« The borders of Europe » : différence entre les versions

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{{Infobox Lecture
| image =
| image_caption =
| faculté = [[Faculté des sciences de la société]]
| département = [[Département de science politique et relations internationales]]
| professeurs =
* [[Stephan Davidshofer]]<ref>[http://unige.academia.edu/StephanDavidshofer Page de Stephan Davidshofer sur Academia.edu]</ref><ref>[https://www.gcsp.ch/News-Knowledge/Experts/Guest-Experts/Davidshofer-Dr-Stephan-Davidshofer Page personnelle de Stephan Davidshofer sur le site du Geneva Centre for Security Policy]</ref><ref>[https://twitter.com/stedavids Compte Twitter de Stephan Davidshofer]</ref>
* [[Xavier Guillaume]]<ref>[http://edinburgh.academia.edu/XavierGuillaume Page de Xavier Guillaume sur Academia.edu]</ref><ref>[http://www.pol.ed.ac.uk/people/academic_staff/xavier_guillaume Page personnelle de Xavier Guillaume sur le site de l'Université de Édimbourg]</ref><ref>[http://www.sciencespo.fr/psia/users/xavierguillaume Page personnelle de Xavier Guillaume sur le site de Science Po Paris PSIA]</ref><ref>[http://edinburgh.academia.edu/XavierGuillaume Page de Xavier Guillaume sur Academia.edu]</ref><ref>[https://www.rug.nl/staff/x.guillaume/research Page personnelle de Xavier Guillaume sur le site de l'Université de Groningen]</ref> 
| enregistrement =
| assistants =
| cours = [[Critical approaches to international relations]]
| lectures =
*[[Introduction to critical approaches to international relations]]
*[[Sociology of the discipline of international relations]]
*[[Norms in international relations]]
*[[Globalizations: definition and situation]]
*[[Globalization: circulation between imperialism and cosmopolitan strategies]]
*[[Otherness in international relations]]
*[[The concept of domination in international relations]]
*[[Humanitarian action: between action and intervention]]
*[[The concept of development in international relations]]
*[[Security and international relations]]
*[[Surveillance and international relations]]
*[[War and international relations]]
*[[War, peace and politics in Africa since the end of the Cold War]]
*[[Borders in international politics]]
*[[The borders of Europe]]   
*[[Mobility and international relations]]
*[[To conclude the course of critical approaches to international relations]]
From now on, borders are more articulated around police logics that are carried out at a distance based on security and surveillance systems. There is a transformation of border management policies around this modality.
From now on, borders are more articulated around police logics that are carried out at a distance based on security and surveillance systems. There is a transformation of border management policies around this modality.
| es = Las fronteras de Europa
| fr = Les frontières de l’Europe
| it = Le frontiere dell'Europa

= Where are the borders of the European Union? =
= Where are the borders of the European Union? =


Un groupe de recherche de l’Union européenne nommé « Challenge » traite des transformations et des enjeux de la frontière. Aujourd’hui, en Europe, nous ne sommes plus dans une frontière linéaire. L’image de la forteresse Europe n’est pas juste. S’il y a un problème éthique par rapport aux pratiques frontalières, il y a certains lieux d’arbitraire et d’exception qui se retrouvent être problématiques. Du moment que les pratiques de « frontiérisation » sont déployées, elles ont des effets et notamment l’abolition de fait entre une « requérant d’asile » et un « émigré clandestin ». Le pays dans lequel la demande d’asile est faite n’est pas obligé d’être accepté, mais il y a le droit de poser une demande d’asile. Afin d’essayer de réduire les distances entre l’espace Schengen et ses frontières, la logique s’évanouit. Si la possibilité matérielle de faire une demande d’asile n’est pas possible, on mélange les catégories entre « requérant d’asile » et « émigré clandestin ».  
A European Union research group called "Challenge" deals with the transformations and challenges of the border. Today, in Europe, we are no longer in a linear border. The image of Fortress Europe is not fair. If there is an ethical problem with border practices, there are certain arbitrary and exceptional places that are problematic. As long as "borderization" practices are deployed, they have effects and in particular the de facto abolition between an "asylum seeker" and an "illegal immigrant". The country in which the asylum application is made is not required to be accepted, but there is the right to make an asylum application. In an attempt to reduce the distances between the Schengen area and its borders, the logic is fading. If the material possibility of making an asylum application is not possible, the categories are mixed between "asylum seeker" and "illegal immigrant".

Les logiques de profilage à partir des politiques de visas ne sont pas un problème en tant que tel puisque 90 % des personnes qui font une demande de visa Schengen l’obtiennent. Toutefois, dans le taux de refus, on se rend compte que certaines catégories de population émergent à propos de refus. Cela est lié à des représentations qui sont liées à des logiques individuelles et statistiques. Une logique individuelle est pastorale où c’est à la personne de démontrer qu’elle n’a rien à se reprocher afin d’avoir le droit de circuler librement. Cependant, il n’est pas facile d’échapper à une catégorie statistique. Cela renvoie au débat entre liberté et sécurité.  
Profiling logic based on visa policies is not a problem as such since 90% of people who apply for a Schengen visa obtain it. However, in the refusal rate, we realize that certain categories of population are emerging about refusal. This is linked to representations that are linked to individual and statistical logics. An individual logic is pastoral where it is up to the person to demonstrate that he or she has nothing to blame himself or herself for in order to have the right to move freely. However, it is not easy to escape a statistical category. This refers to the debate between freedom and security.

L’Union européenne est dans une réorganisation de ses frontières en faisant une distinction entre ceux qui peuvent circuler et ceux qui ne peuvent pas circuler. À l’intérieur de l’Union européen, dans le cadre de l’espace Schengen, les frontières sont devenues invisibles alors que les étrangers, c’est-à-dire les personnes extérieures à l’espace Schengen qui sont extracommunautaire. Les frontières n’ont pas disparu. L’un des problèmes qui se posent avec la liberté de mouvement, du moment où certaines personnes sont exclues, c’est une entrave à la liberté de circulation. Il y a une véritable inégalité entre les personnes qui vont entrer au sein de l’Union européenne.  
The European Union is reorganising its borders by making a distinction between those who can and those who cannot move. Within the European Union, within the framework of the Schengen area, borders have become invisible, while foreigners, i. e. persons outside the Schengen area who are non-EU citizens. The borders have not disappeared. One of the problems with freedom of movement, as long as some people are excluded, is a barrier to freedom of movement. There is a real inequality between the people who will enter the European Union.

Les accords de Schengen ont été négociés en dehors de l’Union européenne, mais c’est seulement à partir du traité d’Amsterdam que Schengen a été ajouté à l’acquis communautaire. Schengen, à la base, fut mis en place comme mesure compensatoire pour contrer le problème que pouvait soulever la circulation des personnes. Schengen est une mesure sécuritaire, mais est une mesure de compensation. Schengen a été avant tout réfléchi autour de l’immigration clandestine. La façon dont les choses se sont mises en place met en exergue qu’on assiste à des glissements entre la catégorie des « émigrés clandestins » et la criminalité transfrontalière.
The Schengen agreements were negotiated outside the European Union, but it was only after the Treaty of Amsterdam that Schengen was added to the acquis communautaire. Schengen, at the base, was set up as a compensatory measure to counter the problem that could arise from the movement of people. Schengen is a security measure, but it is a compensation measure. Schengen was first and foremost thought about illegal immigration. The way things have been set up highlights the fact that there has been a shift between the category of "illegal migrants" and cross-border crime.

[[Fichier:Ri2 map visa needed.png|300px|vignette|droite]]
[[Fichier:Ri2 map visa needed.png|300px|vignette|droite]]

Cette carte met en avant les logiques de frontières avec la création d’une hiérarchie entre pays en fonction du risque potentiel que représentent les gens venant de ces pays au sein de l’espace Schengen. L’idée initiale est généreuse avec la libre circulation. L’Union européenne comme projet politique avait en vue de rapprocher les peuples. L’émergence des logiques compensatoire remet en question le projet initial. En créant cette zone de libre circulation, on a généré de l’exclusion. C’est une représentation non pas normative, mais descriptive en fonction des mesures compensatoires.
This map highlights the logic of borders with the creation of a hierarchy between countries according to the potential risk represented by people coming from these countries within the Schengen area. The initial idea is generous with free movement. The European Union as a political project had the aim of bringing people together. The emergence of compensatory logic calls into question the initial project. By creating this area of free movement, exclusion has been generated. It is not a normative representation, but a descriptive representation based on compensatory measures.

[[Fichier:Ri2 map border ue fortress.png|300px|vignette|droite]]
[[Fichier:Ri2 map border ue fortress.png|300px|vignette|droite]]

Le problème discriminatoire met en avant une hiérarchie des pays. Comme il y a une gradation entre différentes personnes sur le degré de légalité afin de pouvoir entrer dans l’Union européenne, la frontière peut se trouver à différents endroits. Il y a une externalisation des compétences. Pour quelqu’un qui a besoin d’un visa, la première frontière de l’Europe est un consulat ou une ambassade délivrant un visa Schengen. La frontière n’est plus nécessairement une distinction entre l’intérieur et l’extérieur. Les frontières ne sont plus uniquement des lignes, mais peuvent être aussi des points. En fait, les logiques de points et de lignes cohabitent entre elles.
The discriminatory problem highlights a hierarchy of countries. As there is a gradation between different people on the degree of legality in order to be able to enter the European Union, the border may be located in different places. There is an outsourcing of skills. For someone who needs a visa, Europe's first border is a consulate or embassy issuing a Schengen visa. The border is no longer necessarily a distinction between inside and outside. Borders are no longer just lines, but can also be points. In fact, the logic of points and lines cohabit between them.

= La stratégie suisse de gestion intégrée des frontières [IBM] : le modèle des quatre filtres =
= The Swiss integrated border management strategy [IBM]: the model of the four filters =
La Suisse n’est pas membre de l’Union européenne, mais membre de l’accord de Schengen faisant partie de la zone de libre circulation des personnes. Se pose la question d’où sont les frontières de la Suisse ? La Suisse est un projet qui s’intègre dans le projet de constitution d’un espace de sécurité intérieur européen lancé en 1999 2000 menant à la constitution d’un espace de justice, liberté et sécurité.  
Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, but a member of the Schengen Agreement, which is part of the area of free movement of persons. The question arises as to where Switzerland's borders lie. Switzerland is a project that is part of the project to create a European internal security area launched in 1999-2000 leading to the creation of an area of justice, freedom and security.  

[[Fichier:Integrated management of external borders.jpeg|400px|vignette|centré]]
[[Fichier:Integrated management of external borders.jpeg|400px|vignette|centré]]

Le modèle IBM Integrated management of external borders est la stratégie Suisse de gestion des frontières. Ce modèle est l’application à la Suisse de façon extrêmement fidèle du programme de Stockholm ayant mené au niveau de l’Union européenne à la stratégie de IBM. Les frontières suisses sont un modèle en filtre qui se divise entre quatre filtres :
The IBM Integrated management of external borders model is the Swiss border management strategy. This model is the extremely faithful application to Switzerland of the Stockholm programme that led to IBM's strategy at the European Union level. The Swiss borders are a filter model that is divided into four filters:
#'''Dispositifs dans les États tiers''' : c’est le personnel des ambassades suisses. La frontière suisse commence à l’ambassade. Cela peut être aussi avec des agents de liaison des douanes qui sont des conseillers en document qui intègrent la frontière suisse dans le pays d’origine. Ce sont des attachés migratoires comme, par exemple, les compagnies aériennes suisses qui est un acteur de la gestion des frontières.  
#'''Facilities in third countries''': these are the staff of Swiss embassies. The Swiss border begins at the embassy. This may also be the case with customs liaison officers who are document advisors who integrate the Swiss border into the country of origin. These are migration attachés such as, for example, Swiss airlines, which is an actor in border management.
#'''Frontières extérieurs de l’espace Schengen''' : ce sont tous les États Schengen qui ont une frontière extérieure. L’agence européenne en charge est l’agence FRONTEX qui regroupe des budgets afin de monter des opérations que cela soit avec des moyens militaires, policiers ou encore douaniers. La Suisse est intégrée dans FRONTEX envoyant des douaniers et des policiers s’occuper de la surveillance extérieure des pays de l’Union européenne. La Suisse coopère aussi avec les agences compétentes à Bruxelles afin de s’occuper et contribuer à la gestion des frontières extérieures de Schengen.  
#'''External borders of the Schengen area''': all Schengen States have an external border. The European agency in charge is the FRONTEX agency which gathers budgets in order to set up operations with military, police or customs resources. Switzerland is integrated into FRONTEX, sending customs officers and police officers to carry out external surveillance of European Union countries. Switzerland also cooperates with the competent agencies in Brussels to deal with and contribute to the management of the Schengen external borders.
#'''Frontière suisse traditionnelles''' : c’est l’ancienne frontière, mais aussi les aéroports. Des systèmes d’informations sont mis en place dans une logique où ces ceux qui entrent qui doivent montrer qu’ils sont légitimes à entrer. Cela renvoie à l’accord PMR qui est un échange automatique d’informations entre toues les personnes qui voyagent entre l’Union européenne et les États-Unis.  
#'''Traditional Swiss border''': it is the old border, but also the airports. Information systems are set up in a logic where those who enter must show that they are legitimate to enter. This refers to the PMR agreement, which is an automatic exchange of information between all persons travelling between the European Union and the United States.
#'''Dispositif dans l’espace intérieur''' : cela est au sein du territoire dans des lieux ciblés comme une gare.  
#'''Facilities in the interior space''': this is within the territory in targeted places such as a station.
In the filter logic, we see that the whole world is almost open. The idea of globalization of security is being put in place, where the challenge of security is to be able to effectively determine who has the right to move and who does not have the right to move in order to manage these flows effectively. From now on, Swiss borders are just about everywhere and more where they were expected.
Dans la logique de filtre, on voit que le monde entier est quasiment ouvert. Est mise en place l’idée de globalisation de la sécurité où l’enjeu de la sécurité est de pouvoir déterminer de manière efficace ceux qui ont le droit de circuler et ceux qui n’ont pas le droit de circuler afin de gérer ces flux de manière efficace. Désormais, les frontières suisses sont un peu partout et plus où on les attendait.  

La Suisse est intégrée dans la conception de la sécurité intérieure européenne. La distinction entre sécurité intérieure et extérieure a explosé. En Suisse, la question de la sécurité a fusionné entre sécurité intérieure et extérieure au profit de ceux qui font la sécurité intérieure. Maintenant, il y a une dimension extérieure de la sécurité intérieure qui renvoie à la logique de « homeland security ». L’Europe est la Suisse s’inscrivent dans cette fusion entre l’interne et l’externe.  
Switzerland is integrated into the conception of European internal security. The distinction between internal and external security has exploded. In Switzerland, the issue of security has merged between internal and external security for the benefit of those who provide internal security. Now there is an external dimension of internal security that refers to the logic of "homeland security". Europe and Switzerland are part of this merger between internal and external.

Le rapport à l’étranger peut être double. Même si l’Europe n’est pas une forteresse, on est avant tout en train de générer des logiques d’exclusion. Une machine intégrative et inclusive génère surtout de l’exclusion.
The relationship abroad can be twofold. Even if Europe is not a fortress, we are above all generating exclusionary logics. An integrative and inclusive machine generates exclusion above all.

= Annexes =
= Annexes =

Version actuelle datée du 20 juin 2020 à 08:10

From now on, borders are more articulated around police logics that are carried out at a distance based on security and surveillance systems. There is a transformation of border management policies around this modality.

Where are the borders of the European Union?[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

A European Union research group called "Challenge" deals with the transformations and challenges of the border. Today, in Europe, we are no longer in a linear border. The image of Fortress Europe is not fair. If there is an ethical problem with border practices, there are certain arbitrary and exceptional places that are problematic. As long as "borderization" practices are deployed, they have effects and in particular the de facto abolition between an "asylum seeker" and an "illegal immigrant". The country in which the asylum application is made is not required to be accepted, but there is the right to make an asylum application. In an attempt to reduce the distances between the Schengen area and its borders, the logic is fading. If the material possibility of making an asylum application is not possible, the categories are mixed between "asylum seeker" and "illegal immigrant".

Profiling logic based on visa policies is not a problem as such since 90% of people who apply for a Schengen visa obtain it. However, in the refusal rate, we realize that certain categories of population are emerging about refusal. This is linked to representations that are linked to individual and statistical logics. An individual logic is pastoral where it is up to the person to demonstrate that he or she has nothing to blame himself or herself for in order to have the right to move freely. However, it is not easy to escape a statistical category. This refers to the debate between freedom and security.

The European Union is reorganising its borders by making a distinction between those who can and those who cannot move. Within the European Union, within the framework of the Schengen area, borders have become invisible, while foreigners, i. e. persons outside the Schengen area who are non-EU citizens. The borders have not disappeared. One of the problems with freedom of movement, as long as some people are excluded, is a barrier to freedom of movement. There is a real inequality between the people who will enter the European Union.

The Schengen agreements were negotiated outside the European Union, but it was only after the Treaty of Amsterdam that Schengen was added to the acquis communautaire. Schengen, at the base, was set up as a compensatory measure to counter the problem that could arise from the movement of people. Schengen is a security measure, but it is a compensation measure. Schengen was first and foremost thought about illegal immigration. The way things have been set up highlights the fact that there has been a shift between the category of "illegal migrants" and cross-border crime.

Ri2 map visa needed.png

This map highlights the logic of borders with the creation of a hierarchy between countries according to the potential risk represented by people coming from these countries within the Schengen area. The initial idea is generous with free movement. The European Union as a political project had the aim of bringing people together. The emergence of compensatory logic calls into question the initial project. By creating this area of free movement, exclusion has been generated. It is not a normative representation, but a descriptive representation based on compensatory measures.

Ri2 map border ue fortress.png

The discriminatory problem highlights a hierarchy of countries. As there is a gradation between different people on the degree of legality in order to be able to enter the European Union, the border may be located in different places. There is an outsourcing of skills. For someone who needs a visa, Europe's first border is a consulate or embassy issuing a Schengen visa. The border is no longer necessarily a distinction between inside and outside. Borders are no longer just lines, but can also be points. In fact, the logic of points and lines cohabit between them.

The Swiss integrated border management strategy [IBM]: the model of the four filters[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, but a member of the Schengen Agreement, which is part of the area of free movement of persons. The question arises as to where Switzerland's borders lie. Switzerland is a project that is part of the project to create a European internal security area launched in 1999-2000 leading to the creation of an area of justice, freedom and security.

Integrated management of external borders.jpeg

The IBM Integrated management of external borders model is the Swiss border management strategy. This model is the extremely faithful application to Switzerland of the Stockholm programme that led to IBM's strategy at the European Union level. The Swiss borders are a filter model that is divided into four filters:

  1. Facilities in third countries: these are the staff of Swiss embassies. The Swiss border begins at the embassy. This may also be the case with customs liaison officers who are document advisors who integrate the Swiss border into the country of origin. These are migration attachés such as, for example, Swiss airlines, which is an actor in border management.
  2. External borders of the Schengen area: all Schengen States have an external border. The European agency in charge is the FRONTEX agency which gathers budgets in order to set up operations with military, police or customs resources. Switzerland is integrated into FRONTEX, sending customs officers and police officers to carry out external surveillance of European Union countries. Switzerland also cooperates with the competent agencies in Brussels to deal with and contribute to the management of the Schengen external borders.
  3. Traditional Swiss border: it is the old border, but also the airports. Information systems are set up in a logic where those who enter must show that they are legitimate to enter. This refers to the PMR agreement, which is an automatic exchange of information between all persons travelling between the European Union and the United States.
  4. Facilities in the interior space: this is within the territory in targeted places such as a station.

In the filter logic, we see that the whole world is almost open. The idea of globalization of security is being put in place, where the challenge of security is to be able to effectively determine who has the right to move and who does not have the right to move in order to manage these flows effectively. From now on, Swiss borders are just about everywhere and more where they were expected.

Switzerland is integrated into the conception of European internal security. The distinction between internal and external security has exploded. In Switzerland, the issue of security has merged between internal and external security for the benefit of those who provide internal security. Now there is an external dimension of internal security that refers to the logic of "homeland security". Europe and Switzerland are part of this merger between internal and external.

The relationship abroad can be twofold. Even if Europe is not a fortress, we are above all generating exclusionary logics. An integrative and inclusive machine generates exclusion above all.

Annexes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Bibliography[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

References[modifier | modifier le wikicode]