International Public Law

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International Public Law
Description de l'image International_Court_of_Justice.jpg.
Faculté Global Studies Institute
Professeur(s) Robert Kolb
Enregistrement(s) 2011[1], 2012[2], 2013[3], 2014[4], 2015[5]


This course, divided into two parts ("Public International Law I" and "Public International Law II"), aims to provide a general, introductory overview of public international law in order to understand its rules and the legal framework governing its mechanisms. The sources of international law, its subjects, its interaction with domestic law and the concept of international responsibility and the peaceful settlement of international disputes are analysed in both seminars. This course is aimed at first year (PIL I) and second year (PIL II) students of BARI.

The PIL III course is in the form of a seminar being a deepening in public international law that combines theory and practice. For example, specialized courses (on law of the sea and proceedings before the ICJ, for example) alternate with more practical phases involving the study of jurisprudential cases and the intervention of practitioners (e.g. foreign affairs member). The aim will be to show how public international law is applied in international relations in order to demonstrate that, even during serious international crises, international law is always present.


Lectures[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

International Public Law I[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Introductory aspects of public international law

Sources of International Law

Relationship between international and internal law

Subjects of international law: States

The fundamental principles of relations between States

International Public Law II[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The fundamental principles of relations between States

International Organizations

The individual as a subject of international law

International responsibility

Peaceful settlement of international disputes

International Public Law III[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Recourse to the International Court of Justice

Preliminary objections

Provisional measures

The consultative procedure

Documentary resources[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Annexes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

References[modifier | modifier le wikicode]