« The sources of law » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 101 : Ligne 101 :
*the article: a short study of a legal text published in a specialized journal or collective work;
*the article: a short study of a legal text published in a specialized journal or collective work;
*official editions of legal texts: commented collections of laws.
*official editions of legal texts: commented collections of laws.
Today, doctrine is an authority, but history shows that doctrine can be a direct source of law.
In Rome, in ancient times, the science of law was written as a formal source of law. In the digest was collected in a set of opinions and excerpts edited by prestigious authors who, in Rome, were considered as direct sources of law.
Aujourd’hui, la doctrine est une autorité, mais l’histoire montre que la doctrine peut être une source directe du droit.
[[Image:EugenHuber.jpg|right|thumb|100px|Eugen Huber.]]Over the centuries, great jurisconsults and legal personalities have produced outstanding literature.
À Rome, dans l’Antiquité, la science du droit était rédigée en source formelle du droit. Dans le digeste était recueilli en ensemble d’opinions et d’extraits édictés par de prestigieux auteurs qui, a Rome, étaient considérés comme source directe du droit.
Domat and Pothier, authors of the old regime before France adopted a system of codification of civil law, through their doctrinal works, promoted the unification of law.
[[Image:EugenHuber.jpg|right|thumb|100px|Eugen Huber.]]

Au cours des siècles de grands jurisconsultes et personnalités du droit vont produire une littérature marquante.  
Until the 18th century, France was subject to different codifications. With the Revolution, the law in France was unified, so that everyone could recognize it. Domat and Pothier worked to unify private law.

Domat et Pothier, auteurs de l’ancien régime avant que la France ne se dote d’un système de codification de droit civil, par leurs œuvres doctrinales, ont favorisé l’unification du droit.  
In Switzerland, Eugen Huber wrote an important work of doctrine with his book "History and System of Swiss Private Law": he systematically studied all methods and texts of Swiss law in order to draw general frameworks accepted by all. It is a question of establishing a uniform law that is accepted by all. It will unify the private legislation of all the cantons in order to codify private law through the Swiss Civil Code in 1912. To defend his work, he was Federal Councillor in Bern between 1911 and 1912.

Jusqu’au XVIIIème siècle, la France était soumise à des codifications différentes. Avec la Révolution, le droit en France a été unifié, afin que tout le monde puisse le reconnaitre. Domat et Pothier ont œuvré afin d’unifier le droit privé.
Thus, doctrine has fully played its role as a direct source of law, today it plays an authoritative role. The influence of doctrine on the development of law cannot be denied.  
En Suisse, [http://www.hls-dhs-dss.ch/textes/f/F4533.php Eugen Huber] a rédigé une œuvre importante de doctrine par son ouvrage intitulé "Histoire et système du droit privé suisse" : il a fait une étude systématique de tous les méthodes et textes de droit suisse afin d’en tirer des trames générales acceptées par tous. Il s’agit d’établir une loi uniforme et acceptée par tous. Il va unifier la législation privée de tous les cantons afin d’aboutir à la codification du droit privé à travers le Code civil suisse en 1912. Pour défendre son travail, il sera conseiller fédéral à Berne entre 1911 et 1912.
Ainsi, la doctrine a joué pleinement son rôle de source directe de droit, aujourd’hui elle joue un rôle d’autorité. On ne saurait nier l’influence de la doctrine sur l’élaboration du droit.

== Les principes généraux du droit ==
== Les principes généraux du droit ==

Version du 24 juin 2019 à 23:37

To search for the source of the law is to search for the point by which it came out of the depths of social life to appear on the surface of the law.

The sources are divided into two categories:

  • formal (direct) sources of law: these are the obligatory forms that give rise to a rule of law, i.e. the forms that the law must take in order to impose itself as rules of law.
  • the material sources (indirect, real, substantial) of the law: are the sources that embrace all social phenomena and contribute to the substance, the subject matter of the law.

Formal sources of law

The formal sources of law vary according to time and place. The more organized a society is, the less the role of custom becomes and the role of the law becomes more important. The legal system of our societies is made up of written rules of law.

The custom

Custom is the set of legal rules resulting from a use established in a community and held by it as legally binding; it is a direct source of unwritten law.

Custom is the oldest form of law formation, it is the almost exclusive source of law. Gilissen shows that between the 10th and 12th centuries, custom was the main source of law in Western societies. Basically, for 200 years, custom has not been widely used.

Customs are there to supplement a written law. They arise from the practices of a particular group, they can change if the practice changes and they can disappear by repeal or obsolescence.

The constituent elements of custom are:

  • Long use: it requires a use followed by the subjects as a support for a subjective right in a prolonged and repeated way of about forty years. The formation of custom develops with the practice of adopting a particular solution according to a problem. It comes from the people or from an authority in the context of conflict resolution.
  • Opinio necessitatis: conviction that the use of custom is mandatory. Individuals must be firmly convinced that there is a rule of law. Thus the use must be implemented in a community.

The custom emanates from the popular will and adapts to the customs. However, custom lacks certainty, because it is oral and proof of its existence is difficult to provide, it is the one who evokes a custom who must provide proof. In this respect, custom is against the law. But the judge always knows the law according to the principle iura novit curia.

The law only puts in writing the experience gained from custom. Today, custom only plays a secondary and subsidiary role when the written law is deficient.

Customary law within the meaning of the Swiss Civil Code of 1912 is customary law at the level of the Confederation. The judge applies a custom throughout Switzerland as long as it does not contradict a certain region of Switzerland.

Custom often opens the way to law that only puts custom in writing.

The law

The law is the general and abstract rule setting out rules of law, obligations and prohibitions.

A distinction must be made between:

  • Substantive: an act setting out a rule of law, or a set of rules of law, enacted by a competent body in accordance with due process (example - Charter of the United Nations).
  • Formal: this criterion does not focus on the content of the law, but on its drafting procedure, hence the use of the adjective "formal", which refers to the forms and conditions of its drafting process. This conception comes from the revolutionary period of the 18th century, the law must be the work of the sovereign people or their representatives, because the free man is the one who obeys laws that he gives himself unlike the slave who suffers the law of the despot. The law in the formal sense comes from the legislator, who can be national (federal) (Federal Parliament), cantonal (Grand Council), communal (Communal Council). It is only the legislative body that enacts it through its creative function of law. These are the laws of the Nation's elected parliament.

In Switzerland, it is not only Parliament that adopts legal rules. The executive can very well enact laws in the material sense. These bodies are not legislative, which makes it impossible to speak of a law in the formal sense. It should also be noted that the majority of laws are enacted by the executive.

However, an order is not a rule of law, because it is not general and abstract in nature, which does not prevent it from being enacted by Parliament.

It is not a law in the material sense, but in the formal sense because it is enacted by Parliament even if the order is not a rule of law.

While the law in the formal sense is, with few exceptions (federal decrees), a law in the material sense, the law in the material sense is much less often a law in the formal sense.

The substantive sources of law

The case law

Case law refers to all decisions made by courts and other law enforcement authorities; it also refers to the solutions adopted in its decisions.

This is the law that emerges from the sentences and rulings of the courts. In the absence of written rules, the judge must refer to the decision made by a fellow judge in a similar case. The judge may also distance himself from the previous decision and decide the case in a different way due to circumstances as well as new conditions.

In this case, it is said that the judgment sets a precedent. Case law solutions that play an important role in the Swiss legal system are also called praetorian solutions.

The doctrine

Doctrine is the set of opinions expressed on the law by persons whose main activity is to practice or teach law.

The scientific quality of the doctrine can vary considerably. At the moment, we are witnessing a period of legislative inflation; at the same time, there is a considerable increase in doctrinal production, which is increasingly concerned with sticking to the legal reality and adapting to the immediate event. This tendency to immediacy causes him to lose his long-term vision. Doctrine no longer has enough distance and a panoramic vision that would allow weighting.

Doctrine is made up of many types of so-called doctrinal works:

  • the treaty: systematic and in-depth presentation of the whole of a subject or field;
  • the manual or précis: it is a subcategory of the treaty in the form of a synthetic book written for didactic purposes intended mainly for teaching;
  • the commentary: analytical presentation of a judgment, a law, a doctrinal text, etc.;
  • the monograph: scientific study of a specific question (law thesis);
  • the article: a short study of a legal text published in a specialized journal or collective work;
  • official editions of legal texts: commented collections of laws.

Today, doctrine is an authority, but history shows that doctrine can be a direct source of law.

In Rome, in ancient times, the science of law was written as a formal source of law. In the digest was collected in a set of opinions and excerpts edited by prestigious authors who, in Rome, were considered as direct sources of law.

Eugen Huber.

Over the centuries, great jurisconsults and legal personalities have produced outstanding literature.

Domat and Pothier, authors of the old regime before France adopted a system of codification of civil law, through their doctrinal works, promoted the unification of law.

Until the 18th century, France was subject to different codifications. With the Revolution, the law in France was unified, so that everyone could recognize it. Domat and Pothier worked to unify private law.

In Switzerland, Eugen Huber wrote an important work of doctrine with his book "History and System of Swiss Private Law": he systematically studied all methods and texts of Swiss law in order to draw general frameworks accepted by all. It is a question of establishing a uniform law that is accepted by all. It will unify the private legislation of all the cantons in order to codify private law through the Swiss Civil Code in 1912. To defend his work, he was Federal Councillor in Bern between 1911 and 1912.

Thus, doctrine has fully played its role as a direct source of law, today it plays an authoritative role. The influence of doctrine on the development of law cannot be denied.

Les principes généraux du droit

Les principes généraux du droit constituent un ensemble de principes directeurs qui, sans avoir le caractère précis et concret des règles de droit positif, servent d'orientation dans l'application et les développements de l'ordre juridique.

Les adages ou les brocards sont des proverbes du droit, des maximes juridiques énoncées en une phrase concise.

  • Adages : brève formule souvent latine qui exprime un principe de droit.
    • Audiatur et altera pars : que les deux partis soient entendus ;
    • Iura novit curia : la cour connaît le droit ;
    • In dubio pro reo : le doute profite à l'accusé ;
    • Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas jus suum cuique tribuendi : la justice est une volonté constante et perpétuelle de rendre à chacun ce qui lui est dû ;
    • Nonbis in idem : le juge ne peut être saisi deux fois pour la même affaire ;
    • Nullum crimen sine lege : pas de crime sans loi ;
    • Lex posterior derogat priori : la loi la plus récente déroge à la loi antérieure ;
    • Lex specialis derogat generali : la règle spéciale déroge à la règle générale ;
    • Pacta sunt servanda : les engagements doivent être respectés c'est-à-dire la bonne foi oblige celui qui s'est engagé à tenir son engagement.
  • Brocards : c’est un adage vulgarisé sous une forme populaire.
    • À l’impossible nul n’est tenu : le contrat est nul si sa mise en œuvre est impossible ;
    • Le mort saisit le vif : au moment de la mort, les héritiers sont investis immédiatement de la succession ;
    • Le Roy et mort vive le Roy : cela implique qu’il n’y a pas de rupture de règne, au moment où le défunt est mort son héritier débute son règne.

Permet d’assurer au système juridique une certaine cohérence et une unité systématique au milieu du désordre des règles positives.

Ces principes expriment des valeurs philosophiques sur lesquelles repose le système juridique de nos États occidentaux. Ils jouent un rôle dans l’interprétation du droit et servent, entre autres, à combler les lacunes. Cependant, ces principes ne sont pas des formes directes de droit sauf si ils ont été consacrés par la Constitution .

En droit international, il y a quelques principes qui régissent les sujets de droit international, ce sont les Principes de Richier qui sont trois principes de base en droit international :

  1. principe d’égalité entre États : il pèse d’un même poids dans les conférences internationales ;
  2. indépendance des États : chaque État est en principe autonome, il a sur son territoire la plénitude de la compétence. Il ne subit que la restriction de pouvoir qu’il veut bien accepter (ex- France/Suisse, les polices de chaque pays ont le droit d’intervenir sur leurs territoires mutuels dans le canton de Genève, l’Ain et la Haute-Savoie) ;
  3. principe de non-intervention dit aussi de non-ingérence : résultante des deux précédents principes, un État ne peut intervenir dans les affaires internes d’un autre État (intervention politique, économique, militaire).

Entre l’application et la mise en œuvre du droit international, il y a une différence parce que dans l’État-national occidental, il y a un exécutif, un législatif et un judiciaire. S’il y a un conflit, le pouvoir judiciaire va trancher. Il y a une structure qui permet de défendre la sécurité et la paix publique aux contraires de l’organisation de l’ordre international.

