Modification de 第二次世界大战期间的拉丁美洲

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Ligne 189 : Ligne 189 :
= 战后在拉丁美洲的欧洲难民 =  
= 战后在拉丁美洲的欧洲难民 =  

第二次世界大战后,拉丁美洲是许多欧洲难民最喜爱的目的地。这些人逃离恐怖的冲突,寻求更好的生活和重新开始的机会。许多犹太人、共产党员、社会主义者、知识分子和其他受纳粹迫害的人在阿根廷、巴西和智利等国找到了避难所。这些国家幅员辽阔,经济发展迅速,需要熟练劳动力,因此对这些难民持欢迎态度,而这些难民也为新家园的文化、科学和经济生活做出了贡献。然而,冷战的到来改变了拉丁美洲许多难民的处境。美国担心共产主义在该地区蔓延,支持了许多专制政权和军事独裁政权。反过来,这些政权经常迫害那些被视为对既定秩序构成威胁的人,包括许多欧洲难民,因为他们的背景、政治信仰或以前的关系。与此同时,拉丁美洲也成为了一些最臭名昭著的纳粹战犯的避难所,他们都是为了逃避欧洲的司法制裁。阿道夫-艾希曼(Adolf Eichmann)和约瑟夫-门格尔(Josef Mengele)等人在阿根廷找到了避难所。这些人受到某些政府和同情他们的网络的保护,通常安静地生活,不被打扰。这些纳粹罪犯在拉丁美洲的存在引起了国际社会,特别是犹太组织的极大关注。这些组织经常与各国政府合作,追捕这些罪犯并将他们绳之以法。然而,由于政治现实、腐败和拉丁美洲广大偏远地区的原因,许多罪犯几十年来一直逍遥法外。
Latin America was a favourite destination for many European refugees after the Second World War. These individuals fled the horrors of the conflict, seeking a better life and an opportunity to start again. Many Jews, communists, socialists, intellectuals and others persecuted by the Nazis found refuge in countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Chile. These countries, with their vast territories, developing economies and need for skilled labour, were welcoming to these refugees, who in turn contributed to the cultural, scientific and economic life of their new homes. However, the advent of the Cold War changed the situation for many refugees in Latin America. The United States, fearing the spread of communism in the region, supported numerous authoritarian regimes and military dictatorships. These regimes, in turn, often persecuted and targeted those perceived as threats to the established order, including many European refugees, because of their background, political beliefs or previous associations. At the same time, Latin America became a place of refuge for some of the most infamous Nazi war criminals, who fled European justice. Figures such as Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengele found refuge, particularly in Argentina. These individuals were protected by certain governments and sympathetic networks, and often lived quietly without being bothered. The presence of these Nazi criminals in Latin America has caused great concern in the international community, particularly among Jewish organisations. These groups have often worked with governments to track down these criminals and bring them to justice. However, due to political realities, corruption, and the vast remote regions of Latin America, many of these criminals have escaped justice for decades.

克劳斯-巴比(Klaus Barbie)就是一个鲜明的例子,说明在第二次世界大战后的几十年里,一些纳粹战犯是如何逃脱法律制裁的,这在一定程度上要归功于情报机构和外国政府的保护和共谋。他们的专长、网络和知识往往被认为比他们的犯罪历史更有价值,尤其是在冷战时期,超级大国都渴望在地缘政治战略地区获得优势。
Klaus Barbie is a striking example of how some Nazi war criminals managed to escape justice for decades after the Second World War, thanks in part to the protection and complicity of intelligence agencies and foreign governments. Their expertise, networks and knowledge were often deemed more valuable than their criminal past, especially during the Cold War, when the superpowers were keen to gain advantages in geopolitically strategic regions.

巴比曾在战争期间对成千上万的犹太人和法国抵抗运动成员实施酷刑、处决和驱逐,但他借助被称为 "老鼠线 "的纳粹逃亡网络成功逃脱了法律制裁。在德国和意大利度过一段时间后,他前往南美洲。他先抵达阿根廷,最后在玻利维亚定居。在玻利维亚首都拉巴斯,巴比用假名生活,参与了各种活动,包括经商和反叛乱行动。他作为盖世太保官员所经历的镇压和酷刑,使他成为与游击队和反对派运动作斗争的南美各军事独裁政权的宝贵人才。此外,在冷战时期,美国主要关注的是共产主义在该地区的威胁,而像芭比这样的人物则被视为帮助应对这一威胁的资产。直到 20 世纪 70 年代末和 80 年代初,在新闻调查和国际社会的压力下,芭比的真实身份和在玻利维亚的行踪才被揭露。事件曝光后,全球范围内掀起了一场要求引渡芭比的运动。1983 年,经过多年的法律和政治斗争,芭比被引渡到法国。他在里昂受审,里昂是他犯下最令人发指罪行的城市。1987 年,他被判犯有反人类罪,并被判处终身监禁。1991 年,他死于狱中。芭比案凸显了战后司法的复杂性和矛盾性,以及地缘政治利益有时如何优先于对战犯的起诉。
Barbie, who was responsible for the torture, execution and deportation of thousands of Jews and members of the French Resistance during the war, managed to escape justice thanks to a Nazi escape network known as "ratlines". After spending time in Germany and Italy, he travelled to South America. He first arrived in Argentina before finally settling in Bolivia. In La Paz, the Bolivian capital, Barbie lived under an assumed name and was involved in various activities, including business and counter-insurgency operations. His experience of repression and torture as a Gestapo official made him invaluable to various South American military dictatorships that were struggling with guerrilla and opposition movements. Moreover, during the Cold War, the United States was primarily concerned about the threat of communism in the region, and figures like Barbie were seen as assets to help counter that threat. It was only in the late 1970s and early 1980s, following journalistic investigations and pressure from the international community, that Barbie's true identity and whereabouts in Bolivia were revealed. Following these revelations, a worldwide campaign for her extradition was launched. In 1983, after years of legal and political battles, Barbie was extradited to France. He was tried in Lyon, the city where he had committed some of his most heinous crimes. In 1987, he was convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to life imprisonment. He died in prison in 1991. The Barbie case highlights the complexities and contradictions of post-war justice, and how geopolitical interests can sometimes take precedence over the prosecution of war criminals.

= 附件 =
= Annexes =
*[ Enemy alien]
*[ Enemy alien]
*[ Italian-American internment]
*[ Italian-American internment]
Ligne 208 : Ligne 208 :
*[ World War II related internment and expulsion of Germans in the Americas]
*[ World War II related internment and expulsion of Germans in the Americas]

= 参考资料 =
= References =

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