected nature of domestic and international affairs.

=== Community Cohesion and Shared Norms: Pillars of Order and Restraint in Global Politics ===
=== 社区凝聚力与共同规范:全球政治中的秩序与约束的支柱 ===

The classical realist perspective in international relations notably underscores the significance of communal bonds and shared norms in regulating order and influencing state behavior, encompassing both domestic and international arenas. This viewpoint appreciates the multifaceted nature of state actions, acknowledging that they are shaped not only by power and self-interest but also by the intricate web of communal relationships and established norms.

At the domestic level, classical realists recognize that societal cohesion is sustained through shared norms, values, and a collective sense of community. These elements are essential in fostering social order and preventing chaos, despite the existence of internal power struggles and competing interests. The robustness of societal bonds and adherence to shared norms and values are instrumental in maintaining stability and order within countries. In contrast, in the international sphere, classical realists observe that the system, despite its inherent anarchy, is not entirely bereft of order and moderation. Shared norms and values, along with diplomatic protocols, significantly shape state behavior even in the absence of a centralized authority. Manifesting in forms such as international law, diplomatic customs, and established practices in state interactions, these norms provide a framework guiding state conduct. This framework mitigates the anarchic nature of the international system, shaping expectations and behaviors, and offering a semblance of predictability and stability in international relations. Adherence to these norms not only influences the conduct of states but also impacts their legitimacy and capacity to form alliances and engage in cooperation.

Classical realists thus contend that power politics alone does not exclusively determine state behavior. The presence and influence of shared norms and a collective aspiration for communal order are pivotal in restraining states from unchecked aggression. They argue that communal bonds and shared norms, crucial for order within societies, similarly exert a significant role in the functioning of the international system. This approach of classical realism offers a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of international relations, extending beyond mere power dynamics and self-interest. It highlights the critical role of communal bonds, shared norms, and established values in sustaining order and moderating state behavior, both within domestic contexts and in the international domain. This recognition of normative influences enriches the classical realist perspective, illuminating the intricate array of factors that shape state actions on the global stage.

=== Ethical Considerations: The Crucial Role of Moral Principles in Shaping International Affairs ===
=== 道德考量:道德原则在塑造国际事务中的关键作用 ===

Hans Morgenthau's classical realism significantly contributes to the field of international relations by integrating moral principles into the traditional power-centric discourse. He posits that international relations are not solely defined by power struggles but are also deeply influenced by ethical considerations and communal norms. Morgenthau advocates for a conduct of international politics that balances power and national interest with a sense of moral obligation and global ethics. This perspective enriches the understanding of state behavior, suggesting that actions on the international stage should consider both power dynamics and their ethical implications.
汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)的古典现实主义将道德原则纳入传统的以权力为中心的论述中,为国际关系领域做出了重大贡献。他认为,国际关系不仅仅是由权力斗争决定的,还深受道德因素和社会规范的影响。摩根索主张在国际政治行为中平衡权力和国家利益与道德义务感和全球伦理。这一观点丰富了对国家行为的理解,认为国际舞台上的行动应同时考虑权力动态及其道德影响。

Earlier thinkers like Thucydides and Machiavelli, often associated with power and pragmatism, also acknowledged the role of communal values and norms. Thucydides' depiction of the Peloponnesian War underscores the significance of alliances and shared interests among city-states. His analysis reveals how these connections fostered order and restraint, emphasizing the importance of communal bonds in international affairs. Machiavelli, while focusing on pragmatic power dynamics, recognized the influence of communal values, norms, and perceptions of other states in statecraft.

Classical realists view international relations as a complex interplay between power politics and shared ethical values. This perspective acknowledges that state behavior is shaped not only by national interests but also by the prevailing moral standards and communal bonds within the international community. This synthesis of power and ethics contributes to maintaining order in both domestic and international spheres.

Classical realism, through thinkers like Morgenthau, Thucydides, and Machiavelli, offers a comprehensive understanding of international relations. It highlights the intricate relationship between power, ethics, and communal values, shaping state behavior and sustaining order in the international system. This approach reveals the complexity of global politics, where power and morality coexist and collectively influence the conduct of international affairs, underscoring the necessity of considering both aspects for a complete analysis of international relations.

== The Concept of Balance of Power in Realist Theory ==
== 现实主义理论中的均势概念 ==

=== The Central Role of Balance of Power in Global Politics ===
=== 权力制衡在全球政治中的核心作用 ===

Classical realism presents a sophisticated interpretation of the balance of power in international relations. This school of thought views the balance of power as an inevitable outcome of state interactions within an anarchic international system. States, driven by their own national interests and survival instincts, engage in various strategies such as forming alliances, adjusting policies, and aligning their actions to prevent any single state from achieving overwhelming dominance. This approach to power balancing is viewed by classical realists as an essential aspect of international diplomacy and statecraft.

However, classical realists also recognize that the pursuit of a balance of power is not a straightforward path to peace and stability. While it can act as a deterrent against unilateral dominance or aggressive expansion by any state, it can simultaneously become a catalyst for conflict. This paradox is rooted in the competitive nature of international power politics, where states' actions to enhance their own security may inadvertently escalate tensions and insecurity among others. This can lead to arms races, the formation of opposing alliances, and increased geopolitical tensions.

Classical realists maintain a critical view of the balance of power as a consistent and reliable mechanism for preventing war. They acknowledge the inherent unpredictability and dynamism of international relations, where the balance of power is in constant flux. This fluidity brings with it risks of miscalculations, shifts in national capabilities, changing alliances, and the unforeseeable actions of states. Such factors can quickly alter the delicate equilibrium, potentially leading to instability and conflict.

In essence, classical realism provides a nuanced understanding of the balance of power, acknowledging both its role in maintaining international stability and its potential to generate conflict. This perspective underscores the complexity of global politics, where strategic actions aimed at achieving balance can have both stabilizing and destabilizing effects. It highlights the need for cautious and informed diplomacy in managing the ever-evolving dynamics of power and security in the international arena.

=== Risks of Misinterpretations and Miscalculations in Power Balancing ===
=== 权力平衡中的误读和误判风险 ===

The classical realist perspective sheds light on the intricate challenges and risks inherent in balance of power politics within international relations. This approach emphasizes the potential for misinterpretation, miscalculation, and unintended consequences, which are pivotal in understanding the complexities and pitfalls of statecraft.

A primary concern in balance of power politics is the risk of misinterpretations and miscalculations. Classical realists caution that actions taken by states to increase their power – such as military buildup or forming alliances – might be perceived as aggressive or threatening by other states, even if intended defensively. This misperception can lead to a security dilemma, where defensive measures by one state are interpreted as offensive by others, triggering a response that escalates tensions. The events leading to World War I exemplify this issue. The complex network of alliances and arms race among European powers, driven by mutual suspicions and fears, heightened tensions and contributed to the outbreak of war. This historical instance illustrates how attempts to balance power, when marred by misinterpretations and miscalculations, can inadvertently lead to conflict.

Classical realists also highlight the unintended consequences that can arise from attempts to maintain or alter the balance of power. Efforts to counterbalance perceived threats often result in counter-alliances, intensifying competition and hostility. This can create a volatile and unstable international environment, as seen during the Cold War. The bipolar standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union led to a prolonged period of geopolitical tension, marked by proxy wars, arms races, and pervasive mutual suspicion. The ever-present risk of nuclear conflict during this era underscores the precarious and potentially catastrophic nature of balance of power politics.

These insights from classical realists illuminate the challenges states face in the international system. They underscore the importance of careful, informed statecraft in managing balance of power dynamics to prevent conflict escalation. The classical realist perspective, with its focus on the potential for misinterpretations, miscalculations, and unintended consequences, serves as a critical guide for navigating the complex and often perilous realm of international relations. It highlights the necessity of prudent and strategic decision-making in an effort to maintain international stability and avoid the pitfalls inherent in balance of power maneuvers.

=== Diverging Perspectives: Classical Realism vs. Neorealism ===
=== 观点分歧:古典现实主义与新现实主义 ===

The contrasting perspectives of classical realism and neorealism on the balance of power in international relations underscore the multifaceted evolution of realist thought. Classical realism, represented by theorists like Hans Morgenthau, approaches the balance of power with a nuanced and cautious stance. It acknowledges that while balancing power can contribute to temporary stability and deter unilateral aggression, it's not an infallible safeguard against conflict. Classical realists view this balance as an intrinsic element of international relations in an anarchic world, with states driven by national interests. They critically examine the limitations and risks associated with power balancing, recognizing that states' efforts to maintain or shift the balance of power can unintentionally heighten tensions and provoke conflicts.
古典现实主义和新现实主义对国际关系中力量平衡的观点截然不同,凸显了现实主义思想的多方面演变。以汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等理论家为代表的古典现实主义以一种细致入微和谨慎的立场来看待力量平衡问题。它承认,虽然均势可以促进暂时的稳定并阻止单方面的侵略,但它并不是防止冲突的万无一失的保障。古典现实主义者将这种平衡视为无政府世界中国际关系的内在要素,各国受国家利益驱使。他们批判性地审视与权力平衡相关的局限性和风险,认识到国家维持或改变权力平衡的努力可能无意中加剧紧张局势并引发冲突。

Neorealism, particularly in the interpretation of Kenneth Waltz, adopts a structural approach to international relations. It emphasizes the anarchic structure of the international system as the fundamental determinant of state behavior. From this viewpoint, the balance of power emerges naturally as states operate in an anarchic environment and strive for survival. This perspective prioritizes systemic factors over the actions or intentions of individual states.

The divergence between classical realism and neorealism is evident in their analysis of international politics. Classical realism focuses on state-centric factors, such as the actions and motivations of individual states, their power pursuits, and the resultant balance of power dynamics. This approach incorporates an understanding of the paradoxical nature of these efforts: aimed at stability, they can inadvertently escalate tensions and lead to conflict. In contrast, neorealism emphasizes the structure of the international system, suggesting that this structure predominantly informs state behavior and the ensuing balance of power.

Thus, the classical realist perspective on the balance of power is marked by a deep, reflective understanding, recognizing both its stabilizing influences and its capacity to intensify tensions. Neorealism, alternatively, perceives the balance of power as a more automatic outcome of the structural conditions of the international system. Together, these approaches offer a comprehensive and layered understanding of international relations, highlighting the intricate and often contradictory nature of power dynamics in the global political landscape.

=== Establishing Order: The Importance of Shared Norms and Understanding ===
=== 建立秩序:共同规范和理解的重要性 ===

The classical realist approach to international relations extends beyond the traditional focus on power and self-interest, incorporating the pivotal role of community and shared norms in shaping and sustaining global order. This perspective, a nuanced deviation from conventional realist thought, recognizes that the international system is underpinned by more than just the dynamics of power.

Classical realism acknowledges power's centrality but also emphasizes the significance of communal bonds and shared values. This viewpoint posits that international order is crafted not solely through power struggles but also through the fabric of shared cultural ties, diplomatic traditions, and adherence to international law. The sense of community among states, fostered by common values and cultural connections, plays an essential role in establishing a more stable and predictable international order. This communal aspect tempers the self-interest and power dynamics typically emphasized in realist theory.

Moreover, classical realists highlight the importance of a shared understanding of norms and values in the international arena. This mutual recognition among states contributes to an ordered and predictable environment, crucial for mitigating uncertainties in an inherently anarchic system. These shared norms and values, even in the absence of a central governing authority, guide state behavior, fostering a semblance of order and stability.

Additionally, the role of international law is particularly significant in the classical realist view. It symbolizes the codification of these shared norms and provides a framework for states to interact within a rules-based system. The general adherence to international law by states reinforces the sense of a regulated international order, facilitating cooperation and reducing conflict.

In summary, classical realism presents a comprehensive view of international relations, where power politics coexist with a robust sense of community and shared norms. This approach not only acknowledges the complexities of state behavior but also underscores the importance of communal values and international law in shaping a more stable and cooperative global order.

=== Classical Realism’s Holistic Approach to International Order ===
=== 古典现实主义的国际秩序整体论 ===

Hans Morgenthau's classical realism brings a deeply insightful and multi-layered perspective to the study of international relations, blending ethical considerations with the practical realities of power. His approach, as detailed in "Politics Among Nations," revolutionized how we understand the mechanisms that underpin international order. Morgenthau argues persuasively that state actions on the global stage should be steered not just by power and self-interest but also by moral values. This is a significant shift from viewing international relations purely in terms of power struggle, opening up a discourse where ethical standards are seen as pivotal in influencing state behavior and the workings of the international system.

Classical realists, inspired by Morgenthau's ideas, delve into the role of the international community as a cohesive force, emphasizing that it's not only about power balances but also about the shared ethical values and norms that bind states together. These shared values act as a moral compass, guiding state actions and fostering cooperation, while discouraging behaviors that go against these collective norms. This is vividly illustrated in various international agreements and conventions, where states come together to establish common rules and standards, reinforcing global order and stability. These agreements demonstrate how the international community can collectively influence and moderate state behavior.

In the realm of classical realism, there's a keen awareness that international order is sustained by a delicate balance between power politics and these shared community norms. While power and national interests are undeniable forces in state behavior, the influence of shared norms and collective understandings within the international community is equally crucial. This approach posits that the semblance of order in the anarchic world of international politics is achieved not just through power balancing but also through the solidarity and cohesiveness of the international community.

Hans Morgenthau's classical realism, therefore, offers a rich and nuanced understanding of international relations. It acknowledges that the maintenance of international order is a complex interplay of power dynamics, ethical principles, and communal bonds. This perspective illuminates the multifaceted nature of international politics, where power, morality, and shared values collectively shape state behavior and the structure of the global system.

=== Hans Morgenthau's Nuanced View on Balance of Power Dynamics ===
=== 汉斯-摩根索对均势动态的微妙看法 ===

Hans Morgenthau's perspective on the balance of power, especially in the context of European politics during the 18th and 19th centuries, provides a distinctive and enriched understanding of this concept in international relations. His approach contrasts with the later neorealist emphasis on material capabilities and strategic calculations, highlighting the role of norms in international society.
汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)对力量均势的看法,尤其是在 18 和 19 世纪欧洲政治背景下的看法,为国际关系中的这一概念提供了独特而丰富的理解。他的方法与后来的新现实主义强调物质能力和战略计算形成鲜明对比,突出了规范在国际社会中的作用。

Morgenthau, in "Politics Among Nations," argues that the balance of power mechanism in Europe was underpinned not only by the material capabilities and strategic maneuvers of states but also by a set of shared norms and understandings prevalent in European international society. These norms were integral in shaping state behavior and contributed significantly to the maintenance of balance in the international system. Morgenthau pointed out that diplomatic traditions, respect for sovereignty, and legal principles were key components of these shared norms. These elements played a crucial role in guiding state conduct and interactions. Diplomatic traditions, for instance, provided a framework for communication and negotiation among states, helping to manage conflicts and maintain stability. Respect for sovereignty was another vital norm, ensuring that states recognized and upheld the territorial integrity and political independence of one another.

This perspective contrasts with the neorealist focus, which emerged later with scholars like Kenneth Waltz. Neorealism primarily focuses on the anarchic structure of the international system and the distribution of material capabilities among states. Neorealists argue that the balance of power is a natural outcome of states acting in their self-interest within an anarchic system, with less emphasis on the role of shared norms and legal principles. Morgenthau's nuanced understanding recognizes that the balance of power is a multifaceted mechanism influenced by both material factors and the normative framework of international society. His view acknowledges that the historical context, including the shared values and traditions of the time, plays a vital role in how states perceive their interests and engage in power balancing.
这一观点与后来由肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)等学者提出的新现实主义观点形成鲜明对比。新现实主义主要关注国际体系的无政府结构和国家间物质能力的分配。新现实主义者认为,均势是各国在无政府体系中为自身利益行事的自然结果,不太强调共同准则和法律原则的作用。摩根索的理解细致入微,他承认均势是一种受物质因素和国际社会规范框架影响的多元机制。他的观点承认,历史背景,包括当时的共同价值观和传统,在国家如何看待自身利益和参与权力平衡方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

The 18th and 19th centuries in Europe were marked by a distinctive approach to international relations, characterized by a system of shared understandings, norms, and rules that significantly influenced the balance of power. This period is a notable example of how diplomatic traditions and collective identity shaped state interactions. During this era, European states developed a complex system of diplomacy, alliances, and treaties, which were informed by a shared European identity and a common cultural and intellectual heritage. This system was not solely based on power politics; it also reflected a collective understanding of state behavior and norms of conduct. The intricate web of alliances and treaties helped to structure state interactions, providing a framework for managing conflicts and maintaining stability.
18 世纪和 19 世纪的欧洲以一种独特的方式处理国际关系,其特点是建立了一套共同的理解、规范和规则体系,对力量平衡产生了重大影响。这一时期是外交传统和集体认同如何影响国家互动的显著例证。在这一时期,欧洲国家发展了一套复杂的外交、结盟和条约体系,这套体系的基础是共同的欧洲身份以及共同的文化和知识遗产。这一体系并非仅以强权政治为基础,它还反映了对国家行为和行为规范的集体理解。错综复杂的联盟和条约网络有助于构建国家间的互动,为管理冲突和维护稳定提供了一个框架。

The Congress of Vienna in 1815, convened after the Napoleonic Wars, exemplifies this dynamic. The congress's purpose extended beyond the mere redrawing of Europe's political map. It aimed to establish a new diplomatic order grounded in shared norms and principles. One of the key principles agreed upon was the legitimacy of monarchies, which was seen as crucial for maintaining stability and order in Europe. Another principle was the balance of interests, ensuring that no single power could dominate the continent. This post-Vienna order, often referred to as the Concert of Europe, represented a collective effort to maintain peace and stability across the continent. It was a system where major powers worked together to resolve conflicts and preserve the balance of power. The Concert of Europe was instrumental in preventing major conflicts and maintaining relative peace in Europe for nearly a century. It exemplified a diplomatic approach where shared norms and collective decision-making played a central role in international relations.
拿破仑战争后于 1815 年召开的维也纳会议就是这一动态的例证。会议的目的不仅仅是重新绘制欧洲政治地图。它旨在建立一个以共同准则和原则为基础的外交新秩序。达成一致的关键原则之一是君主制的合法性,这被视为维持欧洲稳定和秩序的关键。另一项原则是利益均衡,确保没有任何一个国家可以主宰欧洲大陆。维也纳会议后的这一秩序通常被称为欧洲协约,代表了维护欧洲大陆和平与稳定的集体努力。在这个体系中,各大国共同努力解决冲突,维护均势。近一个世纪以来,欧洲协约在防止重大冲突和维持欧洲相对和平方面发挥了重要作用。它是一种外交方式的典范,在这种方式中,共同的准则和集体决策在国际关系中发挥了核心作用。

The 18th and 19th centuries in Europe thus offer a significant historical instance of how international relations can be structured not just around power struggles but also around shared norms, collective identity, and mutual understandings. The system of diplomacy, alliances, and treaties from this period, epitomized by the Congress of Vienna and the Concert of Europe, demonstrates how a common framework of norms and principles can contribute to stability and order in international relations. This historical example underscores the importance of considering not only material power but also the role of shared norms and diplomatic traditions in shaping the dynamics of global politics.
因此,18 和 19 世纪的欧洲提供了一个重要的历史实例,说明国际关系的构建不仅可以围绕权力斗争,还可以围绕共同准则、集体认同和相互理解。这一时期的外交、联盟和条约体系,以维也纳会议和欧洲协约为代表,展示了共同的规范和原则框架如何促进国际关系的稳定和秩序。这一历史事例强调,在塑造全球政治动态时,不仅要考虑物质力量,还要考虑共同准则和外交传统的作用。

=== Norms and Ethics: Beyond Mere Power Politics in International Relations ===
=== 规范与伦理:国际关系中超越单纯的权力政治 ===

Hans Morgenthau's classical realism, with its emphasis on norms and the role of international society, offers a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of international relations. This perspective acknowledges the interplay between power struggles and the broader framework of rules, norms, and values that states collectively recognize and adhere to. Classical realists recognize that international politics is not solely governed by the anarchic struggle for power. Alongside material capabilities and strategic interests, the rules and norms that states collectively observe play a critical role in shaping international relations. These norms include diplomatic protocols, legal principles, and moral considerations, which contribute to a sense of order and predictability in the international system.
汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)的古典现实主义强调规范和国际社会的作用,提供了对国际关系的细致而全面的理解。这种观点承认权力斗争与国家共同认可和遵守的规则、规范和价值观等更广泛框架之间的相互作用。古典现实主义者认识到,国际政治并不仅仅受制于无政府的权力斗争。除了物质能力和战略利益,各国共同遵守的规则和规范在塑造国际关系方面也发挥着至关重要的作用。这些规范包括外交礼仪、法律原则和道德考量,有助于在国际体系中形成秩序感和可预测性。

While acknowledging the importance of material capabilities, classical realists argue that the effectiveness of mechanisms like the balance of power also depends on the strength and cohesiveness of the international community. The shared values and norms underpinning the international system are essential in ensuring that the balance of power functions effectively. Without these shared understandings, efforts to maintain equilibrium among states might lead to increased instability and conflict. This perspective offers a more complex and layered understanding of international relations. Classical realism does not view international politics as merely a realm of power politics; it also considers the legal, moral, and cultural dimensions that influence state behavior. This multifaceted approach acknowledges that the international system is governed by a combination of power dynamics and a shared framework of norms and values.

In classical realism, power politics is interwoven with these normative aspects. The actions and strategies of states are influenced not only by their pursuit of power but also by their adherence to, and engagement with, the established norms and values of the international community. This interplay reflects the complex nature of how states interact and maintain order on the global stage. Classical realism, as articulated by thinkers like Hans Morgenthau, presents a rich and nuanced view of international relations. It recognizes that state behavior and the maintenance of international order are influenced by a combination of power struggles and the collective adherence to shared rules, norms, and values. This perspective highlights the multifaceted nature of international politics, where power, legal principles, moral considerations, and cultural ties collectively shape the dynamics of global interactions.
在古典现实主义中,权力政治与这些规范方面相互交织。国家的行动和战略不仅受其权力追求的影响,也受其对国际社会既定准则和价值观的遵守和参与的影响。这种相互作用反映了国家如何在全球舞台上互动和维持秩序的复杂性。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家所阐述的古典现实主义提出了丰富而细致的国际关系观点。它认为,国家行为和国际秩序的维护受到权力斗争与集体遵守共同规则、规范和价值观的综合影响。这一观点强调了国际政治的多面性,即权力、法律原则、道德考量和文化纽带共同塑造了全球互动的动态。

== Balancing State Interests with Justice ==
== 平衡国家利益与正义 ==

=== Contrasting Theoretical Perspectives: Neorealism vs. Classical Realism in Global Affairs ===
=== 对比理论视角:全球事务中的新现实主义与古典现实主义 ===

In the field of international relations, the contrast between Neorealism and Classical Realism presents a rich tapestry of theoretical perspectives on state behavior and global order. These differences are epitomized in the works of leading scholars from each school, such as Kenneth Waltz, a prominent Neorealist, and Hans Morgenthau, a key figure in Classical Realism.
在国际关系领域,新现实主义与古典现实主义的对比展现了关于国家行为和全球秩序的丰富理论视角。这两个学派的主要学者,如著名的新现实主义学者肯尼思-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)和古典现实主义的重要人物汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)的著作都体现了这一差异。

Neorealism, as articulated by Waltz in his influential work "Theory of International Politics," centers on the premise that the anarchic structure of the international system is the primary determinant of state behavior. This perspective posits that in a world without a central governing authority, states are primarily driven by the need to ensure their survival and security. Waltz’s approach leads to an emphasis on the material capabilities of states and the strategic maneuvers they undertake to navigate this anarchic environment. In this view, states, irrespective of their internal characteristics or moral considerations, behave in ways that maximize their power and security, as this is considered the most rational response to the systemic pressures they face. Neorealism thus focuses on the distribution of power in the international system, arguing that states act out of a necessity imposed by the external structure of the international arena.

Classical Realism, as exemplified by Hans Morgenthau in his seminal work "Politics Among Nations," while also recognizing the importance of power and national interests, delves deeper into the role of justice and moral values in shaping state behavior and the international order. Morgenthau acknowledges that power politics is an undeniable reality of international relations. However, he asserts that ethical considerations must be an integral part of how states define and pursue their national interests. For Morgenthau, the concept of justice is not only a moral imperative but also a practical necessity for the creation and maintenance of a stable international community and order. He argues that a sustainable international system requires a balance between the pursuit of power and adherence to ethical standards. This perspective suggests that the cohesiveness and strength of the international community, underpinned by shared values and norms, are crucial in maintaining global stability and order.
汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在其开创性著作《国家间政治》(Politics Among Nations)中所体现的古典现实主义,虽然也承认权力和国家利益的重要性,但更深入地探讨了正义和道德价值观在塑造国家行为和国际秩序方面的作用。摩根索承认,权力政治是国际关系中不可否认的现实。然而,他主张,道德考量必须成为国家如何定义和追求其国家利益的一个组成部分。在摩根索看来,正义的概念不仅是道德要求,也是建立和维护稳定的国际社会和秩序的现实需要。他认为,一个可持续的国际体系需要在追求权力和遵守道德标准之间取得平衡。这一观点认为,以共同价值观和准则为基础的国际社会的凝聚力和力量对于维护全球稳定和秩序至关重要。

Historically, the differences in these perspectives can be seen in various international dynamics. For instance, the Cold War era offers a clear illustration of Neorealism, where the bipolar structure of the international system led to a constant power struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. This period was marked by an arms race, the formation of military alliances, and proxy wars, all driven by the states’ need to enhance their security in an anarchic world. On the other hand, the Congress of Vienna in 1815, which Morgenthau might cite, reflects the Classical Realist perspective. Following the Napoleonic Wars, the congress aimed not just at redrawing the political map of Europe but at establishing a diplomatic order based on shared norms and principles, such as the balance of interests and the legitimacy of monarchies. This order, often referred to as the Concert of Europe, maintained relative peace and stability for nearly a century, demonstrating the influence of shared norms and values in international politics. Neorealism and Classical Realism offer distinct but equally valuable insights into the workings of international relations. Neorealism focuses on the structural aspects and the material capabilities of states within an anarchic international system, while Classical Realism provides a more nuanced view that incorporates ethical considerations and the role of shared norms in shaping state behavior and maintaining global order. These theoretical frameworks continue to be instrumental in understanding the complex dynamics of international politics and the behavior of states on the global stage.
从历史上看,这些观点的差异可以从各种国际动态中看出。例如,冷战时期清楚地说明了新现实主义的观点,当时国际体系的两极结构导致美国和苏联之间不断进行权力斗争。这一时期的特点是军备竞赛、结成军事同盟和代理人战争,所有这些都是出于各国在一个无政府的世界中加强自身安全的需要。另一方面,摩根索可能引用的 1815 年维也纳会议反映了古典现实主义观点。拿破仑战争之后,维也纳会议的目标不仅是重新绘制欧洲政治地图,而且是在利益平衡和君主合法性等共同准则和原则的基础上建立外交秩序。这一秩序通常被称为 "欧洲协约",在近一个世纪的时间里维持了相对的和平与稳定,显示了共同准则和价值观在国际政治中的影响力。新现实主义和古典现实主义对国际关系的运作提出了不同但同样有价值的见解。新现实主义侧重于无政府国际体系中国家的结构方面和物质能力,而古典现实主义则提供了一种更加细致入微的观点,将伦理因素和共同准则在塑造国家行为和维护全球秩序方面的作用纳入其中。这些理论框架仍然有助于理解国际政治的复杂动态以及各国在全球舞台上的行为。

=== Power Dynamics and Moral Judgment: The Intersection of Interests and Human Values in Classical Realism ===
=== 权力动力与道德判断:古典现实主义中利益与人类价值观的交汇 ===

Classical Realism offers a nuanced perspective on international relations, where the pursuit of power is intertwined with moral judgment and the recognition of shared human values. This school of thought presents a complex view of state behavior, balancing the pursuit of national interests with ethical considerations.

In Classical Realism, the argument is that a state's pursuit of power must be moderated by a sense of moral responsibility. Adhering strictly to national interests without considering justice can lead to instability and chaos on the international stage. This perspective is rooted in the belief that moral values and justice are foundational elements for establishing a community of states where some level of order and predictability is achievable, despite the inherent anarchic nature of the international system. The emphasis on moral values is not seen as antithetical to the pursuit of national interests but as an integral part of a sustainable foreign policy approach.

The approach of Classical Realists contrasts notably with that of Neorealists, who primarily focus on state interests in terms of power and security. Neorealism, as exemplified by scholars like Kenneth Waltz, emphasizes the structural aspects of the international system and how they dictate state behavior. The anarchic nature of the international system in Neorealism compels states to prioritize their survival and security, often leading to a focus on material capabilities and strategic considerations. Conversely, Classical Realists, including figures like Hans Morgenthau, incorporate a broader perspective that includes moral and ethical considerations. They argue that justice and shared values are critical in building a sense of community among states. This sense of community is central to the maintenance of international order. For Classical Realists, the international arena is not merely a battleground of power struggles but also a space where shared values, ethical considerations, and mutual understanding play significant roles in shaping state interactions.
古典现实主义者的方法与新现实主义者的方法形成鲜明对比,后者主要关注权力和安全方面的国家利益。以肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)等学者为代表的新现实主义强调国际体系的结构性以及它们如何决定国家行为。在新现实主义中,国际体系的无政府性质迫使国家优先考虑自身的生存与安全,这往往导致对物质能力和战略考量的关注。相反,包括汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等人在内的古典现实主义者则从更广阔的视角出发,将道德和伦理因素纳入考虑范围。他们认为,正义和共同的价值观对于建立国家间的共同体意识至关重要。这种共同体意识是维护国际秩序的核心。对于古典现实主义者来说,国际舞台不仅仅是权力斗争的战场,也是共同价值观、道德考量和相互理解在塑造国家互动中发挥重要作用的空间。

This distinction within the realist tradition highlights diverse approaches to understanding and interpreting state behavior and international relations. While both schools acknowledge the role of power in international politics, Classical Realism provides a more expansive framework that considers the importance of ethical considerations and communal values in the conduct of foreign affairs and the establishment of a stable international order. This perspective suggests that the complexities of international relations require an approach that accounts for both power dynamics and the moral dimensions of state behavior.

=== The Central Role of Justice in International Relations ===
=== 正义在国际关系中的核心作用 ===

The classical realist perspective on international relations places a substantial emphasis on the concept of justice, seeing it as a vital element in the conduct of global politics. This view is profoundly influenced by thinkers like Hans Morgenthau, whose seminal work "Politics Among Nations" argues that justice is both a moral imperative and a practical necessity in international affairs.

For classical realists, the value of justice extends beyond ethical considerations, playing a pivotal role in enhancing a state's influence on the international stage. Influence in international relations is not limited to military and economic capabilities; the moral standing of a state significantly contributes to its ability to shape global events and decisions. A state's actions, when perceived as just and morally sound, can bolster its legitimacy and persuasive power in the international community. This moral dimension of state power is a key component of what is often termed "soft power" – the ability to attract and persuade rather than coerce. The importance of moral standing and justice in international relations is evident in various historical contexts. During the Cold War, for instance, the United States and its allies endeavored to project an image of defending freedom and democracy. This portrayal was not just a rhetorical strategy but a crucial element in attracting global support and lending legitimacy to their policies. The emphasis on democratic values and human rights helped to justify their actions and strategies in the eyes of the world, enhancing their influence and enabling the formation of robust alliances. Classical realism thus acknowledges that a state's ability to influence global politics is inextricably linked to its perceived commitment to justice and ethical conduct. This perspective suggests that adherence to moral principles in foreign policy is not only a matter of ethical responsibility but also a strategic asset in the complex arena of international relations. States that are perceived as upholding justice and moral values often find it easier to navigate the international system, build coalitions, and exert influence. This recognition of the interplay between power, morality, and justice offers a nuanced understanding of state behavior and underscores the multifaceted nature of international politics.
对于古典现实主义者来说,正义的价值超越了道德考量,在增强国家在国际舞台上的影响力方面发挥着关键作用。国际关系中的影响力不仅限于军事和经济能力,一个国家的道德地位对其影响全球事件和决策的能力也大有裨益。当一个国家的行为被视为公正且符合道德规范时,就能增强其在国际社会中的合法性和说服力。国家权力的这一道德维度是通常所说的 "软实力"--吸引和说服而非强制的能力--的关键组成部分。道德地位和正义在国际关系中的重要性在各种历史背景下都显而易见。例如,冷战期间,美国及其盟国努力塑造捍卫自由与民主的形象。这种形象不仅是一种修辞策略,也是吸引全球支持和赋予其政策合法性的关键因素。对民主价值观和人权的强调有助于在世界眼中证明其行动和战略的正当性,增强其影响力并促成牢固联盟的形成。因此,古典现实主义承认,一个国家影响全球政治的能力与其对正义和道德行为的承诺密不可分。这一观点认为,在外交政策中坚持道德原则不仅是道德责任问题,也是复杂的国际关系舞台上的战略资产。那些被视为坚持正义和道德价值观的国家往往更容易在国际体系中游刃有余、建立联盟并施加影响。这种对权力、道德和正义之间相互作用的认识,提供了对国家行为的细致入微的理解,强调了国际政治的多面性。

Classical realism presents a sophisticated understanding of how states perceive and pursue their national interests, emphasizing that these interests are not solely determined by pragmatic calculations of power and security. This school of thought, deeply influenced by thinkers like Hans Morgenthau, posits that a state's understanding of its national interests is also intricately linked to its conceptions of justice, ethical considerations, and values. In the classical realist framework, the national interests of a state are shaped by a combination of material interests and moral principles. This perspective suggests that the actions and strategies of a state on the international stage are reflective of its broader worldview, which encompasses notions of what is just and fair. The intertwining of these material and moral dimensions means that the pursuit of national interests is not just a straightforward exercise in maximizing power or ensuring security but also involves considerations of ethical conduct and justice.
古典现实主义对国家如何认识和追求其国家利益提出了精深的理解,强调这些利益并非完全由权力和安全的实用主义计算决定。这一学派深受汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家的影响,认为一个国家对其国家利益的理解也与其正义观念、道德考虑和价值观念密切相关。在古典现实主义框架中,一个国家的国家利益是由物质利益和道德原则共同决定的。这种观点认为,一个国家在国际舞台上的行动和战略反映了其更广泛的世界观,其中包括什么是公正和公平的观念。这些物质和道德层面的相互交织意味着,追求国家利益不仅仅是最大化权力或确保安全的直截了当的做法,还涉及道德行为和正义的考虑。

The integration of moral judgment into the formulation of foreign policy is a crucial aspect of classical realism. Foreign policy, from this perspective, is not merely a matter of strategic planning; it also involves ethical deliberation and a reflection of a state's values and ideals. This approach is evident in various instances of international policymaking where states align their foreign policy objectives with their domestic values. For example, the promotion of human rights or support for democratic movements abroad are often not just strategic decisions but also reflect a commitment to certain moral principles and ideals. Such policies demonstrate that states often seek to project their values onto the international stage, and these values play a significant role in shaping their foreign policy goals. The pursuit of policies aligned with notions of justice and ethical conduct enhances the legitimacy of a state's actions in the eyes of the international community and can be instrumental in building alliances and partnerships based on shared values and principles. classical realism offers a nuanced view of state behavior in international relations. It acknowledges that while power and security are critical considerations, a state's national interests are also shaped by its ethical beliefs and conceptions of justice. This perspective highlights the complex nature of international politics, where strategic interests are interwoven with moral considerations, shaping how states define their goals and engage with the global community.

The classical realist perspective on justice in international relations offers a holistic and multidimensional framework, encapsulating the intricate interplay between power politics and moral values. This school of thought, while rooted in the realist tradition of prioritizing power and national interests, also recognizes the fundamental importance of justice, both in its ethical significance and practical implications.

=== The Integral Nature of Ethical Considerations in Influencing State Behavior ===
=== 影响国家行为的伦理因素的整体性 ===

In this classical realist view, justice is not a peripheral or abstract concept; rather, it is pivotal to the conduct of international politics. Ethical considerations are seen as integral in shaping state behavior. The way states perceive and pursue justice can profoundly influence their foreign policy decisions, alliance formations, and even the very definition of their national interests. States are not only driven by the pragmatic concerns of power and security but are also guided by their moral principles and notions of what is right and fair. This approach highlights the complexity of international relations, acknowledging that states operate in a global environment that is not only competitive and power-centric but also ethically nuanced. The recognition of justice as a key factor in international relations underscores the fact that states' actions on the world stage are often influenced by their commitment to certain values and ideals. This commitment can shape their international reputation, impact their diplomatic relations, and play a crucial role in the formation of international alliances.

Furthermore, the classical realist view suggests that the pursuit of justice can have practical benefits for states. Upholding ethical standards and advocating for justice can enhance a state's soft power, improve its global standing, and facilitate cooperation with other nations. States that are perceived as just and principled may find it easier to garner support, build coalitions, and exert influence in the international arena. Classical realism presents a nuanced understanding of international relations, where power dynamics coexist and interact with moral values and justice. This perspective illustrates that the realm of global politics is not merely a battleground for power but also a space where ethical considerations play a significant role. By acknowledging the multifaceted nature of state behavior, classical realism offers valuable insights into the complexities of navigating the international system, where practical concerns of power are inextricably linked with the pursuit of justice and moral principles.

== Impact of Modernization on Global Change ==
== 现代化对全球变化的影响 ==

=== Impact of Modernization on State Identities and Narratives ===
=== 现代化对国家身份和叙事的影响 ===

Classical realists offer a unique perspective on the impact of modernization on international relations, particularly in how it influences state behavior and conceptions of security. They view modernization as a multifaceted process involving technological, economic, and social developments, which collectively contribute to significant shifts in state identities, discourses, and ultimately, their approaches to security. From the classical realist viewpoint, modernization is not merely a transformation in physical capabilities or strategic positions. It extends much deeper, affecting the very identities and narratives of states. As states undergo modernization, there is a corresponding evolution in their values, priorities, and perceptions. This evolution has a profound impact on how states see themselves and their roles in the international system.

The process of modernization, particularly evident in Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries, led to the formation of nation-states with distinct national identities. This development was accompanied by new forms of nationalism, fundamentally altering how states defined their interests. The concept of security expanded beyond traditional concerns of territorial integrity and military strength to include the preservation of cultural identity and national sovereignty. The two World Wars can be partly analyzed through the lens of this transformative process. The clash of national identities and the desire to secure territorial and ideological dominance were central to the conflicts. The wars were not just about strategic territorial expansion; they also involved profound struggles over national identities, ideologies, and visions for the future world order. States engaged in these conflicts with an understanding of security that was deeply intertwined with their national narratives and identities, which had been shaped by the process of modernization.
现代化进程在 19 世纪和 20 世纪的欧洲尤为明显,它导致了具有鲜明民族特征的民族国家的形成。伴随这一发展的是新形式的民族主义,从根本上改变了国家对自身利益的定义。安全的概念超越了对领土完整和军事力量的传统关切,扩展到对文化认同和国家主权的维护。两次世界大战可以从这一转变过程的视角进行部分分析。民族身份的冲突以及确保领土和意识形态主导地位的愿望是冲突的核心。这些战争不仅涉及领土的战略扩张,还涉及对民族身份、意识形态和未来世界秩序愿景的深刻争夺。各国在参与这些冲突时,对安全的理解与其国家叙事和身份认同深深交织在一起,而国家叙事和身份认同是由现代化进程塑造的。

The classical realist perspective on change in international relations emphasizes the significant impact of modernization on state behavior. It highlights how technological, economic, and social developments reshape state identities and narratives, leading to new conceptions of security. This perspective underlines the complexity of international relations, where changes in the global environment, driven by modernization, have far-reaching implications for how states perceive themselves, define their interests, and approach their security strategies. The evolution of national identities and the broader implications for security as seen in the events of the 19th and 20th centuries exemplify the profound influence of modernization on the international stage.
关于国际关系变革的经典现实主义观点强调了现代化对国家行为的重大影响。它强调了技术、经济和社会发展如何重塑国家身份和叙事,从而产生新的安全概念。这一视角强调了国际关系的复杂性,即在现代化的推动下,全球环境的变化对国家如何看待自身、界定自身利益以及制定安全战略产生了深远影响。从 19 世纪和 20 世纪的事件中可以看出,国家身份的演变和对安全的广泛影响体现了现代化对国际舞台的深远影响。

=== Interplay of Traditional and Modern Factors ===
=== 传统因素与现代因素的相互作用 ===

The process of modernization has significantly influenced the discourses in international politics, bringing about profound changes in how states communicate and frame their policies. Classical realists observe that as states develop and modernize, they adopt new narratives and ways of articulating their policies, especially in the context of security. This evolution is particularly evident in the rise of democracy and liberal values, which have reshaped the discourse in international relations. The emergence and proliferation of democratic states, underpinned by liberal values, have altered the landscape of international politics. Democratic states, influenced by liberal discourses, often approach their security policies differently compared to more traditional, power-centric states. Security policies in democratic states are increasingly framed within the context of human rights, adherence to international law, and the importance of global cooperation. This represents a significant shift from the traditional narratives focused primarily on military might and territorial integrity.

Classical realists point out that in the modern international system, the concept of security extends beyond the conventional understanding of physical threats and military power. Modernization has led to a broader conception of security that includes concerns over economic stability, political legitimacy, societal cohesion, and environmental sustainability. This expanded view of security reflects the intricate nature of modern global challenges, where states must navigate not only traditional power politics but also address various social, economic, and ideological factors. The broader conception of security in the modern international system demonstrates the complex interplay between traditional power politics and evolving social, economic, and ideological factors. States now have to consider a wider array of issues when formulating their security policies. For example, economic interdependence and global trade have become integral aspects of national security strategies, while issues like climate change and cyber threats have emerged as new security challenges.

The process of modernization has led to significant changes in the discourses and identities of states in international politics, as observed by classical realists. The rise of democracy and liberal values has contributed to a shift in how states conceptualize and pursue their security objectives. This shift highlights the dynamic nature of international relations, where traditional notions of power and security intersect with modern concerns and liberal discourses. The classical realist perspective underscores the evolving nature of state behavior in the international system, acknowledging the impact of modernization on the ways states perceive and address their security in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

== Restoring Order in International Relations: Insights from Thucydides and Hans Morgenthau ==
== 在国际关系中恢复秩序:修昔底德和汉斯-摩根索的见解 ==

The perspectives of Thucydides and Hans Morgenthau on restoring order in international relations reflect a nuanced understanding of the need to balance traditional approaches with adaptation to new realities. Both thinkers recognized that the dynamics of international politics are subject to continual change, and thus, the methods of maintaining or restoring order must also evolve. However, they also understood the importance of preserving certain enduring principles that have historically contributed to stability.

=== Thucydides’ Insight: Balancing Timeless Human Qualities with Changing Global Dynamics ===
=== 修昔底德的洞察力:平衡永恒的人类品质与不断变化的全球动态 ===

Thucydides, the ancient Greek historian, is renowned for his seminal work "The History of the Peloponnesian War," which offers profound insights into the nature of power and conflict in international relations. His detailed account of the conflict between Athens and Sparta provides a timeless analysis of the motivations and behaviors of states, which he attributed to enduring human qualities such as ambition, fear, and the pursuit of honor. Thucydides’ analysis delves into how these timeless human qualities manifest in the actions and decisions of states. He observed that the desire for power, driven by ambition and fear, often leads to conflicts between states. Similarly, the pursuit of honor and prestige can influence the foreign policies of states, prompting them to engage in actions that enhance their standing and influence in the international arena. Thucydides' work thus underscores the idea that certain aspects of state behavior are consistent across different historical periods, driven by fundamental human traits. At the same time, Thucydides recognized that changes in external circumstances, such as shifts in the balance of power or the formation of new alliances, significantly impact the dynamics of international relations. He illustrated how these changing factors could alter the course of conflicts and the strategies adopted by states. For instance, the rise of Athens as a powerful entity in the Greek world led to a shift in the balance of power, contributing to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides’ account shows how changes in power dynamics and the emergence of new threats or opportunities can compel states to reassess and modify their strategies and alliances.

Thucydides’ work implies that while the fundamental qualities driving state behavior may remain constant, the methods and strategies for managing international relations must be flexible and adaptable to changing contexts. His analysis suggests that an understanding of the dynamics of power and conflict requires not only an appreciation of enduring human qualities but also an awareness of the evolving geopolitical landscape. States must navigate this landscape by adapting their strategies to the prevailing circumstances, balancing their enduring interests with the changing realities of the international system. Thucydides' "The History of the Peloponnesian War" provides a foundational framework for understanding international relations. It highlights the interplay between timeless human qualities and the evolving nature of global politics. His insights into the motivations and behaviors of states, coupled with his recognition of the impact of changing circumstances, offer valuable lessons for understanding the complex dynamics of power, conflict, and strategy in the realm of international relations. Thucydides’ work remains relevant in contemporary discussions of international politics, illustrating the need for states to balance constant human factors with the flexibility required to adapt to an ever-changing global environment.

=== Morgenthau’s Perspective: Merging Power Politics with Ethical Imperatives in Statecraft ===
=== 摩根索的观点:将强权政治与国家治理中的道德要求结合起来 ===

Hans Morgenthau, writing in the mid-20th century, a time markedly different from Thucydides' era, presented his views on international relations in his seminal work "Politics Among Nations." Morgenthau's writing was deeply influenced by the profound changes the world had undergone, including the devastating impacts of two world wars and the onset of the Cold War. His approach to restoring order in this new and turbulent era was both pragmatic and ethically informed. Morgenthau recognized the harsh realities of power politics in a world still reeling from the effects of global conflict. He emphasized the necessity of a pragmatic approach to international relations, acknowledging that the pursuit of national interest, often defined in terms of power, remains a constant driving force behind state actions. This perspective reflected the traditional realist view that power dynamics and state interests are fundamental elements in the international system. However, Morgenthau's approach was not limited to a power-centric view. He strongly advocated for the integration of moral and ethical considerations into foreign policy. Morgenthau argued that the conduct of international politics, while inherently tied to the pursuit of power, should not disregard the evolving norms and expectations of the international community. He believed that a balance must be struck between the pragmatic pursuit of national interests and adherence to moral and ethical standards.
汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)写作于 20 世纪中期,这个时代与修昔底德时代明显不同,他在开创性著作《国家间政治》中提出了自己对国际关系的观点。摩根索的写作深受世界所经历的深刻变化的影响,包括两次世界大战的破坏性影响和冷战的爆发。他在这个动荡不安的新时代恢复秩序的方法既务实又有道德依据。摩根索认识到,在一个仍在遭受全球冲突影响的世界中,强权政治是残酷的现实。他强调必须以务实的方法处理国际关系,承认对国家利益的追求(通常以权力来定义)仍然是国家行动背后的持久驱动力。这一观点反映了传统的现实主义观点,即权力动力和国家利益是国际体系的基本要素。然而,摩根索的方法并不局限于以权力为中心的观点。他极力主张将道德和伦理因素纳入外交政策。摩根索认为,国际政治行为虽然与追求权力有着内在联系,但不应无视国际社会不断演变的规范和期望。他认为,必须在务实地追求国家利益与遵守道德伦理标准之间取得平衡。

For Morgenthau, restoring and maintaining order in the post-World War era required states to adapt their strategies to align with the changing norms of international conduct. This adaptation involved a greater recognition of the role of international law and ethical norms in shaping state behavior. Morgenthau saw international law and moral principles as crucial elements that could temper the unfettered pursuit of power and contribute to a more stable and orderly international environment. Hans Morgenthau's contribution to classical realism in "Politics Among Nations" offers a nuanced understanding of international relations in a rapidly changing world. His perspective acknowledges the enduring importance of power politics but also underscores the need for ethical considerations in statecraft. Morgenthau's work reflects a sophisticated approach to international relations, one that seeks a balance between the pragmatic realities of power and the moral imperatives that are increasingly recognized as vital in shaping a stable and just international order. His insights remain relevant in contemporary discussions on international politics, highlighting the complex interplay between power, ethics, and the evolving standards of the international community.

=== Navigating Between Traditional Power Politics and Contemporary Global Realities ===
=== 在传统强权政治与当代全球现实之间导航 ===

Thucydides and Hans Morgenthau, separated by millennia, nonetheless converge in their understanding of international relations, particularly in the balance between enduring principles and the necessity for adaptability in the face of change. Their insights, though arising from vastly different historical contexts, reveal a shared recognition of the complexities of state behavior and the dynamics of global politics. Both Thucydides and Morgenthau acknowledged that certain fundamental aspects of state behavior, such as the pursuit of power and security, are enduring features of international relations. Thucydides, through his analysis of the Peloponnesian War, highlighted how the quest for power and dominance was a driving force behind the actions of Athens and Sparta. Similarly, Morgenthau, writing in the aftermath of the World Wars and at the dawn of the Cold War, identified the pursuit of national interests defined in terms of power as a constant in the strategic calculations of states.

However, both thinkers also recognized that while these basic motivations remain constant, the strategies and policies states use to manage their interests and behaviors must be adaptable. The international arena is characterized by constant change – be it in the form of shifts in the balance of power, technological advancements, emerging ideological conflicts, or the evolution of norms and legal frameworks. Thucydides showed that shifts in alliances and power dynamics required states to continually adjust their strategies. Morgenthau, on the other hand, emphasized that in addition to power politics, the evolving norms and expectations of the international community, as well as the realities of the contemporary world, necessitate adjustments in foreign policy and state behavior. The balance between traditional power politics and the evolving norms and realities is essential for addressing the complexities of international relations. This balance helps in limiting the destructive potential of changes in the global order. Thucydides and Morgenthau understood that a rigid adherence to old strategies, without considering the changing context, could lead to catastrophic outcomes, as exemplified by the wars in their respective eras.

The perspectives of Thucydides and Morgenthau, despite their historical distance, offer timeless insights into the conduct of international relations. Their works suggest that a nuanced understanding of global politics requires recognizing the constant elements of state behavior, such as the pursuit of power, while also being adaptable to the evolving landscape of international relations. This approach emphasizes the need for a sophisticated balance between enduring principles of state behavior and a responsiveness to the changing dynamics of the global order, a concept that remains as relevant today as it was in their times.

== Theoretical Foundations and Evolutions in Classical Realism ==
== 古典现实主义的理论基础和演变 ==

The classical realist approach to theory, as exemplified by thinkers like Thucydides and Hans Morgenthau, is distinct from contemporary realism, particularly in its treatment of context and the skepticism towards general laws and predictions in international relations.
以修昔底德和汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家为代表的古典现实主义理论方法与当代现实主义截然不同,尤其是在对语境的处理以及对国际关系中的一般规律和预测持怀疑态度方面。

=== Contextual Dynamics: The Impact of Historical and Geopolitical Factors on State Behavior ===
=== 背景动态:历史和地缘政治因素对国家行为的影响 ===

Thucydides, through his detailed and nuanced account of the Peloponnesian War, offers a perspective on international relations that is deeply rooted in the specificities of historical and geopolitical context. His work transcends a mere chronicling of events, providing an analytical insight into how the unique circumstances of the time shaped the foreign policy decisions of Athens and Sparta, two of the most powerful city-states of ancient Greece.

In his analysis, Thucydides does not attempt to establish overarching, universal laws of international politics. Instead, he focuses on the particularities of the situation – the relative power dynamics between Athens and Sparta, the cultural and historical factors that influenced their actions, and the personalities and decisions of their leaders. Thucydides' approach underscores the complexity of foreign policy, showing that it is shaped by a confluence of various factors, each unique to its time and place. The narrative crafted by Thucydides highlights that the decisions and actions of states are not made in a vacuum but are deeply influenced by their historical and geopolitical contexts. For instance, the rise of Athens as a maritime power, its cultural and political aspirations, and its rivalry with Sparta were all crucial factors that dictated the course of the Peloponnesian War. Similarly, the leadership styles of key figures such as Pericles in Athens and King Archidamus in Sparta played significant roles in determining how each state approached the conflict.

Thucydides’ emphasis on the importance of understanding these unique circumstances speaks to a view of international relations that is highly contingent and specific to each situation. He suggests that an accurate understanding of foreign policy requires a deep appreciation of the particular historical moment, including the cultural, political, and strategic contexts in which states operate. Thucydides' work on the Peloponnesian War offers valuable insights into the conduct of international relations, highlighting the significance of contextual factors in shaping state behavior. His approach suggests that the analysis of foreign policy and international politics must be grounded in a thorough understanding of the specific historical and geopolitical circumstances of each case. This perspective continues to resonate in contemporary international relations, where the complex interplay of various context-specific factors remains a key consideration in understanding and navigating the global political landscape.

=== Classical Realism in Practice: A Pragmatic and Context-Sensitive Approach to International Politics ===
=== 实践中的古典现实主义:国际政治的务实和语境敏感方法 ===

Hans Morgenthau's approach to international relations, articulated in his influential work "Politics Among Nations," marked a departure from the quest for general laws or rigid scientific formulas to explain state behavior. His perspective offered a more nuanced and contextually rich understanding of the complexities inherent in international politics. Morgenthau expressed skepticism about the possibility of explaining or predicting the behavior of states through fixed, scientific laws. He challenged the notion that the complexities of international relations could be distilled into simple, universal principles. This skepticism stemmed from an appreciation of the multifaceted nature of international relations, encompassing a wide array of political, cultural, and historical factors that resist simplification.
汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在其影响深远的著作《国家间政治》中阐述了他的国际关系方法,这标志着他不再追求用一般规律或僵化的科学公式来解释国家行为。他的观点对国际政治固有的复杂性提供了一种更细致入微、背景更丰富的理解。摩根索对通过固定的科学法则来解释或预测国家行为的可能性表示怀疑。他对国际关系的复杂性可以提炼为简单、普遍原则的观点提出了质疑。这种怀疑态度源于他对国际关系多面性的理解,即国际关系包含一系列政治、文化和历史因素,这些因素都是难以简单化的。

Central to Morgenthau's realism was the role of human nature and power dynamics in shaping international relations. He viewed the pursuit of power as a fundamental driver of state behavior, influenced by the intrinsic aspects of human nature. However, Morgenthau's analysis did not stop at the pursuit of power; he also incorporated the moral and ethical dimensions of statecraft into his framework. Morgenthau advocated for a foreign policy approach that acknowledges the moral and ethical implications of decisions and actions. He argued that an effective foreign policy must consider not only the pragmatic aspects of power but also the ethical responsibilities that come with it. This perspective reflects a deeper understanding of statecraft, one that balances power considerations with moral judgment.

Morgenthau emphasized that while certain patterns, such as the pursuit of power, are observable in international relations, the specific ways these patterns manifest depend heavily on the unique context of each situation. He argued that a profound understanding of these contexts is crucial for effective statecraft. This approach necessitates a deep analysis of the political, cultural, and historical backdrop of international events and interactions. Hans Morgenthau's approach to international relations presents a comprehensive framework that goes beyond a simplistic view of state behavior. His skepticism towards general laws, combined with his emphasis on human nature, power dynamics, and ethical considerations, offers a pragmatic and context-sensitive understanding of international politics. Morgenthau's realism underscores the importance of recognizing the diverse and complex factors that influence state behavior, highlighting the need for a nuanced and ethically informed approach to foreign policy and international relations.

=== Foreign Policy in Context: Emphasizing Situation-Specific Actions and Questioning Universal Theories in International Politics ===
=== 背景下的外交政策:强调针对具体情况的行动,质疑国际政治中的普遍理论 ===

Classical realists such as Thucydides and Hans Morgenthau provide a distinct approach to the theory of international relations, one that diverges notably from the perspectives of contemporary realism. Their emphasis lies on the context-dependence of foreign policy actions and a pronounced skepticism toward the formulation of general laws and predictions in international politics.
修昔底德(Thucydides)和汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等古典现实主义者为国际关系理论提供了一种独特的方法,与当代现实主义的观点大相径庭。他们强调外交政策行动的背景依赖性,并对制定国际政治的一般规律和预测持明显的怀疑态度。

Both Thucydides and Morgenthau underscore the importance of considering the specific historical, cultural, and political circumstances that influence state behavior. Thucydides, in his account of the Peloponnesian War, delves into the nuances of human nature, strategic calculations, and the specific historical context of ancient Greece to explain the actions and decisions of Athens and Sparta. His narrative highlights how the motivations and behaviors of states are deeply influenced by their unique circumstances. Morgenthau, writing in the context of the mid-20th century, also stresses the significance of context in shaping state actions. In "Politics Among Nations," he argues against the notion that the complex dynamics of international relations can be reduced to a set of rigid, scientific laws. Instead, Morgenthau emphasizes the role of human nature, power dynamics, and the moral and ethical dimensions of statecraft, insisting that these elements must be understood within the specific geopolitical and cultural context of the time. Both thinkers exhibit a skepticism towards the possibility of establishing universal laws or predictions in international relations. This skepticism stems from an understanding that international politics is inherently complex and varied, shaped by a multitude of factors that resist simplification into a one-size-fits-all theory. This perspective acknowledges that while there are observable patterns and tendencies in international relations, such as the pursuit of power, the manifestation of these tendencies is heavily influenced by the specific historical and geopolitical context.
修昔底德和摩根索都强调了考虑影响国家行为的具体历史、文化和政治环境的重要性。修昔底德在描述伯罗奔尼撒战争时,深入探讨了人性的细微差别、战略计算以及古希腊的特定历史背景,以解释雅典和斯巴达的行动和决策。他的叙述强调了国家的动机和行为如何深受其独特环境的影响。摩根索在 20 世纪中期的写作背景中,也强调了环境对国家行为的重要影响。在《国家间的政治》一书中,他反对将复杂的国际关系动态归结为一套僵化、科学的法则。相反,摩根索强调了人性的作用、权力的动力以及国家行为的道德和伦理维度,坚持认为必须在当时特定的地缘政治和文化背景下理解这些要素。两位思想家都对在国际关系中建立普遍规律或预测的可能性持怀疑态度。这种怀疑态度源于这样一种认识,即国际政治本质上是复杂多变的,是由多种因素决定的,无法简化为放之四海而皆准的理论。这种观点承认,虽然国际关系中存在可观察到的模式和趋势,如追求权力,但这些趋势的表现形式在很大程度上受到特定历史和地缘政治背景的影响。

The approach of classical realists like Thucydides and Morgenthau reflects a nuanced and flexible understanding of international politics. They advocate for an approach to international relations that is adaptable and sensitive to the unique circumstances of each situation. Their perspective suggests that effective foreign policy and statecraft require not only an understanding of broad trends and patterns but also a deep appreciation of the particular historical, cultural, and political context in which states operate. The classical realist tradition, as exemplified by Thucydides and Morgenthau, offers valuable insights into the conduct of international relations. Their emphasis on the context-dependence of state behavior and their skepticism toward general laws provide a framework that is both nuanced and adaptable, highlighting the complexity and diversity of international politics. This approach underscores the importance of a detailed understanding of specific contexts in shaping effective and ethical foreign policy strategies.

== Iraq War: A Classical Realist Analysis ==
== 伊拉克战争:经典现实主义分析 ==

=== The Iraq War as a Tragic Episode in International Relations ===
=== 作为国际关系悲剧的伊拉克战争 ===

==== Analyzing the Iraq War as a Tragedy of International Politics ====
==== 作为国际政治悲剧分析伊拉克战争 ====

The Iraq War, when viewed through the lens of classical realism, can be interpreted as a modern-day tragedy akin to those found in ancient Greek literature, characterized by hubris, miscalculation, and a fundamental misunderstanding of the complexities of international relations. Classical realism, with its focus on power dynamics, human nature, and ethical considerations, offers a framework that can elucidate the underlying factors and consequences of this conflict.

Classical realists would identify the concept of hubris – excessive pride or self-confidence – as a critical factor leading to the Iraq War. This hubris, often seen in the overestimation of military capabilities or the underestimation of an adversary's resolve, aligns with the tragic flaws that precipitate downfall in Greek tragedies. In the case of the Iraq War, this hubris could be seen in the overconfidence of the coalition forces, particularly the United States, in their ability to quickly and decisively achieve their objectives.

Another aspect that classical realism highlights is the profound misunderstanding of the complexities inherent in international relations. The Iraq War, in this view, demonstrates a failure to fully appreciate the intricate social, political, and cultural dynamics of Iraq and the broader Middle East region. Such a misunderstanding can lead to flawed decisions, as it did in the case of Iraq, where the consequences of toppling a regime were not adequately understood or prepared for. Classical realism emphasizes the role of human nature in the conduct of international relations. The decision to go to war in Iraq can be partly attributed to the human tendencies toward fear, ambition, and the desire for power, which are central themes in classical realist thought. These tendencies often drive states to engage in actions that might be deemed necessary for national security or geopolitical advantage but can have tragic consequences.

The lack of sufficient ethical consideration in the decision-making process leading up to the Iraq War aligns with the classical realist critique of neglecting moral dimensions in statecraft. From this perspective, the tragedy of the Iraq War is compounded by the apparent disregard for the ethical implications of military intervention, the loss of life, and the long-term consequences for regional stability. From a classical realist standpoint, the Iraq War can be interpreted as a tragic episode in international relations, marked by hubris, miscalculation, and a lack of understanding of the complexities of the geopolitical landscape. This perspective underscores the importance of considering power dynamics, human nature, and ethical dimensions in foreign policy decision-making to avoid tragic outcomes in international affairs.

==== Hubris and Tragic Flaws: The Iraq War as a Modern Reflection of Ancient Themes ====
==== 自大与悲剧性缺陷:伊拉克战争是古代主题的现代反映 ====

The Iraq War, when viewed through the lens of Greek tragedy and interpreted by the principles of classical realism, illustrates a narrative of hubris and tragic flaws leading to unforeseen and far-reaching consequences. The themes of hubris and hamartia, central to Greek tragedy, resonate strongly in the context of the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States and its allies.
通过希腊悲剧的视角和古典现实主义的原则来解读伊拉克战争,可以看到狂妄自大和悲剧性缺陷导致了无法预料和影响深远的后果。希腊悲剧的核心主题 "狂妄自大 "和 "仓皇失措 "在 2003 年美国及其盟国入侵伊拉克的背景下引起了强烈反响。

The concept of hubris, or excessive pride and overconfidence, is a key element in classical Greek tragedies and can be applied to the decision to invade Iraq. From a classical realist perspective, the coalition's decision was partly driven by an overestimation of their military power and capabilities, coupled with a strong belief in the moral righteousness of their cause. This hubris led to a certain blindness or disregard for the potential risks and complexities involved in the intervention. The coalition forces, particularly the United States, were confident in their ability to quickly achieve their objectives and establish a stable, democratic government in Iraq. The concept of hamartia, or a tragic flaw, is also evident in the strategic planning and execution of the Iraq War. Classical realism would interpret the failure to accurately assess the situation and anticipate the consequences of the invasion as a significant strategic flaw. The coalition forces did not fully anticipate the insurgency, the resulting sectarian violence, or the long-term political and social upheaval that would ensue following the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime. These misjudgments and miscalculations can be seen as the hamartia of the Iraq War, leading to unintended and devastating consequences. The classical realist interpretation would also emphasize the importance of understanding the complex political, social, and cultural dynamics of the Middle East region. The failure to grasp these complexities contributed to the flawed decision-making process. The coalition's plans for post-invasion Iraq did not adequately account for the deep-seated ethnic and sectarian divisions, nor did they foresee the power vacuum that would emerge, exacerbating regional instability.
狂妄的概念,即过度骄傲和过度自信,是希腊古典悲剧中的一个关键因素,也可适用于入侵伊拉克的决定。从古典现实主义的角度来看,联军做出这一决定的部分原因是高估了自己的军事实力和能力,同时坚信自己的事业在道义上是正义的。这种狂妄自大导致对干预行动的潜在风险和复杂性视而不见或置若罔闻。联军,尤其是美国,坚信自己有能力迅速实现目标,在伊拉克建立一个稳定、民主的政府。在伊拉克战争的战略规划和执行过程中,"仓促"(hamartia)或 "悲剧性缺陷"(tragic flaw)的概念也很明显。经典现实主义将未能准确评估局势和预见入侵后果解释为重大战略缺陷。联军没有充分预料到叛乱、由此引发的教派暴力,以及萨达姆-侯赛因政权被推翻后随之而来的长期政治和社会动荡。这些错误判断和误判可被视为伊拉克战争的 "仓鼠",导致了意想不到的破坏性后果。古典现实主义解释还强调理解中东地区复杂的政治、社会和文化动态的重要性。未能把握这些复杂性导致了决策过程的失误。联军为入侵后的伊拉克制定的计划没有充分考虑到根深蒂固的种族和教派分歧,也没有预见到将会出现的权力真空,从而加剧了地区的不稳定。

Through the lens of Greek tragedy and classical realism, the Iraq War can be seen as a modern-day example of the timeless themes of hubris and tragic flaws. The overestimation of power and righteousness, combined with critical misjudgments and a lack of understanding of the region's complexities, led to a series of events with far-reaching and tragic implications. This perspective underscores the importance of humility, careful strategic planning, and a deep understanding of local dynamics in international relations and foreign policy decision-making.

==== Deviation from Prudence and Ethical Responsibility: Strategic Miscalculations in the Iraq War ====
==== 偏离审慎和道德责任:伊拉克战争中的战略误判 ====

Classical realism, particularly as articulated by Hans Morgenthau, places significant emphasis on prudence, moral and ethical considerations in foreign policy decision-making. When analyzing the Iraq War through the classical realist lens, it becomes evident that the conflict could be interpreted as a departure from these fundamental principles.
古典现实主义,尤其是汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)所阐述的古典现实主义,非常强调外交决策中的审慎、道德和伦理考虑。通过古典现实主义视角分析伊拉克战争,可以发现这场冲突可以被解释为背离了这些基本原则。

Morgenthau’s classical realism advocates for a cautious approach to international affairs, where the potential consequences of actions are carefully weighed. In the case of the Iraq War, this perspective would suggest that the decision to invade Iraq in 2003 was marked by a lack of prudence. Strategic and moral considerations, which should be central to any decision of this magnitude, were seemingly overshadowed by ideological motives. The classical realist view would critique the failure to accurately assess the complexities and realities on the ground in Iraq, leading to decisions that were not grounded in a pragmatic assessment of the situation. Classical realists would argue that the Iraq War was driven more by ideological objectives than by clear strategic calculations. This approach deviates from the classical realist principle that foreign policy should be based on a rational assessment of national interests, considering both power dynamics and ethical implications. The emphasis on spreading democracy and overthrowing a dictatorial regime, while morally driven, did not align with a careful consideration of the likely outcomes and the broader regional implications. A key aspect of the classical realist critique of the Iraq War would be the tragedy of unintended consequences, particularly the human cost of the conflict. The war led to significant loss of life, widespread displacement, and long-term regional instability – outcomes that classical realists would argue were not fully considered or anticipated by the coalition leaders. This lack of foresight and understanding of the consequences represents a critical failure in adhering to the principles of prudence and ethical responsibility in foreign policy.
摩根索的古典现实主义主张谨慎处理国际事务,仔细权衡行动的潜在后果。就伊拉克战争而言,这种观点认为 2003 年入侵伊拉克的决定缺乏谨慎。战略和道德考量本应是任何如此重大决策的核心,但似乎被意识形态动机所掩盖。古典现实主义观点批评说,由于未能准确评估伊拉克当地的复杂性和现实情况,导致做出的决定没有以对局势的务实评估为基础。经典现实主义者认为,伊拉克战争更多是受意识形态目标的驱动,而非明确的战略计算。这种做法偏离了古典现实主义的原则,即外交政策应基于对国家利益的理性评估,同时考虑权力动态和道德影响。强调传播民主和推翻独裁政权虽然是出于道义,但并不符合对可能的结果和更广泛的地区影响的审慎考虑。经典现实主义批评伊拉克战争的一个重要方面是意外后果的悲剧,特别是冲突造成的人员损失。战争导致了重大人员伤亡、广泛的流离失所和长期的地区不稳定--传统现实主义者认为,联军领导人没有充分考虑或预见到这些结果。这种缺乏远见和对后果认识的情况表明,在外交政策中坚持审慎原则和道德责任方面存在严重失误。

From a classical realist perspective, the Iraq War can be seen as a significant deviation from the principles of prudence, careful strategic consideration, and ethical responsibility in foreign policy. The conflict underscores the importance of these principles in guiding international relations and the potential consequences when they are overlooked. The classical realist viewpoint highlights the need for a foreign policy approach that is grounded in a realistic assessment of national interests, considers the moral and ethical implications of actions, and is acutely aware of the potential for unintended consequences.

=== Great Power Overreach and the Tragedy of Hubris ===
=== 大国过度扩张与傲慢的悲剧 ===

The end of the Cold War marked a significant shift in international relations and U.S. foreign policy, with the United States emerging as the sole superpower. This unique position led to a trend towards unilateralism in U.S. foreign policy, particularly evident during the George W. Bush Administration. From a classical realist perspective, this shift can be analyzed through the lens of power dynamics and the concept of hubris.

==== Hubris in U.S. Foreign Policy: The Overestimation of Power in the Iraq Invasion ====
==== 美国外交政策中的傲慢:入侵伊拉克中对权力的高估 ====

In the aftermath of the Cold War, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States emerged as the world's sole superpower, a situation that significantly shifted the dynamics of international relations. From the perspective of classical realism, this newfound status of the United States could be seen as creating conditions ripe for hubris, a concept deeply rooted in ancient Greek thought and tragedy. Hubris, characterized by excessive pride or overconfidence, is a theme that classical realists might argue became evident in U.S. foreign policy following the Soviet Union's collapse. The absence of a counterbalancing superpower created a sense of unchallenged supremacy for the United States, potentially leading to overconfidence in its international actions. This situation is analogous to the ancient Greek concept of hubris, where excessive pride often sets the stage for subsequent downfall, a recurring motif in Greek tragedies.
冷战结束后,随着苏联的解体,美国成为世界上唯一的超级大国,这一局面极大地改变了国际关系的态势。从古典现实主义的角度来看,美国这一新发现的地位可被视为为狂妄创造了成熟的条件,而狂妄这一概念深深植根于古希腊思想和悲剧之中。狂妄的特点是过度骄傲或过度自信,古典现实主义者可能会认为,这一主题在苏联解体后的美国外交政策中变得显而易见。由于没有超级大国与之抗衡,美国产生了一种不受挑战的优越感,这可能导致其在国际行动中过于自信。这种情况类似于古希腊的 "狂妄自大 "概念,过度的骄傲往往会为后来的失败埋下伏笔,这也是古希腊悲剧中反复出现的主题。

The approach of the Bush Administration to international relations, particularly in the context of the Iraq War, can be viewed as an exemplification of this hubris. The administration's belief in the United States' unassailable military might and the moral righteousness of spreading democratic values led to a series of unilateral actions. The most notable of these was the invasion of Iraq in 2003, a decision marked by a significant departure from the diplomatic norms and multilateralism that had characterized U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War era. The decision to invade Iraq, taken despite substantial opposition from several traditional allies and the broader international community, demonstrated a shift towards unilateralism. This move was indicative of a confidence in the U.S.'s supreme position in the international system, allowing it to act without the broad-based support that had been a hallmark of its foreign policy in the preceding decades.

Classical realists would argue that such unilateral actions, driven by a sense of invulnerability or moral certainty, overlook the complexities and potential consequences inherent in international relations. The Iraq War, undertaken under the banner of spreading democracy and eliminating weapons of mass destruction, led to long-term regional instability and had far-reaching global implications. The conflict also highlighted the limitations of military power in achieving political objectives, especially when those objectives are not grounded in a realistic assessment of the situation and lack broad international support. The post-Cold War foreign policy of the United States, particularly as it pertains to the Iraq War, can be seen through the lens of classical realism as an instance of hubris. This perspective underscores the importance of prudence, multilateralism, and a clear-eyed assessment of the international landscape in foreign policy decision-making. The classical realist viewpoint highlights the risks associated with unilateral actions driven by overconfidence and underscores the need for a balanced approach that takes into account the complex and interconnected nature of international relations.

==== Prudence, Power Limits, and Moral Responsibility: Analyzing the Decision to Invade Iraq ====
==== 审慎、权力限制和道德责任:分析入侵伊拉克的决定 ====

The unilateral actions of the United States in the early 2000s, particularly under the Bush Administration, can be critically analyzed through the lens of classical realism, a school of thought significantly influenced by thinkers like Hans Morgenthau. Classical realism emphasizes prudence, a careful assessment of power limits, and a keen consideration of the moral implications of foreign policy decisions. From a classical realist perspective, the approach of the United States during this period can be seen as a deviation from the principle of prudence. The decision to engage in unilateral actions, most notably the invasion of Iraq in 2003, demonstrated a lack of careful assessment of the limitations of American power. Furthermore, there appeared to be insufficient consideration of the moral and ethical consequences of such actions. This approach contrasts sharply with the classical realist advocacy for a foreign policy grounded in a realistic understanding of power limits and ethical responsibilities.
经典现实主义是受汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家影响颇深的一个思想流派。古典现实主义强调审慎、仔细评估权力限制,并敏锐地考虑外交政策决策的道德影响。从古典现实主义的角度来看,美国在这一时期的做法可以被视为偏离了谨慎原则。美国决定采取单边行动,尤其是 2003 年入侵伊拉克,这表明美国对自身力量的局限性缺乏审慎的评估。此外,似乎也没有充分考虑此类行动的道德和伦理后果。这种做法与古典现实主义主张的外交政策形成了鲜明对比,后者主张外交政策应立足于对权力限制和道德责任的现实理解。

Classical realists would interpret the belief in the ability of the United States to unilaterally reshape international politics according to its interests as a manifestation of hubris. This overconfidence, or intoxication with power, reflects an underestimation of the complexities of the international system and an overestimation of the capacity of a single state to dictate global affairs. The Bush Administration's actions, driven by this sense of hubris, neglected the potential for widespread international opposition and failed to adequately consider the long-term consequences of their policies.

The classical realist view holds that the complexities of international relations cannot be navigated effectively through unilateral action alone. The post-Cold War shift towards unilateralism by the United States, particularly in its approach to the Middle East, underestimated the intricacies of regional politics, cultural dynamics, and the interplay of various global actors. This underestimation led to strategic and moral miscalculations, with significant repercussions for regional stability and global perceptions of American foreign policy. From a classical realist standpoint, the foreign policy actions of the United States in the early 2000s, especially the decision to invade Iraq, can be seen as a departure from the principles of prudence, a careful assessment of power limits, and moral responsibility. This period in U.S. foreign policy is illustrative of the dangers of hubris – the overestimation of one's capabilities and the neglect of the complex realities of international relations. Classical realism, with its emphasis on a balanced and morally informed approach to foreign policy, offers a critical framework for understanding the limitations and potential pitfalls of unilateral actions in the international arena.

==== The Iraq War as a Study in Power Limitations and the Risks of Overconfidence ====
==== 伊拉克战争是对权力限制和过度自信风险的研究 ====

From the perspective of classical realism, the United States' 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq exemplify the pitfalls of hubris and an over-reliance on military power leading to strategic miscalculations. This view offers a critical lens through which to understand the decisions and actions taken in Iraq, highlighting the divergence from key realist principles.
从古典现实主义的角度来看,美国 2003 年入侵并随后占领伊拉克的行动体现了狂妄自大和过度依赖军事力量导致战略误判的弊端。这种观点提供了一个重要的视角来理解在伊拉克做出的决定和采取的行动,凸显了与现实主义关键原则的背离。

The approach to the Iraq War, as seen by classical realists, was marked by a lack of adequate preparation and an overly optimistic outlook. The decision-making process seemed to rely more on ideological conviction and a sense of hope than on pragmatic reasoning and meticulous planning. This approach contrasts with the classical realist emphasis on cautious and well-informed strategy in international relations. Classical realists advocate for a pragmatic approach to foreign policy that is firmly grounded in a realistic assessment of a state's capabilities and limitations. The Iraq operation, in their view, represents a deviation from these principles. The invasion was driven partly by an overconfidence in the United States' military might and a belief that such superiority could be effectively utilized to bring about regime change and democratization in the region.

A key critique from a classical realist standpoint would be the underestimation of the complexities involved in nation-building and managing the socio-political dynamics of Iraq. The decision to invade overlooked the intricate ethnic, religious, and cultural fabric of Iraqi society and the potential challenges in establishing a stable and democratic state. This underestimation led to significant challenges in the post-invasion period, including widespread insurgency, sectarian violence, and political instability. The classical realist perspective also highlights the dangers of an overreliance on military power. The belief that military intervention alone could achieve ambitious political objectives, without a corresponding understanding of the political and social context, is seen as a fundamental strategic error. This approach failed to recognize that military superiority does not automatically translate into successful political outcomes, especially in a complex and volatile environment like Iraq.

The Iraq War, when viewed through the lens of classical realism, can be seen as a case study in the limitations of power and the risks of hubris in foreign policy. The invasion and subsequent occupation by the United States and its allies illustrate the consequences of departing from a pragmatic, carefully considered approach to international relations. This perspective underscores the importance of grounding foreign policy decisions in a realistic assessment of capabilities, the complexities of the international environment, and the ethical implications of military intervention.

==== Emphasizing Cautious, Pragmatic, and Informed Strategies: Lessons from the Iraq War ====
==== 强调谨慎、务实和知情的战略:伊拉克战争的经验教训 ====

The post-invasion phase of the Iraq operation, particularly the lack of preparation and the assumptions underpinning the strategy, stands as a critical point of analysis from a classical realist perspective. The approach to the Iraq War, especially in its planning and execution, reflects a departure from key principles emphasized in classical realism, notably the importance of prudence and a realistic assessment of the situation. The planning for the Iraq operation appeared to be based on optimistic assumptions about the Iraqi population's response to the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime and the country's subsequent stabilization and democratization. These assumptions, however, did not sufficiently account for the deep-seated sectarian divisions within Iraq, the immense challenges of rebuilding a nation’s political and social infrastructure, and the high potential for an insurgency to emerge.

From a classical realist standpoint, this reliance on hopeful expectations rather than a grounded, rational approach can be seen as an expression of the hubris that characterized U.S. foreign policy in the post-Cold War era. Such an approach, driven by overconfidence and a belief in unilateral action, underestimated the complexities of the situation. The belief that the United States had the capacity to unilaterally reshape the political landscape of the Middle East overlooked the importance of understanding the regional context and engaging with the perspectives of other international actors. The Iraq War, through the lens of classical realism, serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of overestimating one’s power and underestimating the intricacies of international relations. The operation's challenges highlight the critical need for foreign policy decisions to be based on a thorough and realistic assessment of the situation, encompassing not just the immediate objectives but also the broader geopolitical implications and the potential for unintended consequences.

This case underscores the classical realist emphasis on the need for cautious, pragmatic, and well-informed strategies in international politics. It calls for a foreign policy approach that balances power dynamics with a deep understanding of the political, cultural, and social realities of the international environment. The classical realist perspective advocates for an approach that is grounded not in ideological aspirations or over-optimistic projections but in a realistic appraisal of what is achievable, given the complexities and constraints inherent in the international system.

=== Self-Destructive Tendencies of Great Powers ===
=== 大国的自我毁灭倾向 ===

The failure of the Iraq operation underscores a critical insight often highlighted in classical realist thought: that great powers can often be their own worst enemies. This concept is rooted in the understanding that the actions and decisions of great powers, driven by their perceptions of strength and invulnerability, can lead to strategic overreach, miscalculations, and ultimately, to outcomes that undermine their own interests and stability.

==== Overlooking the Essentials: The Critical Gap in Post-Invasion Planning in Iraq ====
==== 忽视本质:伊拉克入侵后规划中的关键漏洞 ====

The Iraq War represents a significant episode in post-Cold War international relations, particularly in illustrating the limits of military power when wielded by a preeminent global power like the United States. The decision to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime was driven by multiple factors, including a sense of unchallenged military supremacy and a conviction in the virtue of spreading democratic values.

Following the Cold War, the United States emerged as the dominant global power, a position that influenced its approach to international affairs. In the case of Iraq, this position translated into a belief in the effectiveness of military intervention to achieve ambitious political goals. The decision to invade Iraq was underpinned by an expectation that military might alone could facilitate the establishment of a democratic government and stabilize the region. However, the operation in Iraq exposed the limitations of relying primarily on military power to achieve complex political objectives. The cultural, social, and political intricacies of the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, posed significant challenges that were not fully anticipated or understood. The reliance on military intervention did not account for the deeply entrenched sectarian and ethnic divisions, nor the nuances of regional politics.

The U.S.-led invasion faced numerous challenges in Iraq, which became evident in the form of a prolonged insurgency, rampant sectarian violence, and persistent political instability. These issues highlighted the difficulties of implementing external solutions to internal conflicts, especially in a society with a distinct and complex cultural and historical context. A critical aspect of the challenges in Iraq was the lack of comprehensive planning for the post-invasion phase. The expectations of the U.S. administration regarding the ease of establishing a stable and democratic Iraq did not align with the realities on the ground. This gap in planning and understanding led to a prolonged period of turmoil and instability, exacerbating the already complex situation in Iraq and the region.

The Iraq War serves as a stark example of the limitations of military power in achieving political objectives, especially in a region as complex as the Middle East. The challenges encountered by the United States in Iraq underscore the importance of understanding the local context, recognizing the limits of military intervention, and the necessity for comprehensive planning in foreign policy decision-making. The Iraq War illustrates the consequences of over-reliance on military might and the need for a nuanced approach that considers the intricate dynamics of international relations.

==== The Iraq War as a Reflection of Great Power Vulnerabilities: A Classical Realist Perspective ====
==== 反映大国脆弱性的伊拉克战争:经典现实主义视角 ====

Classical realists would view the outcomes of the Iraq War as a stark manifestation of the pitfalls of hubris in great power politics. This perspective emphasizes the inherent dangers that powerful nations face when pursuing grand strategic objectives, particularly when such pursuits are marred by overconfidence and a lack of comprehensive understanding of complex international scenarios.

Hubris, in the context of international relations, can take various forms. A key manifestation, as seen in the Iraq War, is the underestimation of the complexity of the situations that great powers engage with. In the case of Iraq, this involved a failure to fully grasp the deep-seated sectarian divisions, the history of the region, and the socio-political dynamics at play. Additionally, hubris is evident in the overestimation of one's own capabilities. The belief in the United States' military and political might led to an assumption that it could effectively and swiftly implement regime change and democratize Iraq, overlooking the nuanced realities of nation-building. Classical realists also highlight the failure to anticipate the unintended consequences of actions as a critical aspect of hubris. The Iraq War unleashed a series of unforeseen events, including a protracted insurgency, widespread instability, and regional upheaval, which were not adequately predicted or prepared for. This failure underscores the limitations of even the most powerful nations in controlling outcomes and the unpredictable nature of international interventions.

The Iraq War serves as a potent reminder that the immense power of great nations carries with it the risk of significant errors in judgment. Classical realism posits that such errors often stem from misperceptions and miscalculations. In the case of Iraq, decisions made without sufficient regard for the complexities of international politics and the limitations of power led to a series of strategic and ethical missteps. The classical realist doctrine reaffirms the need for prudence, a deep understanding of international dynamics, and a respect for the limits of power in the conduct of foreign policy. It suggests that great powers should exercise caution and a comprehensive understanding of the geopolitical landscape they are engaging with. This approach calls for a balanced assessment of capabilities and limitations and a keen awareness of the potential ripple effects of foreign policy decisions. In essence, the failure of the Iraq operation resonates with the classical realist warning about the vulnerabilities of great powers. It highlights the importance of grounding foreign policy in a realistic assessment of the situation, recognizing the intricacies of international relations, and adhering to ethical standards in the pursuit of national interests. The lessons of the Iraq War align with the fundamental tenets of classical realism, emphasizing the need for cautious and informed statecraft in an increasingly complex global arena.

== Concluding Reflections on Classical Realism ==
== 对古典现实主义的总结性思考 ==

=== The Tragic Dimension of International Relations: Classical Realism's Perspective ===
=== 国际关系的悲剧性维度:古典现实主义的视角 ===

The concept of tragedy in international relations, as interpreted through the lens of classical realism, encapsulates a profound and enduring contradiction inherent in human nature and state behavior. This view aligns with the insights from historical, philosophical, and literary traditions, especially the tragedies of ancient Greece, and offers a deeply insightful way of understanding the dynamics of global politics.

Classical realism posits that human beings and states possess a dual capacity: on one hand, there is the ability for rationality, creation, and cooperation, leading to the building of civilizations, institutions, and positive international relationships. On the other hand, there exists a tendency towards irrationality, destruction, and conflict. This duality is reflective of the complexities and contradictions inherent in human nature. In the tragic view, as perceived by classical realists, the potential for remarkable achievement and progress in international relations is constantly at odds with the propensity to undermine these accomplishments through violence and conflict. This perspective holds that while states and human societies have the capability to create and maintain impressive forms of organization and cooperation, they are equally prone to engaging in actions that can precipitate their own decline or downfall.

The roots of this tragic duality can be traced back to the fundamental characteristics of human nature and the structure of the international system. Human nature, with its complex interplay of rational and irrational impulses, shapes the behavior of states, which are key actors in the international system. Moreover, the anarchical nature of this system – the lack of a central authority to govern state interactions – further contributes to the tragic dynamics of international relations. In such a system, states are often driven by self-interest, power politics, and security dilemmas, which can lead to conflict and undermine cooperative achievements. In essence, the classical realist interpretation of international relations as a tragic phenomenon provides a nuanced understanding of global politics. It recognizes the inherent contradictions and tensions in state behavior and the international system. This perspective underscores the importance of acknowledging the dual aspects of human nature and state conduct, where the potential for great achievement coexists with the risk of significant downfall. The tragic view, as understood in classical realism, offers a framework for examining the complexities and paradoxes that define international relations.

=== Lessons from the Iraq War: A Contemporary Case Study in Tragic Paradoxes ===
=== 伊拉克战争的教训:悲剧悖论的当代案例研究 ===

The concept of tragedy in the realm of international relations, particularly in the context of war and conflict, captures the often profound and paradoxical outcomes that arise from violent engagements. This notion is especially relevant in discussions of conflicts like the Iraq War, where the initial intentions and the eventual outcomes stand in stark contradiction to each other. Wars are frequently initiated with intentions that are considered necessary or noble. These can include defending national interests, spreading ideologies, or protecting human rights. However, the inherent violence and destructiveness of war often lead to results that are diametrically opposed to these original goals. Instead of protection or advancement, wars frequently result in extensive human suffering, societal disruption, and the deterioration of the values and accomplishments they were meant to safeguard or promote.

The Iraq War serves as a poignant modern example of this tragic contradiction in international relations. The intervention, which was originally intended to remove a perceived threat and foster the establishment of a democratic government in Iraq, devolved into a scenario marked by extensive violence, regional instability, and humanitarian crises. This outcome starkly illustrates the tragic paradox of international conflict: the pursuit of certain objectives through warfare can ultimately undermine and destroy the very achievements and values that define human progress and civilization. From a classical realist perspective, this tragic view of war emphasizes the need for a deep understanding of the complexities and potential consequences of military interventions. It suggests that while states might engage in conflicts with certain rationalized objectives, the unpredictable and inherently chaotic nature of war can lead to unforeseen and often devastating results. This perspective underscores the importance of prudence, a careful assessment of the potential outcomes of military action, and the consideration of non-violent alternatives.

The notion of tragedy in international relations, particularly as it relates to war and conflict, offers a crucial lens for understanding the dynamics and consequences of such engagements. The tragic outcomes of conflicts like the Iraq War demonstrate the critical importance of carefully weighing the decision to engage in military action and recognizing the potential for unintended and detrimental consequences, despite the initial intentions. This tragic paradox is a fundamental aspect of the classical realist interpretation of international politics, highlighting the often devastating disconnect between the goals of war and its actual outcomes.

=== Power and Its Perils: Classical Realism's Caution on Leadership Blindness ===
=== 权力及其危险:古典现实主义对领导盲目性的警示 ===

Classical realism, rooted deeply in historical and human nature studies, often exhibits a certain pessimism regarding the capacity for self-restraint among powerful states or leaders. This skepticism is grounded in a nuanced understanding of power and its potential corrupting influence, coupled with the recurrent theme of hubris in the annals of human affairs.

In classical realist thought, power is viewed as a double-edged sword. While it is necessary for the survival and prosperity of states, it also carries the risk of corrupting those who wield it. The pursuit and accumulation of power can lead to a sense of invulnerability or infallibility, which in turn can cloud judgment and decision-making processes. A recurrent theme in classical realism is hubris – the excessive pride or self-confidence that often precedes a fall. This concept is not just a literary or philosophical notion but is seen as a real and dangerous tendency in international politics. Leaders or states afflicted with hubris may embark on overly ambitious projects or conflicts, underestimating challenges and overestimating their own capabilities. This can lead to strategic overreach, where the pursuit of unattainable goals results in significant and often catastrophic consequences.

To counterbalance the dangers of hubris, classical realism strongly advocates for prudence. Prudence involves a careful, realistic assessment of situations, a deep understanding of both the capabilities and limitations of one’s own state, and a consideration of the complexities of the international environment. It requires leaders to temper ambition with caution, to weigh the potential outcomes of their actions, and to recognize the inherent unpredictability and risks in international relations. Thinkers like Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hans Morgenthau, who are central figures in the classical realist tradition, have all emphasized the need for caution and restraint in the exercise of power. They argue that while power is essential, an unbridled pursuit of it without a keen awareness of its limits and potential pitfalls can lead to disastrous outcomes.

The classical realist view posits that power, indispensable as it may be, also holds the potential to blind leaders to their limitations and the intricacies of the global arena. This blindness, or hubris, if not checked by prudence and a realistic assessment of the situation, can result in overreach and catastrophic decisions in international politics. Classical realism, therefore, offers a framework that emphasizes the importance of caution, strategic foresight, and a deep appreciation of the complexities of human nature and international affairs.

=== Hubris and Prudence in Statecraft: Learning from Thucydides and Morgenthau ===
=== 治国中的傲慢与谨慎:向修昔底德和摩根索学习 ===

The classical realist perspective, as exemplified in the works of Thucydides and Hans Morgenthau, offers a profound understanding of the dynamics of power and the importance of prudence in international relations. This perspective is particularly insightful in analyzing historical events like the Athenian Sicilian Expedition and modern foreign policy decisions.

Thucydides’ account of the Peloponnesian War provides a vivid illustration of the consequences of hubris in statecraft. The Athenian decision to embark on the Sicilian Expedition was driven by a belief in their own superiority and invincibility. This overconfidence led to a catastrophic miscalculation, ultimately contributing to Athens' downfall. Thucydides presents this as a cautionary tale of how overreaching ambition, coupled with a lack of realistic assessment of the situation, can lead to disastrous outcomes in international politics. In "Politics Among Nations," Hans Morgenthau echoes similar concerns about the moral and practical dangers associated with power. He advocates for a foreign policy that is grounded not only in ethical considerations but also in a realistic assessment of national interest. Morgenthau warns against the intoxication of power and the tendency of states to pursue overambitious goals that overlook practical limitations and moral consequences.
修昔底德在《伯罗奔尼撒战争》中的描述生动地说明了狂妄自大在国家治理中的后果。雅典人决定进行西西里远征,是出于对自身优势和不可战胜的信念。这种过度自信导致了灾难性的误判,最终导致了雅典的灭亡。修昔底德用这个故事警示人们,过高的野心加上对形势缺乏现实的评估,在国际政治中会导致灾难性的结果。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在《国家间的政治》(Politics Among Nations)一书中,也对与权力相关的道德和现实危险表达了类似的担忧。他主张外交政策不仅要基于道德考虑,还要基于对国家利益的现实评估。摩根索警告说,要警惕权力的迷惑,警惕国家倾向于追求过于雄心勃勃的目标,而忽视了实际限制和道德后果。

Classical realists argue that the antidote to hubris is prudence. Prudence involves a careful and realistic assessment of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, the potential outcomes of different actions, and a deep understanding of the broader context. This approach calls for a balance between ambition and caution, highlighting the importance of adaptability in the face of changing circumstances. Prudence also encompasses a significant moral dimension. It urges leaders to contemplate the ethical implications of their actions and to aim for policies that are not just effective but also just. In the realm of international relations, where decisions can have extensive and often unforeseen consequences, this moral aspect of prudence becomes crucial. Policies should be crafted not only with an eye on national interests but also with consideration for their impact on the global community and international norms.

=== Synthesizing Power and Ethics: Classical Realism's Balanced Approach to Global Politics ===
=== 综合权力与道德:古典现实主义的全球政治平衡之道 ===

Classical realism, as articulated through the insights of historical figures like Thucydides and modern thinkers such as Hans Morgenthau, provides a critical and enduring perspective on international relations. It emphasizes the perennial dangers of hubris – the overconfidence and excessive pride that can lead to overreach by powerful states – and highlights the indispensable role of prudence in statecraft.
古典现实主义通过修昔底德(Thucydides)等历史人物和汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等现代思想家的真知灼见,为国际关系提供了一个批判性的持久视角。它强调了狂妄自大的长期危险--过度自信和过度骄傲可能导致强国的过度扩张--并强调了审慎在国家治理中不可或缺的作用。

This perspective calls for a balanced approach to foreign policy, advocating for decisions that carefully weigh state ambitions against realistic assessments of the global situation and the ethical implications of actions. In doing so, classical realism recognizes the complexities and unpredictabilities inherent in international relations. The aim is to ensure that policies are not just strategically advantageous but also grounded in moral responsibility. Prudence, a central virtue in classical realism, is essential for effectively navigating the intricacies of global politics. It involves a cautious, well-informed, and realistic approach to the exercise of power. Prudence requires states to understand their own strengths and weaknesses, anticipate the potential consequences of their actions, and adapt to changing circumstances. It also encompasses a moral dimension, urging leaders to consider the ethical ramifications of their foreign policy decisions. By advocating for prudence, classical realism seeks to mitigate the risks associated with hubris. It warns of the dangers of overestimating one’s capabilities and underestimating the complexities of the international environment. This perspective suggests that unchecked power, without the sobering influence of prudence, can lead to strategic miscalculations and unintended consequences, often with devastating effects.

Classical realism ultimately aims to promote a more stable and just international order. It does so by encouraging states to pursue their interests in a manner that is not only effective but also cognizant of the broader implications of their actions on the global stage. This approach values cooperation, diplomatic engagement, and the pursuit of common interests alongside the protection of national interests. In essence, classical realism offers a framework for international politics that combines a realistic understanding of power dynamics with ethical considerations. Its emphasis on prudence as a guiding principle for state behavior serves as a valuable guide for navigating the complex and often perilous landscape of international relations, aiming to foster a world order that is not only more stable but also more equitable and just.

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Version actuelle datée du 28 janvier 2024 à 10:46

古典现实主义深深植根于修昔底德、马基雅维利和霍布斯的哲学传统,提出了对全球政治的深刻理解。这一理论受古代和现代思想家思想的影响,以固有的悲观主义视角看待人性和国家行为。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)和莱因霍尔德-尼布尔(Reinhold Niebuhr)等 20 世纪现实主义者所阐述的这一观点的核心是无政府国际体系的概念。在这样一个体系中,国家作为主要行为体,受到对权力和安全的不懈追求的驱动。


古典现实主义的一个重要贡献是强调均势是国际关系中至关重要的稳定力量。爱德华-哈利特-卡尔(Edward Hallett Carr)在《二十年危机》(The Twenty Years' Crisis)一书中对这一概念进行了深入探讨,阐明了国家如何在一个无政府体系中周旋,通过结盟和重新结盟来防止任何单一国家获得主导地位。这种机制在 19 世纪的欧洲国家体系中得到了体现,尤其是在拿破仑战争之后,1815 年的维也纳会议致力于建立平衡以维护欧洲和平。


新现实主义面临的挑战[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

古典现实主义与新现实主义的比较[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

古典现实主义和新现实主义是国际关系中两个重要的思想流派,各自对国家行为和推动全球政治的力量提出了独特的见解。古典现实主义植根于修昔底德、马基雅维利和霍布斯等思想家的哲学传统,从根本上对人性持悲观态度。它强调,国家作为理性的行为体,本质上是在无政府的国际体系中寻求权力和安全。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在其开创性著作《国家间政治》中雄辩地阐述了这一观点,认为国家利益主要是由权力来定义的。肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)在其影响深远的著作《国际政治理论》中提出的新现实主义或结构现实主义,建立在古典现实主义的基础之上,但将重点从人性转移到了国际体系的结构上。华尔兹认为,国际体系的无政府结构迫使各国将生存放在首位,从而形成了一种自助体系,权力平衡成为维持稳定的关键机制。这一转变标志着与古典现实主义的重大分歧,因为它淡化了人性的作用,而更加强调影响国家行为的制度约束和机遇。


古典现实主义:以人为本的方法[modifier | modifier le wikicode]



20 世纪,汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)的《国与国之间的政治》(Politics Among Nations)在这些基本思想的基础上,对国际关系中的道德和伦理维度进行了深入理解。摩根索的古典现实主义认为,国家是在无政府的国际体系中寻求权力的理性行为体。然而,他引入了一个关键的细微差别,认为这种追求受到伦理因素的制约。与纯粹以权力为中心的观点相反,摩根索认为政治现实主义与道德价值观并存,主张在权力政治的现实与道德要求之间保持微妙的平衡。他认为,追求和行使权力的方法应该以道德责任为指导,承认国际关系的多面性,即在权力动态、道德考量以及历史和文化影响的复杂矩阵中追求国家利益。


新现实主义:结构主义视角[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

新现实主义或结构现实主义代表了国际关系理论的关键转变,是对古典现实主义局限性的回应。20 世纪后半叶,肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)在这一发展中发挥了重要作用,尤其是他的开创性著作《国际政治理论》。华尔兹的新现实主义将分析视角从古典现实主义的核心--单个国家的特征和行为,重新聚焦到更广泛的国际体系结构。他认为,这一体系的无政府性质(其特点是缺乏中央管理当局)是决定国家行为的主要因素。这一观点与古典现实主义认为人性和对权力的内在追求是国家行为的主要驱动力这一观点大相径庭。



比较分析与当代意义[modifier | modifier le wikicode]



新现实主义主要归功于肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)及其开创性的《国际政治理论》,它将分析视角从单个国家的特征和领导素质转移到了更广泛的国际体系结构上。华尔兹认为,国际体系的无政府性质(其特点是缺乏最高管理当局)促使国家优先考虑自身的安全和权力。这一观点认为,国家行为更多地受到国际结构的系统性约束和机遇的影响,而不是受单个国家的特质或人性的影响。新现实主义的一个关键概念是极性--国际体系中的权力分配--及其对国家行为的影响。冷战时期的两极结构,即美国和苏联之间的明确分工,就是一个最好的例子。在此期间观察到的战略行为,包括结盟、军备竞赛和代理人战争,都被解释为对两极结构的反应,强调系统因素的作用而非单个国家的属性。


大国竞争在当代国际政治中的复苏[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


古典现实主义强调人性、伦理和历史背景,对大国的个人动机和战略文化进行了细致入微的解读。这种方法深入研究了塑造这些国家外交政策的独特国家特征、历史经验和领导风格。例如,美国处理国际关系的方式可以通过其对自由民主的历史承诺及其作为全球领导者的自我认知来解读。中国的外交政策,包括 "一带一路 "等倡议和在南海的行动,反映了其悠久的文明史和近期被殖民征服的经历。同样,俄罗斯的行动,尤其是普京领导下的俄罗斯的行动,可以在其与西方扩张主义的历史互动及其重申其全球大国地位的雄心的背景下加以分析。相反,新现实主义提供了一个视角来理解全球权力结构的变化如何影响国家行为。这一视角将以中国崛起和俄罗斯重新崛起为标志的多极世界的出现视为国际体系的结构性转变。新现实主义关注权力分配的变化如何导致新的结盟、竞争和战略行动。面对崛起的中国和卷土重来的俄罗斯,美国不得不重新评估其全球战略和联盟。作为一个新兴大国,中国挑战现有的权力结构,以维护其主导地位,尤其是在亚太地区。俄罗斯在东欧、中东和网络空间的战略举动被解读为其重塑影响力的努力,所有这些都被视为对国际体系结构转变的合理回应。



现实主义和新现实主义的批评[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




对新现实主义的 "准现实性 "的批判[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

古典现实主义者对新现实主义吝啬论的批判引发了国际关系领域的一场重要辩论,辩论的焦点是驱动国家行为的复杂性和潜在因素。这一批判表明,尽管新现实主义为国际政治提供了宝贵的系统性视角,但它可能忽略了影响国家行为的各种因素。古典现实主义汲取了修昔底德、尼古拉-马基雅维利和汉斯-摩根索的深厚思想遗产,主张对国际关系进行更为复杂的理解。这一学派强调人性、历史背景以及道德伦理因素在塑造国家行为中的关键作用。修昔底德在其关于伯罗奔尼撒战争的编年史中,不仅研究了雅典和斯巴达之间的权力斗争,还探究了相关领导人和国家的心理驱动因素、恐惧和野心。同样,马基雅维利在《王子》一书中揭示了权力动态和治国之道的复杂性,强调了领导人所面临的务实且往往在道德上模棱两可的决策。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在《国与国之间的政治》(Politics Among Nations)一书中批评了新现实主义的简化主义方法。他认为,对国际政治的全面理解应超越物质能力和系统结构,坚持历史和文化背景的重要性,以及政治决策中的道德因素。

1962 年的古巴导弹危机是一个鲜明的例子,说明了严格按照新现实主义解释国际事件所固有的局限性。虽然新现实主义可以将危机置于两极权力结构和核导弹战略定位的背景之下,但它并没有充分考虑到相关领导人细微的决策过程。危机的解决在很大程度上取决于个人的外交能力、谈判技巧和换位思考的能力--这些都是约翰-肯尼迪总统和尼基塔-赫鲁晓夫总理所表现出的品质。这些对和平解决危机至关重要的人文因素是古典现实主义分析中不可或缺的,但在新现实主义框架中却较少得到强调。


新现实主义的不可证实性[modifier | modifier le wikicode]



古典现实主义者主张采用一种更详细、更有经验基础的方法来捕捉这些国家行为的变化。他们强调考虑意识形态、文化、历史背景和国内政治等一系列影响国家行为的因素的重要性。这种视角可以对国际关系进行更复杂、更具体的分析,从而发展出可以通过实证检验和完善的理论。例如,要理解不同领导人在国际外交和解决冲突方面所采用的不同方法,需要的不仅仅是结构性分析。古巴导弹危机等重大事件的决策过程、冷战时期的外交战略或 9/11 事件后对国际恐怖主义的不同反应,都需要了解结构性限制与人类决策之间的复杂互动。


极性和权力的概念化[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


由肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)倡导的新现实主义注重极性--国际体系中的权力分配--作为其分析的一个基本方面。它根据占主导地位的权力中心的数量将国际体系分为单极、两极和多极等类别,并认为这一结构性因素对国家行为有重大影响。此外,新现实主义通常将权力主要等同于军事和经济实力,认为这是国家施加影响和保护自身利益的主要手段。而古典现实主义则从更广阔的角度看待权力。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等先驱在《国家间政治》一书中认为,国际关系中的权力不仅仅包括军事和经济实力。他们认为,实力还包括软实力,如文化影响力、意识形态号召力和外交技巧。这种观点认为,国家的影响力不仅限于强制手段,还包括吸引力和说服力。



分析冷战:新现实主义与古典现实主义的观点对比[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

冷战从 20 世纪 40 年代末延续到 90 年代初,是对比新现实主义和古典现实主义分析方法的一个生动案例。这个时代的特点是美国和苏联之间深刻的地缘政治紧张局势,国际关系中这两个著名的思想流派对这个时代做出了截然不同的解释,各自强调了国家行为的不同方面和驱动因素。

新现实主义,尤其是由肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)提出的新现实主义,主要从两极权力结构的角度来看待冷战,而两极权力结构正是冷战时期的特征。在这一框架中,国际体系结构--以两个超级大国的存在为特征--是国家行为的主要决定因素。新现实主义关注权力分配,尤其是军事和经济能力如何影响美国和苏联的战略行动。这种观点将军备竞赛、北约和华约等军事联盟的形成以及代理人战争的参与解释为对两极世界系统性压力的合理反应。新现实主义认为,这些行动的驱动力是每个超级大国在一个没有最高权威的体系中维护安全与平衡的内在需要。



新现实主义对冷战的分析[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

新现实主义对冷战的分析深受肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)的结构现实主义(Structural Realism)的影响,它提出了一个独特的视角,强调了这一时期影响国家行为的系统性因素。新现实主义认为,以美国和苏联的主导地位为标志的国际体系两极结构是影响这些国家战略行动和政策的关键因素。新现实主义认为,冷战时期的两极格局必然导致安全困境。在这种动态中,一个超级大国采取的安全措施引发了另一个超级大国的反制措施,而每个超级大国都受到自身安全需要的驱动。这一现象在核军备竞赛中表现得淋漓尽致,这也是冷战的一个决定性方面。美国和苏联都在不遗余力地发展和积累核武器,新现实主义者认为,鉴于国际体系的结构,这种反应是合理的。每个超级大国的目标都是维持力量平衡,遏制对方的潜在侵略。安全困境的概念在新现实主义对军备竞赛的解释中至关重要,它表明,加强安全的努力可能会矛盾地加剧紧张局势和不安全,尤其是在两极世界中缺乏总体国际权威的情况下。



冷战的古典现实主义解释[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

由汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家倡导的冷战经典现实主义解释提供了全面的分析,超越了结构性解释,探讨了影响国家行为的人文、意识形态和历史维度。这一学派认为,国际政治深深植根于人性和国家领导人的行为之中,受到道德伦理、历史背景和意识形态动机等复杂因素的影响。从古典现实主义的角度来看,冷战不仅是一场权力斗争,也是两种相互竞争的制度之间深刻的意识形态冲突:以美国为代表的资本主义和以苏联为代表的共产主义。这场意识形态之争对于理解两个超级大国的政策和行动至关重要。例如,杜鲁门主义和遏制政策是这一时期美国外交政策的基石,其推动力不仅仅是战略利益。它们深深植根于美国遏制共产主义蔓延和在全球推广民主价值观的承诺。这种意识形态驱动力基于对资本主义民主模式优越性的信念,极大地影响了美国的外交政策。

古典现实主义还强调领导人个人及其决策过程的关键作用。1962 年的古巴导弹危机就体现了这一重点,约翰-肯尼迪总统和尼基塔-赫鲁晓夫总理的个人外交和决策对解决危机至关重要。古典现实主义者研究了他们的认知、判断和互动是如何引导事件发展的。这种观点认为,危机不仅是两极权力结构的结果,也反映了相关领导人的个人特质、忧虑和道德考虑。此外,古典现实主义还深入研究了为冷战奠定基础的历史环境。二战后时代、美国和苏联作为超级大国的崛起以及非殖民化进程被视为塑造冷战动态的重要因素。此外,这一观点还承认人性在这一时期对国家行动的影响,包括野心、恐惧和对安全的追求。


经典现实主义与冷战:人性与强权政治[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

冷战是 20 世纪全球历史的关键时期,它为对比新现实主义和古典现实主义在国际关系理论中的方法提供了生动的背景。通过这两个理论视角对这一时代进行分析,可以揭示每个学派在研究国际政治时所采用的不同侧重点和解释框架。

与肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)密切相关的新现实主义主要通过系统性和结构性因素来解释冷战。这种观点强调国际体系的两极格局,其标志是美国和苏联的主导地位。新现实主义认为,这些超级大国的行为和战略主要是由在两极背景下生存和维持权力的需要所决定的。军备竞赛、结成军事同盟和参与代理人战争等关键现象被视为对国际体系的结构性限制和必要性的合理回应。这种方法较少强调相关国家的个人属性或意识形态。与此相反,古典现实主义借鉴了修昔底德、马基雅维利和汉斯-摩根索等历史思想家的观点,强调人性、意识形态动机和历史背景是国家行为的核心。这一学派不仅将冷战解释为权力斗争,还将其解释为资本主义与共产主义之间的意识形态对抗。该学派强调领导人个人决策的重要性,这些决策受其观念和道德判断的影响。对古巴导弹危机等事件的分析,不仅从权力动态的角度,而且从领导人受个人和意识形态因素影响而做出的决定的角度进行。


导致新现实主义衰落的因素[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


面对这些变化,古典现实主义再度兴起。这一思想流派深深植根于修昔底德、马基雅维利等历史人物的哲学思想,并由汉斯-摩根索在 20 世纪广泛发展,提供了一种更为全面的方法。摩根索的《国家间政治》强调了人性、历史背景和道德因素对国家行为的重要影响,为理解冷战后的国际关系提供了一个全面的框架。古典现实主义的方法更为宽泛,承认道德和伦理层面以及错综复杂的人性和历史影响,似乎更适合分析冷战后全球格局的多样性和复杂性。这种视角可以更详细地了解国家行为,将文化影响、意识形态变化和领导人个人的影响考虑在内,这些因素在新的全球背景下变得日益突出。从冷战到后冷战时代的过渡体现了国际关系的动态性质,并强调了理论框架适应不断变化的全球现实的必要性。从新现实主义到对古典现实主义的重新关注,凸显了国际关系领域为发展和完善能够解释和诠释不断演变的世界中国家行为的多面性的理论所做的不懈努力。这种理论视角的进步强调了不断调整和拓宽我们对国际关系的理解,将影响全球政治的各种因素纳入其中的重要性。


中国作为全球大国的崛起以及俄罗斯在弗拉基米尔-普京(Vladimir Putin)领导下的重新崛起证明了古典现实主义思想的持续相关性。受国家利益、强权政治和领导野心的综合影响,这些国家自信的外交政策与古典现实主义的分析不谋而合。例如,中国的战略,包括 "一带一路 "倡议及其在南海的行动,反映了经济战略、权力投射和国家利益追求的综合体。同样,俄罗斯在东欧和叙利亚的行动也显示出其对权力和影响力的战略追求,这种追求是以历史观和普京的领导风格为基础的。美国对这些挑战的回应往往是军事、经济和外交努力的结合,这进一步强调了强权政治和国家领导力在塑造外交政策方面的重要性。后冷战时代,人们对古典现实主义的兴趣重新燃起,这是因为古典现实主义能够为理解现代国际关系提供一个细致入微的综合框架。古典现实主义纳入了经济和软实力、非国家行为者的影响以及个人领导力的作用等要素,为全球政治不断演变的动态提供了宝贵的见解。这一观点强调了古典现实主义思想在分析和解释当代国际关系的动态和复杂格局方面的持久相关性。


后冷战时代国际格局的演变凸显了国际关系的动态性质以及适应性理论视角的必要性。从 "新现实主义 "到重新关注 "古典现实主义 "的转变,反映了人们对理论的不断追求,这些理论不仅要全面,而且要足够灵活,以解释当代全球政治的多面性。古典现实主义扩大了分析范围,成功地应对了现代世界的复杂性,证明了传统理论框架在理解不断变化的国际关系动态方面的持续相关性和多功能性。

古典现实主义的重要思想家[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

主要古典现实主义思想家概述[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


修昔底德(公元前 460-395 年):现实主义的基础[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

修昔底德于公元前 460 年至公元前 395 年生活在古希腊,被公认为国际关系中现实主义思想发展的开创性人物。他最著名的作品《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》对雅典和斯巴达这两个古希腊最强大的城邦之间长达 27 年的冲突进行了细致的历史描述。修昔底德的分析超越了单纯的历史叙述,深入探讨了相关国家的动机、战略和决策,使其成为研究国际关系和政治权力的基础性文献。

对国际关系中权力与恐惧动态的洞察[modifier | modifier le wikicode]



方法论的严谨性:历史分析中的客观性和经验证据[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




修昔底德对国际关系领域的持久影响[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

修昔底德对权力和冲突的深刻见解极大地影响了国际关系领域,尤其是在形成现实主义思想的信条方面。他的开创性著作《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》超越了简单的事件叙述,对权力政治的基本方面进行了深入思考,与现代地缘政治动态产生了共鸣。修昔底德的一个重要概念,即当代讨论中经常提到的 "修昔底德陷阱",源自他对伯罗奔尼撒战争的分析。他认为,由于雅典的崛起和斯巴达由此产生的恐惧,冲突不可避免。这一概念已成为分析中国等崛起大国与美国等老牌强国之间潜在冲突的框架,反映了新兴大国挑战现有秩序、导致紧张局势或冲突的历史模式。



Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527):权力与领导的艺术[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

尼科洛-马基雅维利是文艺复兴时期的核心人物,他的影响深远的作品《王子》为政治理论和现实主义传统做出了重大贡献。马基雅维利 1469 年出生于意大利佛罗伦萨,目睹并参与了当时激烈的政治动荡,这些经历为他的理论提供了深刻的启迪。作为一名外交官和政治思想家,他在错综复杂且往往无情的政治领域中游刃有余,他在自己的著作中细致地记录了这些经历。"马基雅维利于 1513 年写成的《王子》对政治学和现实主义理论产生了持久的影响,以其对政治权力和治理的创新方法而著称。马基雅维利的这部论著与他所处时代盛行的政治理想主义和道德主义治理观明显不同。在一个政治思想与宗教和伦理因素紧密交织的时代,马基雅维利的著作以其务实的现实主义和对传统道德学说的背离而脱颖而出。


马基雅维利的 "Virtù "概念:力量与适应性[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

马基雅维利在《王子》中提出的 "virtù "概念是其政治哲学的关键要素,代表了一系列对有效领导至关重要的特质,尤其是在充满挑战且往往残酷无情的政治权力世界中。马基雅维利的 "virtù "有别于传统的与道德正义相联系的美德概念,它体现了敏捷、力量、狡猾和智慧等品质。这些特质使统治者能够巧妙地处理复杂多变的政治。马基雅维利对 "virtù "的核心诠释是实践智慧、准确评估形势的能力以及果断而恰当地采取行动的能力。

马基雅维利强调的 "virtù "的一个基本方面是适应性--领导者能够根据不断变化的环境进行调整,即使看似不利的情况也能转危为安。在动荡的政治舞台上,这种适应能力尤为重要,因为在这个舞台上,命运可能会瞬息万变,也会出现不可预见的挑战。马基雅维利十分强调领导者需要灵活运用战略和战术,随着形势的发展不断调整自己的方法。

马基雅维利的 "virtù "概念还与 "目的可以证明手段的正当性 "的观点交织在一起。他认为,领导人可能需要采取欺骗、操纵和无情的策略来维护权力和实现国家目标。这种 "美德 "涉及一种实用主义,有时甚至是玩世不恭的掌权方式,在这种方式下,道德考虑服从于政治生存和成功。在马基雅维利看来,"virtù "的行使不仅关乎个人野心,也关乎国家的有效性和稳定性。一个拥有 "美德 "的领导者能够捍卫自己的国家,保护国家免受威胁,确保国家繁荣昌盛,即使这需要为了国家的更大利益做出艰难的、道德上模棱两可的决定。

马基雅维利的 "virtù "概念代表了有效政治领导所需的综合素质框架。它强调了敏捷、智慧、适应性的重要性,以及在必要时务实地使用欺骗和操纵的重要性。这一概念深刻地影响了人们对政治领导力的理解,并将继续成为政治战略和治国之道讨论中的重要参考,影响着关于政治领导力内在的复杂性和道德困境的讨论。

"福星 "在政治成功中的作用[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

马基雅维利的 "fortuna"(幸运)概念在他的政治哲学中起着举足轻重的作用,尤其是作为 "virtù "的对立面。在其开创性著作《王子》中,马基雅维利深入探讨了virtù(领导者的素质和技能)与fortuna(运气或机遇)之间的复杂关系,以及它们如何影响国家及其统治者的命运。马基雅维里思想中的 "福"(Fortuna)象征着人类事务中不可预测和易变的因素,承认外部因素的作用,这些因素往往是不可控制的,可以极大地改变事件的轨迹。这包括从自然灾害、意想不到的社会政治变化到联盟和权力动态的突变等一切因素。在马基雅维利看来,"不可预测性 "代表了生活中固有的不可预测性,以及它对人类决策和行动的限制。



人性与政治动力:马基雅维利的见解[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

马基雅维利的观点强调,在不确定的情况下,审慎和适应性强的领导力非常重要。他认为,虽然领导者无法控制堡垒的不可预测性,但他们可以通过战略规划、前瞻性和战术灵活性来制定应对措施。这一立场强调了马基雅维利的信念:即使在不可预测的外部力量中,人的能动性也是非常重要的。他的 "virtù "和 "fortuna "概念对影响政治成败的因素提出了细致入微的看法。马基雅维利承认运气和机遇在人类事务中的重要作用,但认为明智地运用virtù能让领导者管理并在一定程度上影响fortuna的任性。这一观点强调了政治生活中人的行动与外部力量之间的平衡,这一概念在当代领导力和治国术研究中仍然具有现实意义。


"几个世纪以来,《王子》赢得了赞誉和批评。崇拜者称赞马基雅维利对人性和政治动态的坦率和敏锐洞察力。该书对权力机制和领导人面临的实际挑战进行了不加修饰的描写,因而受到称赞。然而,马基雅维利的著作也因其被认为是愤世嫉俗以及其中一些建议的无情而招致批评。他显然赞同将欺骗、操纵和恐惧作为维持控制的工具,这导致 "马基雅维利 "一词成为不择手段和操纵策略的代名词。尽管有这些批评,《王子》仍然是政治学和领导力研究的开创性著作。它对权力、获取和保持权力的策略以及治理和国家的复杂性提供了宝贵的视角。马基雅维利的作品迫使读者面对往往是残酷的权力真相,使其成为那些寻求了解政治领导和决策复杂性的人的重要资源。

马基雅维利对政治战略的持久影响[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨(1780-1831 年):战争与战略的联系[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨是普鲁士将军和军事理论家,他对战争及其在国际关系中的作用的理解做出了持久的贡献。克劳塞维茨生于 1780 年,拿破仑战争的经历深刻影响了他对军事冲突和战略的看法。他的巨著《战争论》写于 19 世纪初,1832 年在死后出版,至今仍是军事理论的奠基之作,并对国际关系领域,尤其是现实主义思想产生了重大影响。

War as Politics by Other Means:战略视角[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨的开创性著作《战争论》极大地影响了国际关系领域对军事冲突的理解。他的名言 "战争是政治通过其他手段的延续 "彻底改变了人们对战争及其在治国中的作用的认识。克劳塞维茨从根本上认为,战争本身不是孤立的事件或目的,而是通过其他手段进行的政治参与的延伸。这种观点将战争置于更广泛的政治目标和战略框架中,这与早期的观念不同,早期的观念往往将战争视为一个独立的实体,受其自身规则和逻辑的支配。克劳塞维茨认为,发动战争的决定和战争的进行本质上与政治因素相关,战争是实现特定政治目标的工具,而这些目标仅通过外交渠道是无法实现的。克劳塞维茨将战争纳入政治范畴的做法,突出了战争在实现政策目标方面的战略作用,将对战争的理解从单纯的侵略或防御行为转变为国家政策的一种深思熟虑的工具,用于促进国家利益。

克劳塞维茨的论点与国际关系中的现实主义原则密切吻合,后者认为国家在一个无政府的国际体系中运作,安全和权力至高无上。在这一框架下,军事力量成为国家保护自身利益、应对威胁和维护自身在全球秩序中地位的重要工具。现实主义承认,虽然外交与和平接触更可取,但当国家的核心利益受到威胁时,国家必须做好诉诸军事行动的准备。卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨(Carl Von Clausewitz)的《战争论》对战争作为政治战略工具的本质提出了重要见解。他提出的 "战争是以其他手段延续政治 "的论点,将战争的概念融入了国家政策和战略的大框架中。这一观点对军事战略和国际关系理论都产生了深远的影响,尤其是在现实主义思想中,现实主义思想认为军事力量是无政府国际环境中治国的关键因素。克劳塞维茨的著作仍然是理解战争、政治目标和国家利益之间错综复杂关系的基石,为当代有关军事战略和国际关系的讨论提供了借鉴。

理解 "战争迷雾":冲突中的不确定性[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨在其影响深远的著作《战争论》中阐明的 "战争迷雾 "概念是理解军事冲突复杂性的关键因素。这一概念有效地概括了战争所固有的不确定性、不可预测性和混乱性。战争迷雾 "指的是在冲突期间,由于缺乏清晰可靠的信息而导致的与决策相关的挑战。克劳塞维茨敏锐地观察到,指挥官和士兵经常需要在信息不完整、模棱两可或完全缺乏的情况下做出关键决策。战场的混乱性质进一步加剧了这种不确定性因素,不可预见的事件和人类行为的不可预测性会迅速破坏精心制定的计划。


此外,"战争迷雾 "的概念已经超越了其直接的军事背景,影响了更广泛的战略思维,并强调了在复杂情况下人类控制的局限性。克劳塞维茨的见解影响了军事理论的发展,这些理论强调需要灵活性、有效的侦察和适应不断变化的情况的能力。战争迷雾 "原则仍然是军事理论的基石,它强调了在冲突环境中进行决策所固有的挑战,并突出了军事战略中对适应性和机智的需求。这一概念仍然是军事行动计划和执行中的重要考虑因素,影响着历史上和当代的各种战争和战略方法。克劳塞维茨对战争迷雾的见解具有持久的现实意义,为冲突的本质以及在不可预知的战争环境中航行所涉及的复杂性提供了重要的视角。

战争的道德和心理层面[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨(Carl Von Clausewitz)在其开创性著作《战争论》中详细阐述了战争的道德和心理层面,这是他从多方面理解军事冲突的基本组成部分。他的分析超越了战争中有形的战略要素,涵盖了至关重要但往往不被重视的道德因素。克劳塞维茨承认道德因素在战争中的重要性,这标志着军事理论取得了举足轻重的进步。他认识到,公众舆论、部队士气和国家政治意愿等因素会对军事行动的进行和结果产生重大影响。克劳塞维茨认为,这些道德力量的决定性作用甚至可以超过物质因素。在他看来,士兵的士气、平民的韧性和支持以及领导层的素质都是军事行动取得成功的关键。他认识到,高昂的士气可以抵消数量或技术上的不足,而如果没有高昂的士气,优势资源可能无法确保胜利。



"全面战争 "的概念:全面冲突[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

全面战争 "的概念与卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨的理论贡献密切相关,它是一种超越传统战场交战的战争形式的缩影,涉及国家资源的全面动员和对战争努力的广泛承诺。尽管克劳塞维茨没有在其著作中明确使用 "全面战争 "一词,但他在《论战争》中提出的观点对其概念发展和后续解释产生了重大影响。


全面战争概念的相关性在 20 世纪变得尤为突出,特别是在世界大战期间。在这些冲突中,国家动员程度空前,所有可用资源都被用于战争。平民的参与达到了前所未有的程度,整个经济都被调整为支持军事行动,战斗人员和非战斗人员之间的界限越来越模糊。虽然克劳塞维茨没有明确提出 "全面战争 "一词,但他在《战争论》中提出的理论框架为理解这种冲突所特有的全面动员和投入奠定了基础。他的先见之明预见到了世界大战中的战争类型,说明战争有可能吞噬一个国家生活和资源的方方面面。全面战争概念在 20 世纪的演变反映了克劳塞维茨将战争作为政治工具这一思想的极端表现,即实现政治目标可以证明一个国家对战争的全面投入是合理的。


克劳塞维茨对军事战略和现实主义思想的影响[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨的著作,尤其是《战争论》,为理解和开展军事行动提供了深刻的战略框架。他对 "战争迷雾 "的关注、道德和心理因素的关键作用以及将战争定性为政治工具的观点对现代军事战略的形成起到了重要作用。克劳塞维茨的理论促使军事战略家将目光从眼前的战术方案转向更广泛的政治目标和军事行动的影响。他的见解尤其在国际关系中的现实主义学派中引起共鸣。他强调国家行为中的权力、安全和战略考量,这与现实主义关于无政府、竞争性国际体系的观点不谋而合。现实主义与克劳塞维茨的理论类似,强调权力和追求国家利益作为国家行为基本驱动力的重要性。


卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨(Carl Von Clausewitz)的《战争论》仍然是理解军事战略和国际关系的基础性资料,并一直具有现实意义。他对军事力量与政治目标之间错综复杂关系的研究为军事战略家、政策制定者和国际关系学者提供了宝贵的指导。他的著作对研究冲突和战略至关重要,强调了在追求国家利益时将政治目标与军事战术相结合的必要性。克劳塞维茨的贡献继续影响着我们对冲突和权力动态的理解,凸显了国际舞台上军事和政治因素之间复杂的相互作用。他的见解经久不衰,是指导当代军事和政治决策的战略思想的基础。

汉斯-摩根索(1904-1980 年):均势与伦理[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

汉斯-摩根索是国际关系领域的领军人物,在奠定现代现实主义基础方面发挥了举足轻重的作用。摩根索出生于 1904 年,他的思想贡献在 20 世纪中期尤其具有影响力,这一时期的特点是第二次世界大战结束后和冷战开始。他的开创性著作《国家间的政治》(Politics Among Nations:该书于 1948 年首次出版,被认为是现实主义思想流派发展的基石。

国际政治中的权力动态[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




国家利益:国家行动的指导原则[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在《国家间政治》一书中将国家利益作为国家行动的关键指导原则,这是其理论的重要组成部分,极大地丰富了现实主义国际关系学派的思想。摩根索认为,国家在全球舞台上的根本目的是追求国家利益,他主要从权力的角度来诠释国家利益。在他看来,权力是国家在一个无政府的国际体系中确保自身生存和安全的基本工具,在这个体系中,没有最高权威来维持秩序。这一观点与现实主义的基本假设不谋而合,即国家作为理性的行为体,在充满不确定性和潜在威胁的体系中寻求机动。



全球事务中的务实与伦理决策[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




摩根索在现实主义思想方面的遗产[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




古典现实主义者对国际关系的贡献[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

深入理解全球政治[modifier | modifier le wikicode]



卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨的《战争论》深入探讨了军事战略及其与政治目标的结合。他断言 "战争是政治通过其他手段的延续",突出了军事冲突与国家政策之间的内在联系,强调了利用战争实现国家利益的战略。20 世纪,汉斯-摩根索的《国家间政治》为现实主义增添了现代维度。他强调权力是国际关系的主要驱动力,同时将伦理因素纳入其框架。摩根索的方法细致入微,在务实的国家利益追求和道德义务之间取得了平衡,为国家行为提供了一个全面的视角。


国际关系研究是一个跨越 2500 年的丰富知识旅程,是不断探索全球政治中秩序、正义和变革等基本问题的奥德赛。这种跨越不同历史时代的持久探索,反映了国际事务复杂多变的本质。这一思想之旅始于古代的修昔底德等思想家,他对伯罗奔尼撒战争的研究提供了关于国家间权力和冲突动态的深刻见解。他的分析为理解军事实力、政治战略和国家利益追求之间的相互作用开创了基础先例,这些主题已成为研究国家互动、权力本质以及战争与和平根源的国际关系的基石。

在中世纪和文艺复兴时期,随着尼科洛-马基雅维利(Niccolò Machiavelli)等人的贡献,这一论述得到了扩展。马基雅维利以务实的方式处理国家事务,强调政治权力的严峻现实,提出了道德伦理考虑与追求国家利益之间关系的关键问题。这一思想演变一直延续到现代,卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨和汉斯-摩根索等理论家对此做出了重要贡献。克劳塞维茨对战争作为国家政策工具的战略见解丰富了关于国际冲突的论述。摩根索关注权力动态并将道德原则纳入国家行为,为国际关系中的现实主义传统增添了新的维度。


权力、秩序和国家道德行为[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨(Carl Von Clausewitz)在《战争论》中探讨了战争与政治之间的相互作用,进一步推动了这一领域的发展。他认为战争是政治政策的延续,强调了战略性地使用军事力量来实现政治目的,突出了在冲突中维持国际秩序所面临的挑战。

E.H. Carr 的《二十年危机》对理想主义的国际政治方法提出了批判性的观点。卡尔倡导现实主义观点,强调权力动态在国际关系中的主导地位,促进对全球舞台上国家互动的务实理解。

汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)通过其开创性著作《国与国之间的政治》(Politics Among Nations)关注以权力为定义的国家利益,为现实主义引入了伦理维度。他认为对权力的追求应受到道德因素的制约,这为国际关系中权力与秩序的讨论注入了伦理视角。


国际事务中的正义概念[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


现实主义学派的重要人物汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)承认权力与正义之间存在错综复杂的紧张关系。他主张一种微妙的平衡,即在追求国家利益的同时也要遵守道德原则。摩根索的立场意味着,虽然国家是在权力驱动的体系中运作,但道德考量不应被完全搁置。他认为,作为国家行为的一个基本方面,对权力的追求应受到道德要求的约束,以防止不受约束的侵略和冲突。



国际关系的动态性质[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

国际关系的动态性质以不断变化和演变为特征,一直是学者们广泛分析的重点。从冷战时期的两极结构过渡到以美国为主导的单极世界,随后又向更加多极化的全球格局转变,这充分体现了国际政治的流动性。约翰-米尔斯海默(John J. Mearsheimer)和约瑟夫-奈(Joseph Nye)等当代理论家为我们理解这些转变做出了举足轻重的贡献。


约瑟夫-奈提出的 "软实力 "概念为国际关系理论增添了新的维度。这一概念超越了传统上对军事和经济实力(硬实力)的关注,强调了通过文化吸引力、价值观和外交所施加的影响。在全球化和信息时代,软实力日益突出,它强调了在传统权力机制之外塑造偏好和观点的重要性。


约翰-米尔斯海默(John J. Mearsheimer)和约瑟夫-奈(Joseph Nye)等理论家的研究极大地丰富了关于国际关系演变的讨论。他们的理论对权力的本质、国家在动态全球环境中的战略行动以及影响世界政治的新兴影响形式提供了重要的见解。随着国际体系的不断变革,他们的学术贡献为分析和理解当代国际关系的复杂性提供了宝贵的视角。

全球政治中丰富的知识遗产[modifier | modifier le wikicode]



到了现代,卡尔-冯-克劳塞维茨和汉斯-摩根索等思想家进一步丰富了这一论述。克劳塞维茨在《战争论》中提供了一个将军事力量与政治目标联系起来的战略框架。摩根索在《国与国之间的政治》中强调了权力和国家利益在国际关系中的核心地位,将伦理因素纳入了现实主义范式。约翰-米尔斯海默(John J. Mearsheimer)和约瑟夫-奈(Joseph Nye)等当代学者进一步拓展了我们的理解。米尔斯海默的进攻现实主义理论研究了无政府体系中国家固有的权力追求行为,而奈的软实力概念则关注文化、价值观和外交在全球政治中的作用。


解读古典现实主义观点[modifier | modifier le wikicode]






政治分析的整体方法[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在其开创性著作《国家间的政治》(Politics Among Nations)中体现了这种包罗万象的方法。虽然他主要关注的是作为国际关系关键因素的权力,但摩根索并未忽视道德层面的重要性。他认为,道德因素是外交政策不可或缺的一部分,主张采取一种平衡的方法,使权力政治受到道德要求的制约。这种整合强调了对国际关系的理解,它超越了单纯的权力斗争,纳入了道德判断和决策。


E.H. 卡尔和肯尼斯-华尔兹等现实主义思想家也为我们理解国内政治与国际政治之间的联系做出了重要贡献。华尔兹在《国际政治理论》中强调国际体系结构对国家行为的影响,同时也承认国内因素的影响。这一观点强调了国内政治动态(如政治体制、经济条件和社会价值观)与国家外交政策之间的相互作用。它还承认全球经济趋势、安全困境和外交关系等国际因素如何对国内政治产生相互影响。


国际关系中的伦理与社区[modifier | modifier le wikicode]





历史周期和反复出现的模式[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




现实主义:理解全球政治的综合框架[modifier | modifier le wikicode]



将伦理维度纳入国际关系研究代表着该领域的重大扩展。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家强调了将追求权力与道德原则相协调的必要性,认识到国家在国际舞台上的行动不仅受到实用主义考虑的影响,也受到伦理决定和责任的影响。





将国内政治与国际事务联系起来[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

综合分析:融合国内与国际视角[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




交叉领域:模糊国内政治与国际政治的界限[modifier | modifier le wikicode]






社区凝聚力与共同规范:全球政治中的秩序与约束的支柱[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




道德考量:道德原则在塑造国际事务中的关键作用[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)的古典现实主义将道德原则纳入传统的以权力为中心的论述中,为国际关系领域做出了重大贡献。他认为,国际关系不仅仅是由权力斗争决定的,还深受道德因素和社会规范的影响。摩根索主张在国际政治行为中平衡权力和国家利益与道德义务感和全球伦理。这一观点丰富了对国家行为的理解,认为国际舞台上的行动应同时考虑权力动态及其道德影响。




现实主义理论中的均势概念[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

权力制衡在全球政治中的核心作用[modifier | modifier le wikicode]





权力平衡中的误读和误判风险[modifier | modifier le wikicode]





观点分歧:古典现实主义与新现实主义[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

古典现实主义和新现实主义对国际关系中力量平衡的观点截然不同,凸显了现实主义思想的多方面演变。以汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等理论家为代表的古典现实主义以一种细致入微和谨慎的立场来看待力量平衡问题。它承认,虽然均势可以促进暂时的稳定并阻止单方面的侵略,但它并不是防止冲突的万无一失的保障。古典现实主义者将这种平衡视为无政府世界中国际关系的内在要素,各国受国家利益驱使。他们批判性地审视与权力平衡相关的局限性和风险,认识到国家维持或改变权力平衡的努力可能无意中加剧紧张局势并引发冲突。




建立秩序:共同规范和理解的重要性[modifier | modifier le wikicode]






古典现实主义的国际秩序整体论[modifier | modifier le wikicode]





汉斯-摩根索对均势动态的微妙看法[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)对力量均势的看法,尤其是在 18 和 19 世纪欧洲政治背景下的看法,为国际关系中的这一概念提供了独特而丰富的理解。他的方法与后来的新现实主义强调物质能力和战略计算形成鲜明对比,突出了规范在国际社会中的作用。


这一观点与后来由肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)等学者提出的新现实主义观点形成鲜明对比。新现实主义主要关注国际体系的无政府结构和国家间物质能力的分配。新现实主义者认为,均势是各国在无政府体系中为自身利益行事的自然结果,不太强调共同准则和法律原则的作用。摩根索的理解细致入微,他承认均势是一种受物质因素和国际社会规范框架影响的多元机制。他的观点承认,历史背景,包括当时的共同价值观和传统,在国家如何看待自身利益和参与权力平衡方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

18 世纪和 19 世纪的欧洲以一种独特的方式处理国际关系,其特点是建立了一套共同的理解、规范和规则体系,对力量平衡产生了重大影响。这一时期是外交传统和集体认同如何影响国家互动的显著例证。在这一时期,欧洲国家发展了一套复杂的外交、结盟和条约体系,这套体系的基础是共同的欧洲身份以及共同的文化和知识遗产。这一体系并非仅以强权政治为基础,它还反映了对国家行为和行为规范的集体理解。错综复杂的联盟和条约网络有助于构建国家间的互动,为管理冲突和维护稳定提供了一个框架。

拿破仑战争后于 1815 年召开的维也纳会议就是这一动态的例证。会议的目的不仅仅是重新绘制欧洲政治地图。它旨在建立一个以共同准则和原则为基础的外交新秩序。达成一致的关键原则之一是君主制的合法性,这被视为维持欧洲稳定和秩序的关键。另一项原则是利益均衡,确保没有任何一个国家可以主宰欧洲大陆。维也纳会议后的这一秩序通常被称为欧洲协约,代表了维护欧洲大陆和平与稳定的集体努力。在这个体系中,各大国共同努力解决冲突,维护均势。近一个世纪以来,欧洲协约在防止重大冲突和维持欧洲相对和平方面发挥了重要作用。它是一种外交方式的典范,在这种方式中,共同的准则和集体决策在国际关系中发挥了核心作用。

因此,18 和 19 世纪的欧洲提供了一个重要的历史实例,说明国际关系的构建不仅可以围绕权力斗争,还可以围绕共同准则、集体认同和相互理解。这一时期的外交、联盟和条约体系,以维也纳会议和欧洲协约为代表,展示了共同的规范和原则框架如何促进国际关系的稳定和秩序。这一历史事例强调,在塑造全球政治动态时,不仅要考虑物质力量,还要考虑共同准则和外交传统的作用。

规范与伦理:国际关系中超越单纯的权力政治[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)的古典现实主义强调规范和国际社会的作用,提供了对国际关系的细致而全面的理解。这种观点承认权力斗争与国家共同认可和遵守的规则、规范和价值观等更广泛框架之间的相互作用。古典现实主义者认识到,国际政治并不仅仅受制于无政府的权力斗争。除了物质能力和战略利益,各国共同遵守的规则和规范在塑造国际关系方面也发挥着至关重要的作用。这些规范包括外交礼仪、法律原则和道德考量,有助于在国际体系中形成秩序感和可预测性。


在古典现实主义中,权力政治与这些规范方面相互交织。国家的行动和战略不仅受其权力追求的影响,也受其对国际社会既定准则和价值观的遵守和参与的影响。这种相互作用反映了国家如何在全球舞台上互动和维持秩序的复杂性。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家所阐述的古典现实主义提出了丰富而细致的国际关系观点。它认为,国家行为和国际秩序的维护受到权力斗争与集体遵守共同规则、规范和价值观的综合影响。这一观点强调了国际政治的多面性,即权力、法律原则、道德考量和文化纽带共同塑造了全球互动的动态。

平衡国家利益与正义[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

对比理论视角:全球事务中的新现实主义与古典现实主义[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

在国际关系领域,新现实主义与古典现实主义的对比展现了关于国家行为和全球秩序的丰富理论视角。这两个学派的主要学者,如著名的新现实主义学者肯尼思-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)和古典现实主义的重要人物汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)的著作都体现了这一差异。


汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在其开创性著作《国家间政治》(Politics Among Nations)中所体现的古典现实主义,虽然也承认权力和国家利益的重要性,但更深入地探讨了正义和道德价值观在塑造国家行为和国际秩序方面的作用。摩根索承认,权力政治是国际关系中不可否认的现实。然而,他主张,道德考量必须成为国家如何定义和追求其国家利益的一个组成部分。在摩根索看来,正义的概念不仅是道德要求,也是建立和维护稳定的国际社会和秩序的现实需要。他认为,一个可持续的国际体系需要在追求权力和遵守道德标准之间取得平衡。这一观点认为,以共同价值观和准则为基础的国际社会的凝聚力和力量对于维护全球稳定和秩序至关重要。

从历史上看,这些观点的差异可以从各种国际动态中看出。例如,冷战时期清楚地说明了新现实主义的观点,当时国际体系的两极结构导致美国和苏联之间不断进行权力斗争。这一时期的特点是军备竞赛、结成军事同盟和代理人战争,所有这些都是出于各国在一个无政府的世界中加强自身安全的需要。另一方面,摩根索可能引用的 1815 年维也纳会议反映了古典现实主义观点。拿破仑战争之后,维也纳会议的目标不仅是重新绘制欧洲政治地图,而且是在利益平衡和君主合法性等共同准则和原则的基础上建立外交秩序。这一秩序通常被称为 "欧洲协约",在近一个世纪的时间里维持了相对的和平与稳定,显示了共同准则和价值观在国际政治中的影响力。新现实主义和古典现实主义对国际关系的运作提出了不同但同样有价值的见解。新现实主义侧重于无政府国际体系中国家的结构方面和物质能力,而古典现实主义则提供了一种更加细致入微的观点,将伦理因素和共同准则在塑造国家行为和维护全球秩序方面的作用纳入其中。这些理论框架仍然有助于理解国际政治的复杂动态以及各国在全球舞台上的行为。

权力动力与道德判断:古典现实主义中利益与人类价值观的交汇[modifier | modifier le wikicode]



古典现实主义者的方法与新现实主义者的方法形成鲜明对比,后者主要关注权力和安全方面的国家利益。以肯尼斯-华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)等学者为代表的新现实主义强调国际体系的结构性以及它们如何决定国家行为。在新现实主义中,国际体系的无政府性质迫使国家优先考虑自身的生存与安全,这往往导致对物质能力和战略考量的关注。相反,包括汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等人在内的古典现实主义者则从更广阔的视角出发,将道德和伦理因素纳入考虑范围。他们认为,正义和共同的价值观对于建立国家间的共同体意识至关重要。这种共同体意识是维护国际秩序的核心。对于古典现实主义者来说,国际舞台不仅仅是权力斗争的战场,也是共同价值观、道德考量和相互理解在塑造国家互动中发挥重要作用的空间。


正义在国际关系中的核心作用[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


对于古典现实主义者来说,正义的价值超越了道德考量,在增强国家在国际舞台上的影响力方面发挥着关键作用。国际关系中的影响力不仅限于军事和经济能力,一个国家的道德地位对其影响全球事件和决策的能力也大有裨益。当一个国家的行为被视为公正且符合道德规范时,就能增强其在国际社会中的合法性和说服力。国家权力的这一道德维度是通常所说的 "软实力"--吸引和说服而非强制的能力--的关键组成部分。道德地位和正义在国际关系中的重要性在各种历史背景下都显而易见。例如,冷战期间,美国及其盟国努力塑造捍卫自由与民主的形象。这种形象不仅是一种修辞策略,也是吸引全球支持和赋予其政策合法性的关键因素。对民主价值观和人权的强调有助于在世界眼中证明其行动和战略的正当性,增强其影响力并促成牢固联盟的形成。因此,古典现实主义承认,一个国家影响全球政治的能力与其对正义和道德行为的承诺密不可分。这一观点认为,在外交政策中坚持道德原则不仅是道德责任问题,也是复杂的国际关系舞台上的战略资产。那些被视为坚持正义和道德价值观的国家往往更容易在国际体系中游刃有余、建立联盟并施加影响。这种对权力、道德和正义之间相互作用的认识,提供了对国家行为的细致入微的理解,强调了国际政治的多面性。

古典现实主义对国家如何认识和追求其国家利益提出了精深的理解,强调这些利益并非完全由权力和安全的实用主义计算决定。这一学派深受汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家的影响,认为一个国家对其国家利益的理解也与其正义观念、道德考虑和价值观念密切相关。在古典现实主义框架中,一个国家的国家利益是由物质利益和道德原则共同决定的。这种观点认为,一个国家在国际舞台上的行动和战略反映了其更广泛的世界观,其中包括什么是公正和公平的观念。这些物质和道德层面的相互交织意味着,追求国家利益不仅仅是最大化权力或确保安全的直截了当的做法,还涉及道德行为和正义的考虑。



影响国家行为的伦理因素的整体性[modifier | modifier le wikicode]



现代化对全球变化的影响[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

现代化对国家身份和叙事的影响[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


现代化进程在 19 世纪和 20 世纪的欧洲尤为明显,它导致了具有鲜明民族特征的民族国家的形成。伴随这一发展的是新形式的民族主义,从根本上改变了国家对自身利益的定义。安全的概念超越了对领土完整和军事力量的传统关切,扩展到对文化认同和国家主权的维护。两次世界大战可以从这一转变过程的视角进行部分分析。民族身份的冲突以及确保领土和意识形态主导地位的愿望是冲突的核心。这些战争不仅涉及领土的战略扩张,还涉及对民族身份、意识形态和未来世界秩序愿景的深刻争夺。各国在参与这些冲突时,对安全的理解与其国家叙事和身份认同深深交织在一起,而国家叙事和身份认同是由现代化进程塑造的。

关于国际关系变革的经典现实主义观点强调了现代化对国家行为的重大影响。它强调了技术、经济和社会发展如何重塑国家身份和叙事,从而产生新的安全概念。这一视角强调了国际关系的复杂性,即在现代化的推动下,全球环境的变化对国家如何看待自身、界定自身利益以及制定安全战略产生了深远影响。从 19 世纪和 20 世纪的事件中可以看出,国家身份的演变和对安全的广泛影响体现了现代化对国际舞台的深远影响。

传统因素与现代因素的相互作用[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




在国际关系中恢复秩序:修昔底德和汉斯-摩根索的见解[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


修昔底德的洞察力:平衡永恒的人类品质与不断变化的全球动态[modifier | modifier le wikicode]



摩根索的观点:将强权政治与国家治理中的道德要求结合起来[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)写作于 20 世纪中期,这个时代与修昔底德时代明显不同,他在开创性著作《国家间政治》中提出了自己对国际关系的观点。摩根索的写作深受世界所经历的深刻变化的影响,包括两次世界大战的破坏性影响和冷战的爆发。他在这个动荡不安的新时代恢复秩序的方法既务实又有道德依据。摩根索认识到,在一个仍在遭受全球冲突影响的世界中,强权政治是残酷的现实。他强调必须以务实的方法处理国际关系,承认对国家利益的追求(通常以权力来定义)仍然是国家行动背后的持久驱动力。这一观点反映了传统的现实主义观点,即权力动力和国家利益是国际体系的基本要素。然而,摩根索的方法并不局限于以权力为中心的观点。他极力主张将道德和伦理因素纳入外交政策。摩根索认为,国际政治行为虽然与追求权力有着内在联系,但不应无视国际社会不断演变的规范和期望。他认为,必须在务实地追求国家利益与遵守道德伦理标准之间取得平衡。


在传统强权政治与当代全球现实之间导航[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




古典现实主义的理论基础和演变[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

以修昔底德和汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家为代表的古典现实主义理论方法与当代现实主义截然不同,尤其是在对语境的处理以及对国际关系中的一般规律和预测持怀疑态度方面。

背景动态:历史和地缘政治因素对国家行为的影响[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




实践中的古典现实主义:国际政治的务实和语境敏感方法[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在其影响深远的著作《国家间政治》中阐述了他的国际关系方法,这标志着他不再追求用一般规律或僵化的科学公式来解释国家行为。他的观点对国际政治固有的复杂性提供了一种更细致入微、背景更丰富的理解。摩根索对通过固定的科学法则来解释或预测国家行为的可能性表示怀疑。他对国际关系的复杂性可以提炼为简单、普遍原则的观点提出了质疑。这种怀疑态度源于他对国际关系多面性的理解,即国际关系包含一系列政治、文化和历史因素,这些因素都是难以简单化的。



背景下的外交政策:强调针对具体情况的行动,质疑国际政治中的普遍理论[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

修昔底德(Thucydides)和汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等古典现实主义者为国际关系理论提供了一种独特的方法,与当代现实主义的观点大相径庭。他们强调外交政策行动的背景依赖性,并对制定国际政治的一般规律和预测持明显的怀疑态度。

修昔底德和摩根索都强调了考虑影响国家行为的具体历史、文化和政治环境的重要性。修昔底德在描述伯罗奔尼撒战争时,深入探讨了人性的细微差别、战略计算以及古希腊的特定历史背景,以解释雅典和斯巴达的行动和决策。他的叙述强调了国家的动机和行为如何深受其独特环境的影响。摩根索在 20 世纪中期的写作背景中,也强调了环境对国家行为的重要影响。在《国家间的政治》一书中,他反对将复杂的国际关系动态归结为一套僵化、科学的法则。相反,摩根索强调了人性的作用、权力的动力以及国家行为的道德和伦理维度,坚持认为必须在当时特定的地缘政治和文化背景下理解这些要素。两位思想家都对在国际关系中建立普遍规律或预测的可能性持怀疑态度。这种怀疑态度源于这样一种认识,即国际政治本质上是复杂多变的,是由多种因素决定的,无法简化为放之四海而皆准的理论。这种观点承认,虽然国际关系中存在可观察到的模式和趋势,如追求权力,但这些趋势的表现形式在很大程度上受到特定历史和地缘政治背景的影响。


伊拉克战争:经典现实主义分析[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

作为国际关系悲剧的伊拉克战争[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

作为国际政治悲剧分析伊拉克战争[modifier | modifier le wikicode]





自大与悲剧性缺陷:伊拉克战争是古代主题的现代反映[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

通过希腊悲剧的视角和古典现实主义的原则来解读伊拉克战争,可以看到狂妄自大和悲剧性缺陷导致了无法预料和影响深远的后果。希腊悲剧的核心主题 "狂妄自大 "和 "仓皇失措 "在 2003 年美国及其盟国入侵伊拉克的背景下引起了强烈反响。

狂妄的概念,即过度骄傲和过度自信,是希腊古典悲剧中的一个关键因素,也可适用于入侵伊拉克的决定。从古典现实主义的角度来看,联军做出这一决定的部分原因是高估了自己的军事实力和能力,同时坚信自己的事业在道义上是正义的。这种狂妄自大导致对干预行动的潜在风险和复杂性视而不见或置若罔闻。联军,尤其是美国,坚信自己有能力迅速实现目标,在伊拉克建立一个稳定、民主的政府。在伊拉克战争的战略规划和执行过程中,"仓促"(hamartia)或 "悲剧性缺陷"(tragic flaw)的概念也很明显。经典现实主义将未能准确评估局势和预见入侵后果解释为重大战略缺陷。联军没有充分预料到叛乱、由此引发的教派暴力,以及萨达姆-侯赛因政权被推翻后随之而来的长期政治和社会动荡。这些错误判断和误判可被视为伊拉克战争的 "仓鼠",导致了意想不到的破坏性后果。古典现实主义解释还强调理解中东地区复杂的政治、社会和文化动态的重要性。未能把握这些复杂性导致了决策过程的失误。联军为入侵后的伊拉克制定的计划没有充分考虑到根深蒂固的种族和教派分歧,也没有预见到将会出现的权力真空,从而加剧了地区的不稳定。


偏离审慎和道德责任:伊拉克战争中的战略误判[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

古典现实主义,尤其是汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)所阐述的古典现实主义,非常强调外交决策中的审慎、道德和伦理考虑。通过古典现实主义视角分析伊拉克战争,可以发现这场冲突可以被解释为背离了这些基本原则。

摩根索的古典现实主义主张谨慎处理国际事务,仔细权衡行动的潜在后果。就伊拉克战争而言,这种观点认为 2003 年入侵伊拉克的决定缺乏谨慎。战略和道德考量本应是任何如此重大决策的核心,但似乎被意识形态动机所掩盖。古典现实主义观点批评说,由于未能准确评估伊拉克当地的复杂性和现实情况,导致做出的决定没有以对局势的务实评估为基础。经典现实主义者认为,伊拉克战争更多是受意识形态目标的驱动,而非明确的战略计算。这种做法偏离了古典现实主义的原则,即外交政策应基于对国家利益的理性评估,同时考虑权力动态和道德影响。强调传播民主和推翻独裁政权虽然是出于道义,但并不符合对可能的结果和更广泛的地区影响的审慎考虑。经典现实主义批评伊拉克战争的一个重要方面是意外后果的悲剧,特别是冲突造成的人员损失。战争导致了重大人员伤亡、广泛的流离失所和长期的地区不稳定--传统现实主义者认为,联军领导人没有充分考虑或预见到这些结果。这种缺乏远见和对后果认识的情况表明,在外交政策中坚持审慎原则和道德责任方面存在严重失误。


大国过度扩张与傲慢的悲剧[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


美国外交政策中的傲慢:入侵伊拉克中对权力的高估[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

冷战结束后,随着苏联的解体,美国成为世界上唯一的超级大国,这一局面极大地改变了国际关系的态势。从古典现实主义的角度来看,美国这一新发现的地位可被视为为狂妄创造了成熟的条件,而狂妄这一概念深深植根于古希腊思想和悲剧之中。狂妄的特点是过度骄傲或过度自信,古典现实主义者可能会认为,这一主题在苏联解体后的美国外交政策中变得显而易见。由于没有超级大国与之抗衡,美国产生了一种不受挑战的优越感,这可能导致其在国际行动中过于自信。这种情况类似于古希腊的 "狂妄自大 "概念,过度的骄傲往往会为后来的失败埋下伏笔,这也是古希腊悲剧中反复出现的主题。



审慎、权力限制和道德责任:分析入侵伊拉克的决定[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

经典现实主义是受汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等思想家影响颇深的一个思想流派。古典现实主义强调审慎、仔细评估权力限制,并敏锐地考虑外交政策决策的道德影响。从古典现实主义的角度来看,美国在这一时期的做法可以被视为偏离了谨慎原则。美国决定采取单边行动,尤其是 2003 年入侵伊拉克,这表明美国对自身力量的局限性缺乏审慎的评估。此外,似乎也没有充分考虑此类行动的道德和伦理后果。这种做法与古典现实主义主张的外交政策形成了鲜明对比,后者主张外交政策应立足于对权力限制和道德责任的现实理解。



伊拉克战争是对权力限制和过度自信风险的研究[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

从古典现实主义的角度来看,美国 2003 年入侵并随后占领伊拉克的行动体现了狂妄自大和过度依赖军事力量导致战略误判的弊端。这种观点提供了一个重要的视角来理解在伊拉克做出的决定和采取的行动,凸显了与现实主义关键原则的背离。




强调谨慎、务实和知情的战略:伊拉克战争的经验教训[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




大国的自我毁灭倾向[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


忽视本质:伊拉克入侵后规划中的关键漏洞[modifier | modifier le wikicode]





反映大国脆弱性的伊拉克战争:经典现实主义视角[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




对古典现实主义的总结性思考[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

国际关系的悲剧性维度:古典现实主义的视角[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




伊拉克战争的教训:悲剧悖论的当代案例研究[modifier | modifier le wikicode]




权力及其危险:古典现实主义对领导盲目性的警示[modifier | modifier le wikicode]





治国中的傲慢与谨慎:向修昔底德和摩根索学习[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


修昔底德在《伯罗奔尼撒战争》中的描述生动地说明了狂妄自大在国家治理中的后果。雅典人决定进行西西里远征,是出于对自身优势和不可战胜的信念。这种过度自信导致了灾难性的误判,最终导致了雅典的灭亡。修昔底德用这个故事警示人们,过高的野心加上对形势缺乏现实的评估,在国际政治中会导致灾难性的结果。汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)在《国家间的政治》(Politics Among Nations)一书中,也对与权力相关的道德和现实危险表达了类似的担忧。他主张外交政策不仅要基于道德考虑,还要基于对国家利益的现实评估。摩根索警告说,要警惕权力的迷惑,警惕国家倾向于追求过于雄心勃勃的目标,而忽视了实际限制和道德后果。


综合权力与道德:古典现实主义的全球政治平衡之道[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

古典现实主义通过修昔底德(Thucydides)等历史人物和汉斯-摩根索(Hans Morgenthau)等现代思想家的真知灼见,为国际关系提供了一个批判性的持久视角。它强调了狂妄自大的长期危险--过度自信和过度骄傲可能导致强国的过度扩张--并强调了审慎在国家治理中不可或缺的作用。



附录[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

参考资料[modifier | modifier le wikicode]