Latin America around 1850: societies, economies, policies

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Based on a lecture by Aline Helg[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]

In the mid-nineteenth century, a decisive moment in the history of the Americas, the contrasts between Latin America and the United States were striking. These differences stemmed from the distinct paths of development and independence that these regions had followed, reflecting an ever-changing socio-economic and political complexity.

Firstly, economic liberalism, a system that advocated free markets and minimal government intervention, spearheaded economic thinking at the time. Although adopted in both regions, its impact was far from uniform. In Latin America, this economic system promised prosperity and growth, but failed to deliver for all. Instead, it created a bipartite dynamic, where a small wealthy class benefited from opportunities while the majority of the population was left behind, becoming poorer, landless and exploited. This growing inequality led to social and economic tension, creating a landscape of discontent that would shape the history of the region for years to come.

In the United States, economic liberalism took a different but equally complex form. In the North, industrialisation and modernisation, fuelled in part by immigration, created prosperity and development. However, this prosperity contrasted with the South, where an economy based on cotton production and the exploitation of slaves left the region in a state of dependence and vulnerability. This divide between North and South was not just economic; it represented profound differences in society, culture and politics, and eventually led to the Civil War in 1861. These differences were not just binary; they also manifested themselves in the variations in experience and outcomes within the two regions. Different countries or specific regions within Latin America and the United States had nuances that further complicated this complex period.

The mid-nineteenth century was a time of ambiguity and contrasts, when economic liberalism sculpted the face of two continents unevenly. Inequitable development in Latin America and the division between North and South in the United States were symptoms of deeper underlying forces that have influenced these regions to this day. Understanding these dynamics requires a nuanced, multi-dimensional approach that takes account of the historical, economic and socio-political contexts that shaped this crucial period in the history of the Americas.

1825 - 1850: instability and adjustments

The Wars of Independence in Latin America, which took place between 1810 and 1825, represented a crucial and complex stage in the formation of independent nations in the region. These conflicts, aimed at breaking away from the Spanish and Portuguese colonial empires, marked the beginning of an intense transition towards sovereignty, a transition that extended far beyond formal independence. The battles for independence were driven by charismatic leaders such as Simon Bolivar in Venezuela and Jose de San Martin in Argentina. These emblematic figures galvanised movements for freedom and helped shape new national identities. However, independence was far from an end in itself. The newly formed countries were plunged into a period of instability and major adjustment between 1825 and 1850, as they struggled to establish new governments and systems of governance. Brazil, which became an empire under Pedro I in 1822, represents a unique case. Although independence was proclaimed, slavery remained a dominant institution, and no major political changes disrupted the existing social structure. For Spain's former mainland colonies, independence was more turbulent. These territories had been under Spanish rule for centuries, deeply integrating Spanish culture, laws and institutions. Breaking away from these systems forced the colonies to create new political frameworks and governance structures, often without clear guidelines or prior experience. The task was a daunting one. The newly independent countries faced enormous challenges, such as the distribution of land ownership, economic development, and navigating the often delicate relations with their former colonisers. In addition, internal divisions based on class, ethnicity and geography added a further layer of complexity. Independence in Latin America was far from a simple or uniform process. It ushered in a period of transformation, marked by both opportunity and uncertainty. The decades following independence witnessed an ongoing struggle to define national identity, build viable institutions, and reconcile colonial legacies with aspirations for freedom and self-determination. The process of establishing new governments and societies was a complex and tumultuous mix of ambitions, compromises and realignments, forging a path to modernity that continues to resonate in the history of Latin America.

The independence of the new Latin American nations marked a profound ideological and institutional change. The rejection of the supreme authority of the King of Spain, a figure who had traditionally justified his rule by links with the Catholic religion, was replaced by the principle of constitutional authority. This radical change embodied the aspiration for a new form of governance, but it also raised a series of complex and unexpected problems. The principle of constitutional authority implies that supreme power is vested in a written document: the constitution. This constitution then becomes the foundation of the country, guiding and regulating political life. But the transition to this new form of political legitimacy was not without obstacles. Firstly, widespread illiteracy among the population made it difficult not only to understand the constitution but also to identify with this abstract and distant document. Unlike the figure of the king, who could be personified and venerated, the constitution was an abstract legal concept, difficult to grasp for a large part of the population. Secondly, these constitutions were often modelled on those of the United States and France, two countries that had inspired revolutionary movements in Latin America. However, transposing them to a Latin American context, with its social, cultural and economic particularities, was a complicated undertaking. The substantial differences between these contexts led to difficulties in implementing and adapting the constitutions. This mismatch between constitutional ideals and local reality contributed to the instability and period of adjustment that the new nations experienced after gaining independence. The attempt to establish a constitutional authority, while bold and innovative, encountered practical challenges and revealed the tensions inherent in the creation of new political orders. The establishment of constitutional authority in Latin America was a complex and nuanced process, mixing ambition and reality, aspiration and adaptation. It reflects a period of intense transformation in which newly independent nations sought to forge their identities and navigate the uncharted waters of democratic governance. Their journey illustrates the universal challenges of state-building and remains an essential chapter in the study of national formation in the region.

The achievement of independence in Latin America in the early nineteenth century not only reshaped the political landscape of the region; it also profoundly shaped its economic structure. While land ownership remained the main source of wealth, status and power, independence brought a new dimension to the relationship between land and authority. In the colonial context, land was often a symbol of the established order, linked to European power structures. But with the collapse of colonial authority, land became a playground for the new rulers and elites. The acquisition of land was no longer simply a source of wealth; it was also a means of obtaining and retaining political power in the nascent states. Land that had once belonged to Spaniards who had left the continent after independence was now considered a "national domain", open to acquisition. This opened up new opportunities for local elites, who quickly seized these lands, consolidating their hold on the economy and politics. At the same time, the lands of indigenous communities, once protected by the colonial government, lost their safeguard. These lands were often seen as resources available for exploitation, with no regard for the rights or traditions of the communities living on them. The situation of peasants, who often had no title to the land they farmed, was particularly precarious. They were vulnerable to land grabbing by those who had the power and means to seize it legally. Independence created a new landscape of power where land was at the centre of the struggle for authority and influence. This concentration of land ownership in the hands of a few powerful individuals and groups often took place at the expense of the majority of the population, exacerbating social and economic inequalities. This phenomenon highlights the complexity of the transition from colonial authority to national sovereignty. It illustrates how independence, while a crucial step towards self-determination, was only the beginning of an ongoing process of social transformation and reorganisation. The relationship between land and power in post-independence Latin America shows how economic and political structures can be inextricably linked, and how changes in one can have profound and lasting repercussions on the other.

Drawing up a constitution for a new nation is much more than a simple legal exercise; it is a delicate process of weaving the diverse aspirations, values and histories of a people into a unifying document. It is an attempt to define the soul of a nation and chart its future. The constitution is not just a set of rules or laws; it reflects the social and political compromises reached after intense debate and negotiation. It captures the very essence of what it means to belong to a nation, articulating the ideals that its citizens most cherish and wish to defend. But, given the diversity inherent in any society, it is inevitable that different groups will have distinct visions of what that essence should be. Some might favour greater stability through strong central government, seeing this as a bulwark against chaos or paralysis. Others might value regional autonomy, believing that decisions taken closer to the ground are more responsive to local needs. Still others might emphasise civil liberties, demanding solid guarantees against any form of tyranny. When these divergent visions collide, they can generate deep tensions. If these tensions are not carefully managed, through dialogue and negotiation, they can escalate, threatening national cohesion. In the most extreme cases, when compromise seems out of reach and each side clings firmly to its convictions, civil war can break out. But it also highlights the importance of mediation and reconciliation mechanisms in any constitutional process. Constituent assemblies, public forums, popular consultations and referendums can all serve as spaces where these differences can be articulated, debated and, ultimately, integrated into a broader consensus. Ultimately, a constitution must be a living testament to what a nation holds sacred. And for it to remain relevant and effective, it must also be flexible, capable of evolving and adapting to an ever-changing world.

The achievement of independence in the new nations of Latin America was much more than just a political transition; it was the tumultuous birth of entire nations, faced with a series of interconnected challenges that would shape their destinies. One of these challenges was the economic chaos left in the wake of the wars of independence. Infrastructure was in ruins, agriculture was devastated, and markets had been disrupted. Restoring economic stability was not just a question of reconstruction; it was about reimagining the economy itself, creating new supply chains, stimulating investment and re-engaging with international trade. The Creole elites who had taken the reins of power were themselves a source of tension. Having traditionally enjoyed a privileged position under colonial rule, they had little experience of democratic governance. Attempting to establish structures of governance in a context of little administrative experience and high popular expectations was a recipe for inefficiency and instability. The state itself, as an entity, was in crisis. Lacking trained staff and adequate funding, it had to juggle public expectations with the realities of an impoverished treasury. The pressure to raise taxes was in tension with the need to stimulate a fragile economy. Moreover, without robust security and justice institutions, the rule of law was fragile. Protecting citizens, enforcing the law and preventing corruption were arduous tasks without the apparatus to back them up. The lack of effective policing often led to power vacuums, where local groups could exert disproportionate influence. All these elements created a complex and volatile environment, where the path to a stable and prosperous nation was far from clear. This demanded exceptional vision, determination and flexibility from leaders. Not only did they have to respond to immediate challenges, but they also had to lay the foundations for a society that could evolve and adapt to the inevitable changes of the future. Ultimately, the stories of these nations are tales of resilience and ingenuity, of struggle against considerable odds to forge a new social and political order. They are testaments to the human potential to innovate and persevere, even in the most difficult circumstances.

The importance of the army in the new Latin American nations after the wars of independence is deeply rooted in the challenges and tensions of that period. In a society ravaged by war, where economies and businesses were partially destroyed, the army often appeared to be the only solid institution. It became the main route to social mobility, offering employment, pay, status and identity. This created a powerful link between the army and society, and made the army a key institution of the state. However, this importance was double-edged. The lack of professional training meant that many armies were more like militia groups than regular forces. The lack of discipline and efficiency posed problems in maintaining internal stability, which was exacerbated by the economic importance of the army in a period of financial dearth. Maintaining an army in peacetime was expensive and could create tensions between military and wider social needs. The army's privileged position also led to politicisation. The military often sought to influence or even control politics, leading to a series of coups and military regimes in the region. This undermined the development of democracy and the rule of law, while creating a lasting legacy that shaped the political culture and institutions of these nations. The military itself was often divided, reflecting wider regional, ethnic or political divisions. These divisions contributed to internal conflicts and power struggles, fuelling instability. Nevertheless, in a context of institutional weakness, the army was sometimes seen as a necessary guardian of stability. It was often the only institution capable of maintaining a certain level of public order, even if this stability was imperfect. The complex role of the army in these new Latin American nations reflects the profound and interconnected challenges they faced. It highlights how institutions, even those created in emergency and chaos, can have a profound and lasting impact on the trajectory of a nation. The period of adjustment was marked by the delicate balance between the need to maintain order and stability and the challenges of democratic governance, economic development, and the creation of a robust civil society.

The history of Latin America in the aftermath of the wars of independence is profoundly marked by the emergence of powerful figures known as Caudillos. This complex and tumultuous period offers a glimpse of the challenges associated with state-building and governance in a post-colonial context. The origins and rise of the Caudillos lie in the wars of independence. Many charismatic military figures gained fame and support during these conflicts. Their military skills, their control of land and their ability to mobilise clientelist networks enabled them to seize power. The establishment of these regimes was often a reaction to the political and economic instability prevailing at the time. Once in power, these strongmen often ruled by force rather than consensus. Their rule was characterised by authoritarianism and the repression of opposition, which in turn fuelled political instability. This period, marked by civil wars, coups d'état and the manipulation of political processes, contributed to a climate of uncertainty and mistrust of government institutions. The economic and social impact of the Caudillo era was also significant. The concentration of land ownership in the hands of elites and the control of economic resources exacerbated inequalities and hampered the development of a robust middle class. Widespread patronage and corruption made it difficult to build strong and transparent institutions. Despite these challenges, the era of the Caudillos was not uniform, and some leaders implemented reforms and modernisations. Over time, pressure from opposition groups and changes in political ideologies led to transitions towards more stable and democratic forms of government. The transition to a more democratic system has often been slow and difficult, reflecting the deep divisions and persistent disagreements within society. The era of the Caudillos has left a complex legacy in Latin America. While it delayed democratic development and created patterns of governance that have persisted well beyond this period, it also contributed to the formation of national identities and the consolidation of states. The era of the Caudillos in Latin America is an important chapter in the study of state formation and governance in a region marked by profound diversity and constant change. The lessons learned from this period are essential for understanding contemporary political dynamics and offer valuable insights into the continuing challenges of democracy and development in the region.

The phenomenon of caciquism in Latin America is closely linked to the era of the Caudillos, but operates at a more local level. Like the Caudillos, the caciques played a major role in the political and social configuration of many Latin American countries in the aftermath of independence. Understanding this system allows a more nuanced analysis of the power structures and clientelist networks that have influenced governance in the region. The local equivalent of the Caudillo, the cacique, is often a large landowner with significant control over a specific region. This powerful figure was rooted in the colonial system, and its persistence in the post-colonial period has maintained and reproduced the patterns of power and dependence inherited from that era. The cacique heads a complex network of peasants, sharecroppers, workers and sometimes local officials. These people, dependent on the cacique for their subsistence and protection, are often indebted to him and bound by mutual obligations. This symbiotic relationship enables the cacique to maintain his influence and control over the region. Caciquism has often hindered the development of democracy and local governance. The caciques were able to manipulate political processes, control local elections and maintain disproportionate influence. Their economic interests and desire to preserve their status often took precedence over the needs and rights of the majority of the population. The cacique system has also had an impact on efforts to modernise and reform. Opposition to changes that might threaten their power has often slowed or undermined efforts to improve education, health and land equity. This resistance has helped to perpetuate social and economic inequalities. Caciquism is an important and enduring feature of Latin America's political and social history. It sheds light on the nuances of power at local and regional levels and helps to explain why certain problems, such as inequality and weak democratic governance, have been so persistent. Like the era of the Caudillos, caciquism is an integral part of the region's complex history and continues to influence contemporary political and social dynamics. By studying these phenomena, we can better understand the unique challenges facing Latin American states in their quest for democracy, development and social justice.

The rise of caudillos of mixed or mestizo origin and from modest backgrounds in Latin America bears witness to a turbulent and complex era in which power was often won by force and charisma rather than by inheritance or formal education. Governance by these caudillos is a defining feature of the region's post-colonial history and continues to influence Latin American politics and society. The emergence of caudillos such as Jose Antonio Páez in Venezuela, Juan Manuel de Rosas in Argentina, and Benito Juárez in Mexico is indicative of the fluid and tumultuous nature of power in post-independence Latin America. Often coming from humble backgrounds, these men rose to power on the strength of their military skills, political acumen and charisma. These caudillos often ruled with an iron fist, imposing authoritarianism and suppressing opposition. While they may have provided a degree of stability in chaotic times, their style of governance also sowed the seeds of future instability. Their regimes were characterised by a lack of democratic governance, an over-reliance on military force, and a concentration of power in the hands of a few. The rise of these caudillos also had a profound impact on society and culture. Despite their lack of formal education, their ability to gain and retain power demonstrated that authority could be won by means other than birth or wealth. This may have offered hope of social mobility for some, but it also reinforced the idea that force and authoritarianism were legitimate means of governing. The period of the caudillos in Latin America offers a window on an era of great transformation and uncertainty. These leaders, with their humble origins and often brutal leadership styles, left a lasting imprint on the region. Their reign helped shape the institutions, values and attitudes that continue to influence politics and society in Latin America. Understanding this period and its key players helps illuminate the unique challenges and opportunities that shaped the identity and development of these new nations. Their complex legacy continues to resonate in contemporary debates about governance, authority and democracy in the region.

The period of caudillos in Latin America created a complex dynamic in the region's socio-racial hierarchy. Although these leaders maintained and benefited from the existing system, their rise to power also created opportunities for others to climb the social ladder. Although the caudillos came from modest backgrounds, they generally did not seek to overturn the existing social structure. The elite was still predominantly white and Creole, and the caudillos themselves benefited from this. The system of socio-racial hierarchy, in which the working classes were mainly of mixed race, was largely maintained. However, the rise of these leaders opened up some opportunities for upward mobility. In the army and regional administration, men from more humble backgrounds were able to rise to positions of power. This marked a change from the colonial regime, where such opportunities were virtually non-existent. The influence of the caudillos contributed to a subtle transition in the social hierarchy. Instead of being strictly based on caste and purity of blood, the hierarchy became more fluid, allowing individuals from different social backgrounds to rise to positions of power. This introduced a nuance into the socio-racial structure, although the overall system remained largely unchanged. The period of caudillos in Latin America created an interesting tension between preserving the existing social structure and opening up new avenues of mobility. Although these leaders did not seek to overthrow the established order, their own rise and the opportunities they created for others added complexity to the region's socio-racial hierarchy. This dynamic illustrates the challenges and contradictions inherent in governance and society during this period, and offers a valuable insight into the changing social structure in Latin America during these crucial years. Their legacy continues to have an impact, highlighting the nuances and complexities of social mobility and racial hierarchy in the region.

The emergence of independent nations in Latin America marked a crucial stage in the political and social transformation of the region. The introduction of new constitutions and republican laws symbolised a break with the colonial past, promoting, in theory, equality before the law. However, practice has often contradicted these lofty ideals. The adoption of republican constitutions and laws marked a radical departure from colonial rule. By ending the traditional hierarchy based on caste and purity of blood, these laws promised a new era of equality and opportunity for all citizens, regardless of racial or ethnic origin. It was a monumental step towards creating a more inclusive society. However, despite these legal reforms, the day-to-day reality was far from egalitarian. Existing power structures, deeply rooted in society, resisted these changes. People of indigenous and African descent continued to be marginalised and discriminated against, despite the rights guaranteed to them by the new legislation. As a result, the white and Creole elite managed to retain much of their power and privilege, while the mestizo, indigenous and African populations were often relegated to subordinate roles in society. The gap between republican ideals and the socio-racial reality in post-independence Latin America is striking. While constitutions proclaimed the equality of all citizens, structural inequalities remained, reflecting the vestiges of the colonial system. Individuals of indigenous or African origin, despite their numerical importance, were largely absent from the spheres of political and economic power. The post-independence experience of Latin America illustrates the complexity of decolonisation. Although the new nations took bold steps to eliminate formal colonial hierarchies, the reality on the ground was far more nuanced. Racial and social inequalities, inherited from the colonial era, persisted, defying promises of republican equality. This gap between aspiration and reality continued to influence the region's political and social trajectory for decades.

The era of caudillos in post-independence Latin America offers a fascinating insight into how power and politics can interact in complex ways. The nature of these conflicts and the impact of the caudillos on political and social life can be divided into several dimensions. Caudillos were powerful political and military figures who often dominated both the local and national spheres. Their power was based on networks of patronage and clientelism, and they often sought to extend their influence by vying for control of the state and land. Unlike other historical conflicts, civil wars involving caudillos were often on a smaller scale. They were mainly fights between different caudillos and their supporters, rather than conflicts between classes or ethnic groups. Local communities often supported the caudillos, relying on them for protection and livelihoods. This helped to limit the scale of the conflicts, both in terms of geographical areas and in terms of loss of life. Although these civil wars may have seemed minor compared to other conflicts, they nevertheless had a significant impact on the stability of these new nations. Recurrent conflicts between caudillos contributed to political instability, making it difficult to establish stable and effective governance structures. Attempts at development were hampered by these constant power struggles. The era of the caudillos in Latin America illustrates the complexity of political conflict in a region undergoing rapid transformation. Despite their limited scope, these civil wars had a major impact on the stability and development of the new nations. The influence of the caudillos, while offering protection and sustenance to some, also contributed to a period of instability and challenges that shaped the history of the region. These historical lessons offer an interesting reflection on the dynamics of power, loyalty and ambition, and their impact on governance and society.

The formation of 'conservative' and 'liberal' political parties during the period of caudillo rule in Latin America marks an important stage in the region's political maturation. This evolution can be divided into several key themes, illustrating the complexity of the period. The transformation of factions and interest groups into conservative and liberal political parties was a significant development. These parties, although bearing distinct ideological labels, were often more similar in their economics and political vision than they were different. Both the Conservative and Liberal elites made their living from agriculture, trade, customs revenue and politics. There were therefore few economic or ideological differences between these groups, even if they were apparently distinct. This reveals the fluidity and interconnectedness of the elites of the time. An interesting aspect of this period is the consensus on the need to establish republican regimes rather than monarchies. This was due to the perception that republics were more modern and progressive, in contrast to Europe, which was then largely under monarchical control. This agreement showed a desire to modernise and align themselves with the democratic ideals of the time. Despite their agreement on the form of government and their economic similarities, these political parties were often in conflict. Power struggles between conservatives and liberals contributed to political instability, with direct consequences for governance and society. The period of caudillo rule and the formation of political parties in Latin America reflect a key moment of transition and contradiction. Although political parties were created with distinct labels, the differences between them were often superficial. The consensus on the need for republican government, contrasted with political conflict and instability, offers a glimpse of the challenges and complexities facing these new nations. This period represents an essential stage in the region's political development and continues to influence Latin American politics and society to this day.

The ideological dichotomy between conservatives and liberals in Latin America during the period of the caudillos can be explained through their respective visions of social control. This difference significantly shaped the region's politics and society. Conservatives were strongly attached to traditional social hierarchies and established power structures. For them, these principles were essential to maintaining order in a vast and diverse territory, where the presence of the state was often weak. They saw the Catholic Church as an essential pillar of social control, a role it had played successfully during the colonial era. Maintaining the Church's monopoly on religion and control of education helped to preserve order and traditional values. At the other end of the spectrum, the Liberals envisaged a profound transformation of society. They advocated the separation of church and state and sought to modernise social control. They advocated a clear separation between church and state, eliminating the church's influence on governance and education. Their vision included the creation of institutions such as the police, professional organisations, and a more advanced and widespread education system. They believed that these institutions could create a more secular and progressive society, with less church influence and more state control. The differences between Conservatives and Liberals in their approach to social control reflect the deep tensions and fundamental debates of this period. Conservatives sought to preserve the existing social order, while Liberals wanted to reform and modernise society. This division helped to shape the political landscape of Latin America, and the echoes of these debates are still felt in the region's contemporary politics and society. The tension between tradition and modernity, between religion and secularisation, continues to influence political discourse and policy-making in Latin America.

The conflicts between conservatives and liberals between 1825 and 1850, although not catastrophic in terms of loss of life, had a lasting impact on the economic development of many Latin American countries. These civil wars, although limited in scope, slowed down production and trade. They gave rise to problems that affected infrastructure, creating obstacles to the movement of goods and people, and creating a climate of uncertainty that discouraged investment. The need to maintain large and costly armies to deal with these internal conflicts has had a direct impact on public finances. This has led to increased spending, exacerbating the economic problems of these nations. The raw materials and agricultural sectors, which were often at the heart of these countries' economies, were disrupted. The time needed to restore these sectors delayed the development of a dynamic export economy. The result was a lack of economic growth and development that affected not only the economy, but also political and social stability. These conflicts have hampered investment in areas such as education, infrastructure and health, contributing to stunted economic and social development. The inability to achieve substantial economic growth has contributed to the challenges faced by these new nations in their efforts to establish effective governance and lasting stability. In sum, the conflicts between the Conservatives and Liberals during this period, while limited in scale, had profound economic repercussions. They slowed growth, disrupted key sectors of the economy and created financial burdens through military spending. These economic challenges have, in turn, contributed to instability and governance difficulties in the region. This offers an important lesson in how even seemingly minor conflicts can have lasting and complex effects on economic and social development.

Latin America, in the period following independence, was a region marked by complex economic and political challenges. One of the main reasons for these challenges was the strong resistance to raising taxes. Most of the population was very poor, so any attempt to raise taxes was vigorously resisted. This resistance, coupled with a shortage of civil servants and resources, made administrations inefficient at collecting taxes. With a narrow tax base, centred mainly on trade, governments were severely limited in their ability to generate internal revenue. Faced with these constraints, many countries had to borrow from foreign powers, such as the British. Such borrowing was necessary to finance government and military spending, but it often led to a cycle of indebtedness, with countries borrowing more to pay off existing debts. Dependence on foreign borrowing also gave foreign creditors substantial influence and control over the economies of these countries, further limiting their autonomy. This precarious economic situation has had a direct impact on development and governance in the region. The debt burden has limited governments' ability to invest in development, slowing economic growth. In addition, dependence on foreign lenders and the constant need to repay debt have often influenced political decisions, making it more difficult to establish effective and stable governance. The combination of these factors created an unstable terrain for politics and economics, with challenges that would persist for decades. In conclusion, the combination of an impoverished population resistant to increased taxation, limited fiscal capacity, and dependence on foreign borrowing contributed to the difficulties faced by these new nations in their efforts to establish effective governance and stability. The case of Haiti, as well as other countries in the region, illustrates how these factors can interact to create deep and persistent economic and political challenges, leaving a legacy that would continue to affect the region for generations.

1850 - 1870: the liberal era

The period from 1850 to 1870 in Latin America, often referred to as the "liberal era", was a crucial stage in the region's political and economic development. It marked a move away from the authoritarian and conservative regimes of the past, and saw the advent of governments that embraced more progressive ideas. During this period, the liberal movements that had sprung up during the caudillo era gained in strength and influence. They advocated greater political participation, freedom of the press and greater economic freedom. In particular, the Liberals were determined to reduce the hold of the Catholic Church over society, promoting the separation of church and state and working to create a more secular and progressive society. In economic terms, the liberal era saw a reduction in the role of the state in the economy. Governments encouraged the development of the private sector and adopted policies that favoured individual enterprise and the free market. These reforms helped to create a more dynamic economic environment and laid the foundations for further growth and development. However, the transition to liberalism was not without its problems. The period was marked by civil wars, coups d'état and political struggles. Conservative elites were often reluctant to give up their power and privileges, and the struggle for political control was sometimes violent and disruptive. Despite these challenges, the liberal era eventually led to a more stable and progressive society in the long term. The reforms introduced during this period paved the way for greater political pluralism and a more modern and open society. The successful implementation of these changes laid the foundations for continued economic and political growth, and helped shape the face of modern Latin America. The liberal era was a period of profound transformation in Latin America, characterised by an advance in the ideals of political and economic liberalism. Although it was marked by conflicts and power struggles, it was also an important stage in the evolution towards a more democratic and pluralist society, with a more open and competitive economy. Liberal reforms helped put in place institutions that would support the long-term development of the region, leaving a lasting legacy that would continue to influence Latin America for generations to come.

Generation born after independence

As the era of the caudillo in Latin America drew to a close, the transition to a more stable and progressive society was set in motion by a new generation of leaders. Born after independence and educated outside colonial and ecclesiastical influence, these leaders brought with them a more modern and liberal vision. Firstly, this new generation of leaders brought a fresh and progressive perspective. Unlike their predecessors, who were often tied to colonial power structures and traditions, these leaders were more in tune with the liberal ideas and trends of the time. They encouraged greater political participation, freedom of the press and greater economic freedom. Secondly, they stimulated economic growth. Under their leadership, exports from several Latin American countries, notably Brazil, increased. The role of the state in the economy was reduced, and the private sector was encouraged to develop. This has helped to create a more dynamic and competitive economic environment, encouraging investment and innovation. Thirdly, this generation of leaders has worked to secularise society. They sought to reduce the power of the Catholic Church over everyday life and encouraged the development of a more secular and progressive society. This was an important step towards modernising society, moving government away from religious influences and strengthening the role of the state in social control. The new generation of leaders that emerged at the end of the caudillo era played a vital role in Latin America's transition to a more liberal, stable and progressive society. With a modern vision and a commitment to reform, they laid the foundations for a more open and democratic Latin America, promoting economic growth and the secularisation of society. Their legacy lives on, influencing the region and helping to shape its future.

The period from 1850 to 1870 in Latin America was a turning point in the region's economic history. This period was characterised by significant economic growth and accelerated development, stimulated in large part by the Industrial Revolution in Europe. As Europe rapidly industrialised, demand for raw materials grew exponentially. European nations needed products such as cocoa, sugar, wheat, fertilisers, wool and metals to support their industrial growth. Latin America, rich in these resources, became a key trading partner for Europe. This growing demand has opened up new opportunities for Latin American countries. Exports of these products have led to higher incomes and an expansion of the agricultural and mining sectors. This, in turn, has stimulated the economy as a whole, creating jobs and increasing wealth in the region. European interest in Latin American commodities has not been limited to trade. European investors have sought to secure continued access to these resources by investing directly in the region. These investments financed the development of infrastructure, such as railways, ports and factories, facilitating transport and production. Increased exports and foreign investment have boosted economic growth in Latin America. The development of infrastructure and industry created a positive economic dynamic, encouraging more investment and trade. The period from 1850 to 1870 in Latin America is an eloquent example of how global economic changes can influence regional development. The industrialisation of Europe created an opportunity that Latin America seized, transforming its economy and laying the foundations for its future development. The trade and investment links established during this period continue to influence economic relations between Europe and Latin America today, demonstrating the long-term importance of this historic era.

The Liberal Era in Latin America, from 1850 to 1870, was a period of profound transformation, not only economically but also socially and politically. The region's response to Europe's rapid industrialisation triggered this period of change. Europe, in the midst of an industrial boom, needed tropical raw materials and agricultural products, such as guano, coffee, cocoa, minerals and sugar. Latin American countries recognised this opportunity and invested in the infrastructure needed to export these products. Nations such as Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico and the Caribbean countries have seen substantial economic growth and development as a result of this increase in exports. These exports have had repercussions throughout society. Investment in infrastructure has created new jobs, making it possible not only to enrich the elites but also to offer new routes to social mobility. This led to widespread enrichment and opened up new economic opportunities for a larger proportion of the population. Benefits were no longer confined to a small elite, but were now available to a larger number of people. Alongside this economic growth, the region also saw the emergence of what is known as the "liberal era". Characterised by greater economic freedom and more progressive policies, this period ushered in significant reforms. Governments encouraged private enterprise and reduced trade barriers, creating an environment conducive to innovation and economic expansion. These economic and political reforms have also contributed to greater social stability. With more people having access to economic opportunities, society has become more balanced and progressive. Increased social mobility has reduced tensions and created a sense of prosperity and stability throughout the region. The liberal era in Latin America has been a period of growth and transformation, shaped by global demand and progressive domestic reforms. The strategic response to global demand, combined with political and economic reforms, created a positive economic dynamic. This period not only led to economic growth but also created a more inclusive and stable society, laying the foundations for future growth in the region.

The Liberals in power

The year 1848 was a crucial period not only in Europe but also in Latin America, marking a turning point in the social and political history of these regions. The radical changes that took place in Europe had a resonant impact in Latin America, changing the course of its history. In Europe, 1848 is known as the "People's Spring", a series of revolutions that swept the continent, causing the overthrow of monarchies and the rise of liberal movements. In France, these revolutions led to the abolition of the July Monarchy and, significantly, to the abolition of slavery in the last French colonies in America, such as Guadeloupe, Martinique and Guyana. Great Britain had already abolished slavery in 1838, setting a precedent. These European events had far-reaching repercussions in Latin America. With the abolition of slavery in Europe, intense pressure was put on Latin American countries to follow suit. This pressure was closely linked to the rise of liberal ideals, which emphasised individual rights, democracy and economic freedom. These values were at odds with the era of caudillos in Latin America, who relied heavily on slave labour. The end of slavery weakened the power of the caudillos, paving the way for a new generation of more modern and progressive leaders. These leaders were more in tune with the liberal movements that had emerged in Europe, and were prepared to implement more progressive policies, reflecting the ideals of freedom and equality that had taken root in Europe. Liberal movements in Europe also directly influenced the rise of liberal movements in Latin America. Ideas of reform and modernisation resonated in the region, leading to greater liberalisation of society and the economy. The 1848 revolution in Europe was a catalyst for profound changes in Latin America. The pressure to abolish slavery, coupled with the influence of European liberal movements, contributed to the end of the era of the caudillos and the birth of a period of reform and progress in Latin America. The wave of change that swept across Europe also touched the shores of Latin America, helping to shape a new future for the region.

The rise of liberal movements in Europe in 1848 was echoed in Latin America, profoundly influencing the region. Liberal ideas took root, and liberals began to gain power in the region, replacing the old political order of the caudillo era. The power of the Church was reduced, and a movement towards modernisation and democratisation took shape. This paved the way for a new wave of leaders inspired by European liberal ideals, marking the beginning of significant political change. This political transformation was accompanied by a strong social movement. Influenced by the European anti-slavery movements, artisans and other members of civil society in Latin America organised themselves and campaigned for abolition. Clubs and associations sprang up, lobbying for more progressive policies. The end of slavery and the adoption of these more progressive policies laid the foundations for a more equitable and open society. The transition to a more progressive and liberal society was not limited to politics and social reform. It has also extended to the economy. Increased economic freedom has led to a stimulation of growth and development. The private sector has been encouraged, and new economic opportunities have been created, giving more people access to social and economic mobility. These changes have had a significant impact on the region's economy, opening up new avenues for enrichment and growth. Together, these political, social and economic changes marked an essential transition from the era of the caudillo to a more stable and progressive society. The spread of liberal ideas, the abolition of slavery and the opening up of the economy created a climate conducive to growth and reform. Latin America thus embarked on the road to modernisation, laying the foundations for a fairer and more progressive society and economy. The year 1848 was a turning point for Latin America. Influenced by the European revolutions, the region saw a profound transformation of its society, politics and economy. The transition from the era of the caudillo to an era of liberalism set a course towards a fairer, more open and more modern society. The historical context of this period continues to resonate, having shaped Latin America and set it on a path of continuous evolution and reform.

During the liberal era of the mid-nineteenth century in Latin America, the influence of liberalism extended far beyond mere economic policies. It shaped thought, religion and social movements, leading to a series of progressive reforms that profoundly altered the region. The Abolition of Slavery: One of the most significant changes was the abolition of slavery. Between 1851 and 1854, almost all the newly independent nations of Latin America abolished the practice. Thousands of slaves were freed, often without compensation, marking a break with the past. However, this transformation was not uniform across the region. In some countries, such as Bolivia and Paraguay, slavery persisted until the 1830s. In the Caribbean, it lasted until 1873 in Puerto Rico and until 1886 in Cuba. Brazil, the last country on the continent to abolish slavery, did so only in 1888. These exceptions highlight the complexity and challenges of implementing social reforms in a diverse region. Towards a more progressive and liberal society: Despite these challenges, the abolition of slavery was a crucial milestone on the road to a more progressive and liberal society in Latin America. It opened doors to new economic opportunities and social mobility for a large part of the population. The drive towards freedom and equality, inspired by liberal ideals, replaced a system rooted in inequality and repression. The liberal era brought radical and profound change to Latin America, particularly in the movement to abolish slavery. The struggle to end this practice, although uneven across the region, was a decisive step towards a more just and equitable society. The impact of this period continues to be felt, as it laid the foundations for the values and structures that continue to influence the region today.

The liberal era in Latin America was also characterised by an overhaul of constitutions in many countries, emphasising liberal principles. These legislative changes marked an important stage in the political and social transformation of the region. During this period, most Latin American countries adopted new constitutions that were explicitly liberal. These legal documents codified key principles of liberalism, including the separation of church and state, contributing to the formation of a more secular and progressive society. This separation was seen as a vital element of liberalism. It reduced the influence of the Catholic Church in the affairs of state, encouraging greater freedom of thought and expression. In many countries, the state even seized the property of the Catholic Church and religious congregations, further reducing their power. Brazil, still an empire at the time, was a notable exception to this general trend. The nation maintained a close relationship between church and state, reflecting the complexity and diversity of political and cultural experiences in Latin America. The adoption of liberal constitutions and the subsequent separation of church and state were crucial steps in the transition to a more progressive society in Latin America. These changes have helped to weaken traditional power structures and promote more democratic and inclusive values. The implementation of new liberal constitutions has been a central aspect of the liberal era in Latin America. By establishing the separation of church and state and reducing the power of the church, these reforms facilitated the emergence of a more secular, egalitarian and democratic society. The case of Brazil, however, is a reminder that this transition was not uniform, illustrating the richness and complexity of the region's political and social evolution.

The liberal era in Latin America brought about profound and significant changes in the political sphere, with the expansion of suffrage and the democratisation of political participation. Expansion of Suffrage: One of the most significant changes of this period was the democratisation of suffrage. By eliminating restrictive requirements such as property ownership or the ability to read and write, many countries paved the way for greater citizen participation in the political process. Countries such as Colombia in 1853, and Mexico in 1857, adopted universal suffrage for men. This meant that every man, regardless of wealth or education, was considered a citizen with the right to vote. This expansion of the right to vote was an important step towards more inclusive and equitable political representation. In keeping with the liberal ideology of equality and democracy, many countries also abolished titles of nobility. This symbolic change reinforced the principle of equality before the law and helped to weaken traditional structures of power and privilege. Together, these reforms have created a more democratic and inclusive society in Latin America. With broader political participation and greater equality before the law, more people have been able to exercise their right to citizenship and influence their country's government and policies. The expansion of suffrage and the abolition of titles of nobility during the liberal era marked an important transition towards a more democratic and inclusive society in Latin America. These changes reflect the profound and lasting influence of liberal ideology on the region, paving the way for greater equality and participation in political life.

Increasing exports

The liberal era in Latin America, marked by the adoption of the principles of economic and political liberalism, has given rise to a complex and nuanced period in the region's history. The period can be broken down into several interconnected themes, each presenting benefits and challenges. First, Economic Growth and Increased Exports: Growing demand for raw materials and agricultural products in Europe prompted Latin American governments to stimulate the private sector. The focus on exports and private investment has led to a significant increase in exports and economic growth. However, this focus has sometimes led to the diversion of public resources, neglecting the essential needs of the majority of the population. Although the liberal era has opened up new economic opportunities, it has also exacerbated inequalities. The working class and indigenous communities have often been left behind, with economic benefits largely concentrated in the hands of an economic elite. The imbalance in the distribution of wealth created a fragmented and unequal society. This period also witnessed major political and social changes, including the adoption of liberal constitutions and the democratisation of suffrage. The abolition of slavery and the nobility, as well as the separation of church and state, helped to create a more inclusive and democratic society. However, in some cases, such as Brazil, exceptions persisted, reflecting the complexity and diversity of the region. The liberal era in Latin America has a mixed record. It has been a driving force for economic growth and social change, but it has also generated inequalities and tensions. The role of the private sector in the economy, political transformation and the struggle for a more equitable and inclusive society are themes that shaped this era and continue to resonate in Latin America's current challenges and opportunities. The journey of the liberal era thus reveals the complex interplay between economic principles, social realities and political aspirations in a diverse and constantly evolving region.

The liberal era in Latin America has been marked by a strong desire on the part of governments to promote exports and encourage the private sector to play a leading role in economic growth and development. This paradigm can be described in several interconnected stages, illustrating both the advantages and disadvantages of these policies. Governments provided fertile land to large entrepreneurs, offered loans to develop transport infrastructure, and ensured an abundant workforce for these projects. These measures were designed to create a favourable environment for entrepreneurs and exporters. Countries such as Peru with guano, Brazil with coffee, and Mexico with minerals saw an increase in exports and economic growth. However, these policies have not been without consequences. The displacement of small farmers and indigenous communities, and the exploitation of the working class, resulted in a neglect of the needs and rights of the majority of the population. While entrepreneurs prospered, the social services and infrastructure necessary for general well-being were often neglected. The liberal era in Latin America reveals a striking duality between economic prosperity and growing social inequality. Although the emphasis on exports has contributed to economic growth, it has also exacerbated social and economic disparities. The tension between the desire to stimulate the economy and the need to take account of the needs of the population as a whole remains a complex and delicate challenge. Latin America's experience during the liberal era offers a rich lesson in the benefits and pitfalls of adopting an export- and private-sector-centred approach to economic policy. The economic success of this period must be measured against its impact on society as a whole, and the challenges encountered offer pertinent reflections for contemporary policy-makers seeking to balance economic growth with social justice and sustainability.

During the liberal era in Latin America, governments pursued a twofold objective. On the one hand, they sought to promote economic liberalism by supporting the private sector, and on the other, they tried to regulate these same companies in order to protect the state and the general welfare. Governments have adopted policies to stimulate economic growth and development by encouraging private enterprise. They provided grants, loans and other forms of financial support to the private sector using public funds. The aim was to facilitate job creation, increase production and encourage innovation. Alongside this liberalisation, governments also took steps to regulate and control private enterprise. The intention was to ensure that the private sector operated in the national interest, protecting natural resources, monitoring business practices and ensuring corporate social responsibility. However, these policies have not been without controversy. They have often been criticised for favouring the interests of wealthy and powerful elites at the expense of the working class and marginalised communities. Social inequalities have widened, and the benefits of economic growth have not been distributed equitably. The liberal era in Latin America illustrated the complexity of striking a balance between promoting economic liberalism and the regulation needed to protect the interests of the state and society as a whole. The lessons of that period still resonate today, underlining the importance of careful governance that seeks to harmonise economic interests with social and environmental needs.

The three essential conditions

Controlling the land

The liberal era in Latin America, marked by a series of economic and social reforms, introduced an entrepreneurial approach to land management. This period was characterised by the distribution of land to stimulate economic growth and development. Governments, in their desire to promote investment and agricultural production, sold land that had previously belonged to the Spanish crown. This land was sold to entrepreneurs who undertook to develop it and maximise its value. Unfortunately, these sales were often carried out without consideration for the rights of the small farmers and indigenous communities who lived on the land. Without private title, they were displaced, their rights and way of life ignored. The consequence of this policy was the concentration of land in the hands of a small group of wealthy and influential landowners. This strengthened their power and control, not only over the land but also over the economic resources of the region. While this concentration of land ownership may have stimulated certain forms of economic development, it has also had adverse effects on the majority of the population. Social inequalities have increased, and the displacement of local communities has led to persistent problems of poverty and marginalisation. The liberal era brought a radical change in the way land was managed in Latin America, with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and private investment. However, this approach was implemented without sufficient consideration for the rights and welfare of local communities. While this has promoted economic growth in some respects, it has also created social tensions and inequalities that continue to resonate in the region today. The lesson is that economic development must be approached with particular attention to the needs and rights of all members of society, in order to ensure equitable and sustainable growth.

The Lerdo Law, enacted in Mexico in 1858, is an emblematic example of the legal approach used by governments of the time to concentrate land ownership and displace communities. This law reveals the complexities and challenges associated with land reform during the liberal era in Latin America. The main aim of the Lerdo Law was to secularise Catholic Church property and promote private ownership. Officially, it was formulated as a law against collective ownership, targeting Church property in particular. By transferring large amounts of Church land to private individuals, the law reduced the Church's power and influence over Mexican society and the economy. This was in line with the separation of church and state, a central tenet of liberalism. The law also affected indigenous communities, who often owned communal land. These lands were declared contrary to private property, and the indigenous communities were dispossessed in favour of private individuals. The direct result of the law was an increased concentration of land in the hands of a small group of wealthy landowners. This has exacerbated social inequalities and had negative consequences for the majority of the population, particularly rural and indigenous communities. The Lerdo law was controversial, with critics arguing that it favoured the interests of elites at the expense of marginalised communities. It has been seen as a legal tool to justify dispossession and the concentration of wealth. The Lerdo law provides an instructive case study of how legislation can be used to redefine land ownership and influence social and economic structures. Although it succeeded in reducing the power of the Church and promoting the principle of private property, it also contributed to lasting social inequalities and tensions. The lessons learned from the Lerdo law continue to resonate in debates about land reform and land rights, not only in Mexico but throughout Latin America, and underline the importance of approaching these issues with a sensitivity to equity and social inclusion.

The liberal era in Latin America, marked by profound political, social and economic changes, has led to transformations in land ownership that have indelibly shaped society. During this period, vast tracts of land were transferred to Creole landowners, foreign companies and a minority of immigrants. These transfers were often carried out without regard for the land rights of the indigenous and peasant populations. The confiscation of land led to the mass displacement of people who found themselves without any means of subsistence. These displaced people were often forced to work for derisory wages on the land from which they had been driven. This situation created a docile and cheap workforce that was exploited by the new landowners. The concentration of land in the hands of a few contributed to deepening inequalities and social injustice. While some benefited from economic growth, the majority of the population remained excluded from the benefits of development. The governments of the time often played an active role in this process by putting in place policies and laws that facilitated the concentration of land. They used the law as a tool to achieve their economic objectives, without considering the social and human consequences. The liberal era of land ownership leaves a complex legacy. While it helped stimulate the economy in some areas, it also sowed the seeds of inequality and social tension that continue to resonate today. The decisions taken during this period shaped the social and economic structure of Latin America in profound and lasting ways. The liberal era was a time of profound transformation in Latin America, and land reform was a key part of that transformation. While the new land policies brought economic benefits to a small elite, they also generated inequalities and injustices that continue to this day. Understanding this past is essential to addressing issues of land reform and social justice in the region today.

The modernisation of transport

During the liberal era in Latin America, rapid economic growth highlighted the shortcomings of the existing transport infrastructure. Most transport was still based on mule trails and human labour, a method that was clearly insufficient to meet the growing needs of the expanding economy. Faced with this need, many governments set about modernising their transport systems. Major contracts were signed, often with British companies, to build roads, railways, canals and seaports. This transformation was seen as vital to improving the efficiency of trade and exports, a central pillar of economic growth at the time. However, the construction of this new infrastructure was not without consequences. Indigenous communities were often displaced and their land exploited. The destruction of their traditional ways of life became a sad by-product of modernisation. In addition to these human costs, there was also an environmental price to pay. Deforestation, the disruption of local ecosystems and other environmental damage became common symptoms of this era of rapid change. The liberal era in Latin America therefore leaves a complex legacy. On the one hand, the modernisation of transport has stimulated the economy and facilitated trade, undeniable benefits for the region. On the other hand, the social and environmental costs have been considerable.

The process of transport modernisation during the liberal era in Latin America has several dimensions that merit detailed exploration. Transport modernisation was a major concern for Latin American governments during the liberal era. With a growing economy and increased demand for tropical and mining exports, it became imperative to build new transport networks. However, these projects were not without their complications. The costs associated with building these infrastructures were extremely high. Many governments found themselves in debt, jeopardising the financial stability of their nations. Transport networks, while necessary to support exports, were built with a narrow vision, focused primarily on international trade. The development of these transport networks has often neglected border regions, which are mainly inhabited by indigenous populations. Contrary to the integrated vision that might be expected of a national transport system, these networks were geared towards exports rather than regional integration. This has left many regions without the benefits of new infrastructure, increasing their isolation. The marginalisation of border regions has had a particularly detrimental impact on indigenous communities. The lack of infrastructure and communications in these regions has not only hampered local economic development, but has also reinforced the isolation and neglect of these communities by the state. The story of transport modernisation in Latin America during the liberal era is therefore nuanced and complex. While these projects facilitated trade and supported economic growth, they also revealed an often one-dimensional approach that neglected the region's internal needs. The consequences have been felt disproportionately by the most vulnerable communities, leaving a mixed legacy of progress and inequality.

An abundant, docile, flexible and cheap workforce

The liberal era in Latin America was also marked by a labour policy aimed at creating an abundant, docile, flexible and cheap workforce. Liberal governments of the time were looking for an abundant and cheap workforce to support a growing economy. The pursuit of this objective led to controversial policies and measures that often overlooked the rights and welfare of the workforce. Former slaves were particularly vulnerable during this period. Without state support to integrate into society, they were often left to fend for themselves. In countries such as Peru, compensation for slave owners perpetuated a form of exploitation, leaving these individuals in a precarious situation. One of the most notorious measures of this period was the adoption of anti-vagrancy laws. Under these laws, vagrants could be sentenced to forced labour or forcibly conscripted into armies. These draconian measures were designed to ensure a constant supply of cheap labour, with no regard for individual rights. Forced labour and conscription had a devastating effect on the individuals forced into these conditions. Instead of promoting social equality and justice, these policies helped to perpetuate inequality and injustice, leaving many people in poverty and exploitation. The liberal era in Latin America was a period of change and economic transformation. However, the labour policies of this era reflect a dark side of history, where economic growth was often prioritised at the expense of human rights and social justice. The legacy of this period continues to resonate, reminding us of the importance of balancing economic development with ethical and humanitarian values.

The liberal period in Latin America not only affected former slaves and vagrants, but also other vulnerable groups such as small farmers without land titles and indigenous peoples. In addition to former slaves and vagrants, the policies of the liberal era also dispossessed small farmers and indigenous peoples of their land. Deprived of their livelihoods, these groups were left with few options for survival, fuelling cheap labour. These dispossessed people often became sharecroppers or peons, enslaved to the large plantations and haciendas through a cruel system of indebtedness. Known as "debt peonage", this system forced them to buy goods at inflated prices, trapping them in a cycle of debt. Debt peonage was a mechanism that kept farm workers tied to the hacienda, with no way of escaping. With advance wages often paid in tokens, these individuals found themselves in a position of servitude, unable to repay their debts. All these factors contributed to the continuation of social inequality and injustice. Small farmers, indigenous people and other marginalised groups found themselves exploited and oppressed, with no legal recourse or support from the state. The dispossession of land and exploitation of labour during the liberal era in Latin America was much more than an economic phenomenon. It was a complex system that affected every aspect of many people's lives, creating a legacy of injustice and inequality that still resonates today. Incorporating human rights, equity and justice into economic and social policies remains a contemporary challenge, inspired by the lessons of that historic era.

The importation of coolies, or Asian workers, into countries such as Peru and Cuba during the liberal era illustrates another troubling dimension of labour exploitation in Latin America. This practice, integrated into the continuity of colonial practices of exploitation, had particular characteristics that deserve to be examined. The end of slavery and the need for labour in sectors such as guano collection and sugar cane plantations led countries such as Peru and Cuba to turn to Asia. Coolies, mainly from India and China, were imported in large numbers, for example 100,000 to Peru and 150,000 to Cuba. Like the African slaves before them, these workers were subjected to deplorable living conditions. Underfed, beaten and whipped, many lost their lives as a result of ill-treatment. These conditions were often justified by racist stereotypes and the dehumanisation of these workers. The importation of coolies was not just an economic issue, but part of a wider pattern of social inequality and injustice. It perpetuated the cycle of exploitation, where human dignity and rights were sacrificed for economic gain. The history of coolies in Latin America is a dark and often neglected chapter in the economic and social history of the region. It reveals how exploitation and inequality were not only tolerated but institutionalised. Recalling these events is essential to understanding how systems of oppression can be constructed and maintained, and why the struggle for social justice must remain an ongoing commitment in today's world.

The transition to the liberal era in Latin America was supposed to mark a turning point in the economy and society, but despite the ideals of freedom and equality, forced labour continued to flourish in various forms. Despite the gradual abolition of slavery in many countries, the practice continued in Brazil and Cuba. Lack of political will and economic interests have often contributed to the slow implementation of anti-slavery laws. Alongside traditional slavery, new forms of forced labour have emerged, such as "debt peonage" and the importation of contract labour from Asia. These systems exploited vulnerable sections of the population, keeping them in a cycle of debt and dependency. The exploitation of labour during the liberal era was largely a continuation of the structures put in place during the colonial period. The ruling class used these mechanisms to maintain its power and wealth, thereby perpetuating social inequalities. The multifaceted system of forced labour established during this period has left a lasting legacy of inequality and injustice in Latin America. Dismantling these structures was a major challenge for the countries of the region throughout the following century. The liberal era in Latin America was a period of contradiction, where the promise of economic progress and modernisation was overshadowed by the persistence of exploitation and inequality. The complexity of the situation, with adapted and reinvented forms of forced labour, reveals the resilience of systems of oppression and underlines the need for ongoing reform and constant vigilance to build a more just and equitable society.

The increase in Latin American exports during the liberal era was closely linked to the expansion of imports. This created a complex economic relationship with industrialised countries, particularly England, which had a major impact on the region's development. Latin American countries mainly imported tools, instruments, weapons, machinery, and sometimes even textiles and everyday consumer goods. These imports were essential to support industrialisation and modernisation, but they were also indicative of a lack of local production capacity. The increase in imports often exceeded that of exports, creating a trade imbalance. Latin American countries mainly exported raw materials and agricultural products, while importing more expensive manufactured goods. This imbalance had an impact on the balance of trade and contributed to problems of debt and dependence. Dependence on foreign imports has tied Latin American economies closely to fluctuations in world markets. This dependence has made the region vulnerable to external economic shocks, such as recessions or changes in trade policies in industrialised countries. Import dependency and trade imbalances have created an economic dynamic that has persisted well beyond the liberal era. The failure to develop a strong local industry and reduce dependence on foreign products has hampered economic development and contributed to the perpetuation of inequality. The economic model of the liberal era in Latin America, based on increasing exports and imports, has been both an engine of growth and a source of vulnerability. Import dependency, trade imbalances and a close economic relationship with industrialised countries have shaped the region's economy in profound and lasting ways. The lessons learned from this period offer valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of globalisation and economic development.

The heavy reliance on imports in Latin America during the liberal era not only affected the balance of trade and the economy as a whole; it also had a profound impact on local crafts, a rich and diverse tradition in the region. Mass-produced goods from European factories, particularly in England, were more competitive in terms of price than local handicrafts. Lower wages in Europe, mass production and technological advances meant that products could be made more cheaply, even when transport costs were factored in. Faced with this foreign competition, many local craftsmen were unable to survive. Their techniques, which often dated back to colonial times, could not compete with industrial production in terms of cost or efficiency. The decline of local crafts also meant the loss of skills, traditions and cultural diversity. The decline of the craft industry had repercussions for local economies. Craftspeople produced for a limited domestic market, and their inability to compete with foreign products further reduced this market. This led to a loss of jobs and reduced economic opportunities in many communities. Dependence on imported products has not only affected the balance of trade; it has also reinforced Latin America's economic dependence on foreign countries. This dependence has limited the region's ability to develop economically and has created vulnerability to fluctuations in the global market. Import dependency during the liberal era in Latin America has had a lasting negative impact on local crafts, an essential sector of the region's economy and culture. The challenges posed by foreign competition, loss of tradition and increased economic dependence continue to resonate in the contemporary Latin American economy. The preservation and revitalisation of crafts can be seen not only as a means of protecting cultural heritage, but also as a strategy for strengthening the region's economic independence and resilience.

Domestic industry in Latin America during the liberal era was profoundly influenced by the economic policy of the period, characterised by a lack of protection for local industries and increased dependence on foreign imports. This helped shape the region's economic trajectory in several ways. Governments of this period adopted a liberal approach, offering little or no protection for local industries against foreign competition. Without tariffs or subsidies to support domestic businesses, many industries, including handicrafts, declined or were eclipsed by cheaper imported products. Liberal economic policy has encouraged heavy dependence on imports, particularly of tools, machinery, weapons and other manufactured goods. This dependence has not only unbalanced the balance of trade, but has also prevented the development of local industries capable of producing these goods. Without a strong and diversified domestic industry, Latin America's economy has remained largely dependent on the export of raw materials. This has left the region vulnerable to fluctuations in world markets and hampered long-term economic development. The lack of support for domestic industry has increased Latin America's economic dependence on developed countries. This dependence has limited the region's ability to control its own economic development and has maintained asymmetrical economic relations with the rest of the world. Dependence on foreign imports and the decline of local industry have also had social consequences, particularly in terms of employment. Reduced opportunities in industry and crafts led to a more docile and cheap labour force, which was exploited in other sectors of the economy. The liberal era in Latin America, characterised by a lack of protection for domestic industry and increased dependence on imports, has left a complex economic legacy. The decline of local industry and the perpetuation of economic dependence shaped the region's development trajectory, creating challenges that continue to influence Latin America's economy and society to this day. The lessons of this period offer relevant reflections for contemporary debates on the protection of domestic industry, economic diversification and economic independence.

Why choose economic liberalism?

The choice of economic liberalism as the dominant policy in Latin America in the 1850s and 1860s was not an isolated phenomenon, but rather the result of a combination of socio-political and economic factors. At the time, European and North American economic ideas advocating free trade and laissez-faire were widely in vogue. Latin America's ruling elites, often educated in Europe or in close contact with Western thinkers, embraced these ideas as the path to modernisation and prosperity. Many ruling elites were heavily invested in the export economy, particularly in the agricultural and mining sectors. The liberal economic model, which encouraged open markets and reduced trade barriers, directly served their financial interests. There was a widespread belief that imported manufactured goods were of better quality than those produced locally. The choice of a liberal economic policy therefore allowed access to these superior products, which was seen as beneficial for the population and the economy. The government saw international trade as an important source of revenue. By encouraging imports and exports, the state could collect taxes, which were essential for financing various government initiatives. The European powers and the United States often put pressure on Latin American nations to open up their markets. Trade agreements and diplomatic relations played a role in the adoption of liberal economic policies. Local industry in Latin America was relatively weak at the time, and there was little pressure from industrial groups to protect the domestic market. Protectionism was therefore less of a priority. The choice of economic liberalism in Latin America in the 1850s and 1860s was complex and multifactorial. It reflected the economic interests of the elites, the influence of Western economic ideas, the fiscal needs of the state, and the industrial reality of the region. This choice has had a lasting impact on the economic development of Latin America, shaping the region's commercial, industrial and social structures for generations to come.

Economic liberalism, adopted by the new liberal governments in Latin America, was seen as a tool for modernisation and a means of catching up with the industrialised countries. However, the implementation of these policies revealed significant complexity and contradictions. Enthusiasm for economic liberalism was partly fuelled by the ambition to modernise. Latin American leaders firmly believed that by opening their borders to foreign investment and trade, they could import technology, knowledge and innovative ideas. The aim was to stimulate economic growth, develop infrastructure and catch up with the industrialised nations. In practice, these policies have often favoured the interests of the local elite and foreign companies. Foreign investors, in particular, have benefited from easier access to markets and resources, often with little regulation or control. For their part, the local elite, already engaged in trade and export, have seen their wealth and influence increase. The liberal orientation of the economy has not necessarily benefited the majority of the population. On the contrary, it has often led to increased poverty and inequality. The absence of protective measures for local industries and workers has contributed to the marginalisation of large sections of society. Small farmers, artisans and the working class have been particularly hard hit. Far from creating economic independence and autonomous development, these policies have often perpetuated dependence on foreign powers. The concentration on exports of raw materials and imports of manufactured goods has created a trade imbalance and continued dependence on foreign markets. Economic liberalism in Latin America, although motivated by aspirations for modernisation and growth, has produced mixed results. It has benefited certain segments of society, notably the economic elite and foreign companies, while neglecting the needs and rights of the majority. The complex interplay between local politics, foreign interests and social dynamics has led to a situation where the idealistic vision of economic development has often clashed with the reality of growing poverty, persistent inequality and ongoing dependency.

The influence of the ruling elite and its alignment with the economic interests associated with the export of raw materials and agricultural products have been decisive in the adoption of economic liberalism in Latin America. The elite of these countries, often involved in the trade and export of products such as coffee, metals, sugar and other raw materials, benefited directly from the economic model based on free trade. Promoting domestic industry could have disrupted these interests, hence their inclination to maintain the status quo. This situation created a vicious circle where economic and political power was concentrated in the hands of a minority, hindering opportunities for more diversified industrial development. The education of many members of the elite in Europe exposed them to the ideas of classical liberalism, with its emphasis on free trade and minimal government intervention in the economy. These ideas found favour among those who saw free trade as a route to modernisation and prosperity. Foreign traders and investors, particularly from countries like Britain, had a vested interest in accessing Latin American markets and exploiting their natural resources. They exerted pressure, sometimes overtly, sometimes more subtly, for local governments to adopt policies favourable to free trade. The lack of interest in promoting domestic industry also reflects the absence of a long-term vision for industrial development. Continued dependence on exports of raw materials and imports of manufactured goods has hampered the development of local industrial capacity, leading to economic vulnerability. Economic choices in Latin America during this period were not simply the result of abstract liberal ideology, but were deeply rooted in local interests and power relations. The ruling elite, by aligning themselves with their own economic interests and adopting the ideas prevalent in Europe, played a crucial role in shaping the region's economic policy. The result was an economic model that favoured the interests of the few at the expense of wider industrialisation and more balanced economic development.

Economic liberalism was attractive to the ruling elite not only as an ideology aligned with the global trends of the time, but also as a pragmatic means of achieving specific economic goals. It symbolised a break with the colonial past, a way of rejecting the control of the Spanish monarchy and the Church, and a path towards modernisation and industrialisation. In practice, however, the implementation of economic liberalism often resulted in the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a small elite. Without appropriate regulation and without efforts to build a more inclusive economy, liberal policies have allowed those who already controlled key resources to increase their wealth and influence. The downside of this concentration of wealth has been the marginalisation and continued impoverishment of the vast majority of the population. Without access to education, economic opportunities, or even a fair share of the profits generated by the export economy, the majority have remained trapped in a cycle of poverty. Dependence on exports of raw materials and imports of manufactured goods has also prevented wider economic diversification. The development potential of local industry has been stifled, contributing to long-term economic vulnerability. It is important to note that the gap between the ideal of economic liberalism and its actual implementation in Latin America is a reflection of the complexity of economic and social dynamics. Liberal theory, with its emphasis on free enterprise and the market economy, may seem attractive, but without careful and equitable implementation, it can lead to increased inequality. The history of economic liberalism in Latin America provides a rich and nuanced case study of how an economic ideology can be adopted for idealistic and pragmatic reasons, but can have unintended and often harmful consequences. It highlights the importance of a deep understanding of local contexts and attention to equity and inclusion in the formulation and implementation of economic policies.

The choice of economic liberalism in Latin America in the 19th century proved to be a complex and multifactorial process. It was driven in part by ideological convictions in favour of free trade and influences from foreign merchants and financial institutions. The region's ruling elite saw this policy as a means of modernising and freeing themselves from the control of the Spanish monarchy and the Catholic Church. However, the implementation of these ideas often served to perpetuate power and wealth in the hands of a small elite. The adoption of economic liberalism did not eradicate forced labour practices, but rather allowed them to continue and even expand, as shown by the importation of coolies from Asia. These policies kept the workforce in exploitative conditions and maintained elitist control over the ownership of land and labour. At the same time, opening up to foreign imports had a devastating effect on domestic industry. The absence of protective measures for local crafts and manufacturing stifled their development, creating a long-term dependence on imported products. This has had lasting consequences, limiting opportunities for economic diversification and leading to a suppression of domestic industry. Ultimately, the overall result of this period was an economy that primarily served the interests of the elite, leaving the majority of the population in poverty. The lack of equitable and sustainable economic development perpetuated marginalisation and inequality. This history illustrates the dangers of applying an economic ideology without taking account of local social and economic realities. The lessons learned from this period continue to inform and shape contemporary debates on economic policy and development in Latin America and beyond.

Attempts to resist

However, the history of Latin America during this period is not just one of exploitation and injustice. There were also more organised forms of resistance that emerged in response to these oppressive conditions. The formation of trade unions and workers' associations, as well as political movements defending social and economic justice, represented an important counterweight to the power of the elites. These movements and organisations have often faced repression and opposition from the government and the powerful. They have had to fight against considerable forces to make their voices heard and to advocate real change. But despite the obstacles, they have persisted in their struggle, pushing back against the injustices imposed by the economic and political system and fighting for rights and fairness for the majority of the population. The presence and persistence of these resistance movements show that, although the adoption of economic liberalism has had many harmful effects, it has not succeeded in completely crushing the spirit of resistance and the fight for justice. They are a living reminder that policies and systems can be challenged and changed, and that the voice of the people, even when marginalised and oppressed, can always find ways to be heard and bring about positive change.

In conclusion, the period 1850-1870 in Latin America was marked by a significant transformation in which economic liberalism became the dominant policy. This rise paralleled the domination of caudillos and elites, who sought to control land and labour for their own benefit. The ideology of economic liberalism and the belief in free trade, combined with the socio-racial hierarchy maintained by the elites, created a system that favoured the accumulation of wealth and power in the hands of a few, while leaving the majority of the population in a state of exploitation and destitution. Forced labour, the importation of foreign labour, debt and dependence on foreign imports were some of the ways in which this system was perpetuated. However, this period also saw the emergence of forms of resistance. Small farmers, indigenous people, former slaves and other marginalised groups found various ways to resist the domination of the elites. More organised movements, such as trade unions and political parties, also pushed for social and economic justice, despite opposition and repression. This period in Latin American history illustrates a complex struggle between the forces of control and exploitation and those of resistance and change. The lessons learned from that period remain relevant today, as they remind us of the dynamics of power and the capacity of peoples to fight for justice, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

As well as revolts and acts of resistance, this period in Latin American history also saw the emergence of leaders and movements who sought to challenge the model of economic liberalism imposed by the ruling elites. Some have advocated protectionist policies to support domestic industries, hoping to reduce dependence on foreign imports. Others argued in favour of land reform measures to redistribute land from wealthy landowners to indigenous and peasant populations. These attempts to challenge the status quo often met with resistance and repression from the ruling elites, who saw these movements as a threat to their power and control. Despite the tenacious resistance of those who benefited from the existing system, the need to reform economic and social structures became increasingly evident. Nevertheless, economic and social disparities in Latin America continued to widen during this period, despite these efforts. The concentration of resources in the hands of a few and the marginalisation of the majority persisted. The lessons of that era continue to inform current debates on inequality, development and justice in Latin America, illustrating the complex and often intertwined challenges that the region continues to face.


The Liberal Era period of 1850-1870 in Latin America was profoundly influenced by liberal economic policies, which emphasised free trade and minimal government intervention in the economy. These policies had major consequences for the socio-economic structure of the region. Firstly, they have led to an extreme concentration of land and wealth in the hands of a small elite. Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities have been particularly hard hit, often dispossessed of their land and forced into a system of forced labour and debt peonage. This unequal distribution of resources has widened the gap between social classes. Secondly, the region's economy became heavily dependent on exports, mainly of raw materials. There was little interest in developing domestic industry or meeting the needs of the majority of the population. This dependence reinforced the power of the elite and increased the region's economic vulnerability. Thirdly, despite acts of resistance and attempts to challenge the system, the exploitation and oppression of the working classes has persisted. The resulting widespread poverty and social fragmentation marked a major setback for the rights and well-being of marginalised communities. This period in Latin American history illustrates the dangers inherent in the indiscriminate adoption of liberal policies. Political and economic choices have favoured a privileged minority at the expense of the majority, resulting in profound and lasting injustice. The experience of Latin America during this period offers important lessons about the need for more balanced and inclusive policies, capable of promoting the general welfare rather than the interests of a narrow elite.

The period from 1850-1870 in Latin America, characterised by the adoption of economic liberalism, left a complex and often painful legacy. Blind faith in the principles of economic liberalism led to a series of policies that privileged the elite to the detriment of the majority of the population. The lack of protection for domestic industry and the continuation of forced labour have created an economy heavily dependent on exports and vulnerable to fluctuations in the global market. The control of land and labour by the ruling elite has exacerbated social and economic inequalities. The displacement and impoverishment of the working class, particularly indigenous and Afro-descendant communities, was commonplace, and the rights and needs of these groups were often ignored. Despite these glaring injustices, the resistance of the exploited population was not in vain. Revolts, acts of defiance and movements for social and economic justice showed that the dominant system could be challenged. Some leaders and movements even attempted to introduce protectionist and land reform policies, although these efforts often met with resistance and repression from the ruling elite. This period in Latin American history demonstrates the flaws of economic liberalism when it is applied without consideration for the social and cultural context. The desire to maintain power and control over resources led to a period marked by exploitation, inequality and injustice. The lessons of that era still resonate today and offer critical insights into the need for a more nuanced approach that is sensitive to the needs and rights of all citizens.

